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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. While the stories young Robin was in were pretty out there, they gave her a relate able kid part to play, in that her role was usually being protected by the adults, being scared when something bad happened, and worrying about mom and dad getting along.

    Robin and Lucky were both wise beyond their years, but for the most part their role was to be the kid everyone worried about while the adults were doing dangerous things.

    • Love 4
  2. This is the episode where Robert finds out Robin's his kid.  


    Several things about this just kill me:


    - The phone is bigger than Robin's head.

    -  When Robert sees Anna and Robin together he just knows.  Later he says to Anna "tell me I'm right" -- he wants Robin to be his kid so bad!  Aww.   

    - Anna twirling Robin around makes my cold, shriveled heart melt.  

    - Anna's little looks of nervousness about how Robert might react are well done.  


    • Love 5
  3. Even without the blackmail / record contract stuff ... Jeff giving a 14-year-old girl a pearl necklace would still have been super creepy.  


    I get that Jeff was claiming only one parent has to ratify a minor's contract.  But how was Teddy ratifying anything for Maddie when she had no idea?! 


    I loved Rayna taking charge of the situation - man, I really like Single Boss Lady Rayna, can we keep her for a while?


    Luke was likable this episode, and Juliette annoyed me.  What world am I living in?!


    Yikes, poor Sadie.  And poor Deacon.  And Scarlett.  And Layla.  And Maddie (even though she has no idea about her father yet).  Even Teddy.  Really, I just felt bad for a lot of characters this episode ...   

    • Love 2
  4. AJ was always well liked by the audience. The two actors who played him were better than Steve Burton and the writing by leaps and bounds.

    The AJ history as I recall is AJ is the only biological child of Monica and Alan. He thought it was Jeff Webber's kid, but it was Alan's. Alan later had an affair with Susan Moore, hi Jason. Monica hated Jason as a kid till he was a toddler. Jason and AJ went to boarding school. They came back as bad boy AJ played by Sean Kanan and good guy Jason who wore Christmas sweaters. Jason dated Karen Wexler, fellow pre med student. AJ dated some girl named Nikki. AJ was a business major whom Edward was pushing as the next head of ELQ. It stressed him out. AJ boxed for fun on the side with Jagger. He actually beat up Jagger for stealing Karen from Jason. They were that close. Brenda lived with them. They saw the mess Sonny did to Karen and everyone warned Brenda away. Something happened, AJ started being an alcoholic suddenly. He went driving, Jason jumped in the car. Boom, Jason Morgan.



    Monica tried to pass AJ off as Rick Webber's kid for a while, actually.  She had cheated on Alan with Rick, tried to hide it, but when Alan found out and went nuts about it, Monica wanted to leave him for Rick and told everyone the baby was Rick's for a while.  


    I remember the Nikki Langton thing, for some weird reason.  She was the daughter of some guy Monica had known way, way before coming to PC ... might have been the same guy who sired poor, dead Dawn with Monica, but Nikki was only Dawn's half sister and not Monica's kid.  Anyway, said father of Nikki ended up in the hospital, Monica operated on him and he died, and then Nikki was trying to sue Monica for malpractice or something.  When her lawsuit fell apart, she somehow got involved with AJ.  He had been a completely bratty rich teen, but really did fall for her.  They were engaged, but Alan paid her off to leave town, because he believed Nikki was using AJ to still get back at Monica, and was just otherwise a bitch.  AJ tried to carbon monoxide himself in the garage after that.  I think Alan was the one to save him.  


    AJ and Jason both got SORASed by a good 5-7 years when they reappeared from their offscreen boarding school in the early 90s.   

    • Love 1
  5. Oh wow, lookie, Jason has brain surgery for the 48595059 time while his sycophants worry whether he will make it through or not.

    Such a new and exciting sweeps story.

    This is how they'll realize it's Jason -- they'll poke around in his brain and realize it's all scar tissue. "Wait a second, the only guy in the world to have had this much brain surgery is - Omg, it's Jason!"

    • Love 4
  6. I was glad Will and Jeff did what they could to help Layla. Although I suppose it was the least they could do for her!

    The chair thing with Avery and Juliette was sweet.

    I liked the lady at the gun shop being nice to Sadie.

    Oh Rayna. I feel bad for you ... kinda ... but you have got to burn that ugly shirt.

    Yikes, poor Deacon!

    Good riddance Luke! But I did kind of like the song he sang at the party.

  7. I was wondering when Jeff was finally going to pull the blackmail card on Teddy. Oh Teddy, you big dumbass.

    The Sadie story is starting to interest me. Sadly I assume her story will get more upsetting before it gets better.

    Thank God Micah's grandparents stopped being asses to Gunnar. I couldn't take much more of that crap from them, especially considering what a peach their own daughter turned out to be.

    Oh, Beverly, you self-absorbed monster. Yes, your family only wants you for an organ when you act like this. Deal with it. (Not to say she was obligated to say yes or didn't have a right to be scared about the surgery or even mad that Deacon did this to himself with his drinking. But really? No concern at all that her brother could die? No concern that her fragile daughter might lose a beloved uncle? Just "me me me"? Oh, she just sucks.)

    I guess Maddie's gonna have to cough up part of a liver now. You know it's coming. Teddy and Rayna will spend the rest of the season fighting over whether she is old enough to sing professionally v. agree to donate 2/3 of her liver to Deacon.

