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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. A lot of truth telling today. Roman with Nicole. Ava with Rafe. Kate in her way with Phillip. I think chloe enjoys toying with Philip and Brady. Still not clear why Parker does not live with his mom.
  2. Has Chanel’s father ever been mentioned? is she adopted ?
  3. We would do that for our dogs. It’s the only way they would sleep on a new bed. Can Big Momma go around Salem and tell everyone what’s wrong with them ?
  4. Justin won Bonnies case. He also won Bonnie. You can decide if that is a win.
  5. No wonder this show can film so far in advance. More CIN flashbacks. poor Zander just can’t hold on to money. He is a terrible criminal.
  6. @Chellfairy Abigail and Ben were engaged to be married. Ciara was supposed to be the flower girl.
  7. I get EJ is mad at Sami but calling her a bitch and or whore. Who does he think he is Victor ? So Sami sent everyone a text except for Johnny ?
  8. I wasn’t watching when Ava was first on and killed all those people. I do wonder if part of it is the actor playing Ava is a better actor. I am no fan of Ben. When he was dating Abigail he was possessive with a hint of anger always always present. He represents a type of man I can stand. Then he started killing Paiges murder was terrifying to me. When he started dating Ciara he acted the same way he did with Abigail. The fact that everyone worships him makes it worse. As a fan of the show there are characters I like better than others. At least the other characters there is a bit of suspense in the stories. There was not doubt Ciara and Ben would get back together.
  9. So far I am liking the new Johnny. I don’t think John or Marlena believed the text from Sami. Thinking they were just saying that so Allie would not worry.
  10. Why do people keep saying Theo was going to trap Ciara ? Weren’t they just getting married ? I am single so maybe I just don’t know but why is marriage a trap ?
  11. Ben has a little sprained ankle and can’t get out of bed for two seconds to give Ciara time to tell Theo how Ben is reformed and she loves him? Geez I have had a sprained ankle you definitely can get up and out of the room of the groom whose bride was kidnapped and now is choosing a murder over you.
  12. I know most don’t like Lani. I did like Abe with his family. Lani and Theo seemed close too.
  13. Ben is really wimpy with his twisted angle. are the police even looking for Ciara? Rafe seems more interested In Ex’s lovelives.
  14. She knows that but I doubt she knows EJ would not save Lucas unless Sami slept with him.
  15. I think she belongs in the Lumi story. I would like to know her reaction to her parents. And the truth about Johnny’s father.
  16. So glad Claire and Allie got in trouble for the help with kidnapping. They can say Ben won’t hurt anyone but that don’t really know that. Ben was seeing and hearing a dead Jordan not that long ago.
  17. I do feel for Theo. He was friends with Claire and even dated her for a while and she did him dirty. I know everyone loves Ben but helping with a kidnapping is not a good look for Allie and Claire. shaun looks like an idiot cop for not knowing the difference between his daughter and sister. And after Jan veil thing you would think he know to check the bride lol.
  18. I hope EJ kidnaps Lucas and Sami and locks them up together. so Theo will lose his fiancé and his sister?
  19. Wonder what news Steve tells Jack that is upsetting.
  20. If I had those connections I would hope I could do better then a digital series
  21. Once people leave Salem no one cares about them anymore I can see Brady having a whole bunch of unknown to him kids coming to find him in the future. Just like his dear dad.
  22. Why can’t Jake just go back to his garage? People always need their vehicles fixed. So Allie and Claire get in trouble for helping Ben and ben just gets whatever he wants. I hope when Allie and Claire are in trouble Ben is so wrapped up in his love life he ignores them.
  23. Are we still talking about who is a better protector Shawn or Phillip? this Olympic thing needs to hurry up I need to know is Ciara has her memory back or if she is mad she missed her wedding? What about Theo ? Does he get to keep his wedding presents?
  24. Maybe 16 year old Holly can babysit them now
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