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Posts posted by VinceW

  1. 48 minutes ago, calipiano81 said:

    If the Imposter Theory proves true, I think it would have been a plan in place from the beginning. In the pilot, Red did say to Liz, "Everything about me is a lie." And while the daddy stuff back and forth is annoying, the Imposter Theory facilitates the show to play with it.

    When Red told Liz about what happened at the house during the shooting, he told her that he was there at the time. So, did Liz kill her real father?   Why then, did he kidnap Masha to take her to US and how did Katarina find them at the house? Did the impostor kill the 'bones-in-suitcase' mother? How does Dembe know about the suitcase unless he knows about the ruse with the Feds? The Impostor theory just ruins the credibility of the entire FBI task group story line. I just don't see that as a viable twist to the series. IMO

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  2. 16 hours ago, mandigirl said:

    All I know is that I will be extremely annoyed if there's some 'Red impostor' reveal next season.  It's just a ridiculous plot-twist IMO. I might be able to buy identity theft, but spy body double? Also, not everyone who watches Blacklist watched BL:Redemption so the whole Russian 'body double' thing would come out of nowhere. 

    The new 'bones in the suitcase' plot portends that the writers are headed there at this point. Watching this finale reminded me somewhat of the Castle series and how the writers did not have a plan to resolve the original premise of the series that Richard Castle became a writer because of something that happened to him as a child in the woods. The original show runner quit the series early and the cleanup season was a mess. IMO.

  3. 4 hours ago, mandigirl said:

    This episode was extremely anti-climatic for me. I was interested to know if Red was Liz's father... in Season ONE. Four seasons and 1 spin-off later, the reveal (whether true or not) landed with a thud. Given that Liz, Cooper and really the entire task force had multiple opportunities to find out this information (didn't the task force have samples of Red's blood when he got poisoned, like a month ago??), the fact that they trot this out as some big reveal in the finale was laughable..........................This was the most disappointing moment of the show, no doubt. Liz walking out on Kaplan was the lowest point for the Liz character in the entire series, IMO. Remember last season when Liz was acting-out like a tween and mewling that she wanted Red out of her life? Now remember how Kaplan literally risked her life to make that a reality? Liz knew that the second she walked out of the truck, it was over for Kaplan. So her (feigned?) concern about Kaplan later on just seemed bizarre. The only thing worse than Kaplan gone, is that she gave her life to help someone who totally didn't deserve it. 

    The episode was a big letdown after finally getting the backstory on Mr Kaplan in 4x17 "Requiem".  I thought viewers might get a reconciliation. Red tried to console at the bridge, but that effort was too late. Instead, a jump off the bridge without any further explanation about why the need to keep Liz safe. You have to wonder if the writers really have any idea yet how to end this story or we have a Red impostor all along..

  4. On 5/18/2017 at 1:42 PM, honeydo7 said:

    IMHO, next season's going to start with Navy Special Ops teams arriving on scene in the nick of time, in Black Ops helicopters, using major fire power to take out all the bad guys & rescue Gibbs & Tim.  We'll learn Director Vance secretly ordered this operation, just in case, & was waiting to hear from Torres before sending in the cavalry.

    +100 It is hard to believe that Vance would leave the team hanging once he realized the danger.  His early comment to Gibbs to only use defensive tactics was a not-so-subtle hint that support was forthcoming which confirms your theory about a potential rescue. 

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  5. 55 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

    Beghe teased at the Upfronts that next season will be completely different as there's a new showrunners and writers so you never know they might spread the love storyline wise.

    Regarding Lindsay, while I don't dislike her the way that a few posters around here seem to, I do agree that the Bunny plot is tired at this point. Overexposed and tired. I liked Lindsay best in season one, first half of season two, all of season three and most of season four when she mostly had her head together. I hate the self destruct stuff and her mother drama is exhausting. It's just annoying watching her make the same mistakes over and over. 

    One thing I don't blame her for is the breakdown of her relationship with Jay. She was all in and he wanted out. I know he had his reasons but Will acting like she's the issue when it comes to their lack of relationship bugged me. 

