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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. Liz Taylor had a few episodes before the Luke / Laura wedding.  She showed up as Mikkos Cassadine's widow a few weeks after the Ice Princess story wound up (at the end of which Mikkos was frozen to death in his own weather machine).  Helena met with Robert once, and then Luke once.   Then she threw a party for Port Charles and gave millions to the hospital  -- basically, she pretended to want to make up for what Mikkos had done ... but she was lurking around and cursing Luke and Laura behind the scenes.  Her last episode might actually have been the Luke / Laura wedding.


    Laura disappears in January of 1982.  She reappears at the very end of 1983, at which point I think it must have been revealed that Stavros had kidnapped her the whole time.   I assume Stavros follows her back to Port Charles in 1983 and reveals himself then.  

    • Love 4
  2. That clip of Luke and Felicia is exactly the reason I have intense secondhand embarrassment while watching the Nurses Ball. Yikes, that is beyond awful.


    Definitely.  The only time the Nurse's Ball served a purpose was that time Jason carried Robin off the stage, during the first one.   And at the time, I didn't even like Jason/Robin.   But in terms of story and dramatic impact, I have to admit it was well done and memorable.   


    Otherwise, it just seems to be an excuse for the cast to show that they can sing.   And for Lucy to do stuff - and I can't stand Lucy.  But that clip in particular is super-embarrassing and makes no sense.  Why is Felicia wearing that terrible outfit?  While Luke is singing "Old Time Rock n Roll"?  The reaction of the actress playing Gia is hysterical ... sure, she's clapping along, but you can see in her eyes that her soul is dying ....


    I'm also reminded that I loved Felicia in the '80s but came to loathe her by the end of the '90s and '00s.  But that might be because the Maxie-gets-BJ's-heart story was the last decent story Felicia ever had.   

    • Love 3
  3. I am so far behind! I hope to catch up once my son's cold disappears.


    Where are you at in the episodes?   I wouldn't necessarily kill yourself trying to get to the early 1982 episodes, lol.   I've been skipping through the boring-ness of Rick's waterfront sports center for the kids (with the exception of the introduction of John Stamos' character), and the David Gray story is a big old mess ... although I still say it's freaking Shakespeare compared to what's happening on GH these days.  It at least makes a modicum of sense.  


    I wonder if Jenniferbug ever finished the Left Handed Boy saga?  

    • Love 1
  4. But I am convinced more than ever that the Jason stuff isn't coming out till KMc is back. Ron is prolonging this with one thing after another. Like, it's kinda insane at this point. What's next? Nik is about to spill until he's attacked by a wildebeest?


    There are so many characters I want to get attacked by a wildebeest.  I doubt they can afford it with the show's budget though.  :(

    • Love 6
  5. can't be much worse than this:




    Oh my God, that is horrifying ...  



    They mentioned in the episode that it happened that they were able to re-attach the ear.




    Well, sure, why the hell not at this point.   I mean, half the town is back from the dead many times over, so in terms of medical miracles, Scotty may as well be able to keep his ear.  

    • Love 4
  6. I think Duke should give the biz back to Sonny, then adopt Avery himself.  Then he can change her name to Avery Lavery.


    This is possibly the only thing that could make Duke endearing again at this point.   

    • Love 5
  7. Wait, does Morgan think the baby is actually his kid?   Otherwise ... why the hell is this 20-something year-old guy so anxious to insert himself in the middle of a family feud over a baby?   


    Why would Kiki prefer Sonny to have the baby over Michael?  That's pure insanity.  Does she not know Sonny wanted to kill her mom?  This might make sense if Kiki is actually planning to screw over everyone and run off with her baby sister herself.  

    • Love 9
  8. I think it's bad of Anna to be so cavalier about Jordan's life, but I don't think it's necessarily out of character or outrageous for her? Someone who was watching her back in the day can correct me. But she's a spy, I'm sure she sometimes had to sacrifice for the greater good, and she's in a bad place right now, what with being really upset about Duke. So I get it from that perspective.


    It didn't use to be in character for her.  Back in the day, she would be careless with her own safety to try and crack a case, and would sometimes stupidly put herself in danger, but I don't think she was cold about someone else getting killed.  But that was back when characters had a lot more sides to them, were more conflicted over their own actions, and were consequently more interesting.  I think the writers now are like "Anna's a bad-ass, therefore she must always be focused on getting dangerous shit done."   Not a lot of opportunities to show Anna as warm or funny, which she used to be.   


    I can kind of, almost, sort of tell myself she's being outrageously dumb about Robin right now because she feels so guilty about Faison targeting Robin in the first place, and maybe she assumes Robin blames her and really, really doesn't want Anna coming to Paris to see her.    


