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Cranky One

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Everything posted by Cranky One

  1. How old was Charity? I kept thinking the fiance was her son. I,too, was baffled by the growths. And was grossed out by her wound. I missed the very beginning, so I think I missed what Suzy was talking about,thankfully! Lol
  2. To sum up the season: Dear Brandi, Kim is your asshole now. Dueces, motherfucker and bye, Felicia!
  3. Was Eddie really raking in the dough? The only time I ever saw him in anything was a bit part on Ugly Betty.
  4. I wanna know who the lady was yelling at Cornell about ruining her life at the police station! Ben is an idiot, but this show keeps my interest because I have no clue who did it.
  5. Our birth certificates don't have footprints on them. Hmm...I like the theory of Margaux playing Victoria, even though I wish they killed her off. I've kinda liked the last two episodes. And have they ever said where Charlotte is??
  6. I was trying to figure out also, but the only place I recognized was the Riverwalk! lol I live over by Helotes, so I am completely lost when I leave the NW side of town!
  7. I don't having much to add that hasn't already been said, so I'll end with this... ...I need to work "She's (or he's) your asshole now" into a conversation during some point in my lifetime! P.S. loved Kyle's house also!
  8. I sure hope she was in Houston when she was rushed to the hospital, because San Antonio is a 3 hour+ drive from there. (I live in SA). It sounded like she was in SA before she got sick, but I wasn't paying close attention. I was wondering about the growth also. She had thin legs from the calves down. And since she could actually wear shows and drive, she seemed to be a lot more mobile. I hope some dentist was watching and offers to give her some dental implants.
  9. This season needs to be over. I can't take the stress anymore! Yet, I can't look away! Funniest part of Brandi's blog...Yeah, either she or her ghostwriter is reading here.
  10. Dear Kimmy, If Lisa VP let Brandi back into her life, Brandi would drop you like a hot potato. Love, The Internet
  11. Isn't this the 2nd time Brandi tried to force LVP to kiss her This season?
  12. Oh,and Brandi's talking heads? Stop trying to be hip. You look like you're trying to keep up with the cool kids. You're own kids would be rolling their eyes at you.
  13. Eileen is one cool cucumber. I wish I could argue like her! Not only was Brandi seething when Kim and Kyle hugged, you know she was none to pleased whst LVP said about Kyle in the nice game. And wtf when it was her turn. And more importantly, wtf was she wearing? She really wants her Sally Fields moment with LVP, doesn't she? Ugh. Just Ugh. Kim. No words after the preview next week. Are brandi and Kim still bffs?
  14. I hope one of the Red Sharpie take downs next week is Margeaux's hair. Good God! I liked this episode. It kept my interest for once where I wasn't half ass watching.
  15. I never thought Eddie was hot. He has squinty eyes. Brandi needs to get off this show and pray that her kids never see her antics. You know that the other moms at her kids school are whispering behind her back. Not that it's right, but you know it's going on.
  16. Yeah, I don't put much stock into CDAN aka Robert Downey, Jr. (remember that buzz? lol).
  17. Never say Never, Yolanda. Just like I'm sure you NEVER thought your underage daughter would get a DUI.
  18. C'mon, people! You know Kim is high on LIFE, man! Look at the cute turtles! I think whoever posted about Brandi posting here (or at least reading) is right. I've only heard the pearl clutching comment in this forum and Brandi says that a lot. And on Revenge! Must go find episodes of Hello Larry to compare!
  19. Kim is the middle child. So maybe she feels slighted all the time. My sister is the middle and she always felt that my brother and I got more than her, which is not true. I really felt bad for Kyle.
  20. When Lisa R was talking pre-wine smashing, Kim was just staring at her with this deer in the headlights look. I don't think she blinked once. Brandi and Kim have such a sense of entitlement. It's uncanny. Loved the bike rides. Loved Yolanda's mom and brother. GigI does look like her grandmother! I lived in Europe for 5 years when I was a kid And have been to Amsterdam. Unfortunately, I don't remember much of it, but do remember the miniature city that was there (may have been on the outskirts?). Beautiful country!
  21. I love Lisa Rinna! https://twitter.com/lisarinna/status/572953289894965248
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