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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. So Sonny wants Franco killed and Fluke wants Michael killed. And Sonny, I assume still wants Ava dead (unless he forgot, which is entirely possible with that pea brain).

    YAY, more murder plots! There's just not enough of that on this show! [/sarcasm]

    • Love 1
  2. Monogamy to Carly - LW would at least make some hilarious skeptical faces.

    Carly's wedding - slightly less chance of getting shot / blown up. Though I guess that depends on the groom ...

    Watch Michael strip.

    Would you rather: Time travel to 80s GH or 90s GH?

  3. Listen to Felix - I'm sure he'd at least work in some fun 80s tv trivia while whining.

    (And I gotta say - totally would go with combing Luke's disco perm over Faison. Faison is too creepy for words. )

    Would you rather ...

    Have LSD hallucinations like Olivia? Or deal with Spinelli when he thinks he's "the jackal"?

  4. Oh, I love the Ruth Gordon episode! Maybe that's why - she seems to like and respect Columbo.

    I also love the speech he gives to that group, when she basically forces him on stage (was it a book reading, some other meeting?) where he talks about there being a little niceness in most people, even the killers he catches.

    • Love 3
  5. Is it wrong that I giggled, wondering what those EMTs were thinking when they walked in on the Pam, Emma, John Ross threesome aftermath?

    I just can't with the Judith Light character anymore. She was fun for about two seconds, but the whole Ryland family freaks me out now. Ugh, make it stop!

    Nicholas' associates in crime are going to take over the entire government of Mexico? Oh geez. At least this show is still trying to be realistic (rolls eyes). This whole cartel business is too much.

    Heather is a twit. "I won't believe it til Bo tells me himself!" Yes, Heather, I'm sure Bo would admit it to you if he's an arsonist. (Though it turns out he's not!)

    That black turtleneck and leggings outfit on Elena was bizarre. Is she a cat burglar now?

    I hate that Sue Ellen wrongly took the blame for the fire.

    So long, Elena's idiot brother.

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  6. Is Nik unaware his sister has been kidnapped or does he just not give a shit? Not that that would surprise me, given that he's probably going to go back to banging the woman who (pretty darn recently) stole Lulu's kid.

    My God, he's useless.

    • Love 4
  7. Carrying over a discussion from the Episode forum:

    While soaps are, fundamentally, adult shows, It would be disingenuous for the showrunners to claim they don't have to care at all about what kids might see, for a couple of reasons:

    1. They have an entire story right now revolving around 9 year olds!

    2. They know, or should know, that a lot of fans are still fans because the started watching after school at some point, or started watching with their moms or older siblings. If I hadn't become enthralled with the pretty ex-spies and glamorous doctors after school in the late 80s, I wouldn't be caring about this show at all now!

    3. All soaps try to get the tweens and teens on board during the summer - it's just a known fact. (Not sure why GH is focusing on third graders this summer, instead, but summer teen stories is the usual trend!)

  8. Thank you for giving Anna Devane a good, honorable death, Cattitude! Oh if only she'd shagged Robert one last time when she had the chance! *weeps*

    Now, for my last vote: the last one standing, to wreak the ultimate revenge for the desecration of the show once recognizable as General Hospital, should be a doctor. So...

    Mac will die.

    Sorry, Mac! Please make it painless, Catittude!

    • Love 2
  9. I think the problem is that, IMO, the taste level [/Tim Gunn] has gone to shit on this show to the point that it all offends me, even if it's really not that shocking. I find all of these characters to be tiresome twerps, at best, so none of this is appealing.

    Now back in the day, if Holly/Robert/Anna had made a joke about a ménage a trios, or Jax and anyone else (rowr, yummy, Jax back in the day!) I would have found it sexy and risqué. And they would have just hinted at it, and it would've gone right over the kiddies' heads.

    This show is not for kids, never was, but Disney apparently cares enough about appearances to be all "drugs are BAD!" about the mob plots. Which has become laughable at this point.

    • Love 4
  10. See, Grrpants09, that's why I wanted so badly for her to win - of the three remaining characters, I feel she's been written out of character the most, while Mac at least gets to still be the nice caring dad (although you notice he's too busy with Maxie to be all "hey, is Robin coming back soon or what?!" either - just saying). And Monica's offscreen so much they haven't had the chance to wreck her, really. So I want Anna to get the prize of offing the writers. :)

    But, as long as she dies with dignity and heroically (hint, hint Cattitude!) I can live with her losing out to Mac and Monica.

    (But my vote is still for Mac, who I also hope dies a hero in this game - or at least peacefully in his sleep).

    • Love 1
  11. Shag: Constance T version

    Marry: Liz T version (she seemed a bit more glamorous, and I do like fancy things!)

    Kill: well, old lady dying is dying anyway ...

    Battle of the ever changing Holly personalities:

    80s Holly

    Early 90s "whoops, I'm not dead!" Holly

    2000s Holly

    * oops, posted at the same time as MSquared! I guess the next players can choose!

  12. Noooo - you guys, don't kill Anna! It's these damn writers, I tell ya! Real Anna would never take Patrick's side! Anna has to win so she can kill the writers for ruining her awesome character, and get her brain back, which Ron is holding hostage!

    Well, if she must go ... Pretty please, Cattitude, can she die heroically, after finally getting a clue and going off to find and save Robin? :D

    My vote today, with a heavy heart, goes to MAC.

    Girl power and my love of 80s GH means he doesn't make the cut today ... Sorry Mac!

    • Love 1
  13. What a shame I'm on the Barge, 'cause I'm dying to know what oh-so-current cultural reference came up between the gay characters today.

    "You watched reruns of Designing Women with him?! Well, you may as well just marry him, you bastard!"

    • Love 4
  14. Kill: either version of Victor

    Marry: oreilly

    Shag: by process of elimination, Ballentine. No idea what he looked like - hope he's cute!

    Crazy bitches with crazy eyes round:

    Olivia Jerome (will drop an elevator on you)

    Heather (will dose you with LSD)

    Lisa (has never met a method of attempted murder she didn't like)

  15. Tiger, this is why I've decided the writers are sadistic freaks. This ain't love in the afternoon, it's just awfulness for the sake of being awful and "shocking".

    And this is why the soap genre is dying. She is case in point that the idiots in charge don't understand the emotional connection fans must have to the show. Robin fans do accept adversity will come her way, but they want to see good people be happy in between conflicts - especially someone they've watched grow up on the show.

    Robin fans are just getting beaten down, over and over. This is like watching a puppy die.

    • Love 2
  16. Marry: Robert (I'm assuming we can shag pretty much constantly if we're married)

    But now it gets hard. Both Rick Webber and Alan were so pretty back in the day. Hmm..

    Shag: Alan -- thinking like a soap vixen here -- once I give birth to the next Q heir, I'm hoping to be financially set!

    Kill: Rick W (solely by process of elimination)




    Jesse (that cop that got shot by a clown)

    (This is the Very Special Maxie's bad choices round)

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