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Posts posted by Chai

  1. Oh okay, I just saw it mentioned, had no idea how long ago it was. I hope they're doing better now. 


    If I remember correctly two of the tups were expelled for physically hitting and hurting not only other children, but an adult as well. I wasn't surprised with the amount of punching each other I saw during the older episodes. 


    Kate denied the whole thing, as usual. Said they were being home schooled.

    Hey, y'all, I saw it mentioned in the season 3 thread that two of the kids were expelled from school. I didn't want to go off topic in there, but can anyone shed some light on this matter? It seems crazy to me that kids so young would already be having serious issues at school. IMO, it might be prudent to quit filming your children once and for all and get them into some intensive behavioral therapy. 

    That would require the thoughts and energy of a good parent. Good parents don't exploit their children on tv for money. 

    • Love 5
  2. Never said he was sleeping with Kate at that house.  Just that Jon was in the basement and Steve was sleeping upstairs.  Robert was first assigned to report of the circus called the Gosselins.  I know that he has stated that they were friends.  Kate did beat those children and it was photographed.  Either way, Kate is a sorry excuse of a human being and even worse as a parent.  Ask anyone who had the misfortune of being around her.  


    The marriage had been over prior to the move to the McMansion.  In the episode where it was first shown, her remarks were "It's mine ALL mine".  Don't forget how she went off about the bedroom being her bedroom and no one was to enter.  There is a very long list of things.  As I said, TLC did a great job in whitewashing their sorry asses, mostly hers.


    Why did the WHOLE camera crew walk out of the house the night that the "gum gate" incident happened?  Let's not forget about the pinching she did to one of the children on a talk show or even what she did to Maddy when Maddy was thirsty.  All of that video has been released.


    She and Jon both put their own small children to work so their sorry asses could reap the benefits.  

    Very well said!

  3. WTF is she wearing????   Serious.   W.T.F.      As someone noted, she looks like a crazed nursing home resident.   Which I doubt was the look she was goin for.   Why not wear jeans and t-shirt.   Why some seriously weird get up?

    LOL! I said the same thing. As someone already said, at least she didn't try sexy minnie mouse look.

    • Love 1
  4. A lot of great stuff, quoting many of you to help keep my thoughts straight! 


    As others have said, she's done this before. At least twice before, finishing a bathroom & strategically putting a totchke over a hole. I think one was the dollar house, and in that one, she used an awful old dresser - really beat up - and a broken piece of marble for the top, and the "after" pics mostly avoid showing the broken corner. But nothing could camouflage the bad black paint on the particle board on the side of the dresser. She'd have done better to glue a piece of luan or ply over it, then paint it. 


    Of course, then this year she ranted about using dressers and converting them to bathroom sinks. Do as I say, not as I do!



    You know another reason we do mixer sinks now? Safety. It's way to easy to get burned without them. And the reason they didn't used to do them? Because you could use non-potable water for hot water heaters, and use water from the mains for cold. The hot water heaters could have dangerous microbes. So for a long time, they kept them apart. Then we learned how to have clean hot water. Progress - it's amazing! 



    Just wanted to thank you for that giggle.



    I really like Renovate to Rent. They're not in the business to become celebs, but to do work. They're also pretty successful, which allows them to go on and "save" more houses, even if they are doing them up as rentals. I appreciate seeing the financials - it lets non-pros know how much it can cost to fix up older homes. 



    A few months ago, on Twitter, Nicole livetweeted her tv watching for the evening. She got pretty derogatory towards a bunch of the people on Renovation Realities, and then babbled on about how some "other shows" aren't doing what she does, will rip out anything etc. Yes, she needs a handler. This week, she posted a screencap of a message on FB from someone. It wasn't the nicest message, but she just loves "punching down." You don't do that when you're a celeb. Of course, then she goes on about how she didn't want to be a celeb! Please. You do not go on TV without knowing that you will get some fame. If you say otherwise, you're lying.



    I'm sure Nicole despises them. I'm surprised she hasn't directly talked about them yet, but I do think it's funny that you never see interactions between them, considering their proximity. All the other DIY/HGTVers interact!


    You know what's funny? Many many houses have been used as rentals over the centuries. I was looking up census records for my family's house in Philadelphia around 1905-1920. These are brick "rowhouses", lovely places, great floors, stairs, marble stoops, etc. - they weren't separated as rentals, but census showed about half of them had boarders. It's nothing new. All those "grand old houses" in urban areas were not always lived in by single families. 

