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Posts posted by VinceW

  1. On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 3:37 PM, UNOSEZ said:

    You got it.. My fault on the pronouns... When I get hit with the "... No ur being racist" I always gotta respond.. Because one day eventually ima get a real answer as to how me pointing out racial disparities etc is actually oppressing the greater white populace ( including my dad and older half-sister etc..)  Lol


    On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 1:56 PM, mommalib said:

    I don't know if your white and i'm not gonna assume but I will say this, when you're black there are things that you don't have the luxury or privilege to ignore. Yes when know that Kevin is a good guy and cop but they haven't really gone beneath surface with this character because he has rarely been highlighted on this show. And for a good looking young black man to not be getting any loving while the white boys on the show have gone to bed with the main female cast members(Erin, Upton, and Burgess) it's a little glaring to me. Antonio has also gotten his.

    I apologize for the projection comment. I was responding too hastily to the ‘white’ reference. It is hard to believe that the show runner is keeping Atwater from a relationship in such an obvious way because of race, but you might be right. If the show is doing that on purpose, it is wrong. I have been subjected to bias myself, but not race related. Atwater shines above all of the other team members which I mentioned in my original comments. The show has gone too far with the in-house relationships. Atwater might have been held back from a new relationship because the writers spent almost the first four years of the series covering the Lindsay and Voight back story which was unfortunate. 

  2. 57 minutes ago, mommalib said:

    I don't know if your white and i'm not gonna assume but I will say this, when you're black there are things that you don't have the luxury or privilege to ignore. Yes when know that Kevin is a good guy and cop but they haven't really gone beneath surface with this character because he has rarely been highlighted on this show. And for a good looking young black man to not be getting any loving while the white boys on the show have gone to bed with the main female cast members(Erin, Upton, and Burgess) it's a little glaring to me. Antonio has also gotten his.

    Projecting your own racism onto others doesn't work.

    • Love 2
  3. 8 hours ago, mommalib said:

    ...................You haven't notice that Atwater is the only one that hasn't had a love interest? As far as Blue lives Matter who are the ones usually calling out police brutality? Black people. What is Atwater? A black man.

    Atwater displays an inner sense which allows him to easily distinguish between the right or wrong side of a moral issue especially among a group of fellow cops with selective morality. He is well respected by others when dealing with victims, their families or even his children. His time will come for a new relationship. I don't watch TV show thru a color prism especially cop shows. Law enforcement agencies are easy targets for groups or individuals who are obsessed with race.

    • Love 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Mars477 said:

    Gotta love how, since Ruzek and Halstead are the pretty white boys, they’re the ones getting all of the love interests.  Guess the Blue Lives Matter crowd isn’t interested in seeing a black man get some action.


  5. 7 hours ago, watcher1006 said:

    Does this show have a real part for Norma Kuhling's Ava Bekker character other than being a foil to superhero surgeon Connor Rhodes? The whole plotline was improbable, Bekker crashing in on an emergency operation to harangue Rhodes while the patient's chest is open, and Rhodes telling his highly experienced cardiac surgery colleague to get lost when she offered to help. Where is Dr. Latham when we need him? Please stay where you are, Maggie, don't get sucked into the mess.


    How many episodes before Connor finds out that daddy funded the OR? Ava's harsh reaction to Connor's apology over the makeshift operation suggests that she probably does have something personal invested in their relationship after all which is unfortunate if she did sleep with creepy daddy Cornelius to seal the deal.

    • Love 1
  6. Does this mean a 4th engagement for Ruzek? Both Halstead and Ruzek are loose canons out in the field. Antonio can keep Halstead in line for the most part, but Ruzek has nobody now that Olinsky is gone. The deal between Voight and the commander is no different than anything Olinsky was involved with in his early detective days. 

    • Love 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Katy M said:

    ........I liked how McGee agreed in principle, but then was getting frustrated because he was used to doing it. Very human and realistic.  And, how he was tempted to do it "just this once" but then didn't.  I love McGee, but he hasn't been doing much lately, and by lately I mean for a whole season.

    So true. The same can be said for his ghost family including Delilah and the twins. 

