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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. Oh just FUCK that spoiler about Anna's career being in trouble. Why - because she's finally getting close to putting that little fucker Sonny behind bars, and the show needs to throw up roadblocks?

    I don't want to hear that shit at all, unless FH is ready to leave this shitfest, and then Anna can whisk her traumatized daughter and bratty granddaughter off to ... Wherever the hell Robert is.

    (And Patrick can mope alone, jobless in PC. I hate him now.)

    • Love 1
  2. While I'm happy if Michael is going to finally, permanently cut his toxic parents out of his life, I just can't get too jazzed about any of this.

    If Sonny stays on the show they won't let him languish in jail like he deserves. And I'll be shocked if the actor leaves - I think he should, because even he can't enjoy Sonny at this point, but he probably likes the steady paycheck.

    I also can't get too excited about Dr O and Franco telling off Sonny. Settle down, both of you: you are both pieces of shit who shouldn't still exist. Sonny deserves several life terms in prison, but these two sickos aren't any better.

    (I would however like a scene where Monica calmly drops a brick into her handbag and then proceeds to beat Sonny bloody with it.)

    • Love 6
  3. As a way to humiliate Karen, Brenda, using her position as the school newspaper's photographer, took pictures of Karen while she was showering and put them in all the lockers of every guy at school. I don't think anyone ever found out it was her, though--I don't know if Robin would have stayed friends with her otherwise,



    I think Brenda will take that secret with her to her grave.  I can't remember any big reveal where Karen got to slap Brenda for that crap, so I think nobody ever found out it was Brenda.  But Brenda lost out, regardless - she lost Jagger and then Jason didn't really want her, either.  And then Sonny came along and ruined her life.  So she basically paid the Karma Fairy on that one, I think. 

    • Love 2
  4. It would be kind of fun if Michael stormed into Anna's office and just unloaded every shady thing he ever overheard Sonny and/or Jason say around him, from childhood on up.  "So just in case you people somehow screw this up and can't put Sonny away for my REAL father's murder, here's a bunch of other stuff that you might want to nail him for!" 



    It's just a whole bunch of shit-ass people doing shit-ass things and lying to everyone about it.



    This is my problem with much of the show right now.  They should just call it "General Kidnapping and Shit-Ass People" and be done with it.  Because it's really not General Hospital any more, most of the time. 

    • Love 7
  5. Oh my word, that was boring!  Teddy finding out he was hooking up with a prostitute - thanks to Jeff's machinations - was even boring.  I even got so bored I think I blacked out at the end ... can someone tell me: did Teddy actually call the prostitute again to hang out?  Idiot.


    I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be getting out of Scarlett's current story. 


    For the first time in forever, I enjoyed Rayna's stuff with Luke - probably because she was screwing him over and beating him at his own self-promotion game.  Heh heh.


    Zoey bores me to death, but Juliette was awful and ridiculous to her.  Watching her go from "you're fired ('cause I'm an insecure little snot)!" to "where's Avery?  I want to have a heartfelt conversation with him ... in your hotel room"   really made me roll my eyes. 


    I did enjoy Avery, who seems to be getting his act together finally.


    And then Zoey goes home to find Gunnar with his newly found son and annoying jerk of an ex-girlfriend.  Zoey really couldn't catch a break this episode!


    The Will and Layla marriage needs to wrap up soon.  Layla can either be conniving (and hopefully kill Jeff soon -  I so want this to happen!) ... or pathetic and sad.  Having her switch gears every episode isn't working for me.

  6. The credit is given to Frank for making stories more "realistic" ...



    I'm sorry, but what godforsaken reality involves this much kidnapping and this many homicidal maniacs roaming around?!   The show has three separate kidnappings going on right now, and the Lulu and Maxie kidnapping happened this year, and I'm pretty sure Carly was being held by someone in the spring.  And don't get me started on all the back-from-the-dead characters. 


    Did they give any examples of this supposed realism?  I'm dying to know.  Or is Frank making it more "realistic" by toning down what the writers really want to put on screen ... in which case, I am scared of the writers. 

    • Love 5
  7. Ugh. The panic room story was fucked up and vile. Ric should have been in jail forever for that. (Of course, now the show seems to have a kidnapping story every other MONTH instead of once every other year or few years - seriously, wtf?)

    I have to say, if I were Carly, I'd be fairly pissed that Sonny didn't kill Ric for this. You marry into the mob, and you can't even get your husband to kill for you when you get chained to a wall and threatened with death and baby-stealing by a sicko? Geez. Sonny can't get enough of threatening people with death, so I can't believe Ric got a pass for this.

