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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. I was never into the teen stories until Jagger/Brenda/ Karen. What drew me in as a kid before that was the fun banter and adventures of the characters, even if a lot of it went over my head at the time. And the Qs, Robert and Anna and their friends seemed so glamorous.

    I would venture to say that GH's current obsession with immature but middle aged mobsters and psychos isn't helping to attract younger viewers. The show focuses on a bunch of weirdos who are between 40 and 50 and don't even act like real people. The younger set is pretty dull and/or locked into miserable stories. The kiddie love quadrangle - who is that for?

    Watching the summer on the run and Ice Princess stuff from the early 80s, there were a lot of flashbacks and repetitive conversations and the stories did move slowly at times. For instance, the night of Diana Taylor's murder takes almost two weeks of episodes (the hilarious part is that Luke and friends are at the disco, and every scene is like "hey, let's get more drinks!" - if it was all one night, they would've been completely trashed, or dead.)

    But they were able to have all kinds of characters interacting, and reacting to Diana's death in different ways. And the dialogue was just better and more interesting, and the characters more complex and intriguing. Everything can't be a big event - you need good characterization to keep viewers invested.

    • Love 1
  2. I believe the only thing that has increased the ratings the past couple of years is Scorpio based stories which they don't really promote.

    Cartini wouldn't give TR a contract & they shit on Robin's character, legacy & friends continually with all the kidnappings.

    And what does that tell you? People tune in to see a basically kind, decent character get rescued by her parents. A story with people to actually root for.

    This constant "wacky" grossness, with the kidnappings and the violence and good people constantly being made miserable, isn't doing it for viewers. Yet the show insists on it - and even undid the good Scorpio stuff by making Robin's rescue all for nothing!

    Sonny maybe, finally getting his comeuppance will surely up the ratings - but it's still not a really triumphant moment for Michael or anyone else. And it likely won't last. It's satisfying, but still just more negativity and misery for Michael (now, if AJ had only been in a coma, and woke up to vindication, then we'd really have something!)

    • Love 3
  3. Ugh. Why couldn't Franco's tumor come back and make him drop dead immediately after he revealed the truth about AJ's death? The actor re-signing is not good news.

    Poor Ian Buchanan. They should have left Duke dead ... especially if being Sonny's buddy is what they're doing with him!

    • Love 2
  4. Sweet Jesus, Cobalt!

    Ok, ok. Ugh, here goes:

    Marry Faison: I guess we could talk about literature and classical music and Anna's inherent awesomeness all day long. It will be a sexless marriage, though.

    Shag: Sonny - once, not in a crypt, and he gets no visitation rights to the inevitable baby.

    Kill: Franco. Painfully.

    I'll let others play this round ... I certainly can't top these options!

  5. They would really, really, really need to trim the cast (possibly do some recasts), rethink most of the plots and get some decent writers if they wanted to survive in prime time. It really is a gigantic mess right now.

    I actually think it's unfixable at this point ... Unless they want to erase the last 2 years of story and have it all be someone's nightmare.

    (Good candidates might be Robin - "I just kept getting kidnapped again and again!" - or Carly - "Franco came back somehow, and I slept with him ...eeeewww!")

    • Love 3
  6. Something is wrong with the show when I am actually siding with Franco, as in, relishing him having Sean, Carly and Heather in captivity. Not Jordan, cause I like her.

    MORE people being held captive? Omg with this show ...

  7. The part where he jokes that he toyed with having Franco say "yeah, I did do it" (set up the attack on Michael), really gets me. He thinks this shit is funny. He doesn't take it seriously. You can also see this nasty attitude in the constant torment heaped upon Robin. And whatever the hell Nina was doing to Ava. And even "sweet" little Sabrina tried to do something sick and terrible to Ava (who is terrible herself).

    There is something very wrong with him. (Of course, there was also something very wrong with whoever created Franco in the first place, which I understand was not Ron).

    • Love 5
  8. I agree that Carly has no moral high ground over Maxie, ever. And I hate Carly. But I also can't stand Maxie.

    BJ's heart be damned, if one of the sisters had to get murdered, I wish it had been Maxie and not (original) Georgie.

    • Love 3
  9. Since I'm currently obsessed with watching old school GH online, this is from 1981:

    Luke (upon running into Robert on a date with Laura): Well, isn't it a small world?

    Robert: Oh, it's about average-size, I'd say.

    They just have some very random but funny exchanges.

    And as much as Luke annoys me, it is kind of funny when he gets jealous and calls Robert "son of a koala bear."

    • Love 2
  10. I laugh at the conflicts of interest in the PCPD. Anna arrests her boyfriend. Dante arrests his father. Nathan is out for his aunt who he thought was his mother and his cousin who he thought was his sister.

    Well, in their defense, they only have three cops and the town is about 80% mob-affiliated or psychotic. They're bound to run into some conflicts.

    • Love 3

    I also think Sonny manipulated Robin as well. She was already a young girl, growing up without her parents (let's face it, Robert and Anna were off being bad ass spies. Mac was the mom and dad to Robin). She got infected with HIV at a young age and probably considered herself damaged goods. Sonny took advantage of that and made her believe her was a trustworthy guy...




    I agree that Sonny manipulated Robin in a way, and I love almost this entire post -- but I gotta make one correction. 


