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Posts posted by Chai

  1. I was hoping Josiah or another one of the Duggar family actually leaves. I'm afraid I want it both ways. I want one of the kids to escape and not suffer any negative backlash from JB and M and the rest of their families. I 'm sure there must have been a family similar to the Duggars that had a child not agree to the extent where they left. 

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  2. I'd love to turn a psychiatrist loose on MEchelle. I find it incredible that no one has called her on the fact that her children cease to be interesting or relevant to her after she stops nursing them. My hunch is that in the Gothard cult, a woman's job is to birth as many children as possible to populate "God's army," and that Gothard actually advises turning babies over to the younger kids so Mom and Dad can start procreating again. But, seriously, what kind of person would go along with that bullshit? The Bateses are Gothard, but even they don't seem to have subscribed to the "buddy" theory in full force; Gil and Kelly really do seem to be raising their own kids.

    I would love to see the results of that! Really. I think she is held up as someone whose mothering skills are above everyone else's, and it shouldn't be. With that many children she shouldn't have the time to work out for an hour a day, or have time to go to conferences to give speeches about all the ways she's organized and cooked and cleaned and home schooled 19 children. She didn't! She made her poor children give up their childhoods to care for every baby she ever had. Maybe if she had gotten up every night until the last baby slept through the night and didn't depend upon her older daughters to do it I might feel differently. NO ONE in that girls dorm should have a double bed! if anyone needs to sleep with anyone, they need to sleep with their mother, and JB can sleep on the couch somewhere.

    I would be bitter as hell if I had to do that.  All she does now is tour the country giving speeches on how she manages her family. She turned her children into free slaves and abandoned her children to their siblings at about 4 months old. That's not something to be proud of. So many people ask what she does all day! The answer is nothing! She accepts Mother of the year awards and gives speeches on how everyone else does everything she should be doing. 

    • Love 6
  3. I don't get this god army stuff. How the hell can Michelle and Jimboob have 19 uneducated children and want to take over America? What has any of their kids accomplishment? Nothing. So how exactly are they gods army

    I thought they wanted to populate the earth with as many people as possible with their belief system.

    • Love 2
  4. I noticed that Jill mentioned during Tuesday's episodes that at the time of her ultrasound, she was as many weeks as Michelle was when Josie was born.  I can't help but wonder how many times Michelle had said that to Jill at that point in her pregnancy.  I could imagine Michelle constantly "reminding" Jill of Josie and Jubilee when Jill reached those weeks of pregnancy.

    Now that's a piece of motherly advice every woman wants to hear during her first pregnancy. Something else to worry about!

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  5. I really, really, really don't understand their total willingness to put their child on camera so quickly. I didn't understand it with Jackson through Josie. I didn't understand it with the M-Duggars. I don't understand it with Derick and Jill. They claim that children are precious blessings that need protection and special consideration in the womb...then, without any consideration or protection for the baby's dignity, future, or individualism, put bright lights and a camera in the kids face. And, for what?? To appease a network or get a few more dollars?

    In Hollywood, you can't use such young neonates on film because the lights and exposure have been determined to be hazardous. Why does reality tv get a pass? Israel, like his aunts, uncles, and cousins before him, is being used as a prop- an adorable, sweet prop. He didn't choose it. For all the talk about protecting babies, the Duggars seem to miss the fact that millions of peso have now seen this child in a diaper and will likely see him completely nude on May 5th. We know his birth stats, his vital stats, and have seen every moment of his history save the actual conception. What about his privacy? We saw his cousin born on a toilet and his aunt having uncomfortable, unpleasant medical procedures. At some point, you have to question the ethics of this. Jill and Derick had the choice to profit from his birth and they took it. They're no better than Jim Bob and Michelle. Next time Jill or Michelle talks about modesty standards, I may scream because modesty only seems to apply when it's convenient.

    I'm happy they're healthy and the baby is adorable. But, all the speculation over Jill's hoohaa and, on another site, Israel's foreskin is insanity. Jill and Derick- it's not too late to salvage your lives and privacy.

    You said it perfectly. Child actors have rights and legally have someone as guardian and make sure they get breaks and schooltime issues are met  during filming. Reality tv is a separate entity, without those same provisions that child actors have. There were many discussions on this about Kate G and the Gosselin children being exploited this way. Her brother and sister in law fought against her tooth and nail.

