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Posts posted by VinceW

  1. 5 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    A big NO THANKS to that shower scene VinceW. And I totally believe that a computer/IT nerd is now all about getting weapons and hand-to-hand combat training. NOT. Aram, just let Navabi save your ass every week, that's her job. It's 2017, not 1950. I really can't get my head around Red using a shop that grooms rescue/shelter dogs to launder money. Groomers bathe/trim shelter animals pro bono, they do it to help dogs find a home by making them look cute and smell good. I wonder which show runner owns the overweight Bulldog. Wrong breed to pick to show "great grooming," all they need is a bath But now there I go, looking for logic!

    What does a shower scene have to do with 1950? Makes no sense. Aram just wants to get training to become a more valuable team member. Cooper put him in a situation where he was not prepared to protect himself or others on the team. It has nothing to do with him becoming some kind of bad ass. 

  2. Glad to see Aram requesting of Cooper to get operative training which makes sense given his newfound relationship with Samar. This is probably happening in order to put him with Samar on screen outside the lab actually fighting the bad guys together.  When the team confronted the rogue CIA group after the vehicle chase, Aram had to hunker down alongside a wall without a weapon unable to help protect Samar from perceived danger.  

    • Love 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

    I wonder who's going to be Bess' new chief of staff. Will they bring in someone new? I don't think I've ever not known about a character/actor leaving beforehand.

    So, you knew about Linda leaving 'Blue Bloods' beforehand? At least Nadine got a worthwhile standoff from the writers. This is why it is best to NOT invest too much in a TV show in the long run. IMO.

  4. On 10/21/2017 at 5:31 PM, leighdear said:

    Obviously Stevie & Jareth are all but over, but it doesn't necessarily mean she'll end up with Dmitri.  She has Dr. Professor Captain Arm Candy Dad to prevent her from getting anywhere near him.   She probably won't be told "Alex" is a druggie, but he'll find some way to keep them apart. 

    Is Tea's hair a little shorter this season?  I like it.    

    Not liking the new Tea hairstyle so much.  The possible Stevie/Dmitri relationship teaser put forth in the finale last season is much the same as the Bess for VP teaser put out there in the season 2 finale. It is not going to happen for a lot of reasons especially as Elizabeth gets involved and finds out what might be in the works with Dmitri working for the CIA. The druggie issue put a quick stop to some kind of possible romance. IMO. In his state of mind right now, Dmitri is a loose canon.  I feel sorry for Talia given the way that Dmitri has been interacting with her. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Beden said:

    I really don't want to sound like a complete wuss here but, due to the usual over it's time slot football game, this weeks episode didn't start until 10:30. I get up at 5:30. I missed it completely. So, well...damn.

    Just saying.

    Actually, the show started on time and this episode was not a run over. It was scheduled for 10:30 PM because of NFL Doubleheader of which there are many others scheduled for this season. In this case, the game was over on time.

    10/15/17 (Su.)10:30 PM CBS (#MS402) "Off the Record"

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  6. 2 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

    Apropos of nothing to do with this episode, Mr. Kaplan (or rather the actor who played her) resurfaced on this week's episode of Bull on CBS.

    Judge Lucille Abernathy (Mr Kaplan).  So cool!

  7. 13 hours ago, dwmarch said:

    I appreciated how they did Aram and Samar this episode. There's one shot of them where they're just closer together than co-workers would be. Nice and understated, way better than last week's make out session in the elevator.

    The relationship seems solid now, but little conversation between them to suggest where things are going in the future. At the end of last season, there was constant angst between them on screen with plenty of conversation.  I am surprised that viewers have not seen them together, as yet, outside of the workplace given the elevator scene.

  8. 6 hours ago, NJRadioGuy said:

    I thought something was off. If this turns into Chicago Police-politics I'm out. I don't turn to TV dramas for "a conversation about urban policing challenges." I watch to see TV cops arrest or kill the villains, solve the mysteries, tell compelling stories, and maybe have torrid affairs with each other along the way. 502 and 503 were as PC-preachy as the worst crap from the '70s.

