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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. I don't have a problem with the show referencing history, per se, but they do such a shitty, shitty job of it.

    Like, Heather was always nuts in a conniving way that only sometimes showed in extreme freak outs ... so now she's wacky insane all the time!! And Duke was in the mob as a young man, so let's just park him in Sonny's mob, even if it makes him look like a fool at his current age. The nods to history either twist it, or use it to keep characters from moving forward.

    I don't mind the idea of Levi using Maxie to get to the Aztec jewels, but he was written as such an obvious toolbag from day one that it falls flat. And if I were Ron, I wouldn't risk the comparisons to the far superior, intricately plotted original Aztec adventure!

    And if this show really respected history, maybe they wouldn't drive Robin fans to drink... or fans of AJ (the original Q heir with a who's the daddy story back in the day.). Just saying.

    • Love 1
  2. Ok, you lost me now Branch! He's gone too far. Poor Branch's buddy Travis. Poor drugged kidnapped guy!

    The Vic / Branch tension - and Vic's past holding her back from outing Branch - was interesting.

    The Cady actress did a good, subtle job with her reactions to Walt talking about her mom's murder. Henry's sympathetic look at her at the end of the scene was sweet.

    The flashback to Malachi's arrest was fun. Can't believe he's free now and taunting poor Henry - yikes!

    Loved Mathias holding the gate open for Ruby. And his scene with Vic. I can't help it, I just like that guy.

    Lucian - and Jamie the pizza guy - were a hoot. Travis' mom cracked me up, too.

    No! Poor Hector! :(

  3. Damn good episode!

    I really liked all things Branch. From conducting his little experiment with DNA to the rare Branch / Henry interaction, loved it all. I'm liking the Branch plot so far this season (I'm still about 6 episodes behind on the DVR). Not saying I approve of his actions, but his story is quite interesting.

    I won't lie - Walt rappelling down the cliff with a makeshift harness was kinda hot. (Ludicrous, but hot).

    The camping mystery was interesting. The Trey actor was effectively creepy, and I may have rewound and re watched a few times the scene where Trey's mom goes apeshit and destroys her own cell phone. Hee!

    The Ed Gorski plot is not my favorite, but the backstory in this episode was actually interesting. I liked Walt trying to distance himself from Vic out of respect for her marriage. Too bad that marriage is toast, anyway.

    Missed Cady in this episode - I've been loving her in lawyer mode.

    As always, love Ruby and Ferg.

  4. Or Anna could talk to Victor about getting her fucking daughter back. Oh, that's right, she doesn't know to, because Patrick won't fucking tell her the truth because he's too busy flirting with Sam about his ugly-ass beard.

    OMFG with this show ...

    • Love 3
  5. Ok, this is tough, because I don't trust this regime at all! If Stone lived, he'd be a Sonny cheerleader and would've turned on poor Robin just like everyone else. If TR came back, Ron would treat Robert like one of his shiny toys - dumbed down and ignored once the shine wore off.

    But assuming the writers were replaced with better writers ... Give TR a great contract and bring back Robert!

    Now, imagine you're a young actress on the show, this is your make it or break it moment. Would you rather try to make a love scene work with old Jason (rubbing against you awkwardly, fully clothed, staring at you dead-eyed)? Or Patrick when the story is stupid (as he smirks halfheartedly, bitches about Robin and sports that scary beard)?

  6. Original recipe Dom was both psychosomatically deaf and had a memory block because something terrible happened at her own wedding - when she was introduced she was married to a much older member of Faison's crime syndicate. Can't remember what, but she blocked it out then had a freak out when she saw wedding decorations. Said evil hubby gets conveniently killed somehow so she can hook up with Mac.

    (I remember all this because my sister and I chased each other around the house after watching the show, going "No wedding! No! No wedding!" and making fun of that scene. My mom thought we were nuts.)

    • Love 1
  7. Early 90s GH wasn't great, and I was mad as hell at how they wrote Robert and (especially) Anna out! But I must say, the stories generally made sense and the characters generally acted like real people - more than I can say for current GH. Also, Jagger and Brenda and Karen came on around '92 or '93, and I liked them.

    I'd forgotten about Connor. He was cute but pointless! And I didn't buy him as Sean's son.

    Jenny was dull, dull, dull. With a different actress the Ned-Jenny-Paul-Tracy story might've worked a lot better. It had interesting elements. I did enjoy Tracy backing a car over Jenny, though!

    I remember my kid self being so disappointed FH wasn't there to get her Emmy! That's the only time I have ever bothered to watch the awards and I remember I was so excited she won for Anna, because she was my favorite.

    I think I would have enjoyed the Spencer-Cassadine stuff from the 90s a lot more if those goofballs weren't constantly standing around in the dark at either the docks or the grounds of Wyndemere! Like, go inside with the electricity to have your stare-downs and fights, ok?

  8. Pam and Sue Ellen were, hands down, the best part of the episode.

    I really felt for Carmen and Elena in the scenes where they dealt with Drew's death. However. My hopes that Elena would abandon her stupid revenge plans, or become suspicious of Nicoquin - or that Carmen might slap some sense into her daughter - were dashed. Although I guess this plot FINALLY moved forward, so that's something.