    The whole Lindsay backstory and her relationship with the dysfunctional mother has run its course on the series. IMO. The subplots with the mother have grown tired. The mother either lies all the time or she puts out half truths to cover up some kind of agenda.. Voight throwing out the evidence on Bunny was typical for him in order to cover up a killing. Looking forward to return of Burgess. Both Jay and brother Dr. Will are losers. Natalie needs to stay clear of both of them.

  6. On 5/17/2017 at 11:40 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I wonder how the season would have ended had we not lost Glasberg so suddenly last Fall.

    I wonder if the Gibbs/McGee 'something blue' moment with the watch was done instead of a Tony cameo appearance or was there a feeling that his return might overshadow the pregnancy news.  I wonder if the quick pregnancy announcement was part of the Glasberg vision for season end. The move seems rushed or was it done now to fit a time jump. The last action segment reminded me of so many final scenes in NCIS-LA episodes with the fierce gun battle and vehicle explosions. At least, nobody from the team was part of a vehicle crash especially McGee.

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  7. 1 hour ago, CheshireCat said:

    There was? I'm always amazed by what I miss. Where is everyone always hearing these things? ;-) (That said, I think that if the differences were so bad that they would play a role in the show's end then they could have ended the show after this season. If the differences occuring during summer there would have been plenty of time to prepare for that).

    I knew that Madam Secretary wouldn't be a 10-season show, even if I want it to be but I had hoped for at least 5. I guess, there might be a little bit of hope for that happening with a shortened season, so that it pushes the episode count over 100.

    It would not be a surprise if Morgan Freeman leaves the show next year. There were supposedly issues over the direction of the show, but the US election results probably took care of that decision. Actually, the show has already been somewhat resetting the characters for next season. IMO.

  8. 3 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    Bad news. Madam Secretary has been moved to 10 p.m. https://tvline.com/2017/05/17/cbs-fall-tv-schedule-2017-lineup-young-sheldon/

    Not Good, but it seems likely that season 4 is the last anyway. Not a surprise that CBS wants to put new show at 8PM. There was a rumor last summer that Morgan Freeman and Tea Leoni had issues.  I wonder who pushed the Blake pronouncement about his sexuality into the mix before the season end. 

  9. On 5/16/2017 at 9:46 PM, Ohmo said:

    I don't think they'll kill McGee, but I could see him being wounded.  From a storyline perspective, it would be tremendously harsh to leave Delilah widowed with a new baby.   I don't see that happening.  In a way, I think it was good that Tim got off the helicopter.  He's SFA now, and that was an SFA move.  If Tony had been there, he would have been the one to get off and cover Gibbs' six.  Now that's Tim's job.  I think Tony would have been proud of his former probie.

    Wedding, pregnancy, baby shower, but what happens to the new husband, father. When Nick told McGee at the RV he would have his back, I knew the outcome. Gibbs wanted  to take Bishop instead of Torres to face off against rebels? The whole rescue op made no sense and the outcome was foolish just to create a cliffhanger. IMO. Gibbs and McGee only have handguns to defend themselves. The rebels are just thugs which suggests maybe the local government might arrive as backup to save the new dad and his boss..

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  10. On 5/14/2017 at 3:42 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

    Per Deadline, the Blacklist is moving to Wed. at 8pm -- how this show has fallen from the heyday of Season 1 on Mondays at 10pm


    Blacklist finished third on a regular basis on Mondays at 10pm against NCIS-LA and Castle.  Blindspot moving to Wednesday as well.

  11. 18 hours ago, RobertDeSneero said:

    When they were trying on outfits at the beginning, did anyone else interpret the expression on McGee's face upon seeing Abby as ruefully thinking, "I used to hit that"?

    I figured Delilah was going to be pregnant when they had Tim be so worried.  If he was being calm and optimistic, I would have thought she was going to die.  So, when Delilah gives birth, I hope that he is a nervous daddy-to-be because that means everything is probably going to be okay.

