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I agree with you. She doesn't know many of the answers. Thus, the hesitation while she checks. Alex took the time to familiarize himself with the answers before each taping. Ken knows the answers, has good rapport with the contestants, and has a ton of Jeopardy experience. Mayim has an impressive science and acting background, but hosting Jeopardy is just not something she so far is particularly good at.
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Years ago I was a travel agent on a "fam" or familiarization trip in Maui. It was hosted by a tour company to familiarize a group of 20 or do agents with the various hotels on the island. Our group was sitting in a suite at the Sheraton listening to the hotel's marketing manager talking about the property when a couple who had booked the room last minute entered unexpectedly. Oops. We hightailed it out of there and the poor hotel employee was left to smooth things over with the startled travelers. So when Valentina and Mia were having sex in the "empty" suite, I kept waiting for an employee to enter with guests who had booked the room on a whim or who wanted to be shown the room before commiting. That would certainly spell disaster for Valentina. She was knowingly taking a huge risk. When last seen, she and Mia were still in bed, so who knows. They could still be interrupted. Did Tanya recognize Greg in the photo? True, she was coked up and being seduced. But she took a good look at the photo and apparently no alarms went off. Very surprised Portia didn't immeduately flee when Jack fell asleep. She was putting two and two together and the picture wasn't pretty. Will be interesting to see how Tanya deals with the aftermath of the party and any attempt to blackmail her. Tanya is too good of a character and so well acted by Jennifer Coolidge that I can't imagine she won't be back for Season 3. Ethan has shown no interest in his wife, but he sure was pissed thinking she was with Cameron. Suspect one of that foursome is not going to leave White Lotus alive. Can't wait for next week.
I am truly concerned that Colleen is going to end up as the victim on a Dateline special. There was no indication on the reunion episode that she is anything but frightened of Matt. Her body language said it all. Matt's meltdowns were huge red flags. She should have walked away after the first one. Instead, she went through with the wedding. Why? She's young, super attractive, and should have no problem attracting a quality guy who has no scary anger issues. I predict that at at some point in the near future, she'll file a restraining order followed by initating divorce proceedings. As for Cole and Zenab, they've both said their peace. Now it's time to get on with their lives away from the cameras. It was not a good idea for either of them to subject themselves to this show in the first place. Cole's too immature. He probably did it as a lark and got in over his head. He and Zenab were a mismatch from the get go. It would have been interesting to see how a Cole/Colleen pairing would have worked out.
No one has mentioned it, and maybe it's because many of those posting here are way younger than me, but Jason's mom looks a lot like an actress named Katherine Ross who had major roles in The Graduate and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid back in the 60's. That said, I couldn't picture her with his dad at all. And, what was all the crying about when he said he wasn't ready to propose? Jeez, he barely knows the girl. He was just being sensible -- a rare attribute on this show. Rachel lost whatever remnant of good will was left with me when she crapped out on Tyler. His whole family was sitting there excitedly waiting to meet her, and she just flat out dumped him mid date. That was a shitty thing to do. He and his family did not deserve to be left hanging like that. The woman has zero social skills. And for those who said Tino's mom looks "rough," I agree. She knew she was going to be on tv. Why not visit the hair salon in advance and put on some makeup? I don't even like Tino, but I was embarrassed for him. Poor Aven. He's sort of an afterthought. Has to share his hometown with Men Tell All. That doesn't bode well for him. Pretty clear that Gabby is into Erich and Rachel seems to want Tino, but she should never let Zach get away. He's the best guy to come along on this shitshow in a long while. And it doesn't hurt that he has a relatively normal family with a well known uncle as a bonus.
The shitshow continues. Another date in a church? Couldn't production find a more appropriate setting? Gabby's slit up to there black skirt, bare midriff, and stiletto boots for a daytime walk through cobblestone streets? Just no. Logan's flip-flop and latest rose are clearly producer driven. I'd be shocked if he makes it to hometowns. Nate is getting a favorable edit. Seems to be auditioning to be the next Bachelor. I can't see either of these women ending up with any of these guys. No chemistry or potential longevity with any of them. R and G should both go home, date the locals, enjoy their Bachelorette money, and get on with their lives.
The editing this season is a sloppy shitshow. The dudes who didn't get a rose at the end of the episode didn't even get an awkward good-bye. Is that a first? Meatball reappeared without being officially welcomed back by Rachel. Gabby and Jason were fitted for berets that were never seen again. Who decided a church was a fitting setting for a romantic dinner date? Stupid. And who decided smelling armpits was a romantic activity? Disgusting and beyond stupid. Every time I think this show has reached a new low, they find a way to go lower. The show has devolved into an ensemble cast acting out assigned parts. Hayden was cast as the villain. His dog story was contrived and ridiculous. His protest after being confronted was half hearted. He was happy to leave. Logan is cast as the guy who wants to switch women, a move that will devastate an already fragile, tearful Rachel. Her motto seems to be "Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me." The producers are ringing as much drama as they can out of this scenario because they are stuck with two emotionally insecure leads and a bunch of guys enjoying their 15 minutes while auditioning for BIP.
