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Everything posted by MichaelaRae

  1. Maggie ain't playin', yo. I love it. And while in real life, I lean way more toward the Jesus (character) route, we're clearly WAY past that, so shut the fuck up, Jesus.
  2. Oh sure, try to reform Eugene, writers. But I AM NOT PERSUADED. DIAF, EUGENE.
  3. Carl is in the sewer. Everyone else got out. Presumably Judith was on the convoy. Rescued baby went to the Kingdom.
  4. Whew, for a minute, I thought they killed Jerry. I was ready to riot. They are demanding the Hilltop produce Ezekiel.
  5. I caught a glimpse of Daryl in the first one, so I assume we are supposed to root for the trucks. (Though given that Daryl and Tara's plan-what-plan? cowboy bullshit caused part of this, I'm not sure if I'm rooting or not.)
  6. Well, I assume it's taken a while for Neegan to get out after the Tara/Daryl go-off-on-your-own-plan fiasco.
  7. So if Tara and Daryl had followed the damn plan, they wouldn't have gotten out and gotten to Alexandria? Is this my takeaway?
  8. It's always so interesting to watch when the purists start to eat their own.
  9. They host at the TTH because they know half the reason their guests are interested in them - even among the fundy set - is to get a chance to gawk at the whole zoo. You don't go to the zoo and JUST visit the sloth cage. (And yeah, pun intended.)
  10. Given that I didn't understand a lot of the plan for a few episodes at the beginning of the season - and with the exception of the Kingdom being mowed down, which does happen to be a thing that happens during war, the plan seems to have largely worked so far IMO - I'm willing to believe that Rick getting captured by the Garbage Pail Kids is exactly what he expected and part of the plan. (Obviously, I could be wrong, but so far this season things have been revealed in retrospect.) When Jadis said "Talks too much" about Rick, my immediate thought was "And yet you'll willingly choose NEGAN? For reals???" Michonne and Rosita being so self-indulgent as to need to "see" Sanctuary for themselves (an understandable human emotion but WAY TOO SELFISH for this universe) was almost entirely rectified by seeing a Savior being blown up by a rocket launcher before he could begin monologuing. I cheered. I also cheered when Maggie threw Gregory in the prison. Well played, chica. I want Saddiq to be good. I really do. We could use a few more good guys. And I continue to be amazed that over the last couple of seasons, Carl has gone for me from The Little Shithead Serial Killer Who Won't Stay Where He's Told and Can't He Fucking DIE Already? to a young man I actually root for.
  11. Well, Derick, since you're so obsessed with God's plans for people's genitals, I know you'll appreciate this: Buh. Bye. And may the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
  12. I understand where you're coming from but it's the double standard....when they aren't pregnant, they're all about the loose fitting clothes and double layer shirts that disguise every possible female curve. But then suddenly, the minute you're knocked up, the standard changes...You can't look at the various photos of the Dugger girls pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy and NOT see that the rules change?? THAT'S the problem.
  13. I think Jeremy likes himself an awful lot...BUT I'm also not surprised he's the subject of most of the couple's Instagram photos, as it's been known for years that JInger loves photography and she is presumably the person behind the camera most of the time.
  14. I liked Shiva SO MUCH but I admit, at the beginning of the episode, I was like "Oh, close-ups are NOT a CGI tiger's friend." And I'm not ashamed to admit that when she went down in a swarm of zombies after saving her human, I cried. Because yes, it's a fake tiger, but it's also a fake Ezekiel and fake Carol and fake Jerry and a fake entire universe, and I am not made of STONE.
  15. I actually texted that to my mother and sister during the episode - because I saw a dead body in the post-Kingdomassacre that looked Jerryesque. I was ready to riot. Jerry and Flipper Cal have been added to my they-aren't-main-characters-but-I'm-fond-enough-of-them-to-riot list.
  16. It's been a couple of months since the wedding, right? (Who can remember, they're forgettable, bless 'em.) Shouldn't we be getting a new Army for Jesus recruit announcement soon?
  17. Maybe the baby is surprise guest #3. "Y'all just LEFT me there, assholes???"
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