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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. Just in case you thought only current GH had ridiculous dialogue, here's this dramatic exchange from a 1981 episode, delivered by the actors with complete soap opera seriousness:


    Ruby: You mean she's still totally blind?

    Day player Doctor:  Well, she has no vision. In either eye.


    * Dead.  It was like a Dr. Drake Remoray line ...

    • Love 5
  2. I think I'm going to be on the barge for a while. I'll keep up with the show here because I cannot bring myself to watch it anymore. 


    Join us ... join us ....


    On the Emma front - I really have no issue with soap kids being talked about and rarely seen or heard most of the time, with flimsy excuses about sleepovers and summer camp.  Tiny Robin and Young Lucky were the best of the soap kids, as far as I can remember, but even they got to be cloying at times.  


    IMO, Patrick not being on screen with Emma that much is the least of the problems with this show, and the least of the problems with how shittily they write his character these days.  

    • Love 2
  3. Wasnt there supposed to be some big casting announcement today?


    Unless it's Genie, Kim, JJ, Tristan, Sarah, or Tamara, then IDGAF!


    Yeah, unless the announcement is that TR is coming back and it's revealed that this entire time he and Anna have been worrying about and looking for Robin offscreen (where all the good stuff happens) .... and it's revealed that Patrick has been brainwashed to be stupid this whole time ... and Robert puts an end to this Fluke insanity ...


    IDGAF at this point.    Show is ruined for me until all of this is rectified ...

    • Love 3
  4. Bartender for Carly.

    Would you rather watch Jasam reunite and use the figurines/happy meal toys as sex toys OR watch Sonny and Carly get freaky in a Burger King bathroom*?

    Blindness is not an option.

    * A bright shiny dime if you get the reference

  5. Randomly good "filler" episode aired on December 9, 1981.  No big plots moved forward, but it had some brilliant stuff in it.


    Great Bobbie episode.  Bobbie comforts and gets very emotional over a prostitute who comes to the ER, having been badly beaten by a sicko customer.  It's implied that poor Bobbie probably had at least one similar experience back in the day.  And then she has a heart to heart with Noah about her past.  


    Edward behaves like a sexist buffoon over the fact that Lila has gotten control of ELQ, and he has some great scenes bantering with Alan.  At one point Stuart Damon just gets completely lost in his line and bursts out laughing, but he just soldiers on through the scene.  He's adorable.  


    Then Monica and Lila show up, and the four of them are just so fun together.  Then Lila reveals that she is introducing computers to ELQ's offices.  Technology, y'all!!  

    • Love 1
  6. If on todays episode I look like I was attacked by a rabid tic, it is because I went to see a dermatologist who should remain nameless, to zap a brown spot on my face. He told me how great my skin was for my age. I was flattered. He then told me my face was falling. Next thing I knew I was being shot up with a quart of Botox. 3k later, I left looking like Joan Rivers... after she died. Going into work the next day was filled with shits and giggles. ...



    Ok, great, well thanks for all those details, NLG ...    O_o



    can a soap opera jump the shark ??


    Apparently yes!

    • Love 1
  7. Bruh. When Micheal kept calling Sonny "my father", I wanted to have a Tyra Banks moment and just yell at the tv, like "We were rooting for you! We were all rooting for you!" 


    Incidentally, this is also how I've felt about the two post-Guza writers for this show ... with this exact same scene of Tyra Banks in my head, lol.


    The mai tais are tasty here on the Barge and I have old clips of GH to keep me company ... finally just found out who killed Diana Taylor -- that only took all of 1981 to reveal, apparently!   And that was a story using the old struggle-over-the-gun-it-accidentally-goes-off technique, so that it's actually palatable to the audience when the characters who kill don't go to the big house for a long time.  


    Instead of this "yes, it was murder, but now we've contrived something ridiculous to get Sonny off the hook for stupid reasons" stuff.   I always assumed it would end this way, but I thought they might have the decency to keep Sonny in jail for at least half a year or something.  Good grief. 


    Because she's in love with him, or the glory times he represents. Luke and the sad pathetic remnant of their feud is the only thing that Helena's lived for probably since Stefan died.



    Give it up, Helena.  Just let yourself die.  But free Robin first, you stupid old witch.  Gah.  

    • Love 7
  8. Man, Brenda and Jason were little pieces of crap in high school/freshman year of college, weren't they? I get that they didn't know about the molestation and were weirded out that Karen started stripping. But none of that excuses them ever calling her a slut or making comments about her mother.

    And don't get me started on Brenda's planting naked pics of Karen all over high school. In the flashbacks in that scene, she throws it in Karen's face and still pretends she didn't do it!

    I never forgave Brenda for that stunt, actually.

    • Love 2
  9. That halftime show was ... I don't even know. I'm slightly disappointed that the cartoony sharks and beach balls didn't dance to "Get Your Freak On."

    I tried to be sociable at the Super Bowl party I went to, but I'm afraid my completely not caring about the game shone through. After watching the halftime show to mock it, I was out of there LOL.

    • Love 1
  10. The actual abuse was backstory, but we saw Ray on the show. I think it was that Karen had repressed the memories and when he showed up is when she started to flash back to it, the resulting spiral sent her into Sonny's bed and strip club. Ray ended up the victim in a whodunnit. I think his killer was Rhonda, Karen's mother.

    I actually think Alan might've killed Ray, because Alan was having an affair with Rhonda and Ray tried to attack her and Alan came to her rescue or something.

    Good grief why do I remember that?!

