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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. Steve and Audrey Hardy.

    Brian and Claudia, I think.

    Luke and Laura never cheated on each other (not including re-writes), though they did eventually break up.

    Robert Scorpio never cheated on a spouse, though they -- or he -- wound up dying.



    Steve/Audrey had at least one misunderstanding in the early 80s - where a woman came to town from Steve's past, and Audrey got the wrong idea, flipping out and moving in with Jessie - so I think that, if not cheating, there was some attraction to another person / jealousy issues in their relationship.


    Brian and Claudia probably never cheated on each other, but I'm afraid that might be because they almost never got to be center stage - they were always supporting others' stories.  


    As much as the show eventually pounded their relationship (and the Laura character, really) into the dirt ... yes, I guess Luke / Laura never cheated on each other except for in Retcon-ville.


    Robert never cheated on a spouse, but sad to say he could be a crappy boyfriend a times.  I love him, but he blatantly flirts with and kisses Jackie while he's supposed to be dating Tiffany, and then later marries Holly to get her a green card when he's supposed to be with Jackie.   I sort of hope Tiffany kicks him in the balls when she eventually (I hope!) dumps him over the Jackie stuff, but I'm only up to April '82 in my viewing, so I don't know yet.

    • Love 1
  2. These posts set me to thinking again about the history of couples on GH.  It's been a while, so I had to go back and look at the histories of Steve & Audrey and Brian & Claudia.  I couldn't find much about the latter couple, but the romantic life of Steve & Audrey was certainly not one long, continuously happy marriage - especially on Audrey's part. These were not simple, tawdry affairs and there were reasons for the splits; however,  Audrey had one other engagement and two other marriages.


    Luke and Laura met while Laura was married to someone else, a marriage which did not officially end until months before Luke and Laura's fabled wedding in 1981.  And then, a few months after this wedding, Laura disappeared to reappear only for relatively short stays until she and Luke returned together in 1992.   With all this talk about lasting marriages, I've asked  myself what the writers would have done even with Luke and Laura had both actors stayed on the GH canvas throughout the 80s.  Certainly, they had a rather good run with happy times in the 90s - as an older, more established couple.  But, eventually, their marriage did break down.


    The exit of one-half of the partnership also provided reasons for new romantic partnerships for Robert & Holly and Frisco & Felicia. 


    But my point here is not to rehash history, so I won't get into a litany of examples.  To repeat, I just find myself wondering how these couples stories would have unfolded had all the players stayed on the GH canvas indefinitely. 


    And, to bring this to the present topic of Dante and Lulu and their relationship and marriage, for me, this look back in time shows me even more how atypical they are of GH couples, past and present.  I am NOT saying that this is a bad thing:  I'm just saying it's a different thing.


    Replying about all the historical cheating / non-cheating in the history thread ....

  3. She doesn't return for the cash (or at least, it's not the main reason). She returns because she has affection for the character and the people she works with, and respect for the fans who want to see her as Robin.




    KMc protested the Lisa-tries-to-inject-Patrick-with-Robin's-blood story (not that that got her anywhere), and was even initially willing to have Robin killed off permanently.


    So, I kind of wish she would tell TFGH she doesn't want to keep coming back just for Robin to be constantly victimized and for the Scrubs relationship to get further and further dragged through the mud.  That Robin fans deserve a reasonably happy resolution for her.


    I don't blame any of the actors for not taking a stand, since I doubt most of them have any real power any more, and because I'm sure making the show is a lot more fun for the actors than actually watching it and trying to understand it.  But I kinda wish she would get opinionated about this.  

    • Love 3
  4. That would work if Cameron hadn't been involved in this asinine kiddie love quadrangle for so long.   But it would just be so weird at this point for Cam to suddenly be so much older than Emma and Joss.


    Also, Liz still looks too young to have a teen son.   Just send the kids off to be rarely seen and never heard, and just trotted out for holidays.  

