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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. Aw, Duke's dead - I guess Anna will have to go cry on Robert (or Dante, or whomever - insert your personal preference here). So ... Win-win?

    See ya, Luke!!

    Next victims:

    Dr. O. (We almost had the votes yesterday!)



    • Love 1
  2. Jumping ahead to the iconic moments - in March of 1980, Alan has gone temporarily insane after learning Monica cheated with Rick (and now thinks AJ is actually Rick's kid).  Here, he is carrying out a plan to drop a roof (yes, a roof) on both Rick and Monica. 


    Apparently, the Q mansion roof is made of about 10 times more lumber than is normal .... it creates quite a woodpile!

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

    Terrible quality clip, but here is the follow-up to the roof cave-in:

  3. Britt still has a license because her mother is CoS.


    I would think the state board of medical licensing would decide that, not the CoS.  Although if Lulu and Dante (and Liz, and Patrick, and all the other people associated with the hospital who know Britt's dirty laundry) were too stupid to report Britt to the Board, I guess she just skates by.  Apparently, none of these people mind working with an absolute charletan of a doctor at a hospital that is a complete disgrace.


    Of course, I think I'm giving this more thought than the writers did .... 

  4. I'm not really sure why I reacted so strongly to the duck, to be honest.  Maybe it was because I had grown tired of her character, and so everything she did started to bug me to irrational levels.  "Who keeps a pet duck in the city?!  Stupid bitch!"


    I think this was also around the time of the doggie love story, so maybe it was Cute Animal Overload. 

  5. Ah, that fills in some gaps.  Tania must have been BJ's mother - always wondered who that kid's mom was!


    I can't even imagine Tony and Lucy together.  They seem so mis-matched!  Although perhaps that was the point ...


    Lucy and Scott could be fun back in the day.  I hated her after she got with Kevin, though.  Maybe because she always called him "Doc," and she had a pet duck and it was fucking stupid that she had a pet duck.  In the city. 

  6. Why do Lucy and Bobbie not like each other? Is it because of Scott?



    Ooh, ooh, I know this one!  At least, I know why Bobbie would hate Lucy.  If memory serves, right around the time before BJ's death, Bobbie cheated on Tony with a dude named Damian.  Of course, it was her own fault for cheating, but Damian manipulated the situation somehow (maybe he faked her out into thinking Tony had cheated first?  I forget that part ...)  Anyhoo .... the reason Damian started targeting Bobbie at all is because he and Lucy had made some weird bet that he couldn't seduce any woman he wanted.  Lucy said "how about Bobbie?"


    Somehow, after her marriage went to shit, Bobbie found out about the bet.  Lucy's lame-o excuse when confronted was: "but I only challenged him to go after you because I was sure he would fail, because you would never cheat!"   I think I have that right.


    Possibly, there was tension before that, over Tony.  Lucy reacted strongly to BJ's death ... so I figure she must have had some connection to Tony before he got with Bobbie, but I don't really remember a Tony / Lucy matchup. 

  7. I like how the hospital is run by a motherfucking terrorist and nobody has a problem with that but the minute a crackhead baby killer dies people want to get outraged.


    This is unbelievably stupid, even for a daytime soap.  Aren't there a gazillion eye witnesses to Dr. O's many crimes?  I can accept (ok, not really, but for argument's sake ...) that perhaps she made some kind of deal with the authorities to keep herself out of prison - but no decent person would associate with her, and she would not be running a damn hospital.  


    For that matter, how can Britt still have a job?  Didn't she steal a patient's fertilized eggs and stick them up herself - and doesn't everyone know that now?  Why hasn't Lulu sued her pants off?


    Still skulking around town, being shunned by everyone and plotting trouble and/or revenge  - that, I could see.  This?  Nope.  Stupid. 

    Even dumber than people accepting Sonny's presence in town (because Sonny, at least in the past, was careful to have others do his dirty work  ... and nobody's trusting him around patient files or with people's lives). 

    • Love 4
  8. I'm dying laughing at shoutout to The Orphan, Cattitude!

    I'm sure you'll come up with a more fitting end to these fools, but just for fun:

    Dr. O.


