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Cranky One

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Everything posted by Cranky One

  1. Lightning the mood, I've never played Bunco, bur most people I know refer to it as Drunco! That exchange about the woman at rhe beach was just bizarre.
  2. I know people grieve differently, but Vicki still managed to make it about her with "who's going to worry about me?". That being said, I felt badly for her.
  3. For those of you that don't have Sirius and/or don't want to listen to Brandi's screeching, this website will recap the show in great detail! http://www.marksfriggin.com/
  4. I had to watch this episode on Bravo's crappy website. Between the gazillion commercials and my crappy computer bogging down, I finally gave up and missed the Shannon/Meghan feud. Thank Gawd. Shannon is turning David into a complete emasculated sad sack. I'd be downing shots of saki, too. Haysoos Christo! I'm actually in the OC right now visiting my parents. I've been helping them clean out some old crap and was shredding some old credit card bills from the late 90s (don't ask why they still had them). I noticed they went to the St. Regis a few times back in the day! lol! I see Dana Point now has this big lit up sign now. I went to high school in Dana Point. It wasn't fancy like that back in the 80s.
  5. And David shuffled back like a dog with his tail between his legs and using his lovey dovey voice. There's no excuse for what he did, but now he's going to be bending over backwards to please her to the point that's it's nauseating to watch. Blech. Shannon claims in her blahg that she didn't think Meghan was flirting with her David at Heather's party, but her smile was overly creepy and fake the whole time. I agree with whoever said that she will be questioning David all the time about his activities.
  6. I need to get me to my annual exam at Today's Vision and see if my prescription has changed because I don't think Meghan is anything special either. And her neck is really long in her talking heads. I keep zeroing in on her neck during them. I was really hoping during the cake flashback for the renaming party that we'd get a Sarah Winchester 'is this the world we live in?'quip.
  7. Man, Shannon is such a buzzkill. She sucks the life out of everything. Good God.
  8. I though we knew season year that David had an affair? I always thought that was the issue between them. Vicki looked good in her talking heads. God help Lynn's grandkid if she's helping raising it. We all know what a stellar job she did with her girls. Was there another housewife that's supposed to be on the show who's husband had a drug problem or is it the new chick? Or did I imagine it?
  9. Words cannot describe how much I love the Powells! They make the show.
  10. Did anyone notice how much the bikini guy's hands were shaking when he was on his computer? Either he was really nervous or has Parkinson disease. They need to shorten these segments and add more updates.
  11. Good God, Courtney Love needs to lay off the plastic surgery. They can kill everyone off except for Nolan and Louise.
  12. I want to know how long she kept Dr. Phil waiting and I want to see what ended up on the goddamn editing room floor!
  13. I was hoping Kim revealed what Harry did after they showed that clip. I'd love to see the footage that didn't make the show. Not a Dr. Philarious fan, but he saw right through her. ETA: my phone autocorrected Dr. Phil's name to that and it stays!
  14. Oh, my! http://www.realitytea.com/2015/04/23/kim-richards-bolts-dr-phil-interview-offers-rehab-complete-melt/ If this is true, I really feel for her kids!
  15. The pictures of her in the tub is truly not attractive...not that the others are any better.
  16. You're not the only one that thinks that! http://tamaratattles.com/2015/04/17/lets-look-at-what-tmz-is-saying-about-kim-richards/
  17. Go see what AnnA posted in Kim's topic! That's what she's doing! Lol
  18. It doesn't bother me. I found more interesting that Kyle asked her to take it down. Which was about 2pm my time. She did.
  19. I was just coming in here to ask in anyone knew when OC started back up again. BH left me exhausted!
  20. I know that. I just can't post the screen shots from my phone to the mobile version of the forum. I had to email them to myself and post them from my computer!
  21. I posted it at 3 pm central time and before I cropped it, the post was 18 hours earlier
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