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Everything posted by mwell345

  1. Andy hasn't been into a reunion for ages. Bravo really needs to find another host. Although I'm sure Andy thinks he's just fantastic and they would have to pry the reunions from his cold, dead hands.
  2. IMO, the entire show needs a reboot - starting with Vicki and Tamara and working on down to Gina and Emily. Either that or put this particular franchise to rest. It's not even remotely interesting anymore. This reunion is a snooze-fest. (I skipped a couple of seasons during the Brooks drama, and this is my first season back. It was an "ok" season, but nothing that will compel me to continue watching into the next season. I think RHOC has run its course.)
  3. A season or so ago, he was in and out of the hospital. There was this whole thing about Melissa visiting him, IIRC. I don’t think he needs constant care, and we have seen him making bacon, getting a pedicure, etc., but I don’t think he’s in the best shape either. I can’t imagine leaving the kids alone with him while she’s traveling. Maybe she does, but I just don’t think he has the ability to take care of them. I guess Gia can help, but I sure would want another adult there if it were me. What if he falls? Has a heart attack? What if there was a fire? Yeah, they can call 911, but there still should be another adult there. (Maybe I’m paranoid but I have had to call 911 for my husband a number of times a few years ago. There were times when I had to monitor his vitals while on the phone as the ambulance was on the way, another time he fell and I had to move him. It's scary enough for an adult.)
  4. I would like to see Jennifer on RHOBH only because I would love to see the expression on LVP's face when Jennifer starts with the "I have 7 bedrooms, I have a fountain, I have a bidet" LVP: "I have swans." Or better yet, stick her on NY and let Bethenny chew her up.
  5. I checked and they were both on RHOC? Peggy Sulahian and Peggy Tanous? That explains it - I skipped a couple of seasons of RHOC so I probably missed them.
  6. There was nothing wrong with Joe Gorga taking both his father AND mother in law to dinner. In fact, I thought it nice that he included her. But Teresa clearly was not pleased. Why can't she just be happy that Joe is at least spending time with his dad which is what she's been hounding him to do? Here's a tip for Nono: when your son decides to spend time with you, don't launch into a litany of how he doesn't call, doesn't visit, etc. Be happy that you are spending time with him and his family at that moment, and let it go for an evening. If he does that every time he sees Joe, I can sort of see why Joe's visits are few and far between. But none of this is Melissa's fault. Joe is an adult and can see his father any time he wishes. The last place Melissa should be is in the middle of this. Jennifer: "Hmm, I think I'll invite everyone and their kids over to my house so they can get to know me." Sounds like a plan until she issued the actual invite: "Come over to my house, I have a fountain, I have a bidet...." (Me: "Please, please, please don't invite the screaming kids" ....(but I digress)) I'm as interested in Marge's mother's face lift as I was in her vagina surgery -and I wish Bravo would stop trying to make her happen. Delores has added nothing so far this season, but I guess that's just a continuation of last season. For the life of me, I have no recollection of who Peggy is or what show she was on.
  7. Jennifer, meet Dorit. You have alot in common. Drinking wine from a SoHo cup would have appalled her. Oh, and by the way, you've dethroned Dorit as the Housewife I Hate the Most. And this is only your third episode. Congrats!!!!!!! (Buy me a $400 Dream House or something and I might reconsider.)
  8. And in case you forgot, 7 bedrooms, 16 bathrooms and a basketball court.
  9. She’s horrible. And she can stick that random bag check up her sorry a**.
  10. Nori's recap: http://toofab.com/2018/11/26/noris-notebook-your-favorite-north-west-parody-recaps-awkward-encounter-between-kim-and-tristan-on-kuwtk/ "Mommy decided she was going to implement a new rule: No following boyfriends unless they're married into the family because it gets awkward when she has to unfollow them. This is similar to my personal rule: No calling anyone "Uncle" until they're married into the family. I started this rule after "Uncle" French Montana. This place is a revolving door of "Uncles.""
  11. IIRC - In season 1 of RHONY, Bethenny's boyfriend was fired from a Wall Street firm for appearing on the show. https://nypost.com/2009/04/05/reality-bites-back/ "On camera, Bethenny Frankel, the skinny singleton “housewife,” has endured awkward dates to no avail. Her last boyfriend, Jason Colodne, was fired from his Wall Street job for appearing on the first series, and the relationship ended shortly thereafter." I don't blame these companies for not wanting their employees to be part of these train wrecks.