    • Love 2
  8. 8 hours ago, Chas411 said:

    It drives me mad the way the move around the timings for these crossovers. I wonder which family member of a regular will die tonight to service the crossover.

    The Halstead father died after his rescue from the apartment fire. Jay cursed his father at the hospital during an argument which was the last words between them. Good job Jay! His brother is a loser as well.

    • Love 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Babalooie said:

    I could not find on IMDB the name of the actress who played the defendant.  She looked very familiar.  Does anyone know her name?

    Cara Seymour (Heather)

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  10. 5 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

    ...…I never liked Cable so I have no sadness about her being off the team.  Nice to see Jill Hennessy but I was hoping she was joining the show!

    Per TVLine: Hennessey is set to guest-star in multiple episodes as a new client who asks Dr. Jason Bull to help her with one of the most challenging and emotional cases he has ever faced. She wants to get justice for the death of her daughter Cable.

    • Love 3
  11. On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 2:33 PM, Ohwell said:

    Yes it is, but I hope I'm wrong.

    Also, even if it was "just dinner" it was very creepy and devious of her to basically seduce the father in the sexy dress and over the shoulder glance she gave him because she is well aware that the father is attracted to her.  Connor should have followed his heart/gut and gone to Mayo.  But, of course, there had to be a reason to stay at Chicago Med.  I hope he does dump her once and for all.

    And the father is creepy as hell and actually he and Ava deserve each other.


    For a short period of time last season, Ava let Connor think that she was dating his father in order to intimidate and/or manipulate him.

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  12. Rachel DiPillo as Dr. Sarah Reese was not listed as a regular for the episode, but rather as a guest so she is out. As usual, the patient side of the episode was fine, but the ongoing forced relationships not so much.  The last scene with Connor and Ava was just an odd retake of the S3 finale scene between them, but with predictable results that he was not leaving the show. I hope that the writers don't intend for Ava to "service" his father (Cornelius) in order to add drama to the story. Will the father want something from her to continue the funding?  What happens when Connor finds out?  It seems that both the father and Ava want him to stay in Chicago so maybe it was just dinner. 

    • Love 1
  13. 5 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

    As much as I liked this show, the finale was such a let down.....Harlee in prison is weird too......Too much wrapped up too quickly so rather disappointing.

    In the rush to finish the story, a lot of unanswered questions still remain.

    There were no details given on Harlee's plea deal. Woz told her that the whole district submitted character witness statements for her.

    The Deputy Commissioner of Internal Affairs was more than just a mole, but rather some kind of crime boss. She sanctioned cops killing cops. Did she go down with Ramsey or was she able to escape charges?  What happened to Verco after what he did to get the hearing scheduled?

    After his conversation with the cartel spokesman, what kind of deal did Woz make with them? Is he now their new contact in the NYPD?

    There was never reconciliation or even a conversation between Woz and his son, Nate given all the ongoing angst between them.

    Harlee put herself behind bars to save her crew and take down the corrupt Intelligence Unit, but her boss does a strangulation killing under police cover and he walks away without any consequences.  “Hey, you got a psycho loose back here”.

    • Love 7
  14. No wonder Ray Liotta and the cast were surprised that the series ended. The finale was clearly written to extend the story out further, if needed, with or without Harlee.  If the producers really wanted to end it, at least a two-part finale was needed in order to close out so many loose ends instead of all those one line sentence explanations for just about everything. The Ramsey killing scenario was rushed to get that off the checklist as well. The prison twist allows her to come back, at later time, via parole while she serves time off screen or she comes back at the start of a new season as part of a multi episode arc inside prison before her release.

    • Love 5
  15. On 8/14/2018 at 10:47 PM, BuckeyeLou said:

    Ray Liotta did an interview with KLG&Hoda too, and he indicated that he was surprised by the announcement that the show was ending...he seemed disappointed, and said he wished the show could continue, but made some vague statement about JLo had so many commitments to do other things that she didn't have time to film this show..........

    His surprise comment was a subtle implication that the end of the Harlee arc did not necessarily mean the series had to end.  In her interviews, JLo only talks about her story coming to a desired place and she was satisfied with the ending.  "It’s a tragic ending, but really poetic and beautiful.”

    Two different issues.

