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Everything posted by hypnotoad

  1. Then why wasn't she shrieking at Yo who is in fact the one who brought up the general topic at the table? Also, Lisa WAS NOT QUESTIONING KIM'S SOBRIETY AT THAT TABLE. She was APOLOGIZING for sticking her nose where it didn't belong and EXPLAINING the reasons why it happened. For heavens sake, Lisa is the child? All Kim had to say was 'I understand your reasons, but I'm fine.' So simple. Furthermore, Kim is fighting back against what exactly? Concern and worry. All of these women have been concerned about her. Shoot, I've read enough on these boards about past seasons to know plenty of people here have expressed concern and worry over Kim's sobriety. Not one of them has said something mean about Kim's sobriety (or lack thereof). No one said 'wow Kim is really weak because she can't seem to actually be sober.' or 'Kim is pathetic because she's not only a drunk but now taking pills.' I will agree that Lisa should not have thrown the wine and more importantly should not have broken that glass. However, everyone ... every single one of us is capable of such actions. It's just that most of us haven't ever been pushed that far (both by Kim and let's face it Bravo). I told the story earlier about something my brother said to me and I hit him in the head. I've never ever been in a physical fight. I've never been since. But he set me off in a way I've never experienced before.
  2. I think though there's a huge difference between watching it on TV and watching it up close and personal - especially when a crazy person is screaming in your face. Plus, Eileen may have watched a few episodes but didn't see ones where fighting was going on. It is possible. Or she simply chose not to watch as to have no pre-conceived ideas going into filming. While I'm certainly tired of them talking about Kim, I do think in this case Lisa R was just trying to catch them up on what happened in the plane. Brandi is a classic bully straight up.
  3. Kim brought questions about her sobriety to the show in front of the camera. Lisa R has never mentioned nor talked about her home life. Lisa's home life hasn't ruined a party. Now had Lisa shown up to Eileen's messed up and then explained it was because of something at home? Sure then have at it. Her what now? Medical issues? Is that we're calling it now? Kim brought up her various issues over and over this season (I was in 100% pain...my knees...my pneumonia ...). If she brings it up herself, why should the others not discuss? I don't even understand where this kind of speculation comes from. Needless to say, IF it were true then Kim is even more of a monster for bringing it up in such an insensitive manner.
  4. I would have brought that shit up non-stop to whoever would listen. Not going to lie about that. Also? Lisa R didn't bring up the topic at this latest dinner as a way to confront Kim about her alleged sobriety. She was apologizing for getting in her business and explaining why it was hitting her personally. Just as when Eileen got the Richards sisters together in her failed attempt to have either act like an adult, it was all about Eileen's personal loss of her own sisters driving her. If Kim had the ability to think about someone other than herself or could stop trying to lie and deflect about her issues, she'd be able to see neither of these women are trying to hurt her per se. Both have personal experiences that they were drawing on. I don't think that's why she was quiet. She had a glimmer in her eye when it all started to go down: she was enjoying it. Later when Kim kept going? Brandi started looking a little freaked out. Completely agree. In my opinion, Kim is most certainly wrong because these people aren't against her. They are concerned for her and rightfully so. No one sat at that table and said 'we don't believe you have been sober for 3 years.' No one brought up anything about her drinking/drugs etc earlier in the season - no one questioned anything because they weren't given a reason to do so. The poker night opened that up. Even with the events of that night, no one attacked Kim. No one said disparaging things about her. They were concerned. After the table reading, those women asked her about sponsors and that sort of thing. They offered help and support. How is that being against her?!? Asking after someone who took pain pills not subscribed to her isn't being against that person. It's asking a question. Should Lisa R left it alone after the plane trip? Yes but I think she got emotional talking about her sister. Kim attacked Eileen for no reason at all! Kim doesn't like Eileen's face? No wonder. Eileen is at least 10 years older than Kim and looks at least 20 years younger than Kim! I'd generally agree with this, except in this case. Kim brought her own so called skeletons to an open forum being viewed by millions of people with her permission. Harry Hamlin has not. And if you brought up this reasonable and informative information to Kim, she would tear you a new one.
  5. I didn't hear Eileen scream one time. She said what she wanted to say to Kim's ridiculous attacks and claims - she did not shout or scream. Brandi saying something quietly is a minor miracle. And Brandi allegedly trying to get Kim to stop is hilarious to me considering she's actually the one who outed Kim's issues on camera!