    • Love 6
  6. Where my daughter delivered, they have a mandatory two hour bonding time right after birth no visitors.  They also have bonding and quiet time in the afternoon with no visitors.  They also have very strict rules on visitor limits and you have to get a plastic card to get in.  I was so thankful because first baby his whole family tried to pile in at once.  I hope the Dillards had some provisions to let them have peace and quiet to bond and to rest. 

    ....Without out Jimbob blowing on the horn all the way up the driveway bring 17 people behind him, all wanting to be fed.

    • Love 9
  7. I just got home and had to log on here to see if Jill had the baby yet. I love the pic of the baby, thank you for that! I think he looks like a Duggar. Guess what joke is going to get old real fast?


    Where Izzy? haha! I'm so glad no one can slap me through the computer!

    • Love 4
  8. Cmr 2014 posted in  Duggar fashions that everything about Jessa's wedding, the color of the dresses to ice cream in the parking lot suggest that this was supposed to be a summer wedding. For whatever reason it was  pushed back . This makes perfect sense, and now I wonder why her wedding would've been pushed back? Any ideas?

  9. I think or at least I hope you are talking about miscarriages.

    I have never heard a mother not count her dead child(ren) as one of her children. I have two children, son aged 33 and a daughter who would be 40 but she died when she was 34. That is what I say. I cannot forget my kids.

    Where are they? I don't know. No one has ever asked me that question but I have asked where my daughter is and no one really knows.

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your daughter. If I could give you a hug I would <3 

    • Love 12
  10. I don't really understand why they have to invite thousand and thousands of people to their weddings? I read that fundies invite their whole church? I just can't fathom that! No wonder they spent so little time there or hardly any money on food. Most of these people are complete strangers! So, the after party held at the Duggars or Seewalds would most likely be the real reception, right? That's where family and close friends would gather to have something to eat and sit and talk?


    I think days and days of making sandwiches and having hot coffee with the hot desserts described above would have been much better. With tables and chairs of course! Even round tables with folding chairs would be fine. Whatever happens to the elderly in this group? 


    So instead of doing it that way, why bother inviting the whole church? I really like the idea of that beautiful church where they were engaged.  Just my own opinion. :-)

    • Love 3
  11. when JB walked Jessa down the aisle and they got to Ben Jessa was beaming! That was so sweet!

    When he put the ring on her finger she said "its gorgeous"! I liked that they both had a surprise for each other.

    I didnt see Josie,where was she?

    • Love 2
  12. I'm pretty sure that when she was facing away from the camera Jessa said she had already eaten eggs and something else, it seemed to me that Michelle was playing up to the camera that she was such a good "mommy" (I think she referred to herself that way). 


    I'm a relative Duggar newbie,, can anyone tell me what he did to Josiah, please. TIA

    Josiah panicked at the news of Michelle expecting number 20 and got emotional and burst into tears  during the family announcement. (Anyone with half a brain would have considering he almost lost his mother and baby sister) he ran off during the family filming this episode and JB quite forcefully strong armed him back to the group, where he appeared wiping his eyes and holding his arm like it was hurt. As Literata said, the "Other Duggar kids and Grandma " thread have discussed it quite a bit. That's it in a nutshell.

    • Love 1
  13. Agreed. I also think this is going on with Jill: Not to criticize the appearance of any of the kids, because I think they've all turned out to be nice-looking, but Jill has always been the plainest of the sisters. (If you watch some of the old specials, she was definitely going through some ... awkward phases.) I wonder if she's perhaps somewhat proud of the fact that she, despite her status as not the greatest beauty of the family, was the first to land a husband.


    I mean, how many times can we hear about Jessa's beauty from her parents and others on the show; I imagine Jill is pretty darned sick of it and was grateful for an opportunity to one-up the princess.

    I will never for the life of me understand how Jill got married ahead of Jana? Beauty wise, she is head and shoulders over both of them, and I think her personality is better than the snitch and also the princess b!t%$.       (my opinion only)

    • Love 2
  14. That kid is comedy gold. Just deadpan. Love him.


    I somehow missed MEchelle trying to get Jessa to eat. Was she actually concerned?


    My sister, a therapist, maintains that there's something "creepy" about Boob's relationship with his girls, but I don't think so. I don't absolve him of all his issues, by any means; I'll never forgive him for manhandling Josiah, for example. But I do think he's just a real softie when it comes to the girls, and he seems to actually have a relationship with the majority of the kids.


