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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. The Vanessa Marcil Hallmark movie wasn't bad ... For a movie that was almost 40% filler.

    I still enjoyed it, though! Pretty setting, pretty people, some romance ... I'm easy. I thought she looked lovely and did a great job.

    I did laugh at how tiny, tiny Vanessa just is too small for most clothing. I guess it's not the GH wardrobe people - she just is too damn small!

  2. If they don't have the budget to rehearse, or have attractive sets, or have attractive hair/makeup/clothes, or decent lighting, or mix up characters for different scenes (because of this block shooting business) .... at some point, it's like "why bother?"

    Not that I begrudge any of these people employment. But it's just kind of depressing.

    • Love 3
  3. Deciding between Alexis and Ned today. I don't like Ned all that much, but he has amused me at times over the years. I still smile when I think of him cluelessly sleeping with his Aunt Monica (oh so many years ago) and that time he committed bigamy. Soooo ...

    Alexis - see ya!

  4. The way my friends play this - because they are sickos - is to pick 3 truly nasty choices.

    So - Levi, Sonny, Franco. Suicide is not an option!

    Marry: Levi - as far as we know so far, he's at least not a murderer. Just highly awful!

    Shag: well, Sonny's out, 'cause I'm not looking to get impregnated with his latest spawn. So Franco , I guess, for the one night stand. But...ew.

    Kill: Sonny.

    • Love 1
  5. I really liked Anna's pink dress - but all of the damn hats in that wedding? I wanted to burn them in a raging bonfire.

    Somewhere in the middle of the Aztec Treasure storyline, Celia Q and her groom have a wedding that requires all the guests to wear period 1800s costumes for DAYS and ride around on an old-timey train. Talk about Bridezilla! All of Celia's friends should have shunned her for planning that shit. It's especially funny when Sean basically abducts Anna from the wedding - and she's stuck wearing a freaking hoop skirt for a while. Hee!

    • Love 2
  6. Liz Taylor as Helena back in the day must've been great fun! And the guy who wanted to control the weather of the whole world - well, at least he had a vision ... he could really come in handy now, in these times of climate change!

    Other than that, ugh, kill them all. Well, maybe not Alexis' daughters. Maybe.

  7. Robert:

    1. Not nearly as awesome as he should still be. :( (I blame the writers - I have hated the writing for this show for years - they try to ruin all the great characters.)

    2. Stubborn at times.

    3. Could be oblivious to people's feelings, especially when forging ahead to save the day.

    4. Slept with boring old Cheryl and Katherine Delafield. Had some other crappy girlfriends over the years, too, I think.

    5. Sometimes his hair confused me.


    1. Thanks to current writers, is now brain dead and not fiercely loyal to daughter, as I believe she would be if written properly in character. :(

    (For serious, I hate these writers).

    2. Even at her best, made impulsive, bad decisions at times.

    3. Her big plan to fuck over Holly back, in the 80s, when she first came on the show and was still obsessed with Robert, was laughably stupid (or so I've gathered from YouTube clips).

    4. The fake scar thing was ... odd. (Will watching more Youtube clips explain it better? Something tells me no.)

    5. No matter how many times Robert points it out to her, just cannot seem to grasp how deeply stupid poor Duke is.


    1. - 5. Ok, I just like Ian Buchanan. He was the only part of the movie Panic Room I actually enjoyed. But OMG, why is Duke so dumb?

    • Love 2
  8. Yeah, I got nowhere with this. If Sonny, Franco or Dr O would just DIE already, I would at least have one thing to like about them.

    For Carly, all I got was this:

    1. Pretty hair!

    2. Rapper Iggy Azalea looks kinda like the first Carly, so that's been interesting...

    3. - 5. ???

  9. I had no problem with Robin having a mix of good and spiteful reasons for outing the Baby Michael lie.

    It was only realistic she'd be torn about the situation and, the more pathologically selfish Carly behaved ("I can tell Jason to buy me a fur coat and he'll go do it!" "I'm going to call Jason over every time Michael cries because I can't figure this out myself and just to get him over to my place at night!") the less Robin believed this was all for the best for Jason and Michael, and worth lying to AJ.

    And, yes, Robin was understandably pissed. Carly was a fucking moron for going out of her way to poke Robin, who didn't owe her a damn thing.