  5. Oh that's disgusting.  Please, please no.  I just can't with this shit anymore.  


    I'm already living on the Barge now because so many of the stories are nasty and mean-spirited.  Especially what's been done to Robin.  If this happens, I will have to fantasize about leaving a flaming bag of dog poop on each of the writers' doorsteps ...


    Let's all post constantly about how we totally know this is where Robin's story is going, and Ron is so predictable, and we totally guessed it.   Then he'll totally change it, like the Fluke story ...

    • Love 7
  6. Why should Robin be recast? So NuRobin can be shit on face-to-face by Patrick? No thanks. He can take his Sam-loving ass and exit stage left and Robin can be in Paris sharing beds with Lucky (or Licky, according to my autocorrect).


    I would accept a one-week recast, if that's the only way to wrap up this story sooner rather than later and end Robin's constant kidnapping!  


    In my ideal world, she'd show up and announce that her dad rescued her offscreen months ago and she's just been hiding from the Legion of Doom until Robert and Anna thought it was safe for her to come out.  And then she'd grab Emma and leave, telling Patrick on the way out of town "good luck with that Sam relationship!"  Then look pointedly at Jake and snicker.  

    • Love 3
  7. Martha's freak out in the bathroom - and really all of her scenes - were really well done.  I like Martha and I really like the actress playing her.  "Clark" got himself a fake apartment pretty quickly, LOL.  


    Poor Lisa.  They are really going to mess up her life, aren't they?  


    I'm usually disinterested in Stan's sad sack life, but I liked the scene of him talking with his son about his past as an undercover agent.  


    Philip's goth get-up gave me the giggles.  


    Why did Elizabeth kill the lady with the bread?!  WTF?  I just can't with Elizabeth anymore.    

  8. BOX305, ON 03 APR 2015 - 5:24 PM, SAID:

    Yeah, this won't annoy/offend anyone Ron. Jesus. https://twitter.com/...077554472062976



    See, this is why he should not be in charge of a hamster, let alone an entire show with decades of history.   He takes the stories to these dark places - which I don't appreciate and feel aren't necessary - but at least treat it with some gravity if you must make the show this depressing.  Instead, he mocks the situation like it's funny.   Making a joke about a burned child's mask that is also religiously insensitive?  Making jokes about how a kidnapped/tortured Robin at least had "three hots and a cot"?  Turning Dr. Obrecht and Franco and Nina into wacky caricatures who come out ahead no matter how many people they've sadistically tormented?  


    This guy so badly wants to be writing American Horror Story: Hospital of Horrors.  So he's going to turn this show into a gruesome joke instead of respecting the genre.  

    • Love 4
  9. I could never get over Liz even contemplating getting back with Ric after the panic room mess. Even if she forgave him, even if it was established he had a psychotic break and would never do anything that gross again.... it would just kill any sexual impulse for me.

    The actor is a pretty, pretty man, but Ric as a character will always be icky panic room guy to me. Just no.

    • Love 7
  10. Patricia died? Ha ha ha! I'm not laughing because it's funny, I'm laughing because it's so typical of the constant, over the top misery on this show.

    I did think it was odd yesterday when Bobbie was all "I need my big brother!" Like, really? Are you sure? You're in your 50s and he's a raving lunatic now, so maybe you don't NEED him.

    • Love 8
  11. I know you're right. But to be this tone deaf toward the audience .... I blame the writers, not JT. It's just mind boggling that they expect Scrubs fans to stick around with this writing.

    And it dooms the SamTrick pairing as well, which could've worked with a different set up and story.

    • Love 1
  12. I think they already think they're doing that. "We're giving them Franco and Nina! What more do they WANT?"

    Hee. I just want a show where the assholes don't keep coming out ahead while the halfway decent people just constantly lose out or get ignored by the writers.

    Also, I really, really miss the days when a villain would get killed or actually be sent off to prison for good.

    • Love 3
  13. He must know that Scrubs has been utterly decimated by this current story, where Patrick is completely callous toward Robin while the audience knows she's continuing her years long suffering offscreen.

