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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. What does it say about me that Ned sleeping with Monica is one of my favorite things ever on this show? Also that time Ned was committing bigamy.

    I don't even like Ned, but he could sure bring the fun scandal back in the day!

    • Love 3
  2. I'll go along with what appears to be the popular votes today:

    Britt - weirdo

    Alice - I always felt they used this character to make fun of larger women (but I haven't paid attention to her since the days of her pathetic crush on Luke, so what do I know)

  3. I'm watching it right now - also a big fan of this episode. Lee Grant is just so good at playing the charming, but secretly cold-blooded sociopath.

    I love how she practically talks to Columbo like he's a child - she doesn't even realize how smart he is, and falls for his bumbling act!

    • Love 2
  4. I don't think actors should get to dictate what their characters do, and sometimes they do just have to be told "no, this is what works better for the story."   But their opinions should be given some consideration by the people running the show.  As with everything, it's a judgement call and a question of balance.


    The actors do end up being the face of the show - to the public, if not within the industry where everyone knows who is really responsible for the storylines on the show.  When the writers make the characters look ridiculous, it's the poor actors who wind up being mocked on The Soup and Chelsea Lately.  That can't feel good.

    (Ok, sometimes it's their own acting that gets them into trouble, but often it's not).


    Also, it's got to be galling to be one of the actors who has been on the show forever, and the writers who have maybe only a few years experience with the character are ruining the goodwill that your character used to have with the audience, and they just don't care that you are being sent on set every day to look foolish.  Or that the more unhinged of your fans are now writing to you, like "I USED TO LOVE YOU - WHY THE HELL DOES CARLY SUCK SO MUCH NOW?!!  CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING?!"  I've read that soap actors can get some psychotically vicious "fan" mail.


    I fall back on what I suggested before that Soaps need a Chief Historian more than a chief writer. The Historian could over rule the writer in favor of the actor or the actor in favor of the writer.



    • Love 4
  5. UYI, you are a gold mine of fun facts about GH actors! Love it!   (I'm a little disappointed Lynn didn't work "world peace" into her answer, though).


    For anyone who gets the nostalgia-fest that is the basic cable "MeTV" network, they are showing an episode of Kojak tomorrow night that features Jane Elliott (Tracy).  She plays a man's mistress ... interesting to see her as the other woman, instead of the unloved wife Tracy usually ends up being!


    And according to IMDB, she was also in the Eric Stoltz movie Some Kind of Wonderful.  !!


    Also, I think Tristan Rogers (Robert) was coupled up with Susan Lucci in a episode of the Love Boat.

  6. Ok, so Sonny killed AJ because he thought AJ killed Connie. And now Sonny wants to kill Ava because Ava actually killed Connie (and let Sonny kill AJ for said murder). And Ric is off pretending to have been killed because ... people think he killed AJ?

    Do I have that right?

    So why did Ava kill Connie, again? I've lost track in all the murdering (and my frequent lengthy stays on the Barge).

    Ugh ... So I guess the Sonny actor apparently has a lifetime guarantee of employment or something, but if we're stuck with Sonny for the duration, can't they at least refrain from ratcheting up his awfulness exponentially every few years?

  7. Ric -- I still hate him for the panic room grossness, and cheating on Alexis with Sam when Alexis had cancer, and just generally being an obsessive weirdo about Sonny back in the day ("I hate him! No, I want him to like me! No, I don't really care - oh, but I do!"). And I don't even like Carly, Alexis or Sonny.

    Patrick -- I couldn't decide between him or Britt, but I determined that she is a pathetic weirdo with sick freaks for parents ... whereas he has far fewer excuses for being a self-absorbed ninny.

  8. She looked absolutely heartsick and overcome at any given moment they were together. I really felt for her and at times - especially during his musical numbers, which were very good - her face was hard to watch. By most accounts, there was not much acting involved given their history. I am so glad they did not force a Frisco/Felicia reunion on her.



    Why, are they not together anymore in real life?  :(

  9. Can't Anna just take down Dr. O on general principles, rather than having to do it at that asshole's behest?


    You'd think she would've gotten on that already, right?  I mean, I know she has an entire, failing police department to run, but she could take an afternoon off to plot Dr. O's take-down.  If all of Anna's awesomeness hadn't been sucked out of her in recent years, she totally would've taken care of this problem months ago. 


    Can any random chopper use GH's helipad?





    I feel like that's a tad unrealistic.



    Everything about this hospital is bizarre at this point. 


    If PC were a real place, and I were injured in it, I would drag my bleeding carcass over the county line to avoid being brought to the hospital that is (1) run by a kidnapper/torturer, and (2) staffed with people like Britt and Franco.

  10. Man, was Flea always so um slow with people?


    Felicia's IQ has seemed to fluctuate with the needs of the plot over the decades.  In the 80s, she started out very young and naive, but by the end of the decade, she was solving mysteries with Frisco, Robert, and Anna - and she was fairly smart. 


    When she came back in the early 90s, with the amnesia, they seemed to make her a little dumb and a little childish.  Like, she had a hard time finding a job she could do at first, because she acted like a ditz.  The fact that the actress has a naturally high, chirpy voice doesn't really help, but the writers did Felicia no favors by trying to make her winningly cute and flirty around Mac, and say silly things. 

  11. Julian and Ava fucking won for me today.


    Ok, so I totally read this a different way at first.  "Wait, WHAT?!  Aren't they siblings?!" 


    Although, where did this Ava come from, anyway?  I thought Julian's sister was Crazy Olivia Who Caused Anna's Elevator Miscarriage.  


    I will address Felicia's intelligence level in the history thread.


    BestestAuntEver, I can't even think about anything involving Robin anymore, because my brain has a rage-fit and melts.

  12. I do get why people would prefer this version of the show to the Guza regime.

    And I feel bad if any of my posts have seemed disparaging to the fans who like the show now.

    It is all personal preference. Just, for me, the things that drove me bonkers under Guza (bad guys always getting the upper hand, excessive nastiness and violence, interesting ideas that fall apart in the execution) are still a huge, huge issue under the new showrunners. Same problems, different characters -- with a heaping side dish of campiness.

    • Love 4
  13. Like a lot of the old school characters, he was awesome because he had depth. He wasn't perfect, he got things wrong and hurt others' feelings and felt bad about it later, and he had some dark stuff in his past.

    But helping people was a huge deal for him. And he was case in point that good characters don't have to be boring! He was fun and charming and awesome!

    • Love 3
  14. As KerleyQ said, it was a joke, riffing on Ron's latest twitter exchange with fans.

    But I stand behind my assessment that he needs to focus on actual logic. It's maddening for Dr. O. and Britt to have jobs while Patrick gets fired. It's maddening that Maxie has to be completely oblivious for the Levi story to work. It's maddening that the circumstances of Robins leaving seem to shift in the writers minds. It's maddening that we are supposed to care about either Sonny or Ava in this scenario. It doesn't take a huge budget to not strain credulity quite so much.

    Now if the press conference leads to public scrutiny over Dr. O's past and other hospital messes, will eat my hat and say "well played, Ron!"

    • Love 11
  15. That's a good idea, OnceSane!

    I'm just thinking ahead - for now we still have a ton of useless characters just asking for a quick death. But after a few more rounds it might make sense to slow down ...

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