    • Love 2
  8. Sonny was sleazy and creepy from the beginning.  I hated his relationship with Brenda, but I can see why a lot of people were really into them.  His love for Brenda and the Stone/Robin stuff should have an would have redeemed him .... if he had gone on to act like a decent person after that.


    Encouraging Jason in his anger at his family and turning Jason into his lackey, and his involvement in the Carly and Michael mess, was a gigantic step back from the character.  And he just got worse and worse and worse over time.


    Sonny's character had a natural progression, which should have gone one of two ways:  (a) he grows and learns from his experiences with Brenda, Robin and Stone, and permanently becomes a better person -- maybe he's still into some shady stuff, maybe his story becomes about wanting to take his business legit and constantly running into roadblocks on the road to respectability; or (b) Sonny sacrifices himself in a hail of bullets to protect Brenda in some scenario, after acknowledging that he loves her so much that he wants her to be happy with Jax.


    I think (b) is the better option - we'd all love Sonny to bits and remember him fondly if his character had been given a shelf life and had died in a selfless manner that made sense for the character.  Instead, we have ... this.  Because the network wanted the show to be more "edgy," I would assume.

    • Love 5
  9. I wonder how much it would cost to have Kayne crash the wedding and read the room for the filth it contains?



    OMG, this needs to happen.   I find Kanye oddly likeable.   I'd love him to just pop up at random times and start rambling about how everyone is wrong.


    Bonus points if he takes over the intercom at GH:  "Dr. Obrecht doesn't care about sick people!"

    • Love 4

    Guza seemed to understand that some characters do have an expiration date and one should abide by them, but Ron seems to have no grasp on that, he doesn't get it


    With the glaring exception of Sonny and Jason, yes.  And Ric after the Panic Room grossness.


    Ron seems to amp this up to really insane levels, though.  Franco was always disgusting, he never should have existed, and to have him try to humiliate Carly doesn't sit right with me.  I hate, hate, hate Carly.   And I guess she kind of brought this on herself because she was an idiot to ever accept Franco into her life, in any capacity.  Honestly, she's dodging a bullet here, if Franco leaves her at the alter.  But Franco getting to be triumphant in any manner is awful.


    Almost everyone in this story is a monster, with the exception of Michael.  But Carly's kind of low on the totem pole here.  I can kinda see that Carly and Morgan are in a no-win situation.  Michael's life already sucks, finding out this truth is going to suck for him, and nobody wants to be the one to tell him.  What is Carly going to do - turn Sonny into the police?  He would probably kill her to protect himself, if he thought he had to, and I think she knows this. 


    I can't believe I'm defending Carly here.  But compared to most of the gross bastards on this show ... at least she never murdered or kidnapped or tortured anyone.  So ... yay, Carly?  Don't let that Franco bastard get you down, I guess, even if you are a stupid asshole. 


    (She still is going to hell for making Michael ever be in any proximity to Franco, though.)



    He gets a lot of credit for bringing action and adventure and history back to the show and pulling it away from the mob, and he has done that but he still also services the mob.



    I can't really give him credit for this.  Guza had action and adventure, too - like the Metrocourt hostage situation, and Robin and Patrick and Lulu going off to find Robert and Luke on that island, with Anna showing up as well.  It was all stupid nonsense, but it was adventure nonetheless that wasn't centered around the mob.  The stuff Ron's coming up with isn't any better paced or more intelligently written. 


    Both regimes would try to balance the canvas a little, but then go back to the Sonny Shenanigans Hour again.  Ron certainly balances the canvas more ...  unfortunately, by bringing in a lot of characters even more freakish and/or unappealing than Sonny. 

    • Love 5
  11. Shawn Makes the World a Better Place for Everyone!  (Accidentally)


    [sonny and Shawn are whispering to each other behind a potted plant in the hospital.]


    Sonny: Ok ... now, Ava's just had the baby.  Right?  And the baby's not in her room anymore, the baby's with the nurses down the hall, right?  So I'm going to go in and, uh, stand next to Ava, and we'll pretend she tried to stab me with this here knife.  And then, while I'm standing next to her, pretending to get stabbed, shoot her and we'll call it being my bodyguard.  Ok?


    Shawn: Sounds good.  This time I won't let you down!


    Sonny:  Yeah, yeah.  That'll pay her back for murdering Callie!  I mean Corina ... Candy? 


