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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. I kinda like that Dr. O talks to and about characters like the idiots they are.

    Even if she has a point sometimes about another person's failings, I just can't with her. I think she's a freakish POS who belongs in jail or a padded cell, and I don't think she has any right to insult anyone.

    Besides which, she's been pathetically pining over Faison for forever, a complete whack job with terrible hair who's obsessed with another woman.

    • Love 11
  2. I think they were friendly, as cousins. But I think Bobbie was preoccupied with a lot of drama surrounding baby Lucas at that time.

    That joke conversation between Sonny and Brenda kills me.

    I could see Brenda going back to Sonny after returning from presumed death. Wasn't she all messed up because she thought she'd inherited her mothers genetic insanity or some damn thing, and her mom had tried to kill her ... but she came back alive in the early 2000s with some guy... ???

    Honestly, all I remember is that Brenda's exit story in the 90s was crappy and her return made even less sense. And she's been emotionally damaged ever since.

    • Love 1
  3. Yeah, but if you confess to a murder, you still sit in jail while the cops check it out. The cops don't just say "nah, let us think about it first. We'll come get you later."

    Of course, all of this is fucked up, because where is the court system in all of this? Julian wouldn't just go right into the general prison system, he'd be held for a hearing of some sort and there'd be later proceedings for either a trial or to accept a guilty plea.

    • Love 3
  4. I feel like I lose braincells watching this show but I still subject myself to it.

    I need an intervention. Someone convince me that it's better on the barge.

    Oh, it's so good on the Barge. Especially for one's blood pressure...

    I just know Nina and Heather bonding in the nuthouse will be a rip off of Janet and Kendall on AMC. Isn't one of the actresses the same, even?

  5. Anne wasn't mocked in the early 80s, but Jeff did get frustrated and sleep with Diana at one point. But mostly people respected her beliefs.

    Of course, Anne was still dating a married man, since Jeff couldn't get a divorce from Heather while she was in the asylum and deemed incompetent. Not sure where that falls on the morality scale, since she was at least kissing a married man and cheering for his imminent divorce, even before everyone realized a mostly sane and competent Heather was still a bad Heather.

    The emphasis on Jenny's virginity was pointless. Actually, Jenny was just pointless. Well, not pointless, but I never bought that Paul and Ned would be so into her.

  6. I watched a bunch of the '83 stuff a few years back. Now that I'm watching the stuff from '81, it's so funny to see the change in Susan over time.

    In '81, Alan and Susan are nauseatingly sappy with each other in their love affair. By '83, she just straight up hates all the Qs and blackmails them. I guess when I watch the '82 episodes, I'll see Alan choose Monica and piss off Susan, lol. Can't wait to see how she ends up married to Scotty!

  7. I loved old school Heather she was so entertaining where are you at in the clips?


    I'm at early September 1981:  


    - Heather was arrested, then released when the gun she had didn't match the bullet in Diana ... but everyone still suspects her.  Joe is all conflicted 'cause he's attracted to her, but also working the murder case.  


    - Robert (with help from Tiffany) just snuck into the Cassadines' underground lair, to destroy the weather machine.  Luke and Laura realize he ditched them in the jungle for their own safety, to do the mission alone ... they're not happy about it.   


    - Everyone in the Cassadines' lair has conflicting agendas and Mikkos has bugged everyone's room.  


    - The residents of Port Charles are annoyed that it's blizzarding in September ... but they just think it's a weird fluke.  Only the WSB knows what's really going on, because Mikkos is making crazy demands to them and using that "average little city" of PC as an example of the damage he can do.


    - Lesley and Rick bond and fall back in love while trying to find Laura.


    - Monica has hired a PI to get proof that Alan knocked up Susan.  (I think the PI has a crush on Monica, and I hope I'm right!)


    - A bunch of stuff with the mob trying to kill Hutch in prison.  Which ... eh.  He murdered other people before deciding not to carry out the hit on Luke and Laura and turning state's evidence, so my sympathy is limited. 

    • Love 1
  8. If that's the case, then all it has lead to is a pair of VERY shitty parents who clearly give zero fucks about their youngest daughter (and maybe even their offscreen oldest daughter) and everything she's been through (and I'm saying this as someone who's not really a Liz fan at all).



    This isn't necessarily out of character, for Jeff at least.  He was kind of a selfish ass.  He slept with Diana while still married to Heather (who was in mental hospital at the time), and also while he was dating Anne.  Jeff later takes off with toddler Steven Lars to avoid Heather.   He tells Anne they'll be together soon ... but within a matter of months he's fallen for some lady offscreen, blown off Anne (who is still being harassed by Heather because of Jeff), and written to Heather to let her know he wants a divorce and full custody.  The guy just moves on, it's what he does.


    Of course, Heather was a real piece of work.  Where I'm at in the 1981 episodes, Heather is all: "Ok, so I was in Diana's apartment the night she was murdered, and I admit I really, really wanted to kill her and planned to, and I remember framing Anne for the murder ... but I blacked out and don't remember actually killing Diana, so I'm probably innocent, and why won't anybody give me a chaaaaaannce?!  Why won't anybody belieeeeeve me?"    


    There's a funny scene where she goes to see a lawyer to fight for custody (while still a murder suspect), and after hearing Heather out, the woman is like "um, no, your story is nuts and I'm not representing you."  

  9. I don't recall Bill ever being abusive to Sly. They had a good relationship when they first came on (really, much like Luke and Lucky's early close relationship). Sly really liked Julia when she dated Bill and didn't like it when Bill dumped her for Holly.