    R & A weren't missing from Robin's life because they were off being spies.  In the early 90s, when Robin was 13 or 14, Faison abducted Anna and made it look like she was working with him, the WSB turned on her and then turned on Robert when he tried to go save Anna.  The WSB told their family R & A died in an explosion - in reality, the WSB allowed Anna to languish somewhere for years with amnesia and no idea she had a kid to get back to - until Anna resurfaced on All My Children (for some reason) and finally got her memories back and adult Robin found her there, in like 2001.  Meanwhile, the WSB forced Robert to play dead and work undercover for the WSB for years, telling him they could kill Anna and get to Robin if he didn't cooperate.  That was Robert's explanation when he came back in '06 or '07, anyway.  His family was pissed at him and didn't believe him at first ... but they eventually accepted it as the truth. 


    I'm sure the show glosses over this now, since it's a convoluted mess.  But that's the Cliff's Notes version.  You are right, though, that Robin was already traumatized by her parents' apparent deaths and Stone's illness by the time Sonny presented himself as a friend.


    I wholeheartedly agree that Sonny used Jagger, used Karen, used Stone (he was Sonny's errand boy, not someone Sonny initially took in just to be nice), got a lot of mileage out of sweet little Robin Scorpio defending him to everyone, and then completely took advantage of messed-up Jason.  He used Michael for his pissing match with AJ.  He used up the best years of Brenda's young adulthood and screwed her up.  He is a user of young people. 

    • Love 5
  12. I hate Sonny so much now that I've become cynical about his supposed selflessness toward Stone. Look how much mileage he got from being nice to Stone and Robin - which really cost him nothing. While his reputation in the community improved, and he had Robin defending him for years.

    Ok, he donated a wing to the hospital. But that is just the kind of move the Godfather would've made to buy himself some legitimacy.

    • Love 2
  13. Can I just say how confused I get sometimes by the references to "Sean" in this forum? LOL.

    There's the Sean who played AJ, and there's the character Sean (or Shawn is how I've seen it spelled) who apparently is also played by a Sean. And for me the only real Sean on GH is Sean Donnelly (who incidentally was not played by a Sean).

    • Love 1
  14. Annie was very religious and therefore couldn't sleep with Jeff until he divorced Heather and married her. (Hence, Jeff's desperation to get a divorce as quickly as possible.)

    Annie being a virgin could've been interesting, if they showed her struggling against her own urges. But she was a bore for other reasons. Mostly I hate her for whining at Joe. "Joooooeee. How could you not tell me you had faaaaamily in town??" Pout, whine. And later she dumps Joe for his still-married roommate Jeff. And then pouts about how long it's taking Jeff to get rid of Heather.

    I'm sort of looking forward to whatever Heather does to her ...

  15. If the show wasn't prepared to send Sonny to jail for even a year or two, they never should have gone so far as to let him kill AJ.

    It's going to be so ridiculous if the entire town knows what happened, and he is STILL free.

    Just show him in an orange jumpsuit, trying to run his business from behind bars for at least a year. Michael can periodically visit just to mock him. He can find a poor stupid woman working in the hospital clinic to have sex with him.

    Then in a year or two he can save the warden from a fellow prisoner and get pardoned or something. I know the scum won't get life in prison like he deserves, but he needs to do some time!!

    • Love 7
  16. So Candy/Abby was a hooker/stripper but also had paralegal skills (according to Michael's sad rambling in the morgue)? Random.

    I still can't get over the fact that the morgue in Chicago was completely unattended and that Sam and Michael were sent down there with no warning. That's just cruel - was Dr O running the Chicago hospital back then? She would totally do that to someone.

    • Love 3
  17. What??? I can't imagine that whiny drip seducing anyone away from Bobbie. I mean, hello, Bobbie was a professional ... literally!

    I've just starting the 1981 episodes and I think it's shaping up to be a very good vintage. Laura is the ELQ receptionist, while Luke has been hired for some corporate espionage type deal by Edward and Alex Q. Robert is lurking around (attractively and mysteriously). Heather is fooling everyone with her innocent act. I have a feeling Monica and Alan are going to be having more affairs. Joe Kelly is adorable.

  18. Thanks again!

    Is it weird that I'm a little disappointed Liz isn't Anne's kid? I don't even really mind Liz ... but I could totally see her being the child of that passive aggressive twit.

    Jeff isn't too much of a prize, either. I feel for him being stuck with a crazy wife, but at one point he's like "maybe shock therapy will make Heather better faster so she can give me a divorce!" And Steve Hardy is like "omg, what is wrong with you?"

    Eta: I love that Heathers doll-obsessed roommate Sarah is even more nuts and keeps threatening to spill Heather's schemes if Heather stops being her "best friend." Sarah is effectively creepy.

  19. Muchos gracias! That explains a lot!

    Where I'm at in the story is that Heather is finally hoping to get out of the loony bin, almost a year after dosing herself accidentally with the LSD. Jeff (MacGuyver) is her husband but desperately wants a divorce so he can marry Anne Logan (who is awful and boring). Back then Heather was conniving and acting like she didn't remember anything she'd done to Diana - in reality, she's scheming to get PJ from Diana again and knows that Jeff might leave her for Anne, so she's manipulating him, too.

    Now, where does Liz fit in to the whole Webber family??

  20. Alexis and Mac ... zzzzz. I've never been wild about Alexis. Mac I appreciate as a nice person and I've always like JJY's voice and looks. But other than that ... zzzz.

    Scott hasn't had anything decent to do since Serena was a small child. And the Franco mess is just ... yikes. Scott can be a whiny jerk sometimes, but he doesn't deserve that.

    Michael's life has just been a shitty, shitty mess. I missed the whole Abby era (doesn't sound like it lasted long). But wow. What the hell kind of hospital sends you on a surprise! visit to the morgue?!

    And since I'm trying to piece together the 1980/early 1981 stories online right now - can someone tell me why Heather was so obsessed with Diana Taylor's kid back in the day??

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