    Shawn:  Connie. 


    Sonny:  Yeah, yeah. I loved Connie so much.


    [sonny and Shawn go into Ava's room]


    Ava:  Get out!  Don't stand next to my bed!


    Sonny: (yelling)  NO, NO, DON'T STAB ME AVA!!  (starts stabbing his thigh with a knife)


    Ava: Huh?


    Sonny: (hissing to Shawn)  Now!  Shoot her!


    Shawn:  You got it!   [Promptly shoots Sonny.]  Aw, crap.  Well, in case he wakes up, I still gotta kill you, Ava.


    [in the hallway, Dr. O. walks by and hears the noise, scowls, and rushes into Ava's room.]


    Shawn: It's not personal, Ava ...  [aims his gun.]


    Dr. O: Vhat the ...  [shawn promptly shoots her while aiming for Ava.]


    Shawn:  Dammit!


    [Ava jumps out of bed and makes a run for it - right as the door opens]


    Franco: Anyone up for some art therapy --   [shawn shoots him while aiming for Ava.]


    [Ava runs for it out into the hallway, Shawn following].


    Shawn:  Wait, get back here!


    [Ava runs smack into Carly.]


    Carly: Watch where you're going, bitch!  What are you doing, Shawn?


    Shawn: Sonny's orders.  This will tie up all the loose ends about AJ's death!


    Carly: Huh.  Well I guess that protects us all.  Do whatever Sonny told you, Shawn - just wait till my back is turned so I'm not a witness, okay?  [Turns to leave, Shawn shoots her while aiming for Ava.]


    Ava:  Oh my God.  You are terrible at this. 


    Shawn: [defeated]  Want to just call a truce?  And you didn't see anything and I'll leave town as a fugitive?


    Ava:  Sure.  Just never come near me again, ok?


    Shawn:  Ok.  [sadly ducks down a stairwell and runs away.]


    [Ava smiles to herself -  then promptly slips on Carly's blood and smashes her head against the wall. ]


    A few days later, Helena is reading a newspaper in her lair outside of Paris, where Robin is trapped with her.  Helena cackles to herself about the carnage in Port Charles, which was bizarre enough to make the news in Europe. 


    Helena:  Hah hah, that ridiculous peasant friend of yours, Sonny!  He's dead now, Robin!  


    She accidentally chokes on her own saliva while laughing, and dies.  While Helena's henchmen freak out and try to revive her, Robin takes her opportunity to get away, running out a back door of Helena's lair. 


    Then she gets hit by Faison, who is driving in a car to come see Helena so they can discuss their next diabolical plan.  




    Faison loses control of the car and veers off the driveway.  Robin limps over to the car and notices that Faison is dead.  His car had one of those crappy killer recalled air bags, which went off spontaneously and exploded in his face.  She notices that Faison has also driven over Stavros and Jerry, who were standing in the front yard for no particular reason. 


    Robin:  Finally!  I caught a break! 


    She limps to the road, where a friendly French truck driver gives her a ride and lets her use his cell phone to call Anna.  

    • Love 2
  12. In the last clip of that video, is there a particular reason Carly "thinks" Joss is missing?  I mean, I know Carly is a pea brain, but you either know your toddler isn't where you left them, or you find out. 


    Anyway, it was fun watching Sam smack the hell out of Carly.  I like KeMo, I just happen to hate almost all of Sam's stories.  Jason made her FF material for me, and I've been on the Barge for most of the recent stuff (which sounds like a lot of blah, what with her kid having cancer and Silas having a batshit crazy wife who makes him look sad and drowsy).  I hate Patrick now and I hate the setup of her flirting with him, so I can't enjoy any of that. 


    I've never been crazy about Alexis, and I still think the whole "Alexis is Sam's mom" was weird, so that does nothing for me, either.   I thought the whole point of Sam was that she came to town as a loner, so for her to keep finding all these long-lost family members is kind of annoying - it just made more sense for Sam to be the kind of character that has to build a family from friends over time (it also made her clinging to Jason make more sense when she had no relations).  


    I'm sorry I missed the stuff with her and non-JJ Lucky, because it sounds like that might have been fun.

  13. Looking bad, it seems like that was the start of the "that's too simple; we need something BIG here" rationales for not writing more simply, realistically, and satisfyingly (that's the same justification Ron likes to use for having Robin be kidnapped time and again).


    Yes, I would agree with that.  Ironically, though, all the "big" stuff they kept doing became less and less about an intricate story building to a climax, or about the characters themselves.  After a while, it was just one big event (that had no lasting impact on anything) after another. 

