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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. The only way I could enjoy a story where Anna gets brain washed by Faison (AGAIN, for fucks sake!) is if TR were magically available and Robert came back and helped her out. And if even in a mind controlled state Faison couldn't talk Anna into into bed. And to Faison's frustration she still is somehow drawn to Robert even when not in her right mind.

    And then Faison DIES. For real.

    And we found out Robert actually found Robin offscreen a while ago and put her with Sean and Tiffany for recuperating and safekeeping until Helena is killed again.

    Also, I'd like a pony.

    • Love 8
  2. I should hope not - she would've looked way too young to be with Sonny. Bleach! (I meant to write "blech" but autocorrect must have felt dirty after I typed Sonny).

    One of the funniest thing about Soily was that, of course, Carly was all over Sonny about it, and even said at one point "god, date anyone else, date Robin even!" Please, Carly. Carly can't even keep track of who she hates most at any given moment - we all know her head would have exploded if Sonny ever dated Robin.

    • Love 4
  3. On a far better written show, Sabrina's downward spiral into doing something so horrific would be explored more, showing her psyche cracking over time, and Sabrina would at least be in the mental ward for a while after realizing with revulsion that no matter what Ava did or didn't do, her own actions were scary.

    On this show, Sabrina's crimes understandably get lost in the noise of all the other horrors being committed right and left by everyone.

    I was never a big AMC watcher, but I do kinda remember sweet Emily Ann slowly going nuts and nearly killing someone, and then being sent off to the psych ward. It was effectively creepy and tragic.

    • Love 3
  4. Scarlett singing with her two exes was the highlight of the episode for me. I loved Avery showing concern for her when she looked nervous on stage.

    Poor Terry. I really hope he gets back on track. (We don't know him that well, but if the whole point of his tragic story was just that Scarlett should sing again ... I'll be pissed.)

    Oh Layla. Well, at least one half of this couple is trying to move this story along. It's like Will is on a hamster wheel.

    Are we to believe Jeff's heart grew three sizes? Although he did make sure to get Layla in bed by the end of the episode...

    The Juliette stuff was shockingly boring.

    What exactly was Rayna expecting? Although I was a little surprised Deacon didn't seem to care that she did it to protect Maddie from more bad publicity. Rayna should have warned Deacon a lot earlier.

    Deacon should call up Pam. Just for fun.

    Bye Zoey! I'll miss your pretty hair and voice. Too bad they never gave you an actual story. Or personality.

    • Love 1
  5. I'm sure you're right, but the idea that Anna should feel one bit bad about Duke being a moron, or be made to feel bad about "losing" Duke when he's the fuck-up, or that she must be shamed for any attempt, however ill-conceived, to make that lunatic Faison leave her and her family alone already .... Argh, rage. Rage!

    The only thing she should feel bad about is that she hasn't already jumped on a damn plane to determine if Robin is really in Paris. Of course Duke, Sonny and Faison's adventures have been keeping her pretty busy at work. And Robert is at least half responsible for the failure of the Faison-in-hole plan. But she's a woman on this fakakta show so she must be in the wrong somehow.

    • Love 4
  6. As much as I never cared for Bill and loathe Luke these days, TG and TR can be quite fun together.

    There's a part I just watched in the ice princess story, where Robert saves Luke from being murdered by Tony Cassadine, and puts Luke in his secret computer room to keep him safe. Luke is all "wow, cool!" and starts touching the computer. Robert actually tells him to sit in the corner and be quiet, and Luke goes "well ok, Dad!"

    It's weirdly adorable, because Luke looks awestruck when he realizes Robert is a secret agent. He gets this look on his face like "my new friend is so cool!"

  7. The reason Robin is written like this now is that the writers are sadists.   They are teasing us:  "will she finally be free and happy this time?  No, ha ha, you suckers!  But you'll tune in for her next appearance, desperately hoping for a happy ending at some point, won't you!  mwahahaha!  Ratings!" 


    Just kidding.  Sort of. 



    And I won't say I hated Stone, but I am awfully sick of hearing about Saint Stone ... most especially when Sonny is doing the talking. 

