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Posts posted by SlovakPrincess


    This is actually a good episode all around - some fun Luke/Laura/Robert/Tiff scenes.    (Try to ignore Luke's peach Guess jeans).


    And the actor who plays Lee Baldwin, Peter Hansen, does just a fantastic job in scenes where Lee falls off the wagon ... and burns Laura's divorce papers from Scotty that just arrived from Mexico!!  I guess Lee is really hurting because Scotty has been licking his wounds in Mexico for a year, refusing to contact his family; Lee blames Luke and Laura for Scott losing it and he is pissed that everyone in town is talking about Luke and Laura getting married as soon as she gets her divorce.  


    There's another scene where Noah/Bobbie make out in a supply room, as well, which I might be able to dig up ... shades of early Patrick/Robin, with the supply room make outs!  

  2. Unpopular opinion, circa late 1981 episodes: Noah and Bobbie are like watching paint dry for me.  I can't get into them AT ALL.   Young Noah is just like his son -- blandly pretty, thinks he's hot shit, and just no depth.  Although somehow I can still enjoy the Rick Springfield prettiness, even as my eyes glaze over during Noah's dialogue.


    Where I'm at in the episodes, Luke and Laura are trying to talk Robert out of taking a job offer in NYC.  D'oh!  If Robert had taken that job, he probably would've run into Anna and baby Robin a lot sooner (I think that's where they were living before Anna paid PC a visit / came to stalk Robert in '85 ...)

  3. Yeah, the WSB as all "but we will use it only to threaten bad regimes" and Robert was all "nobody should have that amount of power." It was the Cold War when that story aired, so maybe the build up of nukes was on everyone's mind?

    Yes, Tiff threw many many items at Robert's head. :)

    While it might sound like she was money-obsessed, he did take his sweet time about telling her the truth about what their finances would be, and she had already moved to this average little city to be with him. So, she kinda had a point!

    • Love 1
  4. Yeah, an anonymous donor gave it. PC might have decided to gift it to Luke on its own. And poor Luke is like "what the heck do I do with this thing?!" He tries to sell it and finds out there's no market for it.

    Meanwhile, Robert gets canned by the WSB because he destroyed the weather machine instead of turning it over to the WSB for its own purposes.

    So they're both broke and Luke and Laura now have an enormous boat that is expensive to maintain. Hee hee.

    When Tiffany finds out Robert's alleged fabulous wealth was just a cover story for his secret agent work, she is ... displeased.

    • Love 1
  5. It's been cursed since the days it was called the Titan and owned by the Cassadines. All sorts of weird shit happened while Robert and Luke were revamping it into the Haunted Star.

    Ha ha, I'm watching those episodes now -- Luke's big prize for saving PC from the Cassadines freezing it is ... the Cassadines' yacht for which he can't even afford docking fees. He's hilariously annoyed by it.

    • Love 2
  6. don't forget - "fell down the stairs while I was arguing with AJ and told everyone that he pushed me rather than that I lost my footing while having a hissy fit" I think this is the one thing she never confided in with Jason .... but I saw it. It happened.

    And that time at the nurses ball in the early 2000s, when she basically told Robin it was her fault AJ was drinking and "pushed" her down stairs ... Uh huh, Ok, sure, Carly, Robin telling the truth about Michael is the reason AJ did NOT push you down stairs while you were gloating about being pregnant with yet another man's baby and flailing around like an idiot. That's Carly logic for you!

    I will say it is quite in character for Carly to be this obtuse as to why Michael is mad right now. The Franco relationship was way out of character. But her whole involvement in covering up Sonny killing AJ and how she expects Michael to understand her motivations - yes, that is classic Carly.

    • Love 4
  7. What absolutely kills me about this show is that, yeah they have more budget constraints and challenges as a daytime soap - but GH has some unique advantages that it just utterly squanders.

    Some great talent in the actors that is just utterly wasted if that person is not playing one of the pets characters.

    Fascinating history that the show thinks it celebrates - but really, really doesn't. It doesn't help me if the show knows all the obscure plot history if that history isn't used to write characters in a recognizable, true to character, interesting way.