    I liked Emma for two seconds when she yelled at her dad. Then she somehow found her way to the Mexican cartel and told them to get her daddy back in jail - and I went back to hating her. I hate Ryland, but how the fuck did Emma find the Mexican crime lords? This is stupid. And I thought the Feds got Ryland out of jail because he's an informant, not the cartel? And why did he pay Drew to blow up the rig, again? I thought that was Cliff's deal? I don't even remember anymore ...

    John Ross is carrying around evidence they framed Cliff ... In his wallet? Which Elena immediately finds. Because of course.

    • Love 2
  9. I don't love Liz but I don't really mind her, either. Well, most of the time. I agree she needs a fresh love interest of her very own, without any baggage. That might be an interesting dynamic, Liz trying to hide her traumatized, messed up past from some normal nice guy because she just wants a normal life at this point. Shame Ewen was turned evil.

    I liked JMB as Lulu, too.

    • Love 1
  10. I would be all for them taping fewer shows per year ... if I thought the quality of the storytelling would improve drastically. But I really don't see that happening.

    I also don't understand why the cast is so large. How is that possible when the budget is repeatedly slashed? Unless the lesser shown people get paid peanuts and wasting our time with Milo and Spencer and the other kiddies makes it worth it somehow because the major players are super expensive? How much $$ was wasted on Richard Simmons coming back to be annoying last year? Or even Jack Wagner, since it seems very little, story wise, came from Frisco visiting town?

    Going after big name soap stars is so stupid, as well. GH used to be so good at finding unknown talent and creating mesmerizing characters. Now they can't seem to do either.

    • Love 2
  11. Gotta disagree, Fylaki. I'd marry Tiffany - I loved Tiff!

    Shag: Ned (he has to wear the Eddie Main leather pants, though.)

    Marry: Mac

    Kill: Coleman

    Bad hair Olympics:

    Richard Simmons


    Early 90s era Luke (somehow the shaggy straight hair was even worse than the 70s curls!)

  12. Do the writers not get that Patrick's behavior right now - even in this bizarre, contrived situation - is patently insane?

    First, contrary to all sense and reason, and the evidence that Robin is working in a lab that is creepy, dangerous and heavily guarded, he apparently decides Robin just woke up one morning and decided to be a bitch. Nope, couldn't possibly be some other explanation!

    He then avoids telling Robin's family and Sam what's going on, but he'll tell Sabrina?

    • Love 5
  13. Wait, what? Patrick told Sabrina about Jason? Sabrina. Not Sam, Anna, Mac ... but Sabrina.

    I'm sorry, Patrick needs to be kicked repeatedly in the head and balls.

    Here's how Sam can become a character I love - if she finds out, rips Patrick a new one, then bursts into Anna's office, all "you gotta go save Jason and Robin! And I'm coming with you!" It'd never happen, and I don't want Jason back at all. But it would be more satisfying than most of this show right now!

    • Love 3
  14. I think the disconnect is that the audience knows Nina's a creepy weirdo with misguided revenge plans - but Sam wouldn't necessarily know that. She has suspicions, but she also basically dumped Silas ... so is she fighting for him or not? If not, why does she care what Nina does?

    And she might hook up with Patrick anyway. Like everything else in Sam's stories, the whole thing is a muddle. I like the actress, but I have never enjoyed any of Sam's plots - though I admit I missed her first years on the show.

    • Love 4
  15. Tracy and the rest of the Q's were a whole basket of crazy and dysfunction.  But at least they were highly entertaining about it.   And I still think stupid Michael would've been better off with them!  Still messed up in the head - but not quite so bad as what Sonny and Carly turned his life into. 


    In May of '80, Edward tells Tracy she's about to get disinherited - and then she seriously loses it and lets Edward writhe on the floor having a heart attack.  She is creepily nuts in these scenes!


    Part 1:

    Part 2:

  16. I liked Edward, but if the man didn't play the mind games on his offspring like he did, then ELQ wouldn't be run by someone that didn't complete one year of college. Edward never accepted that Alan didn't want to run ELQ but Tracy did. He should have treated her more like Ivanka Trump, and less like Cersei Lannister.



    Taking Tracy / Edward history musings to the '80s Viewing Party Thread ... because I can't control myself from finding, watching, and then sharing the Tracy-Withholds-Edward's-Heart-Meds scenes.

  17. I think Linda Gray looks great. I think she's allowed herself to age naturally. We're just so conditioned to not see that as beautiful, but I think she is.

    In this episode, she looked haggard because her character is a dazed alcoholic mess. I thought it was just good acting and appropriate hair/ makeup for someone in that situation. It was one of the few parts of the episode that made me feel something for the characters.

    • Love 6
  18. I'm waiting for Sonny to get so confused - trying to keep track of who he wants dead, and why, and keeping in mind that Shawn will likely shoot some randoms along the way accidentally - that he just has a massive meltdown from too much thinking and kills himself.

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