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Posts posted by Chai

  1. These poor kids have had every private, embarrassing moment of their lives put on television. Poor Colin was shown crying in pain because he was so constipated and his dad talked about pulling the impacted poop out of him, on camera. Their "nurse" mother couldn't be bothered to pull her nose out of a furniture catalog long enough to help her son.

    Every moment of their lives has been on TV. Their mother doesn't care about them as people, she cares about them because they are her only source of income.

    It's disgusting.

    I've read the Robert Hoffman book and I believe every damn word. The witch never once denied any of it.

    I agree with everything Hoffman wrote about her, too. Otherwise she wouldnt have had those journals copywritten.
    • Love 1
  2. Justin and Jackson look eerily similar, but during the earlier specials I thought Jackson was the cutest baby/toddler the family ever had.

    I did too. And he was the one they lost at the airport when he was only 4 years old! With a filming crew around, no less!

    • Love 1
  3. I've thought the same.  They could have a huuuuuge vegetable garden and tons of fruit trees. They certainly have enough hands to pick the vegetables and cut them up.  Such a contrast to Kate Gosselin who never lets a day go by without feeding her kids veggies and fruits at each meal.  She'd never in a million years give them tater tot casserole.  (I can't believe I just said something nice about Kate Gosselin.)


    I gave up trying to figure out the checkers game.  It's like they're both playing the same side of the board.  Or maybe they're spinning the board for each turn.  Yeah, that's it.   zzzzzzzzzz

    you mean Kate's private chef  wouldn't feed them tater tot casserole! LOL!


    I have more veggies and flowers planted outside and I have no where near the 20 acres or so they have. That's always bugged me that they let the land go to waste and of course they could use the fresh fruits and veggies in that horrible diet of theirs. But, they only practice what they are shown. If the parents don't do it, neither will the kids.

    • Love 2
  4. Maybe I made more of it than I should have. I never considered myself a model parent...but I haven't EVER (TO THIS DAY!) fed anybody (much less a BABY) canned anything - straight from the CAN!!!

    I never have, either. I am just as shocked as you are. It would never occur to me to feed a baby straight out of a can.

    • Love 1
  5. I used to like Anna. Now I just cant understand how she married someone with Josh's history.that would be a deal breaker for me. And how could her parents want her with someone with that history? Theres no kind of line drawn in the proverbial sand that makes you say that's unacceptable to these people?

    I can't look at Josh's face. I scroll over it asap.

    • Love 5
  6. Yes and thats how I felt as a viwer of their tv show. I felt I was taken advantage of because I really thought they were very religious types that I could learn from. Then to find out the molestations scandal and I feel taken in by smarmy car dealership type salesman that I should've known better than to listen to.

    • Love 3
  7. The thing with him going to the skating rink or the buffets is that he makes a big deal out of how he gets all this stuff for free. He is gleeful about it. This doesn't make the proprietor feel warm and fuzzy. It makes the management out to be fools, taken, suckers. And on TV yet, and an example to others with big families to hit them again. I'd be really angry and it would cause me to change my policy right away. Not because of the money primarily, but because of JB using me and laughing about it in front of a million people.

  8. Jimbob thinks everyone should bend over backwards for him and his family. There was a situation about the roller skating ring being free that the Duggars use to go to, but then they started charging five dollars. Jimbob was trying to argue about the price and refused to pay. So they never went back.

    I didn't blame him there. They knew he had seventy million kids. How about a family rate of buy 4 or more  for $15?  I would accept that. I wouldn't pay $100 on something I used to get for free, either. 


     But I do see what people mean about him taking too much advantage. I tip 20-50% as I grew up depending on tips. I don't get the vibe that he does that.

  9. JimBob didn't grow up poor. His father operated a 3rd generation business and his mother worked. She even owned or at least managed the yogurt shop where Michelle worked, when she first met JimBob. They're not country club high society old money wealthy, nor are they crazy ballin' tacky new money, but income wise, they were headed toward upper middle class minus any post secondary education. 