    Carly and Jason's reasons for lying weren't exactly selfless, either. Jason could have had a close relationship with Michael as a loving uncle (as he ended up being, anyway) -- he just didn't want to deal with his family. Carly, as usual, was just making asinine choices to protect herself.

    • Love 5
  10. Why does Ron have a fascination with Robin being threatened & held against her will?


    I think this entire storyline is sick and twisted. Watch Robin suffer, some more, but this time her entire family writes her off - for added misery to be heaped on the poor girl! WHY would I enjoy watching that?!

    Is Dr O writing this show? I'm starting to think the writers are a bunch of sadists ...

  11. Sooo ... Sonny is eating the show again. The never ending mob wars are back. Sonny and Carly are maybe a thing again. Jason is apparently going to have to save the day - eventually. And Robin is back in captivity, for all intents and purposes.

    We've essentially gotten nowhere in the last two years, then. Ron, I award you no points, and may the writing gods have mercy on your soul.

    • Love 3
  12. Jason isn't even needed on this show, especially when there are 50 characters already roaming around (a significant # of whom are on Team Back from the Dead, already).

    Jason was already overplayed, to the point that I don't even really care about him being re-Q'd. I just want some dead people to stay dead, especially him.

    So dragging Robin and Patrick through the muck, and inflicting cartoony Cassadines on us, and ignoring all sense and reason and the laws of time and physics, etc. - all in service of bringing back Jason, annoys me endlessly.

    I feel like Ron's endgame must be to make us all embarrassed for ever being soap fans? Surely we are being punked at this point ...

    • Love 11
  13. Ric - as pretty as the actor is, this character has just sucked from day one. From his initial, whiny obsession with Sonny and the nasty panic room stuff, to sleeping with Sam when Alexis (who I don't even like) had cancer ... Blah.

    (Aw, poor Maxie - she literally became too stupid to live!)

    • Love 4
  14. In the context of the current show, where villains like Jerry and Heather and Faison can pop up at any time to ruin your life, and Dr O never gets punished for all the kidnapping and attempted killing she's done -- would Robin think she has any bargaining power against the head of the WSB? Who could presumably "disappear" her family members one at a time until she complies?

    I don't know, this entire plot is beyond fucked and makes a mockery of the characters involved. Such a shame this show, and the character, have gone from the acclaimed AIDS story of the 90s - and even the silly but fun adventures of the 80s - to this kind of crap.

    • Love 3
  15. Am I the only one who thinks Patrick has a right to his pain and rage? Robin basically wants marriage and motherhood via phone calls and Skype. Indefinitely. She's cool with it so Patrick, Emma should be as well. And Imo this is not being written ooc; that is Robin Scorpio to the bone.


    I think what is driving (some, at least) Robin fans nuts is that this would be a new personality for her, and it's not being explained.  The audience saw Robin loving her husband and daughter for years, upset when her husband cheated on her but eventually forgiving him, enjoying time with her family, missing her family painfully while in captivity, and wanting to be with her family after she got home ... until she (for all appearances) was coerced into leaving them again by some very dangerous people.   Before this current story, Robin was never presented as a character who was content to only see Patrick and Emma occasionally. 


    So, only if that entire back story is retroactively changed (or some other explanation is offered tomorrow) do the current scenes make sense.  I can see Patrick being pissed ... but given all the weird crap that's happened to Robin in the last two years, and what Patrick knows of how Victor whisked Robin off in the spring, he should really be thinking "why is my wife acting like a totally different person than she was a few months ago?!  WTF did they do / are they now doing to her this time?!"  Instead, it's like he's forgotten why Robin was afraid to say no to Victor in the first place. 

    • Love 4
  16. Yeah, let's skip the sad scenes, UYI.   ;)


    Instead, just for fun, watch Robert try to comfort Anna when she's drunk out of her mind (skip to 4:24 on this clip)  -- she's upset because she just found out Duke is in the mob. 

    Robert is nothing if not extremely nice and helpful to his exes.  And the "hey! what about me?" look he gives her when she claims that she "always falls for the wrong man" is sort of priceless. 


    • Love 1
  17. You needn't pack anything for the Barge, rur. It's a cruise ship, actually, and everything is provided. :)

    At least that's been my experience during my lengthy stays. I'm heading out again, as it sounds like the show has managed to jump the shark even more than it had previously, and staying for the Robin story further will just aggravate me ... Didn't think even MORE shark-jumping was even possible!

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