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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess

  1. I watched one episode of Dirty Soap and it bored me senseless. I kind of wished they showed more about how daytime soaps are made, and less of the usual "blah blah so-and-so bad mouthed me and now I hate her/him" reality show crap.

    As for the likes of MB and TG ... look, I get that they've done amazing work at times over the years, but I really find it nauseating that they are so overrated. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't particularly ever like Luke but TG has (or had) a certain energy that makes you want to watch. I never liked Sonny but I'm willing to accept that that's the minority view, at least for the 90s.

    But I don't think they are any better than TR or John Reilly or Jack Wagner or Stuart Damon or a lot of other amazingly wonderful actors on GH over the years. Ian Buchanan is good, too, but he can't rise above shitty writing. I don't think MB or TG really can, either, but for some reason they get this constant ass kissing from their colleagues and the press. It's weird.

    • Love 3
  2. FYI, Francie, Ron just tweeted this this morning, should you want to make a visit to the mainland:


    Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron

    Are you ready for five straight days of Anna & Duke? Their story continues today on @GeneralHospital! @finolahughes @KilttripUSA #GH



    Well, Ron, you've ruined the characters and their relationship, so NO.   

    • Love 3
  3. I think LW and KMo know who butters their bread, and that for better or worse 'Cartini' are firmly and securely entrenched at GH & ABC.

    And I can't criticize them, or anyone else who publicly sucks up to their boss(es). Daytime is now a very small pool with a large of big fish that are either smaller meals or not eating at all. Budgets are continuing to shrink, and I'd bet within the next year and a half we'll be down to just three soaps. Laura, Kelly, and anyone with any sort of sense knows they can be replaced at anytime with someone cheaper.


    I can't really fault the actors, either.   It's been a vicious cycle -- the show-runners dumb down soaps so much that nobody takes them seriously, and they're all about to be cancelled, shrinking the pool of roles the actors might be able to get.  The actors don't want to make waves, and the soap media know their days are numbered, so they suck up to the show-runners and claim it's all awesome.  The show-runners have no incentive to change, and so the shows get even worse.  


    The networks no longer give a crap about these shows, so they're either biding their time until the ratings get low enough to justify cancellation, or they push the shows to cut budgets until and even after quality noticeably suffers, and to generate "buzz" - bad publicity is better than no publicity, so wacky, gross-out plots are encouraged.  Which may bump the ratings for a little while, but not in any sustainable way.  And so the actors are in an even more desperate situation, even if they're front-burner like LW and KeMo have been for a decade.  


    That's my theory, anyway.

    • Love 4
  4. If we didn't already have too many threads this could be an awesome one! 50 ways to kill Helena.



    Heh heh.  At this point, I think you'd have to dismember her and bury the pieces on different continents.  


    On second thought, we shouldn't give Ron any ideas for a mass purge.  I can guarantee we won't like which characters live and which die.  And the last time the show did a serial killer story, Georgie (who I liked) and Emily (who sucked, but I liked Monica having more alive than dead children) got the axe.  

    • Love 4
  5. I really must insist that any purge of characters include Dr. O.  She is symbolic of every loathsome thing that is wrong with the show these days (too much camp, too many villains facing no consequences, etc., etc.)

    • Love 6
  6. I thought Ava lost her baby because The Nina is a psychotic freak who blamed her for an affair that happened twenty years ago.


    True, initially, but I thought the reason Ava can't just show up now and go "hey, I'm not dead!  I'll take my baby now, please!" is because they'd shove her back in the clink to await trial for murder.   I could be wrong, though.   I don't know if Nina still figures into any of this.

    • Love 4
  7. Honestly, Kiki as the older sister of the baby is probably the one who should be battling Sonny for custody.  


    On a better-written show that made sense and took time to tell a more complicated story (and if Kiki had ever been developed as a character anyone could actually care about), she would be the one petitioning or custody while Michael and the Q's not-so-subtly egged her on and Michael got closer to her during the custody battle, positioning himself to be stepdad to the baby.  He'd be the Jason role in this baby custody fight, bonding with the baby and becoming a dad figure.  Kiki would turn to the Qs for help in fighting Sonny.   Later, she would wonder if Michael really likes her again, or if he just wants to be near the baby and if he used her to stick it to Sonny.  


    The one time Kiki serves a purpose and they don't even use her for it.  It's hilarious.  

    • Love 9
  8. I chose none of the above. If it were up to me Avery would be handed over to someone who doesn't live in PC. Actually, if it were up to me she wouldn't even exist.


    Wait, are you saying you haven't warmed up to the idea of a baby sired by two murdering deviants humping in a crypt?   I can't imagine why not ....  ;)

    • Love 11
  9. I think what has irritated me the most is that Ron has gotten away with being a shoddy storyteller and deflected all the criticism on the fact that "Well, KMc wants to be a director now, so blame her!"


    Yes, because no other writer in the history of television writing has ever had to come up with a plausible and satisfying exit for a character when the actor left ... only poor Ron has ever been up against these steep odds.  [/sarcasm]  


    And here KMc is even willing to drop by and visit occasionally!  Just write her off to NYC for fuck's sake!  Let her share custody of Emma!  Have Helena hypnotize Robin so she forgets everything about Jason and the last year of being held against her will, if we must preserve that ridiculous "Jake" shit!   Hell, tell me Helena hypnotized the entire town to be stupid about Robin and everyone (including Robin) now thinks Robin has happily lived in NYC since shortly after finding out Sabrina was carrying Patrick's child.  OMG, it is not even that difficult to write in a fantastical fix-all, given how little the stories make sense at this point.