    I mean, everyone who knows Robin looks like an asshole in this story (which kills the Robert and Anna loving part of my soul). But Patrick demanding a divorce from someone he at least believes has PTSD and bitching about how he's mad Robin went with scary, threatening Victor when Victor was, you know, threatening her family ... He comes out looking the worst.

    • Love 5
  14. I'm kind of ashamed to admit this now, but I loved that episode. I thought it was great. Now, looking back on it I think it was probably because I am a newer viewer and because I easily just put everything past and future out of my mind. Leading up to this ep was awful and I am sure the future will be too, but this episode was good and I enjoyed it.


    No reason to be ashamed. I enjoyed it too, taken on its own merits -- and y'all know how much I rage and rant about the current writers.

    Also, Tracy looked fucking amazing ... actually, so good that it seemed like she wandered in on these downtrodden people and decided to stay and help them rather than return to her much more glamorous life. Hee. I really enjoyed that.

    But I still say it makes zero sense in the context of Luke's previously established history and even the Fluke stuff that started only a year ago. A traumatic event 50 years ago explains nothing. Only the last year of outright insanity required explanation - all of Luke's past bad behavior before then HAD an explanation ... which is that, when things get really rough for Luke, he turns into a cynical, self- destructive dick and ends up hurting others.

    • Love 10
  15. Can we come up with a name for the action of trying to make sense of this show when it goes totally off the rails? It's a futile action, yet one we are somehow compelled to take; we don't actually care, yet it still somehow matters so very much. I'm not as creative as many of y'all are, and I just know someone will come up with the perfect word. Ideally, the verb could be turned in to a noun as well, so that when I'm trying to make sense of something like the Legion of Doom, you could all just say, Oh, Turtle, stop being such a [word].  


    Hmmmm.   GH Insanity Enabler?  As in, "Look, I know I'm GH Insanity Enabling here, but it totally makes sense that Jake has no interest in exploring his own past!"

  16. Bobbie must have been a really sound sleeper to sleep through both Luke beating Tim to death and all the noise Pat and Bill must have made walling the body up in the basement!  


    And would Bill really have cared about Luke forgiving himself, in the moment he was dying?  More likely, he would've been all "hey, asshole, that bullet was meant for you, wasn't it???"   


    Ok, I'll stop nitpicking.  Back to the Barge, I go ...

    • Love 2
  17. I left the Barge tonight, on a special trip to that wondrous place I call "The Internet", to watch today's episode...  I was just that curious.


    Look, I'm usually such a Negative Nancy that I'm going to give credit where credit is due.   As a one-off episode, it was very well-directed and written, even if some of the exposition in Pat's hospital room got a bit clunky.  I liked the flashback scenes in the hospital, a lot.  Across the board, the acting was very, very good, so kudos to everybody in the episode.  


    That said ... it would have worked for me if I had literally no prior knowledge of the show and knew nothing about Luke whatsoever.   The Spencers' home was way too nice for the terribly impoverished childhood Luke and Bobbie always described -- and even if Bobbie was clueless as to most of the night's happenings, she was old enough to remember later that her childhood up to the age of 10 was not that poor.  I also remember Bill Eckert's boringly nice and sweet parents when they were on the show in the early 90s, and if they knew all about the Spencer kids and had wanted to help them before, there is literally no way in hell they would not have taken the Spencer children in or let them run off to Florida to live in a brothel with Ruby!  


    Even in the one-off episode - the Eckerts knew Lena was hospitalized and sent Bill down there to check it out ... did Bill just go home and say nothing at all?  Did the Eckerts do nothing when they found out Lena was dead and Tim was MIA?  Did they forget why they sent Bill to the hospital in the first place?  What in heck has Pat been doing for the last 50 years, besides hoping ... wanly, from afar ... that Luke won't flip his shit again.  Makes. No. Sense.  


    So Luke's DID didn't kick in until ... when, exactly?  Immediately?  When dying Bill Eckert mentioned Lena?  Just last year for no apparent reason?  This reveal still really answers nothing.  


    But if it was a one-off Twilight Zone episode or something it would have worked beautifully, I guess.  

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