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Everything posted by betha

  1. I thought that was super telling! Arie has been ready for her to go since last week and only kept her around for the producers’ sake for the 2-on-1.
  2. Yes to the third; Taylor Nolan, recent psychology grad on Nick’s season. She is famous for loudly calling out Corinne for her lack of emotional intelligence and in doing so showing a bit of a lack of grace and emotional intelligence on her own part, with a heap of condescension as well. She has a Bachelor psychology podcast now.
  3. Hey wait a minute, that sounds pretty good to me! AmI the only one who was a bit turned off by Kendall too? She *was* condescending to Krystal, and the thing where she scooted over on the bench, put her hand on her arm, and said “I have empathy for you” reeked of Taylor. Kendall is stunning though. I still think Becca K is the front runner, they are just back burnering it so that it isn’t too obvious. Lauren... this show isn’t for you. Please go home and talk to a therapist. I’m a little worried this show is bringing out her underlying depression and anxiety. She just seems really sad and frustrated.
  4. That’s funny, I didn’t notice the height, I was too distracted by how good the casting was in finding young actresses who look just like Chandra Wilson! I loved this episode. It was heavy-handed, but that is needed. It is a huge problem. Heart disease in women, women not being listened to by the medical establishment, and black women in particular.
  5. Darn, I had Caroline in my top four. She was growing on me too, and resembles Linda Cardellini.
  6. Poor Brittany. All I could think during the car wreck date was how there was no way to walk away without a massive headache and whiplash. Does that make me old? Also he must not be that into her if he didn’t get into the ambulance and insist on accompanying her. Seinne is nice but was so nervous and skipped right over her opportunity to bond with Arie about Scottsdale and went on listing her resume. He gave her a great opening and she didn’t take it. She seems young, someone who is smart and well traveled but doesn’t necessarily have the life experience or relationship experience to go with it. I do want to get to know her better. Annaliese was an early favorite, I even had her in my top 4, but have to rescind that now. She is delicate.
  7. Loving this show but- Could nobody have helped Tony Shahloub pronounce "Moishe"?
  8. http://radiotvtalk.blog.ajc.com/2017/11/11/atlantas-kenya-freeman-heartened-by-fans-irate-over-her-project-runway-ouster/?ecmp=socialflow_ajc check out the link to Kenya's clothes- you can buy a version of the black finale dress, and a petal jacket! https://tanishaworld.wixsite.com/sylviamollie and yes this link says there will be a reunion two weeks after Finale pt 2 (break for thanksgiving)
  9. Can anyone explain to me why the shares go to Anezka? I can see them refusing to validate Luisa's gift to Rafael since she had just committed herself. But why does that mean Anezka gets all Luisa's shares for free- that was never the plan, was it?
  10. Yes agree. I wanted to hear more too. I did think it was odd to hear Kevin speak so openly about Jack's death when just last week they made a huge deal about how he never talks about it. Also agree with this. Come to think of it, Kevin's characterization has been all over the place lately. I did think they meant to show that extreme circumstances had him acting out of character and that he was mad at himself for doing it though. Yeah I like this theory better than my one above that maybe they dated for a year. I bet you're right- he was in love with her (because he'd always had a thing for her) and was hanging around too much and the kids didn't like it.
  11. I wonder... in the Facebook message Miguel asked how she had been doing the past 8 years. But we calculate that Jack had died about 10 years before. Possible Rebecca tried to move on too quickly with Miguel right after Jack's death and did date him for a year or so while Kevin was with Sophie? Then she realized she wasn't ready and he moved to Houston. That would explain the continuity error with Sophie and the resentment.
  12. Major tearjerker! And that was even before Jesus, etc., which is a particular tear trigger for me. I love how this show shows that life is all connected... our past is our future is our present, all at the same time. But naming Tess after a fan, really!?