    I dunno.  Nobody really acts like a real person anymore, but it's particularly galling with the characters you used to love.    If I had ever been a huge Patrick fan, I think I'd lose it, because he literally makes no sense at this point.  

    • Love 3
  9. Quite frankly, Patrick and Sam's belief that Robin, who was working (unwillingly) for the Cassadine's, was telling the truth about not saving Jason is ridiculous. They should be having doubts about Robin's story and her telling Patrick Jason was dead, especially after talking to Faison and finding out Victor caused the accident that killed Gabriel. It is just so frustrating.


    But then again, so is this whole storyline.


    There's a lot of willing suspension of belief involved in watching a daytime soap.  But this show has raced right past that into so-stupid-you-want-to-bang-your-head-on-a-table territory.  When every character must be stupid to the point of dementia to make your stories work, you have failed. 

    • Love 13
  10. Ah, screw it.  I've decided to find the David Gray nonsense stupid in a charming, adorable way.  Being stalked by that guy would be like being followed around by one of those big-eyed, mopey Keane paintings.  


    I am sort of interested to see what big, secret "project" he's got Mel the fashion photographer and his idiot girlfriend Laura T. working on ... and how this all supposedly links to Real Laura's disappearance.  


    And poor Janine Turner - she must have been so excited as a young actress to score a role on GH ... and that role turned out to be Laura Templeton, a childishly stupid kleptomaniac obsessed with tiny animal figurines.  The writers get points for creativity, I guess!   


    The drama Anne is causing at the hospital - trying to convince everyone that one of the surgeons is dangerously negligent and pissing everyone off - is some good stuff.  Hey, an actual, believable hospital story ... imagine that!


    Monica and Alan angrily, passionately make out in an elevator and it's glorious. 

    • Love 2
  11. Or beaten to death with an easel.


    I'd pay good money to watch Franco get beaten to death with an easel.  



    I can't blame Kim for Ron's inability to write well.



    I would have to agree.  There is no excuse for the writers choosing the absolute worst possible way to explain Robin's extremely long absence, and the way most likely to make all the remaining characters look like clueless assholes.  Also, having the same character kidnapped three times in rapid succession is so unbelievably dumb and lazy, I just ... I can't even.  

    • Love 9
  12. I love the "Autumn Breeze" theme from 1976-1993 a tiny bit more than the "Faces of the Heart" theme from 1993-2004. Both are great, but the AB music combined with the whirling ambulance is awesome.



    I always preferred the more simple beginning with the ambulance, and I liked the Autumn Breeze theme song tons better.   The ever-changing cast posing in the credits always looks goofy to me.   

    • Love 2
  13. Farah Fath? Just 'cause that name is funny to me? Also, Jimmy Lee and Celia were awful, so I guess their awful daughter would fit right in with the current show.

    Which characters are getting a made for TV, buddy / road trip movie to air on ABC family:

    1) Mac (who remembers he used to be a pilot), Silas, and Dante. Silas is called on to treat a mysterious patient ... somewhere. Mac flies him there and Dante tags along just because.

    2) Anna and Jordan, who finally realize they should just let the mobsters kill each other - rather than get themselves killed - and so they book it out of PC to go be spy partners together.

    * Robin will be saved from her latest kidnapping by the road tripping buddies at the end of either movie.

    • Love 1
  14. Oh man, that's hard. I choose Morgan, by a slim margin.

    You are Ron and it's time for you to bring back / ruin a completely random, nonessential 80s character that nobody was clamoring to see again. Do you choose: (a) Laura Templeton, the dimwitted kleptomaniac who liked to steal tiny animal figurines; or (b) Colton, that boring-ass dude Felicia almost married when she thought Frisco was dead and who was somehow brainwashed or something.

  15. I find this mob war so humorous. It is like the mob version of six degrees of Kevin Bacon. I think x to kill y to kill z circle back around to kill x. I just picture them all ending up tailing the other to the same location and standing in a circle shooting their target ends up with all of them dead. heh!

    I would be fine with all the mobster characters (who aren't undercover agents) standing around in a circle and shooting each other in the head. Throw in Ava, too, since she murdered for (asinine) mob reasons.

    Long ago they should have made Shawn an undercover agent or WSB agent. He's so attractive but instead of being a hero, he's in this awful doofus role working for doofus Sonny.

    Oh, and the mob shoot out can happen in a location that somehow leads to Dr O and Sloane and Franco and Nina dying in the crossfire, too! Ok, ok, now I'm just getting greedy ...

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