     I didn't know that. I was also under the assumption that JB's family wasn't in great financial shape. In the first book they wrote he told a story  when he was young,that his mother had nothing to make for food and was reduced to using a decorative jar of rice to feed him with.  At any rate, he certainly isn't poor now.

  10. I want to thank everyone for their excellent recaps of the Duggar interview. I didn't watch the interview myself. I knew I could read what happened here. I am just too disgusted with this turn of events. The way they protected Josh and not any of their 4 daughters makes me sick. Great interview with Dr Lillian Glass. I agree with her assessment.


    The level of hypocrisy astounds me. Why they didn't make Josh leave and keep him away from the girls I find heartbreaking. To know your parents knew and did nothing to protect you makes it worse.


     I don't hear many people express my first thought, which was to beat the holy shit out of that kid.


    So many things I didn't understand makes sense now. Sleeping in regular clothes, not pajamas. No playing hide and seek? I wouldn't have made all those strange rules I would've removed the problem kid. 

    • Love 4
  11. while standing in line at the store I noticed INtouch magazine had them on the cover with the police reports all grouped together with the most damning stuff pointed out and highlighted. They give an exact timeline when everything happened, including the Oprah stuff. Everything we talked about here. It's a far cry from dying down. 






    I  bet they do  hire someone, Maybe a publicist? I don't know who handles that kind of thing, but I think they hire someone who then reads the internet, and monitors tv news, ect. Then in turn when they give interviews they know what and how to address certain points. That would be my guess. 

    • Love 1
  12. I really wanted to write something positive today since  it seems its all horrible news since the scandal broke.


    Back when the Duggars were in the hospital right after those long months  with Josie, they came across other families who also had micro preemies. One of them was Sarah Pope and her son Samuel.Samuel is 4 and half at the last blog post.She's too busy with two children to post, thank God. I find it interesting all the many therapies she made sure Samuel got and he is indeed doing so well now. If anyone wants to read about all that she did for him you can read about it in her blog which is called Parenting the preemie Pope. Such a wonderful family! It was a nice positive blog and I'm happy to have read about something positive from watching the Duggars.


    I often wonder if Josie has any issues, and you can see one child that the parents were honest enough about them. I believe she was delaying preschool two years for him to have him repeat it, as it was much better for him. He was looking forward to making new friends. It was so sweet.

    • Love 7
  13. I've seen lists of the advertisers who have pulled out of sponsoring 19KAC, but I don't know of any who are still onboard. Does anyone know of a link where I could find what advertisers are still sponsoring them? I wouldn't mind writing a letter to help make their decision easier! Thanks in advance.

    • Love 1
  14.  I know I am done. I am completely disgusted. When you have that level of hypocrisy, I almost have no words..... M and JB what kind of parents are you? To raise a son that would do those atrocious acts? To not protect your other beautiful children? That level of disgust I feel is very deep. Maybe when your son is molesting his sisters and you fail to protect your daughters that's SOMEONE telling you you have too many children to properly care for. Then to not even act like a common christian and have no compassion for others ... You are not only not above the rest of us, you are the poster children for what's wrong with society today. You ARE the unreality of reality tv.


    God hates Hypocrites. 

    • Love 12
  15. Autumnh - Sending many hugs and much peace your way - what you've endured is heartbreaking, and I don't blame you a bit - NOT ONE - for your feelings toward your sister and mother. I had a similar situation with my sister and mom, and even though they're both gone now, if they came back the first thing I'd do is scream bloody murder at them and probably give them a full-face smack. 


    Sometimes forgiveness just isn't possible. Or realistic. Or deserved. And I don't feel that I'm psychologically blocked or damaged because I've chosen to not just "let it go".  Owning my anger and living my life well is empowering - I'm not consumed by it, but it gives me a sense of strength that I was able to go through what I did and come out clean and free on the other end. 


    If the girls choose not to actually (as opposed to fake TV crap) forgive Josh and that's what's best for them then more power too them. Their path of healing is their own, and whatever route they take I fully support. 