    Agree. This season has been a disappointment so far. It is disheartening to think that police brass in Chicago are still this corrupt. Voight facilitating the murder of a suspect off the books for justice sake just wrong in so many ways. Antonio had the same issues with politics as a SA investigator in the Chicago-Criminal Justice series. 

  9. 13 hours ago, CaptainE said:

    The madcap adventures of ...whatever.   Simpleton episode, what with the auction bs, wet painting, villa borrowing.  

    Just too juvenile, which is saying a lot for the show.  And where's the baby again?  A pseudo sex scene, after reuniting with Tom, but no Agnes.  Again, very poor writing.

    The only somewhat redeeming part was the turn at the end but still dumb as can be.  What happened, red and Dembe just got some coffee mid torture then came back to finish?  WTF?

    I also don't like Dembe in that role, as bad guy, torturing the guy, just because Red says so.  He was estranged not too long ago but I guess we're not supposed to remember that. And he can't sit next to Red at the motel pool?  Come on.



    On 10/5/2017 at 1:21 AM, VinceW said:

    .....Probably the worst episode since I started watching the series.  Cooper taking in Red's explanation about the stolen evidence made no sense at all......

  10. On 10/6/2017 at 1:03 AM, CheshireCat said:

    I don't think we knew that yet, but Morgan Freeman was on Stephen Colbert and they showed an MSec clip and he's in the premiere again. (And as indifferent as I can be during the off-season of a show, even this short clip got me totally excited about the new season. Still the best show out there. (If only the Henry issue wasn't there ;-))

    What issue?


  11. 12 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    Episodes that had been filmed have been postponed before. I know Castle postponed one episode after the Boston marathon bombing (and they didn't even have the bomb go off) and I know of one other show which I watch which postponed and episode though I can't recall which show it was. So, it does happen regardless of filming.

    Unfortunately for Castle, the replacement episode (TSATQ) was the worst episode of the series. The show runner never recovered from the criticism about the damage done to the Beckett/Castle relationship story line.

  12. ottoDbusdriver said: "That was just plain stupid.  Here's a Blacklister and a long convoluted plan to screw him over.  Because reasons. Plus, how can the task force even use the information on that data drive and the necklace as evidence ? It's tainted because it was illegally obtained by criminals during a crime."

    Probably the worst episode since I started watching the series.  Cooper taking in Red's explanation about the stolen evidence made no sense at all.  Is Liz responsible for what happened to that person whose bones are in the suitcase?

    • Love 1
  13. 1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

    If anyone here is home now and gets the channel, Oxygen is also apparently showing syndicated Chicago PD episodes (besides USA).

    Showings started at 6:00AM today and run until 3:00AM. Includes 11 Season 4 episodes in close sequence and then replays those same 11 over again starting at 5:00PM.

  14. 15 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Wow was not expecting that at all. 

    I was so confused because everyone was ok after the fire.

    This is why it is best to not invest too much in a TV show. I was stunned at first because I thought I had missed an episode, but for Danny to just subtly mention that he missed Linda was just crazy to the story.  Near the end of last season, my sister often mentioned to family members that she thought Linda looked much different on screen. Perhaps Amy Carlson has a health issue.  I wish her all the best.  If not for Erin, I would probably stop watching now.

    • Love 3
  15. 29 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

    Good news on the syndication front. Seems MSec had a much easier time landing a syndication deal than Chicago PD had (for example) http://deadline.com/2017/09/madam-secretary-syndication-netflix-we-tv-cbs-stations-1202178764/

    Not a surprise. CBS has been operating their 'CBS All Access' service (launched in Oct 2014) at a loss ($5.99/month) as a standalone channel in order to use it for future leverage in making platform deals with service providers such as Netflix,etc.

  16. On 9/26/2017 at 10:21 PM, Linderhill said:

    I enjoyed this but definitely wondered who would let Bishop run the team.  There's no way that Leon would have left Bishop and Torres on their own.  Did they even say where Quinn went?  if they did I didn't hear it.  It could have been a good transition, Quinn running the team until Gibbs and McGee were back.....

    At the phone booth crime scene:

    Bishop: "How'd the hearing go?"

    Torres:  "A lot of talking. They want to talk to Quinn; I told them she was on leave and she was taking care of her mom, but they didn't care."