    Just don't expect me to accept a heroine-in-captivity-forever-offscreen-while-her-family-doesn't-give-a-shit story like it makes any kind of sense and isn't completely enraging!    


    I really can't stop ranting about this, it's like a disease with me .... LOL.  I apologize.  

    • Love 9
  10. This is why I don't know why I should be rooting for Michael to get Avery. Just because he's mostly a good person doesn't mean he should be raising a child. He doesn't know what he's doing and he looks confused. He didn't show any interest in Avery until Sonny got pardoned. I don't even remember him holding her until Carly handed her to him when they were outside of the courtroom. Just give her to Mac or a housekeeper and be done with it.


    Whoever gets this kid is hiring a nanny.  That's a given, so I'm not worried about Mikey being clueless.  Sadly, Mac is not in the running. 


    The question is ... do you want the baby to have a nanny hired by the Quartermaines?  Or a nanny hired by Sonny -- considering the fact that said nanny and baby might get shot or blown up by Sonny's enemies, stupid Sonny himself by accident, or Shawn by accident?  


    Or Sonny may give the baby to Duke to raise.  That would be hilarious for me, but only because Duke would be completely incompetent at it, just like he's been incompetent at everything else in his entire life.  So, again, not great for the baby.

    • Love 6
  11. What's annoying is Anna hasn't been on-screen a lot. Can't the writers use this time for her to try to search for Robin or do something. I mean, seriously.



    Yep.  The pointless ruination of Anna's once-awesome character (and really, Patrick, Mac, Felicia, Maxie, offscreen Robert, any of her other supposed friends, etc., could also show some damn concern for Robin!!) and the continual, heartless victimization of Robin's character is why I will never, ever, ever forgive the current writers.


    Unless and until the spoilers state that this will be resolved in a satisfactory way, I am on the Barge.   And the longer this goes on, the less likely this can ever be repaired.


    The fact is that the writers do the most cursory, lazy attempt at "explaining" away something (Robin skyped her family once so everyone can just ignore her now ... Sonny kind-of-not-really saved the governor's daughter, so he gets pardoned for murder within a day ... bad shit keeps happening to Ava so we feel bad for her and don't think about the fact that she's a cold-blooded murderer who killed for the dumbest reason imaginable ... Luke -- ok, no, they don't even try to explain shit with that story).   Without any regard for whether it really makes sense or will have any value for the audience.


    I think Ron feels like "ok, we did a Scorpio story" with the rescue of Robin in 2013 ... and then immediately lost interest in those characters.  Although he claimed he wanted to bring back Robert for reals, I have my doubts.  Robert would probably get the invisible Mac treatment if he were back ... or be treated with casual disdain like Anna ... or be placed in some immaturely-written love triangle like Bobbie/Scott/Lucy.  Robert's not a mobster or a psychotic villain, or a relative/employee of a mobster or psycho, so what could Ron possibly think to do with him?


    Sorry ... feeling rant-y today ...  better scamper off to the deck for more drinks ...



    Flashbacks of Luke's arraignment. Apparently, well yeah, he bit Scott Baldwin 's ear off. Now Luke is in Shadybrooke with Nina and Franco dressed as Silence of the Lambs.




    • Love 3
  12. The most hilarious part was when Carly later told Robin it was Robin's fault a "drunken AJ pushed me down the stairs!"

    Carly was just delusional during the baby Michael mess -- everything was always someone else's fault.

    I wasn't watching during the Tamara Braun years, but based on clips, that might've been the most human Carly who had the potential to grow and learn. LW is a good actress and I love her hair, but her Carly is back to being a delusional monster with a heaping side of smug.

    I still can't believe they brought back AJ just to kill him. Bullshit. In the show that plays in my head, he is just coming out of a coma right now from Sonny's gunshot, regaining his power of speech and plotting Sonny's financial ruin.

    • Love 10
  13. Trouble is, Franco is the last name. At least under RoHo's version, it was said his name was Robert Frank. So the whole name makes no sense, anyway. And poor Scotty. No one deserves that freak as a spawn.

    I will never accept that one of that freak's names is Robert. There is only one real Robert on GH, dammit!!

    Also, before there was Sonny, Robert's old WSB partner OReilly used to call him Sonny. I resent Sonny for stealing that nickname, too.

    • Love 1
  14. Honestly, I hated the Cassadines always, but they're just getting worse and worse. Like, not scary or evil worse, just annoying and stupid as hell.

    Helena's supposed to be this exotic mysterious Greek person, but the actress always strikes me as a pissed off WASP who didn't get her favorite table at the country club. The idea that nobody has (permanently) killed her yet is ridiculous to me. She's another villain that is saved by the writing over and over, rendering her boring.

    I've had moments of liking Alexis but not many. What is the point of her being a Cassadine anymore? She couldn't even get killing Helena right.

    Nik is an aimless mess of a character and has been for years. Spencer .... just no.

    • Love 5
  15. It makes zero sense Nik wants ELQ. Helena apparently is still made of money and so is Nik. The whole thing is lame.

    Has Nik ever worked? Why would he care about this company?

    But everything must be inter connected in the most asinine way possible lately. The Legion of Doom must infect everything!

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