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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. Amen to all the inaccuracies already pointed out in this forum!

    "You get immunity from an exam!" was the most hilarious to me, since most first year classes are based only on one end-of-term exam (which, of course, is why it's so stressful). Soooo ... The winner gets no grade at all? Yeah, great prize!

    Also - two days before an attempted murder trial starts and the lawyers are leisurely wasting time with the "let's see what the law students come up with!" contest?! No. No, no, no. That's basically malpractice. Two days before trial starts, they would be dealing with motions to keep out certain evidence, etc. etc. and basically working like crazy to prepare.

    • Love 2
  2. Oh, Juliette. She's such a mess! I love her, but oh my.

    Layla is going to have a massive freak out before the end of the season, I'll bet.

    I loved the road trip. And I really like Scarlett, so I liked how that turned out.

    Drunken bitter Avery was a hoot!

    I wasn't exactly shocked by Rayna's choice. Her past with Deacon looked pretty dysfunctional in the flashbacks. I'm sure it'll turn into a big mess eventually, though, and Luke will have even more reason to be pissed.

  3. I enjoyed it. I'll give this show a chance.

    My only nitpick was some of the dialogue - for example, the waitress came across as judgmental in the middle of the episode, when she was all "you have to save everyone, what's wrong with you?!" (Like, what was she doing that was so helpful at that moment? Back off lady - it's not like they WANT anyone to die!)

    • Love 3
  4. I didn't love most of Chris' stories, but I didn't want him to DIE. Especially to cap off such a grim storyline - it's too much.

    I would agree that John Ross ended up getting more story because the actor was more dynamic (and also there's more you can do with the bad boy). But I do think they handicapped Jesse Metcalfe with the writing for Chris. Although, as dumb as the Heather story was, I still preferred it to the Mexican drug stuff!

    This show is sorely lacking in fun, especially after losing Larry Hagman. John Ross and Pambecca scheming with and sometimes against each other, and both having affairs ... that would've been fun. Giving Chris a better, more fun love interest might've worked.

    Instead, we got the nasty drug cartel stuff. And Elena's unsmiling, self righteous passive aggression all season.

    And John Ross calling Pambecca a whore - which was so dumb! Um, yeah John Ross, you cheated on her repeatedly and she basically told you she was only staying in the marriage for business. He looked like a moron getting so indignant about it.

    (Random note: did Elena's hair grow four inches between the time she was puking and when she walked out to the parking lot in time for the explosion??)

    • Love 2
  5. Elena repeatedly shooting Nicoquin, while he was all "no worries, Ellie, I'm just gonna limp out this here door ..." was vaguely amusing. But I still hate them both.

    Pammy's getting screwed over again. Oh, joy. Not.

    So Bobby gets to mourn " dead" Chris, after about two seconds of the family getting to be happy. I like Bobby, and was actually starting to like Chris, so this just sucks.

    More Ryland family shit ... Sorry, I'm still not buying the whitewashing of Harris' character this past season. I guess we're supposed to forget what a controlling wacko he was for Emma's entire life? And that he let Annie think her kid was DEAD? For YEARS?

    Did anyone bother to bring poor, raped Emma to a fucking hospital?! Good God, with this show.

    • Love 2
  6. Ew ew ew ew ew ew! They went there with the cartel guy raping Emma. Disgusting. I'm so over this show. Do I even bother to watch the last hour of the finale? I will 100% not be back if there's another season.

    Of course Elena is quickly welcomed back into the fold. Because she's not an adult or anything, responsible for her own decisions and who needs to earn the family's trust again. No, poor little Elena was tricked ... Oh, please.

    This is the dumbest drug cartel ever. Stupid Emma, Bobby, John Ross have all managed to find their hideout pretty damn easily.

    Gotta love Pam basically rolling her eyes at John Ross' big heroic move. I think she was speaking for the audience.

    The dialogue with Orestes - and Luis holding a gun on Nicoquin holding a gun on John Ross - was so stupid I laughed out loud.

  7. Emma saying this was all her fault was the first sign of maturity - or actual thinking - we've seen from this character.

    Luis needs to fix his damn hair. It drives me bonkers.

    I laughed at Mama Ryland threatening Luis and his whole family if anything happened to Emma - he has a whole, super-violent drug cartel behind him. You are a crazy old bag with a trucking company. Do the math.

    (And this is why you don't get involved with drug running in the first place, JUDITH! Still no sympathy for her.)

    You really don't need the "Go Lean" cereal, Elena...

    Pam was great. So was Bobby. John Ross was semi-sympathetic. Chris continues to be semi-useful.

    The dead family Ann saw in the truck was so disturbing. This show - especially the cartel stuff - has become so gross. There's enough ugliness in the world - why is this stuff necessary as "entertainment"?

    • Love 1
  8. Robin never used to be my favorite, and there were times when she was downright intolerable to me (at the height of her Sonny-and-Jason-propping phase - when, ironically, she was a writers pet).

    However, I'm pretty stubborn, and I'll always have a soft spot for her because I grew up with her. And she's Robert and Anna's kid.

    So the more the last few regimes have abused and belittled Robin, the more I'm like "FUCK YOU WRITERS, SHE'S AWESOME! I LOVE HER!"

    Good grief, just give her Emma and let her go be happy offscreen, already.

    • Love 3
  9. Solely for the purposes of making Patrick pull his head out of his ass, I would like Victor to spirit Emma away to the lab and lock her up with Robin, leaving behind a note that says:

    "I warned your wife and now I'm warning you - your daughter is gone now because you refused to leave my lab when Robin told you to."