    (Offended on behalf of his old friend Robin, Casey the alien sends a meteor hurtling to earth and squishes crazy Obrecht and Patprick in the hospital parking lot)


    (She spends so much time staring at the wreckage, trying to decide if she's sad or relieved over her insane mother's death, that she gets hit by an ambulance)

    • Love 1
  9. Here's something not to ask a person you just met - "how did your parents die?" "How did your dad kill himself?" 


    And then Tamra throws a tantrum and weeps all over the place ...
    And Eddie just stares and smiles nervously like a deer in headlights ...
    And Ryan's scary beard devours the world ...


    Run from this family, Sarah!  Run like the wind!


    I thought I was drunk enough to watch this show ... I was wrong ...

    • Love 12
  10. Luke (real Luke)  -  he wakes up one morning and realizes even he is sick of himself ... and offs himself.

    Patrick  -  he sighs himself to death one night after a long day of feeling sorry for himself and fending off the ladies.

    Dr. O.  -  she accidentally chokes to death on her own spit while letting out an evil cackle. 

    • Love 2
  11. Sonny is dead! Woohoo!

    For my next selections:

    Dr. O. - psychotic freak

    Franco - ditto

    Carly - honestly, this one is just a mercy killing. I hate her, but the writers have completely ruined her by having her hook up with Franco. Maybe if he had money or power, I might see Carly being with him, at least to use him in some way, but it doesn't really sound like it. Carly's always been a shit parent, but I can't believe she'd care this little about Michaels feelings!

  12. There have been a lot of times I could take or leave Robin, but the writers' transparent dislike of the character is so damn annoying.

    Yeah, we get that it isn't fun or flashy or easy to write for a normal, earnest person and you resent having to do it - but some audience members like her and so would other characters! This ish has been going on since the Guza days, and it's nonsensical.

    Geez, this must be how AJ fans feel ...

    • Love 5
  13. Oh, hell to the no. Anna wasn't ever the perfect parent and she made a lot of mistakes - but no fucking way she would ever NOT take her daughter's side.

    Dare I hope that if Anna ever gets the full story, she will punch Patrick in the face for withholding key information and playing the martyr? Nah, that would make too much sense.

    Flames, flames on the side of my face!

    • Love 3
  14. Is the bit at the start of the Chelsea Lately clip actually from TFGH?   I've been on the Barge so long that I have no idea who those two characters are - and I am unsure if that's actors making fun of GH or actual actors on GH.   If it's the latter, I am so embarrassed for those poor guys - that dialogue was not only dumb and pointless, but a mouthful to try and spit out for the one describing Golden Girls


    But the end of it - I am dying laughing now at the parody:


    "I. Am. Gay!   Gay, gay, gay!  Penis, penis, gay, penis!!!"   

    • Love 3
  15. Besides Scrooge, I'm partial to the black and white Alastair Sim version.  


    As well as the Muppet Christmas Carol - I dunno, watching Michael Caine interact with the muppets with complete sincerity just gets me every time.  Kermit is Bob Cratchet, of course.  


    But I will literally watch any good or even crappy version of it, made for TV or otherwise.  

  16. Rachel's my least favorite, although I did empathize with her feelings of loss for the childhood taken from her.   But by the end, I didn't feel that bad about her getting her eye shot out with a pencil or whatever - and I wouldn't mind at all if we didn't see her next season.  She does nothing for me. 


    I did think her father's decision to commit suicide in front of her was pretty tragic, though, and Tatiana did a great job in that scene. 

    • Love 1
  17. Why is Henry the only Native American that does not use contractions?



    Really, the only character in all of television.  It's jarring sometimes ... and reminds me of Spock on Star Trek.  

    • Love 1
  18. Same here. I also like that though Matthias clearly doesn't like Walt, Matthias usually (if reluctantly) will allow Walt to do what he needs to do. But he makes Walt work for it. Hee.



    Matthias cracks me up, because his first reaction is always "nope, fuck off!" ... and then in the next scene, he's working side by side with Walt on something.  As much as I like Walt, I feel he does push the limits sometimes, and I like that Matthias pushes back. 


    I have no memory of this David Ridges character.   Was that the dude in the trailer that Branch confronted and knew from school?   Geez, I have forgotten most of the last season.  (Also, I am way behind on this season - it's all just sitting in my DVR, staring at me expectantly). 


    The idea of a dirty old feather (soaked in peyote) being inserted in Branch's wound - blech!   He's lucky he didn't end up with some horrible infection!

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