  6. OMG no kidding. The looks on the other women's faces when Kim kept saying 'if I wasn't sober all this time all my friends (sweeps arms around and points at the rest of the cast) and family would have talked to me.' It looked like all of them wanted to turn invisible because NOT ONE OF THEM BELIEVES SHE'S BEEN SOBER/DRUG FREE FOR 3 YEARS! Shut up Kim! Kim hates Eileen for absolutely no reason other than Eileen won't put up with her shit and she's a successful actress who has been working since she was in her early 20's. I noticed Kim also refused to answer Lisa R's question about who told Kim who was talking about her! And finally, I don't think Lisa R should have broken that glass - it is very dangerous but sometimes you don't know what can set you off. I am very slow to anger. I mean i can be irritated or annoyed, but truly angry? It doesn't happen often. One time my brother and I were arguing during a road trip and he called me a c***. I swear to you I saw red and I punch him in the head. I have never punched anyone before or since and I've never been in a physical confrontation but that? I lost it. Lisa R lost it. She said on that Watch What Happens show that she regrets nothing from the whole season and that she owns all of it. That's more than Kim will ever do. Brandi sitting there trying to look innocent? Ugggh. Why can't this show just lose Kim and Brandi?
  7. If Kim dies because of her issues, how exactly is that Kyle's fault? I will never understand this line of reasoning. It's as though Kyle has taken a gun to Kim's head and forced her on this show, forced her in front of the cameras and then forced pills into her mouth. Kim is an adult and made the decision to join this show, she made the decision to have her life in front of camera's and she chose to take pills. She has chosen to seemingly not participate in any kind of support for her sobriety. Kyle wasn't in that limo with Kim forcing her to act messed up. Kim did that all on her own. Brandi is the one who talked about 2am calls on camera. She is the one who implied Kim may have tried to harm herself on camera. And yet somehow all of this is Kyle's fault? Or Lisa R's? Or Eileen's? I hate to admit it, but I am looking forward to Lisa R flipping out at Kim.
  8. I think that's a fair way to look at this, but I really don't believe for a second that Kim would listen even then. I mean lets be real here. Has she bothered to apologize to Eileen for her behavior during poker night? I doubt it. Kim isn't enough of a grown up to own any of her behavior, so the odds of getting a conversation out of calling her an asshole are no better than discussing her alleged sobriety. Plus, her behavior in the limo and at poker night sort of open the floor up to discussions of sobriety since everyone knows she took drugs that night! I didn't think she was baiting her at all, but rather trying to contain the situation in some way because she really had no idea what was going on. I am joining your table! I'd rather kiss him than drink from Brandi's straw. There is just no way for me to agree more. I disagree. I think for the most part the examples given were things said or done in a joking manner. I'm not against plastic surgery per se, but most of these folks have gone too far. I don't even understand why Brandi started all of that at such a young age. Eileen is older than Lisa R and Brandi and looks much much younger.
  9. She never called him an alcoholic. He chose to stop drinking because of the family issues with alcohol. And I'm not sure why that means Lisa has to stop drinking since she isn't the one with a family history of issues with alcohol.
  10. I'm there with you for both Kim and Brandi. Loved Brandi's version of her talk with Lisa R: Lisa totally tossed you under the bus Kim ... not me. I defended you!!! Shut up Brandi. Kim and her yelling at Lisa R, her being snotty to Kyle about her luggage: the woman is ridiculous. I did enjoy the scavenger hunt. Except for Kim's whining, whining, whining. Lisa didn't say that at all. She said he chose to stop drinking because of his brothers. How so? What did she do to Kim in this episode that was disgusting or bad? Kim was acting like a complete nutter as usual. Kyle mostly just reacted.
  11. RunTheTable I want to marry you and your post (or would you prefer a bullet of love Sonny C style?) This junk with Eric is beyond stupid. Just as some folks were saying that no matter how biased the writing was they couldn't get behind the Ridge/Caroline thing? Well I feel the same about this current round of nonsense. No matter how hard the writers push it, I will never think Rick's actions were right or acceptable. Be mad at Caroline? Sure, that's earned. Treat Aly like a servant? Shut up Rick and Maya. I realize it's all to push Ridge to the Spencer plot, but there are a lot of more subtle ways to do it. This is so heavy handed. Also? Why does Maya continue to say things like 'we will remember your loyalty' or whatever it was to the guy telling Rick about the meeting the staff was having with Eric. Maya you aren't in charge of anything! I seriously want her smug to be taken down a lot of pegs. So so so tired of her. Rick's fake nice guy routine annoyed me too. When is Steffy out of here? I used to prefer her to Hope, but have to admit Ivy has kind of grown on me. Me too - it's really unfair. If I have to watch chemistry free (in my opinion) Rick and Maya rolling around, at least give me some Ridge and Caroline scenes!