    (This has the added bonus of letting Robin hang out with her kid finally)

    • Love 7
  10. I have no sympathy for Mama Ryland. She decided to involve the family business in drug running with gross dangerous people and she basically put a hit on Candace - who, for all her faults, was also someone's kid.

    And she is directly responsible for why Emma is emotionally disturbed and makes terrible decisions (like trying to make a deal with a drug cartel to get back at Daddy).

    You reap what you sow, crazy lady.

  11. Oh, right, the IPO. I forgot all about that. And Hunter McKay. And Candace the hooker. This show is loaded down with too much plot.

    OMG, I don't care about this gross Mexican cartel shit. Just make it stop.

    So Elena just skips town with Nicoquin and leaves her mom in a hotel all alone? Real nice, Elena!

    Why is Chris still saying Elena is the best person ever? Get the fuck out with that shit Chris! Other than that, he's being kind of useful, so I'm liking that.

    Is it wrong that I wanted John Ross to punch Mama Ryland in the face?

    Welcome back, Angry Pamela!

    This show is getting so bad and gross that my DVR just stopped working ... Possibly in disgust.

    • Love 3
  12. Oh joy. Anna is going to end up having to deal with Dr O's "clever" insults while trying to find Nathan and company.

    There was a way to make Dr O more of a gray character, if her role in what happened to Robin was far less active and if she got so mad at Faison's rejection that she turned on him and helped Robin escape - the Scorpios might always suspect she wasn't forced into helping Faison, or her motives for eventually helping Robin weren't pure ... but there wouldn't be proof.

    But it's been presented as Dr O quite happily tormenting Robin and doing anything to hurt Anna, simply out of jealousy (before Anna and Robert maybe killed Faison, at least). And that's not even getting into her multiple murder attempts on various characters. The character is grotesque and I can't deal with her. She's as bad as Sonny in my book.

    But like Sonny, she's apparently Teflon. So I can't get excited about any spoilers for her and Anna because I know I'm not going to get my wish of Anna gleefully locking that bitch in a windowless cell.

    • Love 9
  13. I don't like Nina, the actress, this story or any if Nina's actions.

    But I will say she's not necessarily beyond redemption, if she ever stops her scheming and as long as nobody actually gets hurt before she comes to her senses. Unlike many of the shitty people on this show, Nina's rage actually comes from crappy things that happened to her that she didn't bring on herself. (Compare to Sonny, Ava, Carly, Franco, Levi, Britt and her gross mommy, etc.).

    She's no Anna Devane, though. Although Anna isn't even Anna anymore at this point (which makes me so mad I could just fire up my weather machine and freeze the writers).

    And I'm sure Nina won't do anything to redeem herself, like, say, become a cop or otherwise be helpful. We'll just be expected to find her winning and fun and accept her.

    • Love 1
  14. As an added point, if Patrick thinks there's even an outside chance Victor targeted him and Emma to keep Robin in line, he needs to do SOMETHING. I mean, he clearly could give a shit about Robin at this point, but how's he going to feel if Victor tries to do something to Emma again? Or has Anna or Mac or Robert killed?

    Of course, be careful what I wish for, because Ron will probably have a scene where Patrick tells Anna and she just shrugs. Because this show hates me...

    • Love 8
  15. Good points re: Patrick telling Sam. However. He shouldn't rule it out so quickly.

    Patrick should not be taking anything he saw or heard at the lab at face value, given that he knows Victor is dangerous, Robin is acting unlike herself and was threatened into going in the first place, and the fact that they were chased out of the lab by goons.

    Also, Sam cared about Rafe, too, and Patrick has already involved Sam in the investigation of why Patricks car was run off the road. And if it's true Rafe was coerced by Victor into doing something that ultimately led to his death in disgrace, I think Sam would want to know.

    And if Jason was truly dead, Sam might want to claim the body and give him a decent burial finally. So telling her isn't entirely pointless even if Jason were beyond saving. She might be mad nobody told her earlier, but at least she'd know everything was tried and at least she didn't get her hopes up first.

    Patrick may come to this conclusion eventually, but he should already be using his brain and realizing this doesn't add up.

    • Love 1
  16. As I recall, Stefan was the most blameless of the bunch, and was young and had no control over what his family was doing when they abducted Laura. Laura credited him with being kind to her and, I guess, keeping her sane while she was held by Stavros. (Ugh, that whole story is gross).

    Eventually, I guess he turned bad, but not when Bobbie liked him in the late 90s.

  17. That clip illustrates everything that drove me nuts about the Cassadines in the 90s -- the self-seriousness and lack of humor of the characters, Alexis' hair, the convoluted family connections, and most of all the dark sets and dark clothing (at times in that scene, Stefan looks like a floating head).

    Much better than the evil campfest the Cassadines are now. But still.

    • Love 1
  18. I thought Bobbie / Stefan was at least interesting. Unlike Stefan and Katherine Bell - blah, the actress was fine, but the character was a mess.

    I don't actually like any of the Cassadines, although Helena has her moments. Stefan was the best of the bunch in the 90s, I guess, but I didn't love him. Nik was all right when he first came on, and I liked his friendship with Robin (and I wish they'd followed through with a Nik-Robin-Patrick triangle) but now he's just so useless.

    I'm working my way through the 80s clips on Youtube these days, so maybe I'll like the original versions...or at least find them more entertaining

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