    Given the impromptu wedding and baby news, I wonder if Delilah becomes a regular next season. I hope so. Both of them working as government analysts makes it much easier for the writers to use crossover cases between the two agencies to keep them working together on screen while at the same time having a home life with a new baby(e.g. Bones - Brennan and Booth).  I truly hope that the baby scenario is not another cruel teaser for viewers that ends in tragedy for the new couple next season. (fingers crossed)

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  12. On 5/11/2017 at 9:30 AM, Ohmo said:

    I can't remember the storyline arc, but I want to say it had something to do with the Russians.  Anyway, NCIS was in the midst of a multi-episode chase of a bad guy.  Delilah and McGee were attending a Washington social event/gala event that had something to do with her job, and the venue was bombed by the bad guy.  Her paralysis is a result of injuries sustained during the bombing.

    Thanks again @Ohmo. You put me on the right path.  Season 11x12 "Kill Chain" - McGee decides to go to a gala with his Delilah. She was awarded a prestigious fellowship by the Conrad Institute for her work in counter terrorism. At first, McGee did not want to go with her, but changes his mind. He steps out from the gala to take a call from Gibbs who wants to warn him about an incoming drone strike, but it is too late.  In the next episode, 11x13 "Double Back", viewers learn that Delilah is paralyzed from the incident. 

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  13. 8 hours ago, Ohmo said:

    I can't remember the storyline arc, but I want to say it had something to do with the Russians.  Anyway, NCIS was in the midst of a multi-episode chase of a bad guy.  Delilah and McGee were attending a Washington social event/gala event that had something to do with her job, and the venue was bombed by the bad guy.  Her paralysis is a result of injuries sustained during the bombing.

    Thanks @Ohmo for the feedback. Nobody in my family could remember when that happened.

  14. I came back to the show full time this season to checkout the two new agents(Alex and Nick) after missing parts of S12 and S13. I enjoyed the impromptu wedding with Tim and Delilah, but I missed from previous episodes how Delilah became disabled.  Did she come to the show as disabled or was she hurt afterwards on assignment? I remember that she was added in S11 as girlfriend for Tim in order to create some jealousy angst with Abby. Did the writers provide any background on her injury? A pregnancy could be a tough story line to play out given her being bound to a wheel chair unless I missed out on a possible medical solution in the works. Enjoyed the episode for the most part except for the back and forth trips to the ship by the agents.

  15. 8 hours ago, rur said:

    I heard this, then figured it was an advance explanation why she may not be on the show (for a month) when it returns next fall. 

    OR she might not be returning to the show next season at all or move to recurring status. The whole pregnancy story seems rushed in the manner it was thrown in this way at season end.. The quick changeover in Jay's behavior (Spanish reporter) seems odd as well.  Single parents with baby stories coming next fall? When does Stevie get married? (Jareth not in last 2 episodes)

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  16. 19 hours ago, orza said:

    Even that is way out of line because it's giving an unsolicited opinion on what he thinks she should do. Coworkers and friends should not be expressing such opinions unless the expectant mother is specifically soliciting advice about alternatives. In Daisy's case the only acceptable reaction is to express congratulations and support, like Elizabeth and the others did.


  17. If they'd keep Henry in just the fields he would know he would make more sense and be less annoying. But the way they write Henry so that he knows everything about everything. Everything is his field. He's the only one who can do everything, figure out everything and always be right, when he's wrong as you pointed out its never his fault. Look at him even after being shot and on crutches he foils a bombing. Its ridiculous. I know I really need to let this part go..........


  18. 1 hour ago, orza said:

    It was clear from the various conversations that Daisy had made her decision. In light of that it would be really inappropriate and presumptuous for anyone she works with to start talking about abortion. They may be on friendly terms and even be friends to some extent but it is way out of line for uninvolved third parties to broach the subject.


    Daisy  "I guess I always thought I might have to do it alone"

    Bess    "The best ride is just about to start; You got all of us here"

    I doubt that the abortion option ever came up in the writing of this episode. IMO.

