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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. I finally finished the Luke and Laura wedding extravaganza (it was kind of a chore at times with the whole town trying to plan the wedding... October 1981 was basically filler and the show spinning it's wheels while trying to get Liz Taylor to visit, apparently).

    The good:
    - Scotty catching the bouquet, looking like a bearded deranged mountain man. Made. Of. Awesome.

    - Robert getting tanked at the bachelor party and having a killer hangover the morning of the wedding. Adorable.

    - Luke and Laura both looked nice. And it was nice to see the whole town there. As well as outdoor scenes! It was all very, very pretty!

    - The drama over Laura's divorce papers gave us Lee's fantastic little story arc of falling off the wagon and burning them in a fit of rage and sadness over his estrangement from Scott. And then his efforts to make things right. Actor Peter Hansen = awesome.

    - Liz Taylor. The only version of Helena I can tolerate.

    The bad:
    - What kind of nimrod plans an outdoor wedding in upstate NY in the middle of November? They did have Luke say they were having an "Indian Summer" but still ... why would you bank on that.

    - Why were there no chairs?! That drove me nuts. Everyone's standing for the ceremony, standing around eating off of tiny plates ... I was waiting for Laura to just drop a bunch of food with red sauce all over her dress.

    - At times the folksy background music and all the colorful supporting characters talking about the wedding made me want to slap someone. I totally get why Lee started drinking again ...

    - I love Ruby, but having her jump out of a cake in an old timey whore costume for Luke's bachelor party? Um ... that was just strange. Clearly Robert was already drunk when he planned that, or he was fucking with Luke.

    The ugly:
    - Bridesmaid dresses. Nope. Also Lesley's dress. No bueno.

    • Love 1
  2. I think she passes for a young-looking 42-year-old. The actress looks young, but doesn't have a baby face, so it works for me.

    My only tiny gripe, because so far I love the show, is that Becca has reverted back to 20-something thinking in a lot of ways. I would think that in some instances, she'd get fed up with the immature drama, because she has 20 years of maturity on everyone around her. Like, not letting passive aggressive Melanie's comments get to her.

    • Love 2
  3. One of my best friends in high school (in the 90s) was a Becca. So that complaint is just silly.

    The only thing I have wondered about is if some of the tight tops and dresses were more late 90s, early 00s. But I could be wrong. 1995 may have been the point when more loose-fitting, grunge rocker clothes began to switch to more form fitting.

  4. He actually did once, he pushed her off a cliff ten years ago. Of course you see how that ended up, alas.

    If Ron really wants to shock me, he could actually, finally kill off one of the laughably omnipotent villains. He's got like 8 to choose from at this point.

    We'd never see it coming at this point!

    • Love 4
  5. Well, that was even more nudity than usual, lol.

    Elizabeth really doesn't have a clue if she thinks Paige would not be miserable living the spy/traitor life the Centre wants for her. Or maybe she thinks they have absolutely no choice, so they should at least make the best of it? Whereas Phillip is willing to fight this.

    Poor Annalise. That was really terrible.

    Stan continues to be pathetic.

    I worry for Martha from the previews...

    • Love 1
  6. Anyway, those spoilers just make me crazy because, either don't write your characters doing truly unforgivable things or write them off the show into prison when they do. And let them stay there for at least a year.

    The whole wrestling over a gun and it goes off trope is dumb, but it exists for a reason - so characters can kill but aren't actually cold blooded killers. They should've used that with Ava and Sonny if they're going to subject us to this.

    That said, and because she is an unstoppable force for evil, I would like it if Nik killed his grandma.

    • Love 6
  7. Ew. That's what's in the basement? Honestly, I might've preferred poop ...

    I will grant that that was probably a good scene, where Dante wakes up and finds the corpse. But a) it's a rip off from Psycho anyway, and b) it's not worth the months of nonsense beforehand - and the likely many weeks of nonsensical explanation yet to come.

    Whose basement is this supposed to be again?

    Those pictures of Helena in her ridiculous white furs just make me fantasize about a polar bear eating her...

    • Love 5
  8. There's no point in bringing Laura back if they're going to write for her as shittily as they do so many other once-great characters. Luke is ruined at this point, Lulu is not herself anymore, Lucky's not around, and the only way to get ahead in PC is to be an insane villain. Oh, and Nik is ... kinda ruined at this point, too.

