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Cranky One

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Everything posted by Cranky One

  1. Personally, I think if Terry did say that he wanted to take "The Beadors down", he was probably trying to be funny, which we all know he is not. Maybe Shannon wouldn't be having this nervous breakdown if she didn't bring up Heather if every fucking episode. I admire Heather for keeping her cool cuz I'd probably be the raving lunatic like Shannon! And maybe Shannon should think that she's the one that her childrens' friends are going to talk about. Don't think for a second their parents aren't watching. I'm still having nightmares about Brooks.
  2. Seriously, if I was blabbing about how bad my marriage was on TV, my husband would totally be pissed at me. David should be mad at Shannon. Every episode is Shannon bringing it up. Brooks trying to get Vicki to kiss him was even grosser than the vagina comment.
  3. Dear God. That was a mess. Shannon needs a straight jacket. Loved Lizzie in this episode
  4. My youngest son was almost 4 also before he was potty trained. I used to put him in underwear and then a pullup so he'd get the sensation of being wet, but not getting his clothes wet. That worked for me. My oldest (also a boy) was over 3 also. But once they were trained, they were trained, and neither one of them ever wet the bed at night.When they're ready, it will happen very easily and will be less frustration for the both of you! They're 18 and 21 now, so they will eventually be trained! haha There's not much to say that hasn't been said already about Shannon, but there is one thing that bugs me. She obviously has veneers on her top teeth and they are WAY whiter than her bottom teeth. For as much money as she has, at least have your teeth color match! Vicki's hair looks better shorter (the style in her talking heads).
  5. Oh, man! I missed that! Somebody post a screen capture!
  6. It's time for Shannon to STFU...even next week she's still blabbing about it to Vicki. She is probably telling people in the checkout line about it also. TAMRA is the one who blabbed about it, you nitwit! I was half watching last night, so thank God I wasn't paying much attention to Vicki and Brooks massage session. Listening to Brooks always makes me want to go take a bath in bleach. I'm confused by Tamra's Bangapalooza...she has bangs, then she doesn't have bangs, then they're baaaaaaaaaaaaack....
  7. Ha! Back in the day when I lived in the OC, I used to commute from San Juan Capistrano to Corona. My dad's business is in Corona and he commuted also. My then boyfriend, now husband, knew that from day one. I went to bed at 9pm and got up at 5am since I started at 7. It's a 50 round trip and luckily I was going against traffic. Then we moved out of the area and I started telecommuting so I just went from my bedroom to the living room :). We still don't go to bed at the same time. He's a night owl and I'm not. Plus, he can't sleep 8 hours straight. Never could. Baby Troy is very 'breathtaking', but he seems like a happy baby, so there's that.
  8. Who is the actress playing Genevieve aka Eunice's mom? I know her voice. What happened to Peri? What happened to Odessa? I love the Powells! Y'all probably right about Nicholas being the one that killed their son, but I have no clue on Tony's deal.
  9. They better not tease us with that and then not end up showing it! Cuz Tamballs (never gets old!) yelling, "LEAVE ME ALOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!!!" (or is it "GET AWAAAAAAYYYY FROOOM MEEEEE!") just might be the new "FAAAAAMMMIIILLLY VAAAAAAANNNNN"! Yes, for someone that owns a gym, she's very puffy in her arms. Of course, genetics come into play, but so does booze. I'm not sure what Shannon's deal is. I think she could be a fun person to hang out with, but man, she is just sucking the life out of everyone.
  10. So the previews showed Tamara at GDLA and wondering where Heather was. Here's the full segment. Bad form all around! Not that I can do regular pushups very well, but I would think Tamra would be able to do at least a few, especially since she's all jacked up on testosterone now!
  11. I, too, like this show for the camp. I love Evelyn and Adrian! Where either of them ever nominated for their roles? I'm another that didn't think that Nicholas killed the Powell's son. I totally forgot about him.
  12. When Eddie sees you're being an idiot about not jumping at the opportunity of having your gym featured on GDLA despite your "competition" being featured first (which, btw, has franchises all over the country, so hardly your competition), you just might be an idiot! And to think that your friend, who is trying to promote her career, would remove herself from that segment because she should be supporting YOUR gym that she doesn't live near, you just might be an idiot squared. Plus, when your BFF Vicki thinks you're wrong, you just migh be an idiot x 49057304975945908 Tamra looked like a streetwalker in that getup. If she was going for sexy, she failed. Shannon and Heather both have sticks up their asses, but I'm still with Heather on this one. It's not like they just met Heather and she started acting this way.
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