    That was the most compassionate post I have read about those who have gone through this unspeakable horror.  I am so sorry you had to.

    • Love 9
  16. This whole thing has disgusted me....especially the sweeping it under the rug, psycho analyzing it etc.



    I am a 49 year old female. My sister is 58. I was sexually abused by my sister from when I was 5 until I was 13. I did not know at that young of an age that it was abnormal....the older I got the more I knew it was not normal....I suffered IMMENSELY and literally tortured myself for years and the only people I talked about it with are the people at RAINN and my therapist. Most people think it is brother on sister/vice versa. I never told a soul. I felt like not one person would ever believe that she who was perfect could be capable of such a horrific act. It changed who I was as a person....I always felt like that even as successful I have been...a great wife/mother/business owner...I felt like she robbed me of this huge part of my life. Growing up back in the day ..and I am sure there are many of us around the same age....we would never speak of it. My 85 year old mom lives with her..my mom has Alzheimers but I cannot speak to her or be within her presence...I will punch her in the face...(i've not seen her in a decade) Talk about a horrible mess. 


    I don't care how much you claim God has forgiven a person...that is peachy keen...what about the victims who are left to fend for themselves....like me...God didn't help me.  I prayed like the good Catholic girl I was...but here I sit....at 49...still stressed, still angry and furious at the people who defend anyone who commits this heinous crime.

    I am so sorry you went through that. No one should have to. 

    • Love 3
  17. I don't normally post here, but have been lurking for the last few days to read all of your thoughtful opinions on this.  I thought I'd share some discussions I've been monitoring over the last few days.


    I participate in an active online community on a subject totally unrelated to TV or anything Duggar related, and this scandal has been a hot topic of discussion.  Without exception, the members of that group who are posting on the subject now want the show off the air (that wasn't the case when it first broke, but opinions have changed as more information has come to light).  This is a very diverse collection of people - some secular, some very religious.  Some liberal, some conservative.  Many people posting are those who casually watched the show and/or followed the Duggars in some fashion via People, Today, etc., and admired their wholesome image and well-behaved children.  They are now reading all about Gothard, ATI, blanket training, etc. and are absolutely horrified that they bought into any of it.  They're taking it like they were personally lied to by TLC and the Duggars, and they're angry about it.  They are all saying they won't watch the show again if it stays on the air.


    I know it's a small sampling, but I found it interesting to see what "normal" people are thinking about the whole thing.  Not leg humpers, not Duggar haters, not Twitter trolls - just regular people.  If this is any indication, it doesn't bode well for the show.

    Welcome! :-) 

    I am so glad to hear that. That's pretty much how I feel too. 


    I am of the mind that you don't have to be super religious to follow a morally sound life. Sexual abuse of children and incest really are seen as depraved behavior. I have zero interest in anything to do with them now.  I was a casual viewer of their show.

    • Love 8
  18. The entire premise of the show was that we followed the lives of 19 kids.  Taking Josh, and by extension Anna and the Ms out of the equation, somewhat defeats the purpose of the show.  

    If they do go ahead, they will need a new name.  I'm going to throw in "1 molester who we don't talk about, 4 victims and 14 others".  For short it could just be "1+4+14" but maths isn't really a strong point for Boob and J'Chelle so maybe not. Any other suggestions?  


    In all seriousness, I don't ever want to see Boob, J'Chelle or Josh on TV ever again.  I don't want to see them explaining their logic for not dealing with a serious crime.  I don't want to see Josh talking about how he repented.  I don't even want to see the girls talking about how they forgave him.  I want Boob and J'Chelle to step away from the cameras and do some serious soul-searching and consider how they can begin to make things right.  Starting with not allowing Josh to return to the TTH, insisting he get proper treatment and ensuring that the girls get whatever treatment or counselling they need, regardless of the cost.  

    In short, I want a miracle.  

    Me either! I said everything about it on the Michelle and JB thread. I agree with you, and I bet a lot more do, too. I no longer want to have anything to do with them.

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