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Everything posted by OSM Mom

  1. She's on again right now. What a piece of work she is. Nasty woman. I hope she dies buried under her ugly frog purses and her stupid sparkly pens.
  2. What kind of fucked up family is this kid from that any judge in his right mind would give them custody of??
  3. My dad had shingles when I was a kid in the early 70s. How he suffered. I fully intend to get my shot when I can. Hope your mom feels better soon.
  4. That's OSM dads favorite commercial!
  5. So does turning around and backhanding the brat.
  6. This times a billion. My kids and my grandkids learned early to keep their damn feet off the back of the seat!!!!
  7. I saw the Hersheys bell choir today.
  8. I hate that ad too. Little brat. Mock your mom for being sick and having to breathe through her mouth. Give me that phone that you don't need anyway, and go sit your smarmy ass in the corner. Nasty brat.
  9. Maybe it's cafeteria style in the kitchen. Grab your plate, get tour food and go sit down. We do that most of the time. That's all I have.
  10. I saw an ad for a thing called "Baseboard Buddy". It's supposed to make cleaning the baseboards easy. Since I have a hard time getting up from the floor, I wonder if it really works. Anyone know?
  11. Who was the black woman that was there in the procession? I didn't know they had any friends that aren't lily white.
  12. Was I the only one who was checking out the groom for an awkward boner after the first kiss? Probably.
  13. I think her dress is beautiful. I'm so sick of strapless ugly dresses. The bridesmaids look hideous however. Jim blob almost tripped over Jingers dress as he was walking her down the aisle. The stupid smirk or whatever Jinger has on her face. Ugh.
  14. I would hope so too. But these are the Duggars we're talking about.
  15. Any bets as to whether Jing is pregnant yet?
  16. Thank you! Glad I've been saying it correctly all along.
  17. Serious question.. How is it properly pronounced?
  18. Unfortunately, you're right. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to shoo some kids off my lawn .
  19. Another commercial from Liberty Mutual. Two women who need their car fixed. One is happy with her two children in front of the statue of liberty, and the other is standing in the repair shop with her two brats running in circles around her playing chase or whatever. As she stands there and lets the little brats behave like animals instead of making them behave . . Ugh. I'm so sick of brats in ads.
  20. I love the ones from Bank of America with the llama . He's adorable ! I have no idea why or how the spoiler thing got there. .
  21. "Are you receiving nudie payments? " Oh. *Annuity* payments . Learn to annunciate dude.
  22. One more thing to add to that stupid questionnaire . Are you willing to allow your wife to give birth on camera including and up to birthing on the toilet?
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