This season, more than ever in this franchise, is entirely scripted. Of course Meatball will return. The producers need for the leads to have an equal number of men going into the Europe portion of the show, so they chose Meatball to continue on the journey. Just so much ridiculous stuff to snark on this episode. Grandpa turning up only to be subjected to a purification ritual in a makeshift tent and then conveniently introduced to a senior lady bowler out of central casting. She was even wearing a bowling shirt. This, so grandpa could be dumped in order that the one on one date could continue. This week it was Gabby's turn to leave her date sitting awkwardly at the table while she consulted with the production team. And poor Erich just sat there, not knowing quite how to react to the manufactured drama. Rachel's one on one was equally cringeworthy. The bogus red carpet with the actor photographers and then the empty theater. I was embarrassed for them. The embarrassing group date photo shoot barely rates a mention. It was a new low for this franchise and did nothing to allow the leads to get to know the guys better. Just a waste of time. An equal number of guys let R & G know they weren't interested. How convenient and contrived. The early seasons of this show at least had the pretense that the contestants were genuinely looking to meet someone they could build a relationship with. Now it's all manufactured drama with people looking for their 15 minutes and maybe kickstarting a career as an influencer or show biz hanger on. Fiction played out by non actors.
I was thrown off by the Tennessee reference and the only thing I could come up with was Graceland. Familiarity with Paul Simon's songs in date order plus remembering that Al Gore was the new VP in '93 and putting it all together in a few seconds enough to write a fairly long song title was required. No wonder no one came up with it.
Christina On The Coast - General Discussion
Hpmec replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Christina On The Coast
I just read the article and a follow up stating that for now the custody arrangement will remain as is but the judge will hold some sort of hearing in June at which time Christina will be allowed to respond. Ant is alleging that she allowed the child to become badly sunburned and dismissed his concerns about it. Further stated that she only has the boy about nine days a month and uses him to promote products on social media without Ant's consent. Also, she failed to notify Ant that her family had Covid and that Hudson had been exposed. This led to shutting down a production Renee Zellweger was working on at the time. Apparently he also referenced her drug use, admission that she smoked bufo toad venom. I don't think Ant would be taking this step if he didn't feel his claims had merit. I recently posted a screenshot here of Hudson riding in an oversized golf cart without a seatbelt on during an outing with Christina and Josh on a city street. That's the sort of thing that screams negligence and is illegal to boot. This will be interesting to follow. -
I think production should have allowed the two teams to observe each other's tribal councils. The drama of the second would probably not have happened if they had observed the first. Rocksroy's departure had zip to do with his race, but the visual of him sitting there beside Chanelle with no context was what set off Drea and the discussion that followed. Not a fan of Tori, but ultimately she was booted at least in part because she was one of the three sitting there who aren't black. Too bad the game can't be played blindfolded.
Christina On The Coast - General Discussion
Hpmec replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Christina On The Coast
And subject to a 2% per year raise. I live in CA and bought my home a long time ago when prices were reasonable. Homes are not reassessed until they are sold, so my taxes are relatively low even though they go up 2% a year. But those buying today at inflated prices are screwed. -
Christina On The Coast - General Discussion
Hpmec replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Christina On The Coast
Christina On The Coast - General Discussion
Hpmec replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Christina On The Coast
She's claiming she's moving up the coast back to Newport Beach because Dana Point was too far from the kids' school. She knew that when she bought, and, since when does she drive her own kids to school anyway? She can hire somebody to do that. I have a feeling the real reason was the place was unaffordable. The property taxes on a 10 million dollar property alone would be killer, and she's now saddled herself with another home in Tennessee and a husband who apparently has no job. She's the breadwinner trying to keep up a very extravagant lifestyle without Flip or Flop income. Who knows how long her other shows will last. Cancellation of one or both could be financially devastating. Another pseudo celeb living beyond her means. Will eventually come back to bite her. And hope she has a good prenup with this latest husband. She's gonna need it. -
Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Hpmec replied to maraleia's topic in Counting On
And those two barely knew each other before they tied the knot and were never alone together, so an issue as important as how many kids each realistically wanted never came up. She probably assumed that since they were both taught that children are blessings from God, he'd want a steady stream, too. Not so. He was done after that "1 or 2" but probably afraid to get a vasectomy in case someone found out and ratted him out. He was never concerned with the morality of his actions -- only with getting caught. Pest was born into the wrong family. He needed parents who would have recognized and dealt with his perversion with intense secular counseling from the getgo.Boob and Meech just let it fester until it boiled over. They shoulder much of the blame and should take a good hard look in the mirror on sentencing day. -
Christina On The Coast - General Discussion
Hpmec replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Christina On The Coast
That next divorce is probably right around the corner. After marrying two men who were making a living, she's found one whose sole interest seems to be hanging on to her and her money for dear life and going along for the ride. Boy Toy is one thing. Husband is something else. Not a good look for the kids at all. All three are bounced between households like beachballs. I do think Tarek genuinely loves his kids, but it's hard to imagine Heather exuding enthusiasm about anything other than a new designer purse or a spa session. Hudson appears happiest when he's with Ant, and I really feel for the little guy. He's on constant display and his dominant childhood memory may eventually be the car rides up and down the coast between houses. A shame.