    • Love 2
  17. 12 hours ago, Sharpie66 said:

    I am pretty sure that the bracelet was Jackson's dog tag--the numbers looked like a serial number.. 

    The bracelet is Vintage Sterling Silver WWII Army Air Force Id Bracelet Tag Wings Propeller with name and serial number "Jackson Gibbs 0732545".  Gibbs was carving the symbol from the bracelet on a wood scrap in his cell.  McGee tossed aside the wood carving which started them fake fighting.

    • Love 7
  18. 1 hour ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    Jareth (with T-H, not Jared; remember, the McCords joked about him having the same name as the Goblin King) last appeared in "Gift Horse", where he helped Stevie wrangle a drunk poet and went on about how physics is a worthier pursuit than poetry. That was after the episode where they were together on the bus, which was the same one where he decided to stay in America for Stevie's sake and was cut off financially by his parents. There's been no mention of them drifting apart, but he hasn't appeared in person much. In the season finale, he was in the limo while Stevie went back inside the house to get something before they went to the concert and met Dmitri. So it's quite possible he'll be phased out.

    4x2 "Off the Record"


    Chris Petrovski (Dmitri Petrov)

    Christopher O'Shea (Jareth Glover)
    Masha King (Talia Petrov)

    It is a shame the way the writers have handled his character. IMO.

  19. 7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    ....The whole Congressional hearing was also eye roll worthy and ridonkulous. I've been to hearings, and seen them. And aside from obnoxious witnesses who ramble and suck up instead of answering questions, which lead to the senators or rather, Congressman interrupting them to please just answer the question, they let the witnesses actually answer the damn fucking questions.....Thankfully, I was spoiled about the waterboarding torture of Gibbs so I looked away when that happened. Man, how many times is this show going to torture Gibbs? Poor Mark Harmon. Even though I know that it was probably a stuntman underneath? Hell, since they use hand models to show it's "Abby" typing when she's doing a search or whatever, I'd like to think that's a stuntman underneath that bag who was thrashing around.......

    The congressional hearing scene really didn’t make any sense given that director Vance was not the government official who ordered the original RAC surveillance. NCIS was contacted to investigate US soldier remains found in a hostile area of a foreign country. The commander of the surveillance unit should have been the one getting grilled about the operation. Why was the rogue injured soldier not explaining his actions at the hearing? Torres comments to the committee members were right on because the hearing was just a show to cover CIA failures. 

    When it was revealed during the summer hiatus that Gibbs and McGee were captured, I gave the writers too much credit. I expected that Gibbs and McGee would be rescued by the Paraguay military and both would stay in country to help uncover the mastermind behind the black market operation, but instead viewers get an overdone torture scenario in order that Gibbs can return home with depression. McGee needs to rethink his field agent status and get serious about his family life. He has a disabled pregnant wife confined to a wheelchair, but he only wonders about learning to change diapers. 

  20. 41 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Re: Bishop being in charge.  She has been on the team for awhile and my guess is that no one wanted to break the team up because that would mean giving up on Gibbs and McGee.  Also there was a time I would have said the same thing about McGee.  No way anyone would put him in charge.   You learn to lead by leading.  

    Plus I like Bishop.  I know a lot of people don't but I much prefer her over Ziva.  I got so annoyed and bored with Ziva I stopped watching the show.  At least Bishop is fun. 

    I've never watched this show for realism.   They could start flying and it wouldn't faze me.  

    Gibbs trusts her sleuthing skills ever since Bishop came over to the team from NSA. Bishop was a big factor in searching for a terrorist, Benham Parsa and she was instrumental finding his associate Bashir Malik after the drone strike that injured Delilah. Gibbs did pick her first over Torres to go to Paraguay as well. She has good chemistry with Abby, Reeves and Delilah.

    • Love 3
  21. On 9/4/2017 at 2:45 AM, VinceW said:

    Madam Secretary Season 4 Episodes (22):

    4x1  - Oct 8,2017    -  "News Cycle" - When the assistant vice minister of Timor-Leste suddenly dies during a meeting with Elizabeth on the first day of the U.N General Assembly, she becomes suspicious after the president of Timor-Leste ships the body back without a proper investigation. Also, a "fake news" story surfaces claiming Elizabeth is responsible for the minister’s death, and Dmitri returns to work with Henry.