  12. One of the few pairings on this show that actually works and of course we never see them. But we see this kiddie crap constantly. Awesome.
  13. I think there is a huge difference between kids having crushes and a kid spouting lines about how a girl is the love of his life.
  14. I think though that once an argument probably starts going, it's easy to forget the cameras and so forth because you're arguing! But yeah generally I'm sure there's a lot of directing going on. I'd have to think for Eileen and Lisa R the cameras being right there probably isn't that big a deal because they've been acting for years. I would also tend to think over time, you get used to it and sort of learn to get past the cameras and people being around.
  15. I agree. Certainly it isn't my taste, but I appreciate that it feels like a real home. Some of the other homes seem more like places to look at rather than places to live. It seems like Eileen has been in this home a while and people collect stuff. Shoot when I was in the Army living in a barracks room, I still manage to collect a lot of crap I had to move when I got an apartment!
  16. Eileen probably told them the reading would not include any alcohol!
  17. Soaps certainly are dying, but they aren't dead. Y&R is the number 1 soap and my guess is, it will hang around for quite a while longer. I don't get the 2nd thing here because she's already working. I've seen stuff like this referenced on this board a number of times and I don't quite get where it's coming from. I haven't read any interviews saying they are broke, so what the heck? Sure perhaps the demographics aren't the best for these type stories, but I've enjoyed Kim during these moments. I generally am not all that interested in Kim, but when she tosses off a story like this about Bette Davis and the one earlier in the season about tennis at Charlton Heston's, she briefly owns me.
  18. The only thing shown was the scavenger hunt. Would it surprise you at all to learn that Eileen and Kim end up on a team and so do Kyle and Brandi? I didn't think so, but hey allegedly those names were randomly drawn! Oh and would it further surprise you to learn that Kim was whining about her knee being sore and so forth? I didn't think so ...
  19. It's Eileen's fault for having drinks at a poker party? She's at fault because adults didn't control their own drinking?!? Besides, Brandi was already drunk so I'm not sure how that's Eileen's fault and Kim took pills beforehand too. Yolanda had the ladies to a party with drinks and Brandi once again acted like a fool and said nasty stuff. Is that Yolanda's fault for serving alcohol? In this most current episode, Brandi was again deflecting blame for actions (I accidentally got wine in Eileen's face). Come on. Brandi didn't act out at Lisa V's party I will grant that. However, that's only because she was participating in that purge thing (or whatever) with Yolanda. Otherwise had she been drinking at the party and acting like she usually does, that would have been Ken's fault because he dare serve adult beverages to adults? I wonder when this behavior becomes the fault of Brandi and Kim?
  20. The woman has roles on 2 soaps, I'm not sure how badly she needs this nonsense. I think I would have been plenty scared about Kim's behavior. Not because I would think she could cause me harm but rather because I'd be wondering what she took or drank. Or maybe wondering if she had a breakdown of some kind. I think I would be afraid for Kim and perhaps that's what Lisa R means. During one of Eileen's very first get togethers with the other wives, she got wine tossed into her face. Her first party for the housewives? She had Kim and Brandi drunk and/or high. How is one not supposed to be snarky about that? Lisa R was at the table for wine toss and stuck in a limo with crazy Kim. I saw a lot of complaining at the beginning of the season about the family stuff etc. So now we're in the storyline Bravo decided to tell. I don't believe these women talk about nothing but Kim/Brandi, but I know Bravo edits it that way.
  21. Brandi honest? Yeah sorry but in my opinion those two things do not go together. Brandi doesn't even know what being honest is! Honest to a fault?!? She just lied about throwing wine in Eileen's face in the last episode! I wonder if either Brandi or Kim apologized for poker night. Somehow I doubt it. And how easy would that be especially for Kim? It would probably help in getting Eileen and Lisa R to back off a bit (which is what Kim wants).
  22. There is absolutely zero chance Brandi is willingly leaving this show. Give me a break. She has nothing else and since she no talent - she'll be here until the bitter end ... unless the show cuts bait.
  23. In this last episode she told Kathy Hilton that she 'accidentally' tossed wine in Eileen's face. How is that not a lie?
  24. As far as this viewer is concerned, I'd rather watch Lisa V reuniting with her dog and his new wife again than this Kim/Brandi bullshit.
  25. I think you answered your own question there. I think Bravo is choosing not to show other conversations precisely because the folks in charge have picked this 'story.' The beginning of the season was about other stuff. We saw Lisa R with her kids and the stuff with her parents. We saw Eileen at work, working out, in the garden with hubby. We saw Lisa V and Kyle with family and pets. And now here we are: Kim's issues 24-7.
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