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Posts posted by Chai

  1. People are posting on the FB page that they should set up Jana with Tim Tebow. It has to be hard enough to know your parents are going to set up your marriage. But with the TV show Jana has to know that perfect strangers are contemplating who she should marry.

    I think they do think of that. So much so that Jessa didn't want to do her first kiss in front of everyone. I was so grossed out over the jb/m parents imitating the daughter/ son in law kiss. IMO its so much worse than that one kiss at the altar would have been. They are so full it..... where was ANY modesty then?

    • Love 2
  2. I don't know if there is even a suiter involved. Maybe one day she will ask for her payout and we'll discover she's working as a waitress in a remote town, living alone. And likes it.

    Everything is speculative at this point. I have a wait and see approach with her but in no way do I perceive her as lovelorn, unhappy, or stuck.

    I think JB looks for a suitor only if his daughter desires one. Jill was quite eager.

    Ill say she was eager.... judging by the way she threw her head back.... and jumped! at the kissing part of the ceremony! lol! hopefull they can laugh over it. I did. ;-)

    • Love 1
  3. I liked watching the talking heads segment with Anna and Mykenzie.  Anna was telling her how she was born..." (paraphrasing)and you looked over and saw Daddy..." and she threw herself into her moms arms. Adorable! Anna acts like a real mother does.That's my impression, she loves her kids and it shows. Shes a hands on mom. Good for her!


    although, to be fair, I think Michelle was probably a hands on mom too, until she couldn't cope anymore. Then she checked out. I can't decide if she lost her last marble or found some happy pills, but Anna is much healthier to stay within her comfort zone and have only as many as she can handle.

    • Love 6
  4. With Michelle it's really more than just about her age. Even if she can get pregnant, preeclampsia and gallstone both have a high reoccurrence rate once it's happened during a pregnancy whether the mom is older or not. Of course this is all back to the 'God gave you a brain' thing. God gave her a brain to control the number of children she has but she chooses to ignore any rational thought. God also gave her a brain to realize that after 19 kids she might not need to risk her life and potentially bring into the world a sick, premature baby... but once again she has convinced herself that thinking is ungodly. 


    To give her just a little credit, I do feel for her in one way. Their entire belief system only values women as baby makers. it doesn't even really value women as baby raisers. So now that she's seeing the end of her baby making... she's come to the end of her value. That is a very difficult thing to deal with. 

    That is the most compassionate thing about Michelle I have ever heard about her. You've made a great point, and how sad.

    • Love 13
  5. I just got on radaronline and I had to get off as soon as I was on. They did a close up of jb and m kissing next to a pic of either jessa or jill kissing. I was so disgusted, I got off that fast I didn't see which one it was. Ugh! that close up of jb and m--- I NEED brain bleach!

  6. I wonder about Michelle's parents and why they are never talked about or seen on the show so I found a link.  It says they became estranged due to Michelle's faith.  I wonder what they tell their kids about their maternal grandparents.  The link also mentions a sister that died last year, how sad.




    Thank you for posting that link. I didn't know that, and I found it very interesting. For everything JB and Michelle do, modest wise, they sure don't seem tolerant or a forgiving family, if you aren't exactly on par with their views. I could be wrong, but it may seem like that.

    • Love 2
  7. I liked watching the older episodes of 14 kids and pregnant again, the kids were so young! (the parents, too)


    Listening to JB talk about "the mess" when Michelle was going to make when she was in labor and he covered the floor in plastic?!  and the hall, the stairs etc ugh! did he deserve a slap! its amniotic fluid, you idiot! He made it sound like toxic waste!

  8. The first time I ever saw a Semi-Ho show was at Xmas years back, and because I didn't know any better I was thrilled to see a bunch of shortcuts for Xmas cookies. Oh my god. The candy cane cookies tasted so strongly of the red food dye (took an entire bottle) that they were inedible. Pretty sure there was a russipee involving eggnog that tasted nothing like eggnog. So those "time-saving russipees for the way we cook today" ended up wasting an entire evening of my precious holiday baking schedule. I have had a hate-on for this woman ever since.