    • Love 2
  8. GH just won the best daytime drama writing award at the Writer's Guild Awards. If you all thought Ron was already insufferable he's going to be about a thousand times worse now.

    What?! How? Why? The writing on this show patently makes no sense. The stories right now are dumb dumb dumb and unpleasant even though I suspect we are supposed to find it all "fun." I can't even ... What?!

    Either someone got paid off somewhere or the other shows are REALLY bad right now. Ugh.

    • Love 2
  9. To add a bit of context, AJs alcoholism started because of family issues. However, Carly really contributed to AJs issues in a lot of ways:

    - befriending and sleeping with AJ at a time when he was sober ... then making AJ think he'd fallen off the wagon and blacked out so her infidelity to Tony wouldn't be found out. (Basically, gas lighting the guy).

    - passing AJs kid off as Tonys, then Jason's. Not because of AJ but because she wanted to be with Tony and then because she knew her crazy antics (her lying and schemes since coming to PC) would cause the Qs to seek custody of Michael.

    - causing an even bigger rift between AJ and Jason when she lied to the Qs, claiming Jason had been violent and scary to her ... thus worming her way into the Qs home.

    - marrying AJ when her plan was always to screw him over in the end (he was planning to screw her over, too, to be fair). But both parties are responsible for not just saying "let's do joint custody like sane, normal people" it wasn't all on AJ.

    - sleeping with Sonny while married to AJ because of her jealousy over Jason and Liz.

    - teaming up with Sonny to screw AJ over and cut him off from Michael.

    - claiming AJ pushed her down the stairs when that's not what happened.

    AJ certainly was no saint, and the Qs did give him a lot of insecurity issues. But Carly didn't get trapped by AJ into anything, her own manipulation a got her into this mess. I can't speak to what happened before AJs first death, because I wasn't watching at that time. But Sonny ultimately murdered him, which kinda trumps everything.

    I do get that Sonny had reasons for turning out the way he did and some sympathetic aspects. A long time ago. But I still choose the Qs over him any day of the week.

    • Love 9
  10. If I'm being generous to Becca, I'll say she's just severely overthinking everything because she's freaked out by the fact that she's changing what for her is the past. And she sees this as some huge responsibility.

    I could kinda see her thinking she should "sacrifice" her relationship with Andy because she told God she would do anything for him to be ok. Highly stupid, but still.

    However, WHY is she sniffing around after Sean again? Are there not other men in the world besides these two guys? And why is idiot Sean going for it? Paige should tell all these people to get lost at this point, since Sean blew her off for Becca's freak out.

    What might help me is if we got some flash forwards of how Becca and Sean's marriage fell apart. Right now, the time travel is becoming a non issue because Becca's just acting like an idiot, without much context.

    • Love 1
  11. Yes, the Qs did some toxic, completely messed up things over the years. And Michael probably would have ended up with weird emotional issues growing up with them.

    But. At least half of his weird issues would STILL have been because his Carly is a self-absorbed freak who is constantly stirring the pot and trying to control every situation.

    And he still would have been way less messed up than he has been because of Sonny.

    At least the Q dysfunction was interesting and varied. Sonny does the same damn things over and over and over. (Usually, shooting people). It's mind numbing.

    • Love 3
  12. The Mai tais are fantastic. And of course you can take your drinks into the 80s Viewing Party theater, and the cyber cafe where you can hate-read about the current episodes of the show you can't being yourself to watch.

    Also there's a champagne fountain like the one in Mikkos Cassadine's Ice Princess lair. :)

    • Love 1
  13. On the Scotty v. Luke front: yes, Scott considered Luke a nice guy, before he knew that Luke was Laura's rapist and just thought Luke was Laura's boss at the disco. In fact, Scott was always asking Luke to give Laura a ride home after the rape, which was messed up. Now, in the context of the story and society at the time, it kinda made sense that Laura was afraid to tell Scott and thought nobody would believe her (acquaintance rape was not widely understood as a thing at that time). Also, she had a misguided sense of not wanting to ruin Luke's life, having already liked him as a friend before the rape.

    The huge problem with the story, when L and L became a love story, was that it reinforced every horrible false myth about rape: that rape can "just happen" if you're a drunk, upset guy, and you just really love the girl and couldn't help yourself, and hey, it doesn't really count as rape if she forgives you and likes you back, right? It ended up adding to all the other fucked up "romances" in pop culture, from Rhett dragging Scarlett up the stairs to the The Fountainhead.

    Anyway, because of how long the secret was kept and the way Scott learned the truth, he assumed the rape was a lie, that it was an affair, and he turned into a very bitter, jaded guy. His dad and friend Brian lost patience with him because instead of focusing on his own life, he wasted time playing malicious pranks on L and L for a while. I kinda get why he couldn't move on for so long, and was pissed at the whole town fawning over L and L after the Ice Princess thing.

    However, Scotty really should not still give a crap about any of this. (And he didn't, back in the good old days with Dominique and a version of Lucy I didn't want to punch in the face!)

    • Love 6
  14. I wasn't born yet but I've went back and watched some stuff. Scotty seemed pretty naive back then. I also orginally thought that scotty hated Luke from the start so I was kinda shocked in the clips that scotty seemed to actually like him lol.

    I also thought it was ridclous the way that his father and bestfriend turned on him when he came back to town in 81 all for Luke.

    Taking my deep thoughts on this to the history thread ...

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