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  1. I was just going to post this. The acting seems to be getting worse too. I'll finish the final episode, but I'm done.
  2. I would enjoy this show a lot more if the music wasn't drowning out the dialogue. I'm almost at the point where I need subtitles.
  3. Random thoughts post-season finale: I'm honestly glad I read the books (admittedly, more than 20 years ago, and I stopped at around book 7 when the whole thing just got repetitive and the lack of female characterisation drove me nuts) because if I hadn't I wouldn't have a bloody clue what was going on. I think if this is going to be a success, they need to stop worry about what the book purists are going to say - because there's a noisy minority that will never be happy - and write something that makes sense to non-book readers, as well as adding all the characterisation that Jordan forgot or didn't care about. The other part is that they're going to have to get some good actors. A shame Barney Harris quit, he was one of the better ones. Some of the supporting cast has been bloody awful, which is not to say they are bad actors - speaking fantasy dialogue as if it is natural and makes perfect sense is not a skill that all have. The Two Rivers gang have been...okay. Zoe Robins being the best of them, by quite a stretch (since Harris isn't returning). Mind you at least the show has sold me on Lan/Nynaeve, which was always a big "huh?" for me in the books, but then I always thought of him as the plain hulking white guy from the cover of The Eye of the World not good-looking Daniel Henney. The showrunners need to concentrate on a good TV drama - which they seem to be trying to do - and not producing a blow-by-blow book adaptation, mostly because - and I'm probably going to lose a lot of friends here - the books are really very average. Someone should have held Jordan to his original 5 (I think?) run and it would have been pretty decent.
  4. Oh wow, NOW you're dredging up memories, YKYBRTMRJ and all. One thing the show has already done miles better than the books is set up Lan/Nynaeve. In the books I was very much "huh?" but holy shit the sparks have definitely flown already there. A shame they've replaced Barney Harris as he's definitely one of the stronger actors.
  5. Agree it made no sense that Trixie wouldn't recognise her father's killer - she's 12 now, hardly a small child to be kept in the dark - but Rob Benedict did an amazing job impersonating Kevin Alejandro.
  6. The background stuff in Lucifer has always been top notch. I don't think anything will ever top Lucifer's Dan Revenge Board but Ella's was pretty close. Love that the smartest character worked it out for herself and I bloody love that she was hurt at being left out because for someone who has literally embraced every other major character on the show and has always been there for them that would sting like a bitch.
  7. Agree, that was utterly vile and soured the rest of the episode. Even traffic warden guy from Miranda couldn't save it. I can't abide animal cruelty at the best of times but when it's played for laughs it's horrendous.
  8. Chloe and Lucifer did discuss what could have happened to cause her to self-actualise her wings as literal weapons (given angel wings are always weapons anyway). I don't remember that they came to a conclusion other than she must have strongly felt that she needed to defend herself against something. I'll have to go back and watch. I kind of like the idea that Maze's baby gift made a literal impression though, I can see Chloe rolling her eyes over it.
  9. This, and I think there was something about an angel finding their true calling that was almost a compulsion, rather like Amenadiel becoming God. That's my fanwank anyway - I like your explanation too though, I mean he did put off the whole God thing for weeks. Can I just say that I think this is the most spectacular flying sequence they've done on the show. The shooting angle, the CGI, and Tom's balletic 'leap' onto the top of the shipping container are all amazing. And it just brings me back to something I really like about the ending - Lucifer is still the Devil. I was worried at the start of the season that they'd make him God and he would be 'different' (socks with sandals and all). Now he gets to be the Devil still, which I really like. Still the Devil and the Detective (although the flash forwards show that Chloe made it to at least Lieutenant).
  10. I assume it's either Remi or the motorcycle dude, but Jean did say she'd had a lot of sex. The Otis and Maeve get together only for her to disappear to the US was unfortunately blindingly obvious from when the US scholarship was mentioned. They are cute together but I'm just not sure I care enough about them much any more. The platonic relationships in this show are much better done, such as Aimee/Maeve, Adam/Emily (Ms Sands), and especially Otis/Eric. This season seemed a lot more 'hammered home' with the messages. Hope is a bitch because she wants a baby and can't have one, she's also racist, authoritarian, and queer-phobic. Goodness. A little three-dimensionality please. I know! I cheered when she showed up with Eugene at school. Damn, girl! He makes Jackson look ordinary and that is saying something.
  11. It wasn't the Goddess, it was Charlotte Richards in heaven. The Goddess is in another universe with Original God. The show confuses things by having the Goddess still look like Charlotte Richards even after she turned into energy at the end of Season 2. I guess it's because otherwise when she showed up at the end of S5 she wouldn't be recognisable - "hey, here's a ball of light, and you only know who she is because Lucifer and Amenadiel call her mom". @cambridgeguy: Lucifer is still an angel, now that the loop has ended he can fly her there himself - there's nothing stopping him apart from taking a break from his role as Hell's healer every now and again. If time moves in Heaven and Hell at similar speeds it's not like he would be losing much time either. This is why I think they undercooked the ending a bit. It's all very well Joe and Ildy explaining in interviews what they thought was obvious when Chloe shows up outside the door, but they really should have made it more obvious in the actual show IMO. Thirty seconds would have been sufficient. @Sakura12: They would have had to re-cast Trixie anyway since she would have been middle-aged when Chloe died, so that Scarlett was not available is immaterial. I really don't get why they did it - I do think Trixie's character was short-changed. I mean even a line from Rory about checking in on her because she's on her way to Mars to reassure Chloe on her deathbed would have been something, or a line about "I know Trixie is on a plane right now trying to get here" (I didn't make my own mother's deathbed from the other side of the planet, so can relate). Instead it's like they forgot she existed or forgot she was Chloe's daughter too.
