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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. Maybe because Nik used to have the hots for her daughter?

    I wonder if an Anna / AJ matchup could have been something. Just throwing that out there. Might have been interesting to see AJ aligning himself with the cops in hopes of taking Sonny down, and some sparks fly.

    Of course, I don't care how this show actually ends, Robert /Anna are endgame for me. Just thinking of what might've been an interesting short term thing for her ...

    • Love 1
  2. Well nobody wants to kill Ric with me, so I'm going with Nikolas today. That guy is a dummy.

    And Patrick - any lady in his orbit is screwed because Patrick always gets the sympathetic writing, no matter what. So he's gotta go!

  3. Regarding this show trying to accommodate TG and Luke at this point:

    I wish the guy a speedy recovery, but WHY do they even try to make him the center of a story at this point? Even without his current health problems, Characters like Luke, Sonny and Carly are beyond overplayed at this point. They need to give these folks a break and put them in the background for a good long while ... or really think hard about how to make them fresh again.

    Sonny is stuck on a hamster wheel of vendettas and bed hopping. Carly hasn't really had anything new and interesting and fun to do since the beginnings of her flirtation with Jax. Luke is either in "dark" and brooding mode or in the middle of some "zany" adventure (which he's kind of too old for at this point). A lot of the characters are stuck in similar ruts.

    Not to be age-ist, and you need balance between vets and newbies, but this show was at its best when they carefully introduced new, engaging people as the stories unfolded.

    Unfortunately, the show doesn't do a great job introducing new and/or young characters. In fact most of the younguns kinda suck. Or, like the extended Obrecht family and the Nina, newbies come on already loaded down with a bunch of clunky backstory and plot contrivance (and they just plain suck, IMO). Not sure why this show is obsessed with making everyone related, either!

    Also, the small children and excess of babies - enough already! Nobody in the history of soap watching has ever said "this show could use more kiddies running around and being cloying!"

    • Love 5
  4. I have Kim McCullough on the brain now, because we've been discussing her in the media thread.


    Does anyone else remember when she showed up on The Shield a few times?  Her character was a car thief.  I never bothered to learn this character's name, she was always Car Thief Robin to me.  She flirted outrageously with one of the cops every time she was arrested, too, which was a lot of fun. 

  5. OK, I know this is a day or two late, and God knows why this just dawned on me, but...  In the conversation about how Nina could tell Nathan's mood by his gestures, did she really imply that she knows him well enough to know what those gestures mean?  Wasn't he like still in single digit years when she went into the coma?  So he hasn't emotionally progressed in that long?  (Forgive me if this was cleared up on air, as I try not to pay attention to the words coming out of Nina's mouth.) 


    Oh man, now I'm picturing this grown man wandering around, gesturing and reacting to things like a toddler would. 


    Although, I guess Sonny already does that ...

    • Love 5
  6. He also needs to learn that a triangle has to be believeable on both sides. There is nothing believable about Maxie looking at someone like Levi, letting alone getting involved with his kind of personally. Instead of trying to ping hole Maxie into a square peg where she doesn't fit(Spixie, Levi) start working where she does fit.


    For Levi to get away with this much manipulation, they should have cast someone more conventionally attractive, and he should have been sucking up to Mac and reeling Maxie in by acting like the perfect boyfriend ... not going out of his way to be an ass.


    I speculate that whatever Levi's endgame is, it will end with him figuratively, if not literally, tying Maxie to the train tracks like a silent movie villian.  I see this going nowhere subtle or surprising. 

    • Love 4
  7. I mean, to be fair to her, no one was really talking about until Daytime Confidental decided to report it as "news".


    She must have known that was a real possibility, though.


    This is the age of social media - but who gets burned by what they put out there isn't always predictable or fair.  Very probably (and hopefully) will have absolutely no effect on her.  I just saw that and was like "ooh, why does she even want to get into this?!" 

  8. Ski lift fight!  (Feel free to skip through the dialogue between Sean's henchmen, and between Holly and her friend).  Robert and Sean actually look like they're hurting each other.


    Sean starts chasing Robert at 5:42 on this clip:


    And then:



    This is the clip (skip to 1:34 on the timer) where Sean cries because he thinks he killed Robert.  Frisco has some good dialogue where he shames Sean for what he's done.  Anna has a nice mini-flashback of her and Robert. 


  9. Sonny and Carly definitely deserve each other, and the rest of the dating public deserves to be done with them.


    But, honestly, they both need to just be alone at this point.  Sonny is gross, and has already impregnated the ladies too many times.  He should not be allowed to date anyone, ever again!  And Carly has lost her damn mind - Jax was far too good for her, and she should have clung to him for dear life when he deigned to marry her ... and if she thinks Franco should be her boyfriend, clearly her brain is broken. 

    • Love 3
  10. Britt's an idiot.  Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing?  Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went?


    Given how tone-deaf everything on this show is, and how stupid Nik has been to let Britt near him at all after all the weird crazy shit she's pulled ... I'm sort of surprised that's not where this story is headed. 



    Julian saying "Peace out, bitch" to Fluke seemed less like something Julian would actually say and more like something Ron thought was funny that he could tweet.


    Isn't Julian supposed to be a fiftysomething, slightly more sophisticated mobster?  Yeah, that line seems like something the writer just thought would be "cool." 

  11. Oh, heavens.  What is KMc thinking?  I mean, he probably is a giant douche, and she probably has her reasons for still hating him.   But if she wants her directing career to take off ... maybe best to just stay out of this silliness?  


    I mean, definitely get a tub of popcorn and sit back and enjoy while your ex make an ass of himself.  But maybe do it a little more privately ...

    • Love 2
  12. You know, I never saw it in real time, only on YouTube. I think that the ski lift fight is actually the end of the Aztec Treasure story (because Sean has actually kidnapped Frisco, Felicia and Anna at this point). After that finishes, Anna leaves town and Sean somehow gets himself off the hook.

    I think the Asian Quarter stuff doesn't kick off until Robin turns up on Roberts doorstep and Anna has to come back and explain herself. (Another great scene! - where Robert sees Anna and Robin together for the first time and makes the most perfect "OMG!" face ... because he just instantly knows. )

    I haven't watched the rest of the Asian Quarter stuff yet.

  13. The Robert/Sean fight on the lift was some good shit! It was a messy, gritty fight to the death (or so we thought), and Anna's watching the whole thing and is shell-shocked when she thinks Robert is dead.

    And Sean at one point starts sobbing in remorse. And he doesn't even mind when Robert arrests him, he's just so damn happy and relieved he didn't actually kill his old pal. Such good drama!

    • Love 1
  14. As for Sonny's claim that he's a good mobster 'cause he doesn't run drugs, and is only "importing coffee":

    The only reason for a fictional mobster to ship coffee around all the live long day is because the coffee grounds mask the smell of the drugs in the shipments from drug-searching dogs.

    At least that's what Beverly Hills Cop taught me as a child.

    Therefore, I've decided Sonny is 100% running drugs.

    • Love 6
  15. What does it say about me that Ned sleeping with Monica is one of my favorite things ever on this show? Also that time Ned was committing bigamy.

    I don't even like Ned, but he could sure bring the fun scandal back in the day!

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