     Yes I saw that and decided to unfollow her on fb as well. She went on a rant here twice now and then acted like its not her fault she acted like a b!tch? C'mon! you have your own tv show you damn well better plaster a smile on that face when people recognize you in public.  The only thing she should be saying on any public forum in any capacity is "thank you for watching my show"

    • Love 6
  5. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kenya-moore-kate-gosselin-bodyguard-hotel-room-20141711

    Apparently they share a hotel room so I think it's more than a professional relationship:

    "“That bodyguard was very interesting because they actually shared a room — I don’t know if I’m supposed to say that — so he was around a lot,” Moore, 43, revealed.

    Thank you for posting that link, I hadn't read that before.  I thought so. I still can't figure why his wife puts up with them acting like that.

  6. Taking into consideration the manner in which Kate has raised these 8 children to date, it is glaringly obvious her extreme militant parenting style was very ineffective.  The boys are the exception to this observation...they are good kids and will hopefully stay this way.  Because Alexis has been the cast out in the girls group (for years now) she seems to have taken on the boys personality traits, which is a good thing.  Alexis has been shunned by Hannah and Leah in a sad, mean way, but that now appears to be in her favor as far as her future goes...in terms of good character traits which will take her far in life.


    Leah's comments to her mother were astoundingly abrasive and hateful.  On last nights show she said this to Kate, "We all like each other, We just don't like you".  Then it showed her, the twins and their friend huddled together bad mouthing Kate.  My God, what a chaotic household that must be dealing with these nasty girls day in and day out.  Kate, you should have taken parenting classes, but that may not have helped...considering personalities cannot be changed and your girls have all become reflections of you, their mother.

    How sad is that for Poor Alexis? I remember Alexis coming up from the basement when they pretended she slept down there,  (in the old house)when it was Jon? I think? anyway, they were separating Alexis because she used to wake up the other two. I noticed when they went into the Maine beach house Kate pointed to a separate bed that Alexis could sleep in away from the other two. That started world war 3 with them. She has no one but herself to thank.

    • Love 2
  7. Do you think they had an affair? I saw an interview with Jon that he thought there was something going on between them. I think there probably was an affair at one point. If I was his wife I wouldn't hesitate to put an end to that rumor long, long ago.

  8. It probably was not so much giving up the obligation to pay child support, as it was a necessity to keep from going to jail. He probably couldn't pay, and as screwed up as his life is now, things could get worse. All sorts of penalties apply when you can't pay, and they begin to snowball - even if he had a salary to attach, without a lot of money he couldn't pay rent, car expenses, etc.

    I feel so bad for him that everything came down this way. He wasn't a bad guy, but she bullied him and humiliated him, and he must have lost all his self-esteem. I don't know why he couldn't get and keep a real job, but I hope somehow he pulls it together, before he loses contact with all his children.

    You said this so well. It's what I've been thinking, too.

  9. I don't know if anyone else noticed but, having a chronic illness and taking pain meds on occasion, I am thinking during the individual interview scenes Bill has already had his surgery because his eyes show clearly a high edge to them. IJS. And on the toilet In the garage, I don't think it's connected for those of you that would hold it..lol. I can't see Jen allowing that to be used as a bathroom anyway, let's be serious.

    Thank you! I was trying to figure out what was wrong with his eyes...

  10. Yes I was disgusted with him signing off in return of no child support. I can understand the twins anger at him for doing that, when he knew how much they hated filming. He was the only thing that stopped Kate's precious filming career. He threw it away with both hands.


    Maybe he was quoted child support from when he was making $$$$ on the tv show and had no where near that when he and Kate divorced? He couldn't afford that working as a waiter. 


    I think he always knew he had a chip in his pocket. He knew Kate was perceived (for a while) as a wonder mom of eight, very organized,etc. when in reality she was a shrew. I think that's where Robert Hoffman's book came from. I think Jon couldn't take her anymore and wanted to show the world what she really was.  

  11. I always thought Jon had his childrens best interests at heart. I thought he was almost a saint to put up with what he did from Kate. Remember when shenscreamed his name in the toy store? They used to show that on the show all the time. I used to love it when he used to tell her to take the stick out.