  19. 2 hours ago, iheartET said:

    Oh I thought when Kap went to go visit and Red went to go see him, that it was at a church. My mistake, I could of been so sure it was a church. 

    I noticed things going sideways when Red went to go visit him and all their were guards outside and then Verner wanted Red and Dem killed. I don't know why Red didn't try to make things right with the man on the phone.

    Mr. Kaplan went to a warehouse location where Krilov does his memory implants. She asked to meet him for lunch to do business. Red found out from a photo that Mr. Kaplan had met with him at the restaurant. Red knew she was spilling the truth about the son after he found out she was going to meet Krilov in person. Red only agreed to meet him at his residence because he knew things between them were lost and Red had a mole inside Krilov's organization to protect him if things went sideways.  Even if Red had told him first about the son, I doubt things would have worked out between them.

  20. 4 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    And for good measure, it's even more underwhelming than the months of episodes that lead up to Berlin's confrontation with Red -- and then Red shot him and moved on. That was it.

    Exactly. This will end the same way. The same with Samar/Aram relationship. Nothing will happen because she won't let someone in her life who could make her happy.

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  21. 14 hours ago, iheartET said:

    1) The Mr. Kaplan vs Red war is getting boring. And Mr. Kaplan is acting so immature right now.

    2)Why did Red .kill the priest guy? That was a shock and unexpected.

    3) Gale and Liz would make a cute couple. I saw some chem there.

    Red did not kill a priest. The man he shot and killed was his criminal business partner Verner Von Hauser. Things went sideways between them after the man discovered from Mr. Kaplan that Red was behind the fake ransom kidnap of his son who died while under captivity.  Red never told him the truth about what happened.

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  22. 9 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    On that list of identified bodies on the tablet Dembe gave Red (while riding the train):

    -- Diane Fowler -- killed by Red in S1E13 "The Cyprus Agency"
    -- Geoff Perl -- killed by Red in S2E6 "The Mombasa Cartel"
    -- Alistair Pitt -- killed by Red in S3E13 "Alistair Pitt"
    -- Milos Kirchoff -- killed by Red in S2E8 "The Decembrist"
    -- Tiger Branson -- no idea who this is
    -- Lou Capote -- no idea who this is
    -- Hans Von Hauser -- no idea who this is
    -- Junior Wallace -- no idea who this is
    -- Everett Oldfield -- apparently the dead guy in the wall at the motel

    Tiger, Lou and Junior were all guys that Ressler tried to turn before they ended up dead (that's what he told Gale last episode) -- but no specifics what their connections to Red were.

    Hans was the son of Verner Von Hauser, the weapons dealer and smuggler. The son was kidnapped under Red's direction as a ruse in order to set up a working alliance with the criminal father, but the son was killed by the captors hired by Reddington.

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  23. 23 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

    One thing struck me...Dr. Krilov called Liz "princess." Back in Season 2, Luther Braxton also referred to Liz as "princess." Could she be heir to some important lineage that needs protecting?

    Good sleuthing.  It seems likely that the "princess" reference by him is important to the story rather than just spoken because he worked on her memory at such an early age. It still depends on the real identity of the person Liz killed during the house fire. Viewers were never told how the mother found the child at that house. Red was there when it happened. Maybe Red is protecting her because she is in line for some kind of succession in the Russian criminal world or even government.

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  24. 2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

    During Ressler's scene with Hitchens in her car, they make a specific point of showing him leaving an object (cellphone?) underneath the seat as he exits the car.  Was this a memory inserted by Dr. Krilov, or did he actually have the conversation and plant a tracker on her car?  Neither came up in the rest of the show.

    The disposal of the device was part of the memory implant regimen. Otherwise, the scene with Hitchens in the car pulling up randomly at the witness house made no sense. If Ressler did complete the mission and kill Hitchens, he could have used the device to prove that he was setup and it could be used in his defense.  Liz confronted Hitchens afterwards in her home as if her guilt over Wright was well known by the entire group.  

  25. 1 hour ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    She wants him, she doesn't want him, she doesn't want anyone else to have him.

    In the end, she wants to be 'on top' of things....

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