    • Love 1
  16. On 8/14/2018 at 10:47 PM, BuckeyeLou said:

    Ray Liotta did an interview with KLG&Hoda too, and he indicated that he was surprised by the announcement that the show was ending...he seemed disappointed, and said he wished the show could continue, but made some vague statement about JLo had so many commitments to do other things that she didn't have time to film this show.  Maybe they could do for this show what NBC is doing for "Timeless"?  I think I read that NBC is going to film a special wrap-up episode to placate the hard-core fans. 


    The interview I watched was on BUILD a few weeks after the NBC announcement in April. Liotta said it was a total surprise to the cast. There was a subtle implication in his tone of voice that the end of the Harlee arc did not necessarily mean the series had to end. Also, he stated that something happens to both Woz and Harlee, but there is a 'proper' cliffhanger (whatever that means).  I surmise that Woz has a breakdown rather than getting killed off.  He did spend a lot time talking about working with his real life daughter on the series. It seems that the scene with the dead daughter (Anna Kate) puts him into a very emotional state afterwards, but he did not know how much of that part of the script would be cut by producers for the finale.

    • Love 1
  17. Season 3 includes 10 episodes which were filmed right after Season 2 last year in 2017. The Season 2 finale aired in May 2017 which presents as over a year between the season 3 airing starting in June 2018. NBC announced that the series was renewed for Season 3 in March 2017, but a year later in April 2018 the network announced the cancellation. Ray Liotta did a web interview a short time later during which he indicated his surprise about the series ending. If his character was killed off in the Season 3 finale, he couldn't spoil that it did happen with details, but I think he would have responded more evasively to the show host during that interview instead of his somewhat distraught attitude over the ending decision. Since the filming was finished last year, much of what he said during the web interview presented more as just rambling because Liotta couldn't recall much about what actually happened in the last season that made any sense. Again, if the character was killed off at some point in the series finale, I think his response would have been much different during that web interview. Just speculation on my part.

    • Love 5
  18. On 8/13/2018 at 3:02 PM, saber5055 said:

    .......I don't like your suggestion that Woz dies, but I think you are correct. That's why he keeps seeing his dead daughter. Plus it puts a real end on this show. At least to Liotta's part in it. Although I'd be all about him coming back as a ghost (like his daughter) to advise his crew.

    The scene with Woz conversing again with his deceased daughter (Anna Kate) in some kind of vision was very moving and it was a realistic portrayal given my own personal experience.  My wife passed away after fighting a serious illness. We spent long periods together in the hospital during her treatments. For many months after she passed away, I had a recurring dream about our conversations at the hospital. The conversation would always lead to her asking about increasing her medications. I would get frustrated and I would tell her that she didn’t need the medication any longer because she was dead. She would push back and quickly respond  "If I’m dead, how come you are here?”. That was the end of the dream.

    Woz is struggling because he couldn't do more using his police powers to prevent what happened to his daughter.

    Woz "I can't lose you again"

    Anna Kate "You're never going to lose me, but you need to find yourself".

    I doubt that Woz dies in the finale. Some kind of emotional breakdown seems more likely.

    • Love 7
  19. Another episode in the books with more bodies dropping.  Harlee did a 'Hank Voight' by putting an extra tap in Stahl while he was on the floor bleeding out.  Christina handing off the gun would have been more realistic if the director had shown her listening to them talking after she entered the house and then getting the gun for her mother. IMO.

    • Love 2
  20. 9 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

    .......I am mis-remembering? I could have sworn Ginger Cop was in the opening scene of this season's first episode when Harlee was testifying in court about feeling like a bad guy before they went into flashback mode that has been the actual story for this season.  

    Ginger Cop was not in that opening scene. I don't think any cops from the Intelligence unit were in court during her testimony. However, Internal Affairs was there.

  21. Cole finally has reached his 'live by the sword, die by the sword' moment in the story. A person that conflicted can't survive long working with bad guys. I wonder if Cole shooting Bennett was a test by Ramsey. Maybe Ramsey gave Cole a gun with blanks. The FBI agent Myers/Stahl relationship has a little Stockholm Syndrome flavor to it. Harlee had at least three clear shots at Stahl when he scrambled to climb back into the transport.

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