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Everything posted by mwell345

  1. This. With Brandon as a judge, I don't miss Michael Kors anymore.
  2. Imagine if it had been two men treating a woman staffer that way.
  3. And she had the good sense to at least ACT like she was embarrassed. (I think she really was). Tinsley is trying to get back into NY Society and she might be on the verge of realizing that being on this show is NOT the way to do that.
  4. Well, next to Sonya, Dorinda looked sober. That's bad. That was exhausting and embarrassing. From Sonya falling all over Tej - to her wanting to pee in the tub....at some point, these antics cease to be amusing, and instead become pathetic. These are not 18 year olds on spring break. Firmly on team LuAnn at dinner, even if she is an obnoxious caberet diva. As soon as Sonya brought up Tom and for the thousandth time we had to hear about how she dated him first (I won't be a crude as she was), LuAnn was right to leave the table. Who needs that?
  5. IIRC, season one - Kyle was telling Mauricio all about her fights with Camille - and Mauricio seemed like he wanted Kyle to make up with Camille - I always thought it was because he didn't want to burn that bridge, property-wise.
  6. It becomes more and more apparent with every episode that the production game plan was to have LVP be criticized by these woman at every event. It was Puppygate and nothing more. But LVP threw a wrench in that plan and now here we are with a show that has nothing but old storylines being rehashed, 20 minutes on a mammogram, the return of Kim and soon Brandi, and of course, since we don't have LVP to kick around, well, there's always Camille. Expect Dorit to be "shaken to her core" (again) when she finds out what Camille said about her. This will be the thousandth time she's "shaken to her core". (Note to Dorit - if you are continually shaken to your core by other's opinions of you, maybe you need to take a look at your behavior.) As for the Camille/People magazine article (which I guess will be known as PeopleGate): I think Camille was just trying to be gracious to LVP when she spoke to People. But the coven wanted her to go full throttle on LVP. Truthfully, I don't care anymore. I think this show has jumped my personal shark. Dorit is obnoxious (and not in an entertaining way), Kyle for the most part is boring, I've had enough of Lisa Rinna, Teddy is blah. I would rather see Erica Gerardi than another second of Erika Jane. Denise Richards is ok, except for the constant sex talk. Camille will always be right about one thing - if Dorit had returned Lucy to VD like she should have, none of this would have happened.
  7. If the absence of LVP means a trip down memory lane with Kim Richards, all I can say is Come Back LVP!!!! Oh good grief - Brandi next week. Seriously, come back LVP! I’m begging you.
  8. Oh good. If things aren’t boring enough, let’s rehash Bunnygate.
  9. Found this exchange between Brandon and Nina.
  10. No, there has always been a mix. That's one reason I think Hester is headed to the final 3. It's down to Hester and Tessa now, and unless Hester really messes up, I can't see her being elminated before Tessa.
  11. Tessa needs to go. Come on Brandon - we're counting on you to make this happen!!! On what planet would a client tell any designer "I want a pink dress" and the designer would say "sorry, I don't do pink, you're getting black", which is essentially what Tessa did. But...Jamal's dress was just horrible. The color was great on her, but that was about it. I think he could have saved it with some type of sleeve, even a capelet would have worked. There should have been some flow to it - not so body hugging. And as much as I thought she looked good in red, it was too much red - there should have been another color or some embellisment to break it up. His client was a beautiful woman - he did her no favors. Hester has grown on me these last couple of episodes (or maybe that it's just that Tessa is so obnoxious, anyone looks good next to her). Hester seems focused and serious. And I have to admit I would not mind seeing a collection from her, even though her aesthetic is nowhere near anything I would wear. I think she's headed for the final 3 anyway - the judges like her quirkiness. Having said that, next week's challenge (based on the previews and the fact that I don't even understand what it is they are supposed to do) could go in any direction.
  12. Well, the women spent the first half of the season jabbering on about Puppygate, I guess they can spend the next half debating the merits of lie detector tests. I may be alone, but this season has been boring beyond belief. It's clear that LVP's refusal to film with them knocked the wind out of what was planned (having her show up for filming only to be picked apart by the rest of them), so that crap that normally wouldn't make the editing cut is being fed to us. (Why else would we have had 2 segments on Erica Jane in concert last week, and 2 segments of Boy George the week before?) This weeks snoozefest just reinforced that. I hope that whoever is asking for PK's financial records is watching and made note of the 7 pairs of designer sunglasses. High point: Bambi sighting. I started to change the channel, but my curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to see how Kyle learned about LVP's lie detector test. And that turned out to be so obviously fake - her daughter's friend whose construction workers had to take a lie detector test, just happened to have the test taken on the same day as LVP and saw her. Yeah right. And if I have to hear about Camille's sex tip one more time, I swear I will throw something at the TV.