  12. I had to pause the TV 14 minutes in when Lucifer took his pants off and said, in a horrified voice, "I'm a SMOOTHIE!" because I was laughing so hard. And of course it's the first thing he checks when they get back to corporeal forms. Both Tom and Lauren did really well with the voiceovers.
  13. Unfortunately I think that was down to Scarlett's availability (or lack thereof) so they decided to prioritise Trixie's scenes with Dan, which is fair enough. Trixie not being at Chloe's deathbed was a huge oversight though - hence my Mars fanwank. They can't even use the Scarlett excuse given that 'T' would be at least in her late forties at that point. It made it look as if Chloe's child with Dan was shoved aside in favour of the 'perfect' child she had with Lucifer (quotes because obviously Rory was a long way from perfect).
  14. Thinking some more about this now I've woken up. I wrote a list of possible 'endings' on a Word Doc, and the Titanic ending (he dies, they reunite in the afterlife) was at the top, for what it's worth. Most of my issues with the ending were logistical - it doesn't make sense that he can't pop up for five minutes to be there at important moments. But it kind of makes sense to me that Lucifer would rashly agree to something that was essentially completely unnecessary in order to answer the desperate plea of a daughter he's grown to love in just a few days because overreacting to an insane degree has been part of Lucifer's character since the start. And for her part I can only think that Rory had also grown to love him in those few days to such a degree that she was utterly terrified of losing *that* relationship in favour of another one that might not have been as good. It was longer than 20 years - Rory mentioned that she ages slower than a human because she's half-celestial. So probably closer to 40. Ironically, she spent that time growing up angry when she could have visited Lucifer in Hell any time she wanted. I guess Lucifer leaving almost straight away once he'd had his realisation comes to this (and I wish they'd have made it explicit) - Lucifer saved Dan from his Hell loop because Dan didn't deserve to be tortured. All the other 'lost' souls who deserve a shot at redemption are still being tortured. Leaving going down there for another 40 years would not only leave those there to suffer, but would add another bunch of newly dead to the mix. Hence, got to go immediately and start work. I do wish they'd 'cooked' the ending for a little longer - when Chloe shows up, have Lucifer mention that he can model Hell any way she likes and she says that now she's here to make things run more efficiently, they can take trips to Heaven (because honestly that place that Dan and Charlotte were looked pretty nice). They then kick all the reprobates out to have mind-blowing sex because good lord if Lucifer thinks a 14-day dry spell is akin to the world ending, he's got to be pretty strung out after 250,000 years or however long it was. But leaving aside the 'why can't Lucifer get what Amenadiel does' issue, which I totally get because it is unfair, I love that Lucifer and Chloe are working together for all eternity. Chloe would have been so bored just sitting around in Heaven talking to people. They have the purpose - arguably the greatest one of all - and get to solve mysteries for ever. And I'm okay with that.
  15. I will have to go back and put all my other episode opinions in, but this one in particular I wanted to get while it was still 'fresh', and it's 2.30am here and I need sleep. I liked the ending. I had concerns when they were at the piano because Ildy lied strongly implied that it was the final scene and I was bawling my eyes out at the TV and shouting a lot, then I hit pause and realised the episode still had 20 minutes left. A lot of people wanted Lucifer and Chloe to grow old together and honestly I'm probably one of them, but I'm okay with the way it turned out. When Amenadiel appeared next to Chloe when she arrived in Heaven I actually shouted "I'M TRUSTING YOU AMENADIEL" which is a giant improvement from "throwing my remote at the TV" which is what I was about to do at the thought of them splitting up Lucifer and Chloe for eternity. And really, they did end up working as partners in 'the family business', just not quite how they envisaged. I love that we got another shot of Reece, and Le Mec clearly has a very long way to go. I'm going to fanwank that Trixie was on Mars and that's why she wasn't at Chloe's deathbed. And also that now Chloe's there and able to help out, they take occasional breaks and visit their friends in Heaven (or vice versa). Dan getting the pudding on a silver platter made me laugh out loud, and I'm so happy they brought Tricia back one last time. I have to go back and re-watch the warehouse fight because it was great but there was one incredible shot of Lucifer opening his wings and leaping on top of a shipping container that took my breath away. The flying scenes sometimes look awkward, but that one was absolutely stunning and almost balletic. Ildy and Joe described it as 'bittersweet', I don't really think it was that bittersweet. A little maybe. I think Chloe always had faith that she'd be reunited with Lucifer, and that's how she was able to live her life in relative happiness.
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