    4x2  - Oct 15,2017  -  "Off the Road"  -  While Elizabeth is in Libya to help negotiate an end to their civil war, a tragic accident with her chauffeured car embroils her in an urgent situation to secure medical care for a gravely wounded local girl.

    4x4  - Nov 5,2017   -  "Shutdown"

    4x5  - Nov 19,2017 -  "Persona Non Grata"

        Both Jareth and Dmitri in same episode. 

    On 9/4/2017 at 2:45 AM, VinceW said:
  22. On 9/19/2017 at 0:03 AM, VinceW said:

    NCIS Season 15 Episodes (22):

    15x1     Sep 26, 2017   "House Divided"  -  Two months after Gibbs and McGee were last seen fighting an elusive group of rebels in a Paraguay jungle, the NCIS team in D.C. tirelessly searches for their missing colleagues. Also, Vance and Torres are summoned to a congressional hearing regarding the fallout from the Paraguay mission

    15x2     Oct 03, 2017   "Twofer"  -  NCIS is called in to investigate when the body of a missing Navy Lieutenant who disappeared a year and a half ago is located by a cemetery grounds crew while they are relocating caskets on the property. Also, Gibbs and McGee must pass a psych evaluation with Doctor Grace Confalone before officially resuming all work responsibilities.

    15x3     Oct 10, 2017   "Exit Strategy"  -  While on a stakeout with Metro P.D., Torres' partner mysteriously vanishes, with the subsequent investigation leading NCIS to uncover new evidence from a decade-old murder. Also, Ducky's friend, Cadence Darwin, presents him with a new opportunity during his guest lecture series.

    15x4     Oct 17, 2017   "Skeleton Crew" -  Director Vance welcomes NCIS Special Agent Jacqueline "Jack" Sloane, a forensic psychologist he lobbied to transfer from California, to headquarters. Also, in the midst of a storm that has shut down Washington, D.C. and knocked out power, the NCIS team investigates the kidnapping of a sailor, which sends Torres and Bishop out to sea to track evidence.


  23. On 9/20/2017 at 5:56 PM, JasmineFlower said:

    I'm attempting to stick with Blacklist, but I'm not interested in watching all of Blacklist:Redemption. I tried it, and I'm not into it. How little can I get away with watching. Is background watching the first two and last two of the series enough to clue me in to what Tom did while he was away and whatever he discovered? Thanks in advance.

    The series was more about the conflict between the parents. IMO. The father played on Tom's emotions all along in order to get revenge on the mother and regain control of the security corporation. The company takeover process orchestrated by the father in the end was not credible. I suspected all along the father was somewhat diabolical in his dealings with the wife. Not sure that anything Tom found out working with his mother will effect his future relationship with Liz.

    • Love 1
  24. Chicago PD Season 5 Episodes (NBC Wed at 10:00 PM):

    5x1 Sep 27, 2017   "Reform"  -  The district is in a state of change - Lindsay has moved to New York- and the CPD is under scrutiny about the corrupt nature of its institution. Under the watchful eye of the city, the team attempts to bust a gun deal that quickly turns dicey when innocent civilians and children get involved. Tension erupts when Chief Lugo brings in Denny Woods to review the shootout, and Halstead becomes a key player in the outcome of the case.

    5x2 Oct 04, 2017  "Promise"  -  When a young Latina woman is brutally murdered, Intelligence suspects she may have been working as a drug mule. With Antonio leading the case, the team's investigation takes them into the grim world of meat processing, and the discovery that there may be a different motive behind her death.

    5x3 Oct 11, 2017  "The Thing About Heroes"  -  After a van explodes during a Chicago street festival, a Muslim patrol officer Frank Toma goes missing and evidence quickly piles up pointing to his involvement. Burgess - who helped train Toma - is desperate to prove his innocence, even if that means going against her superiors.

    5x4 Oct 18, 2017  "Snitch"

    5x5 Oct 25, 2017  "Home"

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