    The only good thing about Sandra is that I can threaten my husband with her meatloaf. The one she baked on a sheet pan and it came out looking like a misshapen log of poo with liquid oozing out? He has never recovered from that episode.

    Neither has mine! (he's an actual chef) He was in disbelief and asked me, how did she get a cooking show?

  9. It is not disrespectful to be barefoot in a church!

    Don't you think the ministers / preachers / pastors / lay leaders etc would've said "No" if they felt it was disrespectful?

    I've been a Sunday School teacher; my mother was a lay minister; my children went on mission trips. I went barefoot often in church (never while working the kitchen though).

    These arcane 'rules why people left the Catholic Church.

    There's much to snark on w/the Duggars, but each wedding is different. As long as they're happy with it, then it's not for us to say what's right or wrong. Tacky or overblown (the Bates).

    Let's just pray these kids work out okay since they're now stuck together.


    I agree it's not disrespectful to be barefoot in church. When we had a wonderful group of nuns visit our catholic church, one of them removed her shoes when she went up on the altar. It was a sign of deep respect.

    • Love 2
  10. I was cringing watching the little girls on the wedding altar. I thought they looked cute when they were all first getting on the altar, but I wanted someone to walk them around off the other side and bring them to a bench to watch over them and not disrupt the service. 

    During the wedding, we have Ben say to Jessa, "we will be getting engaged soon" and on the news I hear their wedding took place yesterday! Does ANY part of this reality tv have any reality in it? LOL!

    • Love 2
  11. I sincerely hope that TLC uses the now vacated time slot of Honey Boo Boo to air Jessa's courtship and wedding. This will enable them to catch up to real time and begin a proper season early next year...I, for one am tired of watching old news...yes, I agree that Jessa Blessa will be "expecting" next week. Maybe she wants to out do sweet sister Jilly Muffin...(who, by the way, needs to leave and cleave), put on her big girl panties, and live her own life in her own home away from her "buddies". She doesn 't need to see the daily...Doesn't MIchelle realize or care that they have NOT bonded with her at all? Jim Bob already set the standard for his marrying up kids when Josh married...he clearly dissed Josh and Anna with his silver platter treatment given to Jill...he needs to do something equal for Josh, it's never too late and continue the bar with the remaining 16. It's the results of his own actions hatching all those kids years ago. Plain and simple.

    I'm sure Jill was frightened out of her skin after Derick left for work the first time, as she has never been alone, EVER, not for one moment. Her parents should think about that and what negative affect it has on their now adult children.... get real folks.

    I just read a blind item that someone from a past reality show(s) is actively trying to fill that empty spot with herself in a new line up. The majority of guesses are saying its Kate Gosselin. 

  12. There isn't much I will give Kate G. credit for. I was against the phony baloney antics of j&k+8, and continued using-the-children-as-pay-checks- for k+8. 

    The one thing that I do give her credit for was appearing on Dancing with The Stars. She wasn't using any of the kids, and was doing it alone, by herself. Perfect in my opinion! She wasn't a professional dancer with many years dancing on stage, nor was she a professional actress. I give her kudos for getting out there and giving it her best. .  Whether she was good bad or indifferent, it couldn't have been easy, but she did it, and didn't use the kids.

    • Love 3
  13. I think Jana may be embarrassed by her parents. It can't have been easy watching your mother pregnant for 14, 15, 16, 17, etc times. I also thought that her twin  JD felt the same way, and attributed his awkwardness between that and not liking to be on camera.(I'm the first to get mad at others putting pics of me  on fb that I have no control over, imagine being forced to film and not liking how you come across)


    I have the feeling that I'm seeing some quiet rebelliousness from Jana in the only way she knows how: praying, more praying, then shipped off to journey to the hart, where she gave 110% and became a counselor.


    We also saw Josiah punished when he showed emotion other than extreme joy in Michelles pregnancy announcement  with Jubilee. In my opinion he was one of the few to see the stupidity of his parents actions.(He bolts and Jana says"Josiah, don't cry"... or similar, not positive)   He almost lost both his mother and sister Josie during her premature birth, and panicked for her health. Its one of the tiny glimpses we've seen that not all the Duggar kids are onboard the crazy train. The parents would rather go to their graves than admit it, though. I think Jana sees all this, doesn't agree with her parents, filming showing perfection where there is none, and is having a hard time with it. All in my own opinion, I could be totally wrong, but I wouldn't have an easy time of it.