    Time - with five episodes a week, the show had the time to explore the nuances of the characters and explore all the beats and POVs of the characters.

    Yet somehow the show refuses to do that and we end up with the same recycled stuff over and over, (can we say a dozen kidnap/hostage scenarios a year?) while just skimming the surface of what the characters should be thinking or feeling.

    • Love 12
  8. I don't think the show is portraying the Qs as evil. But I do think that - like most of the characters I actually give a damn about - they are treated as negligible and with at least some mild disdain.

    So I think the show isn't going to spend much time on Michael learning more about the Qs, celebrating their quirks as Michael leans on them, etc. the Qs are there right now as a foil for Fluke, not to be portrayed as complex interesting people who serve as a safe harbor for Michael right now - which is character building, nuanced stuff I'd actually enjoy and which soaps should do a lot more of (and used to do).

    • Love 10
  9. To the extent I give a crap about anything to do with Morgan (which is to say, practically zilch), I will say he's been in a crap position since day one.

    What was he gonna do, take Michael aside and say "psst, dad killed your bio-dad and then screwed my girlfriend on his grave. Thought you'd like to know, mmmkay?"

    As messed up as Michael is from the "parenting" he received, Morgan has been raised with the same brainwashing from Sonny and Carly: loyalty (to Sonny and Carly) comes first; don't be a snitch and tell a secret that's not yours to tell (you don't want to be a sanctimonious jerk like Robin, do you?); daddy dearest will fuck up your life and you just have to accept it and love him anyway because poor Sonny, etc. etc.

    But I get Michael's anger at everyone right now.

    • Love 5
  10. I feel like I've seen the "fortune teller" waitress in other things...

    Loved all the women going out together, even the usually prissy, judgy Phoebe. But that many tequila shots?! Followed by more drinks? They'd all be dead, lol.

    The twist of Phoebe missing her date with her future husband - very well done, because I actually went "oh shit!" even though I hadn't cared about Phoebe before. But now it looks like her relationship with Becca might change for the better.

    The two guys spending their night watching Lolly's picks of movies and smoking pot was very 90s slacker movie. Loved it.

    The writing for this show is really smart. The 90s nostalgia is done well and not overdone. So is the time travel / changing the future aspect of Becca's story. Love it!

    • Love 3
  11. When he started at GH I had a crush on Bradford Anderson. Bad. I have a thing for unconventional geeks! I'm not ashamed! I'm a little ashamed.

    Well, sure when he STARTED. Then Spinelli was a cute little geek selling pot to Alexis when she had cancer. He was even cute with Georgie and he did do a good job with the scene where he found her body.

    He wasn't yet the Jason propping jackass with the most annoying dialogue ever!

    Spinelli is less horrible than half the characters at this point, but that only means there are so many that are really vile and annoying.

    A year of Spinelli? Oh, this show just hates me...

    (Of course, if he runs over Franco, Helena and Obrecht with an Uber car, he will be my favorite. Those are my terms, show.)

    • Love 4
  12. I didn't like the Cassadines in the 90s, but, yes, they were ten million times better than the nonsense we're getting with them now !

    The show hasn't really known what to do with Nik in years. In the last decade, they just kinda move him around based on what's getting a lot of attention at any given moment ... Courtney was a thing for a while, so they put him with her. Emily and Sonny was a huge bust, so Nik ends up back with her for a bit. JJ coming back as Lucky was a big deal, so Niz happened to ratchet up that drama. Then the stuff with Britt, then the show got tired of Britt, so now he's in the middle of the insane super villains plots. Oh, and he's there to facilitate Spencer.

    He doesn't have much of a consistent view point and hasn't for a while.

    • Love 4
  13. I wasn't necessarily that attached to AJ, either. I wouldn't have brought so many people back from the dead in the first place, but once AJ was back, I liked the idea of him and thought he had a lot of potential.

    Good storytelling is good storytelling, and there's a lot more mileage in AJ living but terribly injured ... especially since Sonny is inevitably going to get out of jail soon.

    Soap characters serving laughably short prison terms for attempted murder - rather than actual murder - is easier to suspend disbelief over.