  12. Absolutely. I was thinking about watching it, but now I’m not too sure.
  13. Andy: “That was exciting.” Me: “We must have different definitions for ‘exciting’
  14. In addition to him being a neanderthal, there could be something else going on there. Last season (I think) he made a point of putting down Melissa's boutique saying he brought the "cake" and she brought the "crumbs." I watched a repeat of last weeks episode last night and drunk Melissa was loudly proclaiming to Joe that she brought the "cake" and he brought the "crumbs." I don't know what Joe Gorga does for a living and I have no idea how successful Melissa's boutique is, but with her Bravo salary (and all the other crap these women get paid to do), it's possible she is out-earning him. In Joe's cave man like mind, that would be disastrous and I could see him putting her down out of jealousy. (Not excusing his behavior at all - but I wonder sometimes how solid that marriage is anyway. In the last two seasons, I've gotten a sense that Melissa isn't as enthralled by him as she used to be)
  15. Last week, hatchets - this week,guns. No wonder Danielle isn’t invited to anything anymore.
  16. The Turkish girl is a piece of work. “Chanel - I’m sure you shop there” and her house has the best sunsets....last week I sort of felt bad for her because her husband seemed like such a jerk. Now I think it’s a perfect match.
  17. Exactly - he could have just sent Megan - and trusted his designer's decisions. That's a big part of it too - trust - he might not like something she selects, but that doesn't mean she made a bad decision - it just means she made a different decision. (At the very least, she could have sent him pictures of her choices prior to purchase for his approval).
  18. Leah Black is just awful. Her husband must wear earplugs. The only thing holding Jeff back from "the next level" is Jeff himself. If he wants a professional staff, then he needs to start acting like a professional himself. For starters, perhaps get everyone out of the house into a real office building where they are not all sitting at one table together with the dogs and cats. How anyone could concentrate on anything is beyond me. If you want project managers (a term thrown around very loosely on this show), hire Project Managers. Does his staff even have written job descriptions, or are their expectations whatever Jeff comes up with when they're sitting around the table? Are they subject to annual reviews? What's the hiring process? (Clearly there is not much of one since his driver became his "Project Manager"). Finally, most importantly, the line between personal and professional is so blurred, it's non existent. That's the biggest problem. They have lunch together, drinks together, ad nausem. It's fine to be be friends but there are lines. There is no professionalism in that office at all. And it starts at the top. As far as Jennie goes - I think she probably harbors some resentment towards Jeff for ending up with the show she pitched. But her acting career (or lack of it) is all on her. And I'm not buying the Nick Cage story either. It was and audition like hundreds of others. If she really wanted to be an actress or comedian (SNL, really?), she should have pursued it, even if it meant a lesser role (or no role) on FO. (Face it Jenny - you've been an EP on FO and with Bravo for how long now? You have connections other people would pay for. So what's not working for you?) And her "rapping" is just awful. If Jeff said that, good for him. Someone had to tell her.
  19. In the annals of Housewife Finales, this will surely go down as one of the dullest.
  20. "Nori's Notebook" Recap of the episode: http://toofab.com/2018/11/19/noris-notebook-your-favorite-north-west-parody-recaps-khloe-giving-birth-in-tense-delivery-room-with-piece-of-shit-tristan/
  21. I understand what Kris was saying too, but I think Khloe wanted a baby. End of story. If she really wanted a family and something lasting, she would have waited to see what direction her relationship was going before she became pregnant. I mentioned this in the last episode thread, I think, but she was gushing over Tristan -what a good father he would be, how he was the real deal, her love, etc. when she really hadn't known him that long and at least part of their relationship was long distance. She's 34, not some love sick teenager. She made the same mistake with Lamar - going full throttle into a relationship when she hardly knows the guy. This is Lamar all over again, only this time she has a baby. And, if the guy cheats with you on his pregnant GF, that should be a huge red flag. I think in the near future, we'll be looking at a magazine cover about Poor Khloe - how she tried to make it work, but his cheating was too much, blah, blah, blah. Mom is probably laying the groundwork. (Kim can take a seat with the hand gestures to Tristan - who is she, Don Corleone? and no Kardashian has ever cheated before????) And why in the world would Tristan need to have a conversation with the "Family". This is between him and Khloe and no one else needs to be involved. But that's one of the problems with the K's - they are too much in each other's business. I understand that Khloe wanted her family there for the delivery, of course, but they acted like the world would end if they didn't make it in time. (Of course, at that point, who really knew if Tristan would show up, "instagram whores" and all, so I guess they just didn't want her to be alone).
  22. Yeah, the only thing duller than Stevie and Dmitri Round 1 is Stevie and Dmitri Round Two: Love Letters. Why is it every time I see Henry sitting at the table with POTUS and the rest, I think about the little boy who is finally allowed to sit at the grown-ups table? To me, he just looks out of place. Kind of a blah episode overall - although it set the stage for the VP (if she hasn't done irreparable damage to herself) and Elizabeth to fight it out for POTUS candidacy.
  23. I thought it was too. But then, I started thinking about who in their right mind would ever invite Danielle to an event featuring axes?
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