  13. I love Ayana--she's my favorite-- but can someone please explain to me the allure of sleeves that cover your hands? Is that a thing? And a strap that is perpetually falling off and catching on your arm? This outfit looked so uncomfortable! Her winning look from the avant garde challenge also didnt allow the model to use her arms. I feel like clothing that doesn't allow use of limbs should probably be disqualified. But what do I know. I loved Margarita's concept. Wish she had used different fabrics. It looked cheap. Kenya was by far the winner to me. So about Tim throwing Ashley under the bus in that WaPo column from last year-- regardless of how accurate his critique was, he was her mentor, wasn't he? That just comes off incredibly classless. Don't trash the winner of your own show.
  14. Right, the whole storyline is not believable with the characters - that Elizabeth wouldn't have believed her son.
  15. This has been driving me crazy. In what world would Charles just let his wife waltz back into the lives of the daughters she abandoned? How is a "marriage vacation" story cute at all when she ABANDONED HER. CHILDREN. It isn't cute. It isn't eat, pray, love. It is horrible. There is no indication she was in touch at all for a year, but suddenly she is just telling them bedtime stories and that is ok? This has been hanging over this entire storyline. It honestly has made me wonder if any of these writers have children, or know children, or were children.
  16. I really am fond of Christen as well. Fred. Yes he is definitely handsome but what really makes him attractive is that deep, beautiful voice! I was just really hoping he would be on long enough to tell us what he did as a child to make himself go down in history as a bad kid. I dunno, I think she held him at fault too. You just *really* don't want to see the other woman's POV at that moment. She just needed some empathy. Also, Danielle was supposedly her friend; I can see why Kristina felt D-Lo shouldn't have been pursuing Dean so boldly in front of her. Can we just all agree that Dean behaved like a wishy-washy weak toad? There were a lot of other ways he could have handled that situation that would not have been as hurtful to Kristina- starting with not sleeping with her after she gave him the rose. I do believe that Dean feels horrible about it. But there is a certain type of weak man who thinks they ought to be judged by their intentions instead of their actions. I hope he is is able to get some good therapy and deal with some of his issues before he tries to be in a relationship again.
  17. This latest episode was great! I loved the mom. Hilarious.
  18. Agree. Government agencies have extensive training around not putting outside thumb drives in government computers. Everyone has to take it.
  19. OMG yes. Couldn't stop thinking that. He looks just like Joshua Jackson and the attitude was all Pacey. I don't mind.
  20. Great interview! He was so candid. I love when Juliet Litman interviews this guy. She got him to say that they spent too much time on the Lee/Kenny drama and not enough on Matt and Adam, also he is still claiming they had no idea about the Lee tweets...hmm.
  21. That seemed to me like producers needed him to talk about his dad and made Rachel keep at it. It was pretty tough to watch.
  22. I loved all of the Eric analyses of each date. They kept cutting to back at the house, Eric taking with someone else. He's very perceptive! Thought they all had some pretty insightful comments.
  23. Because he loved her but couldn't give her *all* his heart. It's the fatal flaw of too much sincerity.
  24. Peter's story about his ex was cut really weirdly. It started with "she never had a formal meeting with my parents..." and ended with how he drove away from their (assumedly) shared home and broke both their hearts. So it seemed like a really important relationship and I assume she did meet his parents- like it seemed like that first comment was a setup to a larger story about the way she *did* meet his parents. Did anyone else sense that or am I reading way too much into it? Also his eyes were so sincere, he is a guy who almost is sincere to a fault; like he prides himself on his sincerity; but I have fallen for that before and am falling for it with him, can't help it, it's so damn sexy. Seems like they are setting him up to be the next bachelor.
  25. I thought the same thing, but since I love Will I am going to assume he said "I love smart women, women who challenge me, women with self confidence and a sense of humor... in the past I have dated white girls, but I am open." And was edited . but I thought it was clear that regardless how he stated it, Rachel was definitely also taken aback and I am pretty sure that's what did him in.
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