    • Love 4
  8. It's more like, I don't think Ron cares. I mean, Patrick has always been a bit of a douche though, so it's not necessarily a huge faux pas on Ron's part.



    Patrick has always been selfish and thoughtless, but I do find this to be completely overboard and out of character.  He must have custody of the town brain tumor right now or something. 


    Kind of like Carly has always been a stupid asshole, but I still don't buy that she would ever have fucked Franco ... I mean, being mad at Carly is kind of my natural state of being, but I can't even get mad at her for Franco because it's so unbelievable and out of character.

    • Love 2
  9. So Jamey Giddens followed up yesterday's "Soaps need more glamour and ball gowns!" op-ed with one saying "Soaps need more topical storytelling!":


    I'd settle for realistic emotions, actual payoff of stories, some actual romance, and the good guys winning way more often. Glamour or topical stories is not the point - the point is that the shows aren't very satisfying because there are few characters to root for and little point in rooting for the few decent ones.
    • Love 5
  10. I didn't see the early 90's Faison/Anna story in real time, though I have seen lots of clips. I guess im just sick enough to want to see Faison & Brainwashed Anna, if only because I know Anders & Finola will be amazing regardless of the writing.

    That said, I'd want the "pairing" to last no more than 6-8 months and end with Robert rescuing Anna and finally killing Faison for good and forever, even if it meant Robert had to go to prison.

    Oh God no. On top of everything else that has already been done to Anna, I really, really, really don't need to see her actually get violated by Faison. Blah. Ugh. No.

    • Love 1
  11. If they've somehow brainwashed Anna again like that terrible fucking story from 1991 or whenever I will throw something. Is there any way we cannot demean this character while super awesome Obrecht sings another torch song from the Weimar Republic? I'll wait.

    I'm pretty sure this is where this is headed or something similar. I hated that fucking story when I was like 13, and I'm not gonna enjoy whatever retread Ron has in mind. I will shoot my tv like Elvis before watching.

    Also not gonna watch Tracy continue to basically get raped and be played for a fool by one or more Flukes. Also not gonna watch Patrick continue to act like an OOC heartless asshole - I never loved Patrick, but this has gotten insane. This character has been utterly ruined.

    Helena is like 90 and weighs about 40 pounds. How is she still all-powerful? Oh, that's right, the villains always have to win on this show.

    • Love 2
  12. I'm at the point where I'd rather Robin was brainwashed to think she's the next Cassadine heir and on a fun holiday in Paris, just so we don't have to imagine her endless suffering offscreen. Just let her be blissfully clueless about what's happened to her. So, yeah, getting it on with a hot French guy would be a nice for her.

    I'm even starting to feel bad for real Luke, and I've loathed him for years.


    • Love 2
  13. So back to those Carly/AJ scenes from the baby Michael reveal ... wow, Carly sure had some nerve not-so-subtly hinting to AJ that she'd make sure he never saw the baby again if he pursued a paternity test. After she'd just had the truth thrown in her face. Wow.

    I die laughing at the end when AJ confronts Jason.

    And Jason just stands there squinting like he's passing gas.

    And could someone please explain to me like I'm Sonny why Jason ever forgave Carly for this little stunt:


    • Love 1
  14. I thought I read here that the network told GH to knock it off with the mask crapola. But it seems to be a thing again?

    And now I'm picturing Ron calling up the network execs, all "um, guys, so I have literally no idea how to end this story, or like, 3 of the stories I've got going right now - so can I pleeeeeease use masks again??"

    • Love 2
  15. What I remember from that Friends episode is Ross wailing "it tastes like feet!!" Hee hee! And, really, an apt analogy for this show ...

    This endless Legion of Doom shit is not good storytelling. It's more like brain synapses firing at random in Ron's head.

    • Love 4
  16. If all the characters who are guilty of criminal acts were in prison, this show could be called General Pentonville.

    Well, yes - which is exactly what is making it unwatchable for me most of the time. And most of these people have no remorse for what they've done. I basically want to slap the shit out of most of the characters at this point.

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