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Posts posted by VinceW

  1. That couldn't be more false. He didn't get kicked off the show because some fans weren't happy or because of any interview he gave.

    I don't think I said those were the reasons. It is a trust issue. Who knows what role Marlowe will play with the show (my assumption is very little), but you do not bring in a new guy to lead the show....only to listen to the previous one about the direction of it . I hope Amann has free reign from episode 1 of the new season.

  2. I don't think it's any grand conspiracy
    There is no conspiracy. He will not be back to fix anything. Marlowe did the one thing that is never forgiven and that is blatantly lie to his audience. In the post interviews, he made it worse by gloating about it.  There was no coming back from that. In the finale, he broke the trust that must exist between a show and its viewers. He led the audience believe something (wedding) would happen. However, he had no intention on delivering the promised outcome. Marlowe is no longer going to have a say in how the stories are going to play out on the show going forward despite what you might think. 
  3. It's possible Marlowe may be involved with Castle now, but he knows he won't have time halfway through the season when a new pilot or whatever may get filmed. So, he handed over the reigns to be prepared for that.

    Why would a show runner be willing to tick off the fans as AWM did for the finale? What show runner in his right mind is willing to go with a story that he knows will alienate or chase off fans? That makes no sense. In addition, his post finale comments were crazy talk and apparently ABC came to the same conclusion as well.  After that finale, they needed to shake things up and they've done something I never thought would happen. I don't believe the media PR bullshit about him concentrating on developing other shows for ABC. Marlowe was forced out. Why would ABC bother with changing show runners now if all that would accomplish is keeping the exact same vision and direction that they had with Marlowe? The answer is that ABC wouldn't and neither would any other network in the world do something such as that. This is not some sort of bait and switch where Marlowe is made to appear to step down and someone else is said to be in charge when really it is still Marlowe. Never going to happen as that would be a huge egg on the face PR nightmare for the network once it came out.  Marlowe is no longer going to have a say in how the stories are going to play out on the show going forward despite everything else to the contrary. IMO.

  4. Can't have it both ways. If you want the ratings to drop enough to have ABC want to can Marlowe, but don't want the ratings to drop ... I think everyone is SOL. But it's unlikely that the ratings drop would get Marlowe fired. It's much more likely that a ratings drop would just get Castle cancelled, and I definitely don't want that.

    Point taken about the devil you know, but I don’t think the new head of ABC entertainment would give up the Monday timeslot that easily. If the new season starts off poorly (2-3 episodes), there would be time for TPTB to fix it by forcing Marlowe to change things or replace him. NCIS has done it with much success.
  5. The “more stories” crap puts us back in Season 4 "Cops & Robbers" territory followed by “Heartbreak Hotel” (FBFW) with just more obvious stalling to avoid moving them past the actual marriage step. Maybe what needs to happen is for viewer numbers to drop so dramatically after episodes 2-3 in order for ABC to get the message that AWM needs to go. I just worry that we will get some kind of Castle amnesia scenario which will just kill the ratings. IMO

  6. Marlowe “new” mythology just means a marriage delay in order to avoid writing them as a couple. Any further delay, once the reason for the cliffhanger is resolved, doesn’t make a lot of sense after spending an entire season on wedding planning. Injecting more stories that need to be told now before they finally get married is just total avoidance. IMO. Our couple was 20 minutes from getting married, but now Marlowe tells us that there are still other stories to be told prior to their marriage. What stories? How in the world can ABC let him lose the audience going into Season 7 given the new competition next fall? I can’t imagine viewers waiting very long before dropping off when they realize no wedding in near future.

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