    I never felt like Luke was necessary for the show to work. But then I started watching in the era of Robert/Anna/Frisco/Felicia/Sean/Tiff/Qs etc.

    • Love 2
  9. She was called to Washington D.C. to answer questions about Faison. I'm imagining that Robert Scorpio was called there as well, and that Anna and Robert are f*cking like bunnies every night back at the Watergate Hotel.

    As usual, the good stuff happens offscreen...

    But good God, can they just throw me a fucking bone here and say she went to Paris with Robert to look for Robin?

    Since the show took away Anna's job, and her useless boyfriend, hasn't given her an actual home, and won't show all the sex she's having with Dante, what other story has she got but to go around trying to figure out what happened to her kid? At this point, I don't care if it takes her months to get anywhere with the investigation (it will anyway), just write her in character and let her start thinking again. Geez.

    • Love 6
  10. Sean as Axl cracked me up.

    Lolly and Jamie was kind of sad. Yep, that's dating in one's twenties! Gotta say, I miss my youth but I don't miss that!

    So far, Becca has coped pretty well with going back to 90s technology. I don't think I'd be able to go back and remember how to work Windows 97!

    What happened at the very end? My DVR cut off right when Becca got the call about the magazine job.

    • Love 1
  11. Gloria Monty told Genie Francis to get over herself once when she had some problem due to her heroin use. She said if anything happened to her it didn't matter because Luke was the real star. Gloria Monty put out good product but she favored the men.



    What, what, whaaaa......?   Genie did heroin??   I'm trying to picture sweet, plucky little Laura doing heroin ...

  12. For crying out loud, Carly, it's not like Sonny and AJ were wrestling over a gun and it went off accidentally.  Sonny murdered him, and has admitted that, crazy lying Ava or no, he was happy to do it.  And Carly was a-ok covering for it and defending Sonny.   This isn't just some little family rift.


    Now, I can see how Carly would have had the misguided idea that Michael would be happier if he never found out who really killed his father.  Or if she was afraid of what Sonny might do if she outed him as a murderer.  But it hasn't been played like that - she slept with Sonny after finding out the truth and she just plain doesn't care about AJ getting killed, and she simply doesn't want to deal with the consequences of Michael being (understandably!) furious about all of this.


    The very least she could do is accept that Michael gets to decide when he's ready to deal with her again.

    • Love 9
  13. If the writers think that using one character to prop another makes the character in the wrong more likable, they are DEAD wrong. It's lazy writing and it never works. It just drags down all of the parties involved. How about SHOWING that a character feels remorse for their own actions? Novel idea that actually would involve character development and we can't have that.


    This, the one thing that might make me like Carly ... is the one thing this show will never do with her character.

    • Love 5
  14. I had such high hopes for both JMB's Lulu and Patrick when they both came on.  I thought both characters had bratty tendencies covering up a heart of gold, and I was ready to love them both.  


    But they pushed Lulu too far into being an apologist for Carly and Jason and the like.  And she really was a little jackass to Georgie, and then sleeping with Dillon was so beyond dumb.  But being with Dante made her more likable again.


    I thought it would be fun to watch Patrick be a playboy, and I didn't mind that for a long time he had trouble committing to Robin.  What turned me on him eventually was that he was actually a much better friend to Liz, and could be totally clueless about Robin's feelings in a way that made no sense.  Like, just standing there while Carly bitched at Robin.  Or rolling his eyes when Robin revealed the baby Spencer lie ... I didn't believe Patrick, who was fairly new in town and had no stake in any of this - but was a doctor and should have been like "whoa, switching paternity tests is a crazy thing to be doing" - acted like Robin was overreacting somehow.  He could have been a lot more grateful about Robin putting her job on the line to get Noah a liver transplant, as well - she nearly got fired for that, and it was Patrick's dad, not hers. 


    Which is not to say Patrick didn't have some great, loving moments toward Robin.  But often, seemingly out of nowhere, he has this completely asshole attitude toward her, and it's just jarring and weird.   Like the way they're writing him now ...  I think all the writing regimes for Patrick have liked the idea of Patrick the hot and sometimes sympathetic doctor - but they do not actually write him well or with much care or attention.    I think if they were going to do Patrick's drug addiction after Robin's "death," they should have really gone for it and really shown his struggling with addiction and slow descent into it, and explored the role that guilt played in it.  Like, Patrick being unable to deal with both the grief and the realization that he could have been a lot better of a husband to Robin.   

