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Posts posted by Chai

  1. I in no way meant any disrespect to the millons of families who work as hard and successfully as they do at their families homeschool.

    I was speaking only about the Duggar woefully undereducated (from what ive seen on tv)children struggle with reading and learning multiplication tables etc years behind other children. Their level of education is so low that I was comparing it to parents who "refuse to educate"

    • Love 8
  2. I'm in Boston and relieved they finally learned the identity of Baby Doe. In reading I learned the mother had two older children who were placed for adoption after her parental rights were terminated. That made me go looking up reasons for loosing parental rights. On the long sad list it included refusing to educate your child.

    The Duggars have such low quality homeschooling I kind of wondered if they could loose their parental rights? Or it could be argued, they are giving them an education, no matter how poorly done it is.

    (I wasnt sure where to put this post so i went with in the media. Please move it if it belongs elsewhere)

    • Love 6
  3. Thank you all for answering. Poor kid. I feel for all of the kids but Josiah has always tugged on my heart when I've seen him on the show, especially after they announced the last pregnancy and he was visibly upset.

    Upset, then abused by his father off camera.

    That and the mother of the year doing NOTHING. Her own child is hysterical for her health! I cannot believe i am saying one positive word for Josh, but i saw the look on his face when his father told him. He isnt an actor and that look told me he knew they were in dire straights.

    • Love 3
  4. Emma, I hope with all my heart (and praying too!) that it's nothing. But...if you're wearing a lump that doesn't belong there, it's SOMETHING until it's declared nothing!

    BY THE WAY: I like to think my screen name is self explanatory. (Snort!). On my private email (the one I'd have a heart attack if a piece of spam ever slipped into), I use "fbg" and my birthdate backwards for my user name. Fbg is for the queen song Fat Bottomed Girls. I definitely have a fanny pack!!!

    ETA: Maryswetbar, yes, it must be age related. I'm mid 50's and THINGS get stuck in my heart/heart and I stew over them for DAYS. Or maybe it's because we lived through 9/11. I've pretty much been easily horrified ever since being glued to the TV for days and days after that. I'm basically a take-charge person in my bones (can't help it), and I always want to scream "SOMEBODY, ANYBODY...DOOOOOOO SOMETHING!!!!". Remember when that dad blew up his kids with the social worker trying to get in a few years back? That drove me crazy!! I do believe we feel things much differently as we get aging experience under our belts.

    I absolutely feel the same as you. When i heard similar news in the car i fought hard to regain my emotions. I couldnt see for my tears and i didnt want to cause an accident.

    • Love 1
  5. Ugh, not to pile on the medical issues bandwagon, but I just discovered a weird lump above my thyroid surgery scar. It's totally new and not normal and I have no idea how long it's been there (it wasn't there last week). I'm counting the hours until my ENT surgeon's office opens in the morning. I had my thyroid surgery almost two years ago and everything has been fine since then, so this kind of freaks me out.

    I understand your nervousness, I would be too. But, hopefully it is something simple that can be taken care of without much fuss. I'll keep you in my prayers, sending positive thoughts your way :-)

    • Love 5
  6. I think "boards on the boards" was talking about stuff that was happing in the forums on the forums. Like if I came over here and was all "can you believe the discussion people are having over in Michelle and JB thread!"

    I was a twopper as well, but only ever posted in the thread with the pictures made to look like motivational posters.


    editing to add: Astrology stuff - I'm a Sagittarius by just a few hours, would have been a Scorpio if my mother's labour hadn't stopped for 11 hours before starting up again, and if I'd been born on my due date, I would have been a Capricorn. But when I read all those "people with this star sign are like this" things, none of those seem to match me.


    And while I'm not a believer in palmistry, I do find it weird that all my main lines - heart, life, whatever the third one is, all join up and meander off around the side of my hand.

    I've felt the same way, mostly. I wondered if I should've been whatever comes after Capricorn, because I was so premature I was born 2 lbs 8 oz. I do have some characteristics, such as loyalty, but ambitious(maybe), conservative(yes) determined(yes) practical(yes) helpful(double yes!) you know what? never mind, I guess I'm good. LOL!

    • Love 1
  7. I'm ok with a cash bar or open bar. Whatever the wedding couple wants is fine with me. What I'm not ok with is being made to go to a wedding in an open parking lot with no chairs and have only a root beer float in November or whatever month it was. Give the guests something to eat with wedding cake for dessert. If you are that against alcohol and you invited me to a wedding, I guess I'd know that. I wouldn't go. But don't diss those of us that drink socially, either.


    And just to add to the hypocrites, in the first book of theirs I bought, they used to sell alcohol and cigarettes in the store they owned. I will givejthem a pass since they said they found it upsetting to be getting wealth from something they didn't like using themselves.(socially wrong, financially wise.)

    • Love 8
  8. Was watching old episodes online - 14 children and pregnant again, to try and figure out how all of this happened, and I noticed that every time Michelle spoke with JB sitting next to her he kept looking at her with this real intimidating look.  It was blatant and it almost looked like he couldn't stand her.  Anyway, they showed the schedule on the wall listing what everybody did with every moment of their day.  I think JB expected Michelle to be perfect and pleasing him became her priority over anything else and she couldn't complain about 14 kids in 2 bedrooms.  JB expected perfection from his family, from playing violin when you're not yet 3 years old to helping him build a house.   I wondered if Michelle resented it and was passive aggressive about it.  I also noticed that Jim Holt was hanging around during that time.  My mind started speculating about DNA tests for which Jim is the baby daddy for some of them, but of course I would have to be wrong about that because something like that would not happen in such a godly home. 

    I could only watch a few minutes of part 1 (couldn't believe there are 5 parts.) Michelle looks like she is "simple minded" for lack of a better description. She was standing there with her mouth hanging open, and staring. 

    Watching them when they are so young I am sickened to realize this must have been when the problems began. It makes me so sick I just cannot watch. There is just nothing I can learn from a family that can allow that to happen.

    • Love 6
  9. Do we know he was the one piloting the plane?



    Gawker.com reports a plane owned by Duggar Aviation LLC and often operated by Josh's brother John David Duggar departed Springdale Municipal Airport at 10:45pm Monday and landed at Chicago Rockford International Airport at 12:17am.    q985online.com

  10. While Josh is away how will Anna pay the bills and buy groceries and other things for which money is needed? Where did his money come from? TLC? I hope Anna uses some , if there is any and opens her own checking account. I would hope for more, but I am afraid to say she probably won't.


    These people are making me sick too. 

    • Love 3
  11. Is it just Josh or the Gothard parenting paradigm? One woman has written an article shedding light on the Gothard practices. Her ex-husband was raised Gothard and turned out like Josh, even molesting his sisters!


    Michelle and JB, please evaluate whether your parenting techniques contributed to Josh's problem. How many of those 19 kids are boys?

    how absolutely horrifying! The similarities between the two are scary, as are the MIL's to the Duggar parents. 

    • Love 4
  12. Maybe Josh has been banned from using his phone and accessing the internet. But surely Jim Bob, as image-conscious as we all know him to be, would have had enough sense to shut down Josh's social media accounts? Guess he subscribes to the " there is no such thing as bad press" school of thought.

    And seriously? Josh is a 27 year old man. The thought that Daddy is still calling all the shots is just so wrong.

    Josh has done a lot of terrible things, and he is 100% responsible for his choices. But did it ever occur to Jim Bob and Michelle that maybe if he had been allowed a normal childhood and adolescence, he would not have gone down that path?

    It must have crossed their minds by now!

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