  11. Thompson and Paevy on Greys - that show is already on it's last legs, anyway.


    How do you want to die: (a) freezing in the Cassadine weather machine; (b) going boom in a black limo like Lily; or © jumping off of a roof after Heather injects you with LSD and you go apeshit with the hallucinations.


    Death is not an option!  Oh, wait, yes it is ...

  12. Groove is in the Heart is actually 1989/1990-ish, so it struck me as a bit off.


    Yeah, but I think it still got played a lot for at least the first half of the '90s.  


    I love that Spacehog song, so I'm pleased it's the theme song!

  13. Remember when Luke was an actual character, and not a constantly shifting mess of brooding petulance, drinking, split personalities and stupid accents?  Yeah, me either, it's been so long.


    Luke was always shout-y and petulant and had a mix of arrogance / chip on his shoulder about having had a crappy, poverty-stricken childhood.  He's never been my favorite.  He did have his moments, though.  And in the '80s and '90s stories, even when I don't like what he's doing, I mostly find him interesting.  TG sometimes overacted too much for my taste, and I think he's somewhat overrated -- but when he got it right, he could really knock it out of the park.  


    TG's particular brand of energy worked for the adventure stories in the '80s, which did give Luke the opportunity to be a reluctant hero, and to show concern for others.  Of course, being the big hero after saving Port Charles in the Ice Princess storyline makes him a bit insufferable, with everyone talking him up like he did it all by his lonesome.  But at times the show did allow Luke to look foolish, be wrong, appear vulnerable, and to have to be rescued by Robert or others.  


    One of the funniest / dumbest things Luke ever did was - after getting temporarily paralyzed in an avalanche in '83 - refuse to come home or let anyone know he was okay until he knew he could walk again.  I guess it didn't occur to him that everyone would assume he was dead?  And then he gets all bent out of shape when Robert and Holly bond in their grief over him - and fall in love.  He eventually accepts that he's lost Holly to Robert and that he doesn't have a right to hold a grudge - but it sure takes him a while: 


    Luke: How could you fall in love behind my back!  Holly is miiiiinnne!

    Robert:  We thought you were dead!

    Luke:  BETRAYAL!

    Holly:  Ok, but you let us think you were dead! 

    Luke: The hell with both of you terrible friends, I will run for mayor now so I can be elected mayor and then fire Robert as police commissioner!  Also, I won't tell Robert information he really needs about something I stumbled across that the WSB is urgently looking for.  SO THERE! 

    Robert and Holly:  Wow.  Are you just not listening to us, or understanding logic, or ... seriously?


    So grouchy, irrational, selfish Luke was always there underneath the surface.


    In the '90s it seemed like Luke could get restless - and was far too impressed with Sonny for no reason I could see - but still wanted to be with Laura and loved his kids and could still be a good friend.  I guess we're supposed to think that the stuff with the Cassadines returning to PC, and Lucky finding out about the rape, Lucky's presumed death, and then Laura's fall into insanity (a terrible storyline that I've read about and am glad I missed), all added up and turned Luke into a bitter, cynical, guy.  Which I get, but does not make for a fun show or character.   


    GH becoming increasingly "dark" throughout the 2000s really bled a lot of life out of a many of the characters, Luke being a prime example of that.  The Luke / Tracy relationship could have been a lot more interesting if it wasn't almost always about Tracy being played for a fool.  They never should have gone so far as to have Luke actually accidentally kill his own grandson.  Maybe if Jake had just been seriously hurt, that would have made whatever point the show was going for, without turning poor Lucky into a mess and destroying the father / son relationship completely.    


    If nothing else, Luke is kind of a good barometer for the tone of the show.   Now that (in my view) the whole show has gone completely off the rails with perverse, convoluted plot lines that make no sense and dispense with any kind of focus on character development .... well, what better example of that than Fluke!

    • Love 3
  14. I hate Luke and I hate the propping he gets at all times.


    Sonny has yet to rape someone who then calls him the love of their life. 


    Well, give it time.   Sonny's done every other heinous thing in the book, including murdering innocents, so he's almost run out of other story lines ...  


    I'm not sure if it's better or worse, now that the show seems to have finally acknowledged that Sonny is an unmitigated asshole.   Port Charles is still stuck with him and he's not even following any damn "code" anymore!


    For the record, I loathe both Sonny and Luke.  Both had their moments of having a heart and trying to be likable (I'd wager Luke had far more of them), but ever since the early '00s, for both characters it's been like "yeah, we're jackasses.  And?"   


    I'll take my deep thoughts on Luke to the Spencer thread ...

    • Love 6
  15. OMG, the corpse.  Obviously.   (which person smells like candy??  LOL.   I must have missed this reference in all my hatewatching-via-snarky-forums-while-mostly-being-on-the-Barge.)


    Which would you rather see:  (a) Helena get eaten by a polar bear while wearing that white fur get-up; (b) Faison fall into a well and die while being forced to listen to Alanis Morisette's "Isn't It Ironic?"

  16. This whole Pat business is making the story unnecessarily convoluted.  At least Bill Eckert is a character that actually was onscreen and had actual story lines.  Not story lines most of us cared about, but still ...



    ETA:  If it's Bill, shouldn't he be a complete skeleton now?  He's still pretty ... fleshy.   

    • Love 2
  17. Now there's a show I would be willing to tune in for happily. Maybe Lucky and Robin could give it a go for the heck of it.


    Yeeees!  And Laura would be psyched because she's possibly getting an awesome new daughter-in-law out of the deal.   

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