    • Love 5
  14. I agree, but the financial rewards to him for having a cell tower, are very good. I have no idea what the going rate is today, but when my husbands company (hotel) let a cell tower be used on the whole tenth floor the hotel received $1O,OOO a month for that agreement! If the Duggars get anything like that, that's very good money.

    I still think I would be shocked if I were to read the fine details of their contract with TLC. ( maybe one day the kids will tell us lol!)He did manage to get all his $$$ covered with a trust. I think he may act like a bumpkin, but is actually shrewed.

    • Love 2
  15. I'm not spinning internet lore. What I've posted is fact, as stated by Jim Bob to another Kids By the Dozen mega family. It was also cited on a now defunct interview between Jim Bob and Christian radio host. The fact that all references and original sources have been scrubbed doesn't make it less true.

    Jim Bob originally purchased 1 house kit. This was stated by him in the first book and on the special. That house was 3500 square feet. The kit arrived with missing and/or incompatible pieces and, Jim Bob claims by the Grace of God, the company decided it would cost more to return the kit than to send him a second kit with the correct pieces. What goes unsaid is that you can conclude that either the pieces weren't as incompatible as claimed or it wouldn't have been usable. Jim Bob decided to use both kits and join them together to create one mega mansion. This is NOT rumor. This is fact. Those two kits sat around on the vacant lot for YEARS because Jim Bob couldn't find a contractor nearby that would allow children on the job site and/or permit Jim Bob to build some himself. This was mentioned in the moving in special that was later edited down. Jim Bob admitted, in print and by oral anecdote, that spending a quarter of a million dollars on a campaign was prayed about and a great sacrifice precisely because it would mean not having enough to get the "house project" completed in the time frame they'd originally planned. In fact, you can still read articles and passages in their books where they claim his time in politics must have been blessed by God because they were struggling financially and without the generosity of others Michelle would've been alone with the kids in Tontitown. Someone recommended a house closer to the capital that they used instead.

    The house was a disaster before TLC stepped in. That's not rumor. That is Duggar approved fact. You can't re-write history because you choose to believe differently. Jim Bob had Clark Wilson take over the build because Jim Bob quickly realized he had no knowledge, no license, and no chance of doing it himself. JIM Bob stated, on the special, that Wilson was fine with the kids helping and therefore the right man for the job. Wilson also commented on how frustrating it was to build that house because of the constant design changes and poor planning and having to teach the kids. TLC stepped in because, if you recall,icheple was heavily pregnant and they were about to be homeless. Even still, Jim Bob's lack of foresight, funds, and interference delayed the project so much that the contractor and decorator HIRED and PAID FOR by TLC complained. THE BUILD WAS A CIRCUS!!!!!

    Yes, I read their first book and it did detail that. How lucky was he that TLc came along? Another thing he lucked out on is managing to get a cell tower on his land. He is either very lucky or a genius! Lol!

    I bet he wrangles the hell out of them on his contracts with TLC.

    • Love 1
  16. I was amazed how much Jim bob was able to save , he has a good head for business. I had a link on the Michele and Jim Bob thread of how much (or not) that they did financially in the earlier times. I'm glad it has it's own thread. He used 25O GRAND of his own money to use on a failed senate bid!! That's mind boggling to me! Right there tells me he let his family live no so great so he could horde the money for that senate seat. He lost! Think how they could have used that money! New washer that was needed, dentist for kids, etc.

    • Love 2
  17. Funny you should say that because my sister is convinced that Derick approached Jim Bob about Jana and that he steered him to Jill, instead.

    Wow! Now I feel even worse for Jana! Why would he do that?

    It was James I believe that said he'd tell his parents if something "serious" went on between Jill and DerickDillard. He said "If it wasn't serious..." and then just rolled his eyes. LOL!

    Lol! I know it! My daughter rewound that to rewatch it 3 times! Funny!

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