    • Love 2
  15. I  haven't watched in almost two weeks, but from recaps it looks like the Fluke thing might be ending soon. Thank goodness. I guess my biggest issue with this has been that all along, Fluke hasn't showed one whit of vulnerability as a villain.  I think someone said once that every villain is the hero of his own story. Also, that villains don't see themselves as villains. They see themselves as righteous and justified and sometimes, even see themselves on the side of good. But every good villain IMO has layers-they have weak spots. And all I see with Fluke is just CRAZY.

    I think insanity is such a lazy ploy for a villain. No matter who Fluke is, they missed the boat in many ways. But the biggest way to me, is that they have never bothered to give him one ounce of humanity.

    He's just a boring, cartoon-y nutjob, and he could have been so much more.  It's a shame.


    That's the problem I have with all the villains on this show now.  It's all just CRAZY ALL-POWERFUL EVIL! with a side of plot contrivance to allow them to crazy it up another day without getting caught ... or allowing them to escape from the last time they got caught.  And apparently they all work with each other on some level, or at least help each other out when the plot contrivances call for it.  It would actually be more interesting to me if the villains competed with and screwed each other over.  This actually makes them all a generic mass of blah for me.


    I'm home because of a blizzard but I don't even have the desire to watch today.  Not that I could, anyway - all the stations are 24-7 news to cover the storm.  Geez, you'd think Mikkos was freezing the world again for all the hype.  It's just a blizzard, people!

    • Love 4
  16. I think I did a search for "gh full episodes 1980" to find the playlists I watched.  Might have been one called GHRickLesley.   When there were gaps, I had to do some scrounging around on Luke and Laura fan playlists, to fill in some plot points for the summer on the run.   


    I haven't seen too much of Hutch yet, and at the same time I've seen more than I'd like- those pants leave little to the imagination!



    I just died laughing every time he walked into a scene and it was like, whoa!  

    • Love 1
  17. If you do a search of GH or "general hospital" and 1979, you should start finding good stuff! That's how I started out (in my completely weird quest to watch all the 80s stuff leading up to when I started watching as a kid in the late 80s...)

    I watched some end of 79 stuff to start myself off. There are some die hard Rick/Lesley fans, and they've posted a lot of great clips. Also, the Lassa fever outbreak has some clips, and Heather and the LSD on the lazy Susan.

    Funnily enough, reruns of the show must have been a big hit in Germany at one time. There are a lot of German-dubbed clips of 70s and early 80s GH!

  18. Yes, Noah's stories seem completely lame so far! (I'm up to late 1981 in my online watching). So far, he's mostly just flirted and pouted that Bobbie won't sleep with him fast enough -- poor thing is paranoid she's not good enough for rich doctor Drake, and worries he will think she's "easy" (probably she's terrified if he ever finds out she was a prostitute) ... then he goes and sleeps with another nurse. Yep, just like his petulant son!

    I die laughing whenever he appears in a scene, though, because they had Noah do that preppy, totally 80s scrunched-up sleeve look ... with his white doctor coat. Hee!

    Is the blues club parking lot where Lily went boom?

  19. I'm finally up to the Beecher's Corner stuff (August 1980 episodes). Laura is kind of dumb- she doesn't want to sleep with Luke because she doesn't want to break her marriage vows...So apparently running off with another man, kissing him, and declaring her love for him are all a-ok under those vows?

    Maybe it was explained in an episode that isn't uploaded, but how did everyone in PC go from thinking Luke was dead to knowing he's alive and off somewhere with Laura? I know they found his suit thrown away, but even before that they seemed to know.


    I think part of it was stubbornness on Laura's part - Scott had called her a tramp after finding her letter to Luke (he didn't believe it was rape), so she wasn't going to cross that line with Luke and "prove him right", so to speak.


    I think there wasn't one thing that tipped people off to Luke being alive, it was a whole series of things ... Laura disappearing at the same time, Frank Smith's men watching Bobbie and Ruby's places and harassing them (a tip-off to Bobbie/Ruby/Joe that the mob at least still believed Luke was alive) ... and I think Frank Smith figured it out when his Black Book of Coded Mob Secrets got stolen (he realized Luke probably came back and broke into his office to get it).  


    Jenniferbug, are you enjoying the hilarity of Hutch the Hitman and his too-tight pants?  

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