    I think he's in love with the fact that the girls remind him of a young MEchelle, and that skeeves me out a little, but I don't think for a minute that he's been physically inappropriate with any of them. Are others with me on this?

    I agree. I always thought he had a real love and affection for his children, and  showed it better than Michelle.   I never thought he was physically inappropriate with anyone, either. I too, am still angry at his treatment of Josiah. I don't know when I will give him a pass on that one. If ever.

  15. I do not know where this guy was from, but I had a friend who was from Boston & he added an 'R' to a lot of words, like, his daughters name is 'Amanda' & he called her 'Amander'. Always sounded so funny to me.

    Guilty as charged! (I'm from Boston) For as many R's as we drop (Cah =Car ) We do seem to add an R when there isn't any! :-)

    • Love 3
  16. TLC edits it the way they want it. Everyone could have said 10 great things about Jessa and 1 critical thing and they could cut out the 10 good things they all said and leave the one negative remark from everyone. That way they have created a storyline..... Jessa is a b1#$%! That's what you agree to when you are paid for reality tv. They can edit reality any way they want. You can't do a thing about it because you agreed to it, JB and M. 

    • Love 5
  17. I agree that Jim Bob is a cheapskate through and through. I think I read awhile ago that the one reason that the Duggars used to get together to play broomball on Friday nights is because they were allowed to use the skating rink for free. Up until TLC had parties for the kids, the family had never once gone bowling or roller skating..I remember this because when James had the bowling party at 9 years old, they were asked who had bowled before and the only ones who raised their hands were Anna and Michelle, I think. Yes, it can be expensive when you have a lot of kids, but there are coupons and specials run by these places, surely the Duggars could have made bowling or skating a twice a year excursion for the family. When I remember how he said that he spent $100,000 on his failed run for Senate back in 2002 (or was it 2000) and there were 15 of them jammed into that small 3 bedroom , 2 bath house, you can see where his priorities lay..with himself and Michelle, not his kids.

    Exactly! This has always bugged me. He can spend that on a Senate bid and let his family live that way is unbelievable! What about Michelle? How about her not saying you (aren't saving 100,000 for yourself) when we don't have a big enough house that even  $20 000 would qualify them for  anything bigger than what they had. Although they didn't want debt... but using that kind of money for yourself... debt would be the lesser of two evils.

    • Love 2
  18. Take a look at the photograph that's fourth from the bottom.  One of the bridesmaids has a real 'hate face' going on.  Whoever she is, she looked like she wanted to beat the happy couple with her bouquet and put a stop to the whole wedding!  I'd love to know the story behind that picture.

    lol! I had to go look, Thanks for the belly laugh! The look on that girls face is hysterical!

  19. Michelle credits someone else for the "jurisdictions" and the buddy system. Don't remember who that is. And I'm also not sure if the buddy system was ever meant to be used to give an older child practically their own little family to raise, which is essentially what the Duggars do, or if it was what most of us think of as a Buddy system - you have a younger child that you help out in the mornings and evenings (wake up and bedtime) and on travel so they don't get lost - the latter which seems more reasonable.

    Whenever we traveled or went out together I used to tell my kids pick a buddy-- and it meant nothing like the Duggar's system. I only meant stay together  two by twos so no one gets lost. It certainly didn't mean for life! lol!

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  20. I have no doubt that they removed JB twisting Josiah's arm video portion on line. If you google" Free jinger Josiah arm twist" the page with all the discussions the time it happened is still there. One poster provides a photo bucket of the photos of the stills from that video. The most incriminating are indeed gone, but you can read about what people who did see it thought.

  21. I remember that episode very well where they announced M's pregnancy with Jubilee. Josiah was the only person with enough brains to be scared for M with Another pregnancy after they almost lost both delivering Josie. He showed real fear and was instantly punished by JB twisting his arm or whatever he did.

    I felt sick when i saw that and i knew then, its not all they crack it up to be. That stupid idiotic thing known as a mother-- her son is scared for her, does she comfort him? No. JB twists his arm and does she sit him down to talk about justified fears? No! She ignores her son and smiles stupidly for the masses to congratulate her pregnancy! Anyone who hasn't seen it google the duggars pregnancy announcement with jubliee or #20. Im sure they dont want it seen much.

    If there's ever one kid that could throw them under the bus and get his own 20 million dollar interview its Josiah... After this he was sent away and appeared at a Branson Mo book signing with his head practically shaved. They Tomato staked him during that book signing( put him in between two parents, you arent going anywhere)

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