  13. Teresa also had (and I think continues to have) a large and very vocal fan base. Dorit, not so much. In addition, No way was Bravo not going to air her return from prison, Joe’s being sent to prison and now the potential deportation and likely divorce. Bravo loves this stuff.
  14. Maybe OT but since the show was about Elton John, I loved this Christmas commercial featuring him: John Lewis & Partners Christmas Ad 2018 -
  15. I can't believe Tessa is still in this competition with unfinished hems. Brandon wanted her eliminated - so if she pulls it again, she just might be out. As for Hester, this is the second time she's been told she's lucky she has immunity. I know that sometimes designers use immunity as an opportunity to go outside their comfort zone, and I respect that. But in her case, it seems like she's using immunity as a crutch, so she can phone it in on the next challenge. Hoping her arrogant self is gone...soon...along with Tessa.
  16. That was what I was hoping for too - IMO, the judges should have said - "because Hester has immunity, and her dress is the worst, NO ONE goes home." Maybe they should eliminate immunity. I know in some cases, it pushes the winner to go outside of his/her comfort zone, and the results can be great - but it also tempts designers to skate through the next challenge. I did like that Christian told the eliminated designer how many of the stars he designs for would be happy to wear her dress. (I didn't like the black and white stripe Grecian gown - I thought it awful, yet she ended up in the top, so as usual, I am forced to question my "taste level"😊)
  17. The title of her blog is "Dorit Kemsley: It Hurt Me to the Core and Brought Me to Tears" Good grief - everything hurts her to the core and brings her to tears. Everything. How does she get through a day, constantly being tortured and victimized by her so called friends.
  18. And its not like they don't know how Dorit is - she tried to get between Kyle and LVP all last season, she claimed Teddy was "torturing" her (I guess Teddy forgot about how she was stood up). And she was the one that told EJ that Kyle was upset with EJ's leaving Teddy's beach house. And she always twisted the story to make herself look like the victim. I really hope LVP skips the reunion. I would love to see the coven sitting about looking like idiots. (Oh wait, we've seen that already, But I want to see it again.)
  19. Teddi’s blog is up. https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-9/season-9/blogs/teddi-mellencamp-arroyave/teddi-1 She’s getting ripped apart on Twitter, too.
  20. Rinna is like a rabid dog. It’s not a good look.
  21. This! And it’s pretty crappy that they’re doing this 4 months after her brother died. I don’t blame LVP for refusing to film with them.
  22. Bingo! Camille nailed it. Shady Dorit didn’t want to return a second dog to LVP.
  23. I've been wondering the same thing about Joe's appeal. I did find this article - it is more recent, but whether it's reliable is anyone's guess. He is to be released from prison March 14. https://realityblurb.com/2019/01/25/when-will-joe-giudice-be-deported-to-italy-release-date-appeal-details-rhonj-teresa-reportedly-planning-divorce/
  24. Add me to the list of people that don't understand the Teresa/Danielle dynamic. She (Teresa) seems uncomfortable in the scenes where her and Danielle are alone and Danielle is asking if she has her back etc. In fact, anytime Danielle wants to "talk", Teresa seems like she'd rather be anywhere else, but she goes along with it. She can't feel that badly about the table flip. Yet she goes out of her way to defend Danielle to everyone else over and over again. Teresa - if everyone around you are telling you it's rotten - it's rotten. (Maybe it is a production demand (be friends with Danielle because somebody has to) I hope she's (Danielle) is gone after this season - she really is toxic.) Joe Gorga in the role of peacemaker? Who would have thunk it? He tried, but, telling someone "let's get a drink in you" is not going to diffuse the situation. In fact, of everyone on the show, the Gorgas are the most rational. Joe's trying for peace between the men and Melissa isn't having any of the crap going on between the women. I love how Marge's husband loves her. And I liked how Melissa talked to Joe about Antonia - and the Neanderthal actually got it. Delores does nothing for me. I'm sick of her "i'm all alone" story line - you're not the first woman in that situation (and at least your family is still around). Grow up.
  25. Me too, much to my surprise. As far as their kids, that’s a different story. No way kids that age should be behaving that badly in a public place. They are not toddlers. They should know better. Someone dropped the ball with those kids. Not to mention “take me to Target and buy me two things and I’ll finish all my soup”
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