  14. Count me among those who found it hard to believe that Heather could take Jordan down so easily.



    For the stories to work on current GH, the pscyhos on this show (no matter how old) have to have super-human strength and always live / escape incarceration so that they can cause trouble another day.  Because it's "FUN!"      (See also: Helena, Jerry, Faison, Dr. O., Stavros, etc., etc. ...)

    • Love 6
  15. And Carly's stint in the bug bin was because Sarah Brown went on maternity leave, yes?



    I don't know, but I guess that would explain it!   That ham handed plot twist didn't make sense to me at the time (Carly was never that bright, but as an experienced, selfish opportunist, I didn't buy that she'd do something that dumb and pointless, since it really didn't help her at all). 

  16. Isn't that when Carly shot Tony and got shipped off to the nut house, because he had gotten a slap on the wrist in court?



    Yes!  And then she basically got a slap on the wrist for shooting someone, since she played the temporary insanity card.  Really, it was a domino effect of people doing insane things, just because of that dumb baby. 


    so Carly shot him in open court for her own version of "punishment".



    Of all the dumb, pointless things Carly (version 1) ever did, that was probably the dumbest.  All she accomplished was that Jason (back together with Robin by that point) was raising her baby with Robin while Carly cooled her heels in the funny farm. 

  17. I think Carly told him straight out "Jason is the father!" when her relationship with Tony started to go to crap.  I think at some point he realized she'd purposely manipulated his breakup with Bobbie and used him to get revenge on Bobbie (although, back when Carly was a more nuanced character, I think for a time she did want to be happy with Tony and live a secure, normal life with him). 


    Tony may have threatened her with getting custody of the baby-to-be.  And Carly panicked and asked Jason to cover for her and say he was the dad. 


    So she goes to Jason, who is just dumb enough to agree to this stupidity.  And when he agrees, she tells Tony to his face that he's not the dad, Jason is.


    (I will say, for a while it was kind of amusing to watch Carly move that baby around between dads like some sort of shell game.  The story sort of ground to a halt for me, however, when Jason became the holy baby whisperer and Robin and Carly started sniping at each other like high schoolers.  And Carly had just become tedious and awful to me at that point ...)

    • Love 2
  18. Hold on, I'm getting a memory here, it's all coming back to me now ...   [/does best soap opera amnesiac impression]


    Jason got shot, Robin was freaked out and broke up with him because he wouldn't leave Sonny's employ, and then Robin went off to college for a bit.  When she left town, I believe everyone thought Carly was pregnant with Tony's baby.  By the time Robin comes back to town, the shit has hit the fan, Carly has told everyone Jason is the dad, and Tony has started to go mental. 


    So somewhat in Robin's defense, there was a bit of a delay for her to figure out what the hell was going on.  And I think at first she only suspected Jason was covering for Carly.  It was probably one of those dumb "Jason never lies" things, where Robin finally asked him and he just stared at her, unblinking, and that was her answer.  (This was when Jason started to become super-annoying - Jason the baby whisperer, everyone claiming Jason is just so honest in his own way, blah blah blah).

    • Love 1
  19. I think Robin guessed early on, because the timing of Mikey's conception would've meant Jason cheated on Robin at a time when they were really committed to each other, and Robin didn't believe Jason would have done that. (I think Robin broke up with Jason for a short spell because - smart girl - she couldn't bear to see him get hurt in the mob. Somewhere along the line, Jason left the mob for a while, and Mikey had been born, and Robin got back together with Jason in this period. Actually, I think KMc was at college for a while, so Robin was out of town and away at school when the baby lie mess started).

    Eventually, I think Jason confirmed this. Robin had no really good reasons to keep the secret, other than she thought Jason's love for Michael made it ok, somehow. Also, she'd seen the fallout of AJ driving Jason into a tree, and AJ was kind of a guilt ridden mess over that for a while, so maybe that factored in. She may have believed AJ was unstable, but I think she did realize eventually that maybe that wasn't the case.

    • Love 2
  20. Oh Lordy. I cringe re-watching this because it reminds me how much I hated Carly and Robin sneering at each other over Jason, while Jason acted so above it all. Like, ladies, stop having these half-hour long arguments over the most boring dude to walk the earth.

    By the end of the Robin/Jason/Carly triangle, I wanted a giant boulder to fall on all three of them. (Then Robin told the Mikey secret, and I liked her again, especially for moving the damn story along!)

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