    • Love 6
  12. I think JD gets a bad rap on here. I always attributed it to him not being comfortable on camera. I think he may not approve of what his parents do and is forced into filming when he'd rather have nothing to do with it. I could be wrong, and this is my opinion only. I just got that impression one day while watching when they made another one of their new pregnancy announcements. I can't remember which one, but I remember the look oh his face was 'Not another one!" Ever since then I remember thinking, ok, not everyone here 

    is  completely over joyed, but that's the story the parents are giving. It will be interesting someday, if someone decides to spill the beans. I really think some of the older kids(Jana too and she's his twin) do NOT agree with their parents. I've seen it also with Josiah getting his arm twisted by his dad during Jubilees announcement when he burst into tears at the thought of another pregnancy ,when his mother almost died from the last one. He was showing more smarts than his parents, imo.


    so anyway, I respectfully disagree that JD is a weird creep. I think he is being forced to do something he doesn't want to do. Maybe I'm wrong, but does anyone else think some of the kids may not like the way their parents make them live? 

    • Love 5
  13. I enjoyed seeing the kids now that they're older and thought they all seemed to be having a great time.  Had my doubts about another road trip because Kate has generally not done well with that sort of thing.  I don't know if the passage of time has lessened the symptoms of her OCD or if she's on a medication that's working for her, but this Kate was relaxed and genuinely just enjoyed her kids without getting ruffled about anything.  It was a pleasure to watch.


    I'll duck now.

    I read Robert Hoffman's book and he only described what you did as happening once in the whole time he was following her. (I can't remember if it was a year or a year and a half) He also said it was a pleasure watching her and them play on the swings and get Duncan  Donuts. How sad that that wasn't a regular thing for them.


    Robert Hoffmans book painted her in such a bad light I almost felt sorry for her. Her utter greed and lack of anything motherly made me pity what she is throwing away with both hands, and doesn't even know it.

    (And my opinion had nothing to do with her having an abortion or not. I felt that shouldn't have been in the book. It was based on her own behaviors that were cited from other people and her own diaries corrorborate it.)

  14. Count me among those that think Jill is in for a rude awakening about child birth. Even if you didnt read history books there are books like Time Life books that depict life for the american woman in early America first populating this land. It was described as .. " childbearing was considered a dread due to no hospitals or medical interventions" and we have a family worth millions putting their most precious in those same conditions.

    • Love 2
  15. Lol....thanks to everyone for the welcomes.


    So pleased to have somebody to 'talk' to about this show, nobody I know watches it.


    Was sad but not surprised to hear that Jill was expecting, I really hoped that her and Derrick would break free and live abroad for a while doing missionary work so Jill could see an alternative life style and wouldn't follow in her parents footsteps, but it seems they will become Mr and Mrs Jimbob mark 2.

    HI there!

    Welcome aboard !  :-)


    I thought the same thing. OMG, why couldn't she have waited a year or two to enjoy being herself and being out of the house 

    and into a new life with her husband? find out  what life is like not being a full time care giver to all your siblings. Take the time to know the person you didn't get a chance to before that quick marriage. But, really, that's all she knows. Sad.

  16. I think Josh is starting to feel the stress of having 3 kids, a wife, a job and an annoying part-time job with TLC. The constant traveling alone has to annoy him not too mention having to travel in a piece of crap RV that keeps falling apart. I'm surprised he hasn't snapped yet. Then his wife 'hint hint' wants another baby. He's only 25-26 years old. Most guys his age would be flipping out having to fix an RV 3-4 times on a trip that's supposed to be a vacation.

    I think it's a good thing that he and Anna moved to D.C. I think they needed to get away from circus.

    For an RV that was falling apart, I was surprised to see the Discovery logo on it.

    • Love 1
  17. Josh and Anna's kids are so cute. Sometimes Anna makes me cringe, but for the most part, she is one of my favorites. 


    I went back and watched TFDW and Priscilla wedding. Priscilla and her expressions were hard to watch (I'm mean, I know) but she did seem very happy. What the hell is with the mothers of the bride and groom wearing the same outfit? And the WTF'ery of TFDW leading the crowd in singing. It was just as good as I dreamed it would be. When I searched for the wedding another blog came up that revealed "David Waller & Priscilla Keller began courting in September, were engaged in November, and married February 4th!"

    OMG they started courting in Sept and were engaged by Nov? (married in Feb) this is unbelievable! it almost sounds like a quickie wedding lol!

    I don't think its going to end well for Pris to be married to a gay man. Nothing against gay people, but where is she going to end up if he ever decides to come out? It seems all her friends and family were OK with her marrying him, as rushed as that was, and look at him! With friends like that who needs enemies? The poor girl acts like the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top, and no one family member or friend stopped her from this? I hope he isn't a jerk, but already I hear how he swatted at her, made her make a video shortly after giving birth etc. It could become abusive. I really hope not, but maybe she can confide in her sister if things get ugly.Josh to the rescue? I feel horrible thinking that poor girl has no one to help her.

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