    Bill lost his way out of greed, and may have started spending less time with Sly or getting irritable (around the time Holly skipped town with all his money). But I don't think he was abusive. And then he died and Sly was very sad.

  10. Seriously, though, with the kidnapping epidemic on this show. Luke, Robin, Ava, Carly, Lulu, and probably others getting serially kidnapped. Duke in prison for eons. Even Faison in a hole (he deserved it, though).

    OMG, you guys, I figured it out! The writers are being held captive and this madness is all a cry for help!!

    • Love 14
  11. My impression was Elm Street was in PC, then when Luke and Bobbie's mom died and dad abandoned them, they moved to Florida to live with Ruby in her Florida brothel. Then Bobbie came back to be a nurse? And everyone eventually followed? I probably have that wrong.

    I refuse to even think about what's happening to the real Luke right now. What is the writers' sick fascination with kidnapping and people being held in captivity for ungodly amounts of time? It's so so gross.

    • Love 4
  12. As deeply awkward and often cringeworthy as I find him on this show, I love Ian Buchanan to death and think with better writing and a better production schedule he would shine as he has on many soaps in the past. I had such hopes for his return. And I adored him on TP. I do hope they call him for that - they have called just about everyone else to come back, and Ian did star on David Lynch and Mark Frost's follow-up sitcom, On the Air.

    I like IB a ton, too. The problem is that Duke as a character worked beautifully within his time frame but should never have come back from the dead.

    He just plain doesn't work now. He's one of the few characters I would say died at the right time. What he's turned into now is awful.

    And I see my hopes of Robert swooping into this mess and helping Anna find her brain and rescuing Robin have been dashed. Staying on the Barge forever at this rate ...

    • Love 3
  13. "This is what GH fans were waiting to see"? Yeah, I know that, for years, I've been lamenting that I haven't seen a woman forced to give premature birth and have the baby literally ripped from her. Finally!

    One of the most galling things about that is the implication that GH fans not only wanted to see this grotesque crap, but they were dying to see it played out by two actresses better known for other soaps. Yeah, we weren't hoping to see decent stories for long term GH folks or anything ...

    • Love 1
  14. I'm on board for Jax/ Anna. Maybe offscreen she called him up in Europe and asked him to check on his old pal Robin. When Jax can't find her, Jax and Anna spend quality time in his private jet, as they fly around looking for Robin.

    Or bring back John Stamos as Blackie. He comes back to town to show everyone he's a rich music producer now and hasn't been in jail for decades. He quite innocently and accidentally runs over Obrecht with his car. Anna will love him immediately.

    • Love 6
  15. The only personality choices in PC right now are pathetically clueless, selfish asshole or batshit crazy. Sometimes, you get two out of three (Patrick is embodying personality choices 1and 2 right now).

    Basically, everyone is terrible and (for pre-Ron characters) written out of character right now. Except for Sonny, I guess. Who kept his personality intact. Yay?

    • Love 3
  16. I think Patrick's past cheating and blindness to Lisa trying to murder his wife has made it easier to be pissed at Patrick (more so than Anna, Mac, offscreen Robert, Felicia, etc. any of the other numerous characters that should also be worried and skeptical about Robin).

    But it really is just a shitty, stupid black hole of bad writing. This level of ridiculousness is out of character even for Patrick.

    • Love 5
  17. Ha ha ha ha! Both those idiots would forget to get someone else out of trouble, getting distracted by their own issues.

    Carly. I guess. Sonny would send Shawn and then I'd get shot.

    Since it's inevitable with these writers, which villain do you want coming back from the dead next: Mikkos Cassadine (you know it's gonna happen) or crazy Olivia Jerome (now that that family has made an inexplicable comeback - sorry, not a fan of these people)?

  18. Shooting at Lorenzo (when he was right in front of Carly) and accidentally hitting Carly was monumentally stupid of Sonny. But it's probably one of the less bad things Sonny ever did because, from what I can gather from clips, he thought Lorenzo was hurting Carly (instead of helping her give birth). Sonny's vile, but this was more a matter of his stupidity.

    I wasn't watching then, so i don't really know why Carly hooked up with that guy, if in fact he abducted her. Except that she's incapable of being alone for two seconds? She should go to a psychiatrist for that issue ... Especially after the Franco debacle, and her latest rendition of "oops, I fell on Sonny's penis."

    Also, my Ric-hate slightly trumps my Carly-hate. I want her to slap Mr. Panic room every time she sees him.

  19. They might do a temp recast of Tracy to finish out this riveting (snerk) Fluke story. Oh, who am I kidding, that story will never end.

    FH probably has less reason to be annoyed, I would agree, but she may be wondering what the hell is the plan for Anna at this point ... the cops aren't allowed to solve anything, the Robin stuff is so goddamn stupid and makes everyone look stupid, and they broke up Duke and Anna and basically ruined that big historic romance. I doubt TR is coming back any time soon. I doubt she'd be psyched to do the millionth rendition of Faison messing with Anna's life.

    But yeah, the good money is on JE or LW I think. Probably JE - they've been writing Tracy as a downtrodden fool for years now.

  20. Silly KerleyQ, that would actually be good story. And GH ain't having that up in here.

    I'm sure the Sabrina thing will just be forgotten or hand waved away like so much on this show. Like nobody would be incredibly disturbed by what she did. (Honestly, what was the damn point of that since the fallout was nonexistent? Although I could say that about most of the twists on the show - it all ends up being a big who cares with the characters not reacting appropriately.)

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