    And Michael would have more to do - in addition to telling Carly to go pound sand, he could be helping Monica take care of injured AJ. AJ and Michael could plot financial ruin of Sonny together ... Y'know, heartwarming father/son stuff. ;)

    • Love 4
  14. I'm not even sure the writers care at this point if we sympathize with anyone.  They can't possibly.  


    It's just like: "here's a whiny serial killer, some cold blooded murderers, a bunch of mobsters, this old freaky lady who refuses to die, this fake Luke person or whatever, an obviously insane person running a hospital ... oh, and this other crazy lady who ripped a baby out of someone else ... a bunch of other assholes, some nice normal people we've decided to write as clueless and boring .... [shrug] ... 'kay, thanks, bye!  See you for tomorrow's episode!"

    • Love 8
  15. And I mean, honestly - they could have done this whole story without killing A.J. Sonny shoots and wounds him, puts him in a coma off the show in some sanitarium in Europe.



    That would have been so much more satisfying -- have A.J. in a coma and everyone thinks he'll never recover.  Meanwhile, Sonny goes to jail for attempted murder.  Then, A.J. awakens from his coma after Monica talks to his lifeless body in the hospital, saying "at least that bastard Sonny is in jail!  May he rot there!"  


    A.J. begins a long recovery that involves lots of quality time with Michael.  He gets a snazzy wheelchair for a while and chases Carly around, taunting her because her reputation is shot to hell and Sonny is behind bars.  Then he gets control of her hotel.


    Then A.J. goes to the prison to taunt Sonny.  When Sonny inevitably gets a shortened sentence somehow, when the show gets tired of using the prison set, the audience feels better about it because A.J. got a big win, anyway.   Sonny fans can still feel good about it, too, because A.J. lived.  

    • Love 12
  16. At this point I would settle for a throw away line from Anna: "so, I called Robert and we agreed he'd to go check on Robin and he found her in a nice hotel in Paris with some sort of memory loss and no idea how she got there or the last 9 months of her life, but other than that she seems fine and Robert's taking care of her now and getting her a psychiatrist and Emma and Mac and I are sky ping them tonight. She says she feels ambivalent about Patrick, but can't remember why ... perhaps that's for the best right now?"

    If she's going to show up only as Jason's memory now I see no idea why my idea can't work, writers!! It's almost February! I'm a fan (an angry, bitter fan, but still)!

    Also, Emma's next offscreen sleepover can be in Paris with Robert and Robin. And I'd like a pony and my own weather machine, too.

    • Love 9
  17. Man, I wanted my JoMax so bad and ugh! So much pretty, so much chemistry.




    Plus, Maxie hanging out with Johnny would make this whole Judge-won't-let-me-have-my-kid-because-of-my-boyfriend story make a lot more sense!  


    The fact that she's been ordered not to hang out with a cop makes my eyes roll right out of my head.   

    • Love 7
  18. I might not mind Dante's hair now if he'd just SHAVE! Honestly. What is it with the unshaved, unkempt look? Right now he looks like he's in dire need of a bath!

    Maybe Dante is depressed? Now I really want him to hang out with depressed Silas. Silas will refuse to get out of bed while Dante gloomily turns into Pigpen...

    • Love 3
  19. Resurrecting this thread because talk of Genie Francis in another thread reminded me of a crazy thought I had years ago - Laura and Noah Drake. I don't think those two ever even shared a scene but I was thinking one day about fresh love interests for Laura and how Noah would be a totally different type of guy for her. And they would be very pretty together. So...there's that.


    On a well written show, that would be a good pairing. Laura might be hesitant because Noah is a recovering alcoholic and she's had to deal with Luke's self destructive behavior - but that would be fodder for some heart to heart talks with Noah.

    Bobbie might flip her shit over that, though. Hee hee.

    • Love 1
  20. Honestly, there's no reason they have to ruin every character around Robin for this story. It's so easy - have them say Robert is trying to track her down offscreen. At least they'd be doing something to show people care to make sure she's actually in Paris and hasn't become suicidal or something.

    I would still say Patrick is moving on way too fast, but at least he'd look like he still cared about Robins basic welfare.

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