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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. What drives me nuts is that sometimes the show acknowledges that Sonny is abusive and violent and then they backtrack, like "nah, he means well!"

    He might actually have been interesting to me if he had to stay in prison, we saw him a moderate amount, and he actually had to work on himself and his issues and mature. But, no.

    Sonny's had so many wake up calls over the years that he needs to change - Lily blowing up, shooting Dante and realizing it's his son, shooting Carly in the head, Michael going to prison, going off his meds and hurting Robin, killing AJ based on Ava's lies and his own grudges and having Michael turn on him, etc. etc. etc

    He never freaking learns! Get some damn therapy! Don't wave a gun around like a nimrod and then act sorry when people get hurt! The mob is dangerous! Try and learn even one of these lessons after 20 years of this shit, good grief.

    The show doesn't even pretend to take his issues seriously anymore, which does a disservice to the story of his abuse as a kid and his bipolar condition.

    • Love 10
  2. Only Michael deserves a cute pet!

    Sonny will die in one of his own warehouses, smothered by an avalanche of his own black market goods that spontaneously burst from their crates. Is it: a) illegal drugs, proving Sonny a liar after all these years; or b) adorable squishy gummy bears, as some have speculated?

    • Love 1
  3. The one who is not JJ or GV ... because I liked them both in the role and would like to keep my memories of enjoying their scenes. This Patricia shit is going to be a mess.

    Ric will be run over by a train and killed, but the handsome actor will come back as a new character.

    Will he be: a) an out of work astronaut who has heard about Casey the Alien, is super intrigued, and comes to town to flirt with Anna; or b) a food truck driver with a shady past who parks outside of the hospital and hits on Liz during her lunch break.

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  4. How about Sonny loudly proclaiming he's gonna ruin Julian and shit in the very building where he's trying to get custody of a baby. LOL.

    I read this wrong, obviously, because at first I pictured Sonny taking a dump on the courtroom floor as a gesture of disdain for Julian.

    Ahem. Why am I obsessed with poop in connection with this show now?!

    • Love 10
  5. I like the actor but Ric doesn't work for me as a character. At all.

    I always wanted Ric to get smushed by a train ... and then bring the actor back as a hot new doctor. One person is allowed to note that he looks like Ric. Then Ric is never mentioned again.

    • Love 5
  6. The problem is also that this shit is kinda boring. Babies, custody fights, murders shrugged at, kidnappings, mob alliances. Over and over and over. I'm rooting for Michael - because who else is there? - but it's honestly hard to care.

    Sonny is so damn played out at this point. AJs murder comes down to ... another baby custody story? Just ... no.

    The Luke stuff just patently makes no sense. And Luke was always obnoxious to me, but he had his moments and I get why he had so many fans. This story is ruining Luke even more than Guza's stories already had.

    I don't think Ron has an idea of what he wants to SAY with these current stories. He likes the wacky antics of the 80s stories, I think. But a lot of the 80s adventures had a message of romance-blossoming-through-adventure and redemption (for Luke, then for Anna and Sean in the Aztec and Asian Quarter stuff). And frankly, the ideas were a lot more creative and elaborate back then.

    The message I get out of the current stories is that good people are often boring hypocrites, while murderers/kidnappers/psychos are a-ok as long as they love their own kids. Or are named Franco.

    Jason reverting back to Jason Q could be interesting. But already the story is too convoluted.

    • Love 10
  7. So I've just started the 1982 stuff:   


    I don't think the David-Gray-stalks-Laura-while-she-models-as-Miss-Star-Eyes story is supposed to give me the giggles ... but it really does.  Every time he silently wanders into a scene, all Mopey McStaresALot and acting like a creepy weirdo, I find it hilarious.  


    Luke and Laura and Robert living on the Haunted Star and trying to make it a nightclub is kind of fun.  And Demi Moore just showed up as a reporter interviewing Laura!


    I've reversed position on Heather and Anne Logan at this point.  I am now sick of Heather's whining and innocent-little-me act.  And the more cynical and bitter Anne gets, and the more she drinks, and the more everyone gives her flack for it ... the more entertaining I find her.  Now I'm team Annie - go figure.  


    I have a feeling the Monica / Alan / Susan stuff is about to get fun ...

    • Love 2
  8. It's funny watching the scenes with Sarah Brown now, because I just keep thinking "wow, she's really, really pretty!"  I think I found her version of Carly so exhausting - with the constant planning, and manipulating, and bitchfacing, and blaming everyone else for her problems - that I couldn't even find her attractive after a while.    

  9. Dude, I hate Ron so much that I'm Team Micheal for life now.

    This is what you made me Ronald McShitWriter.

    I'm Team Michael, to the extent I care. Which is not much since I hate child custody stories, hate Sonny stories, hate stories where Carly tries to claim she's any kind of mother figure, hate Ric and Alexis at this point and don't want to watch them play lawyer, and could not care less about Ava, Kiki, the baby or anyone else in this story. I can't get past the fact that Sonny got out of jail this easy - even for TFGH it's ridiculous.

    I feel bad for Michael and want good things for him. But the show hates the halfway decent characters these days so I'm not holding my breath. Everything else about this story is a big snore.

    • Love 5
  10. Didn't Ava plan to poison Michael at one point? Did I imagine that? The characters do so many unbelievable and heinous things that it's hard to keep track ...

    Anyway, Ava is ridiculous. Even the actress can't save her for me. She's a murderer and it's partly her fault AJ died. I doubt she has any remorse for that. I don't care if she ever sees her baby again. I'm fed up with the unrepentant monsters on this show.

    • Love 6
  11. The scenes where Sonny shoots Robin in the arm because he's going after Jax are unintentionally funny to me. She's like "can you at least get me a towel [you dipshit]?"

    And he just mumbles "yeah...." and slowly ambles off like this is a big inconvenience for him.

    I honestly have been confused for years as to what I'm supposed to get out of the Sonny character. Besides the fact that he's a dipshit.

    • Love 5
  12. Even more boring, in my opinion, would be for Helena to actually explain why she's doing what she's doing. It would take forever, and it would have to make sense, and I don't think the writers have any interest in weaving a tale from all the GH history (that they ignore).

    Oh, I don't want an explanation at this point. I just want her dead. Or to pick one nefarious plot and focus on it, instead of this Legion of Doom let's-all-just-cause-chaos crap.

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