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Posts posted by Chai

  1. I remember that episode very well where they announced M's pregnancy with Jubilee. Josiah was the only person with enough brains to be scared for M with Another pregnancy after they almost lost both delivering Josie. He showed real fear and was instantly punished by JB twisting his arm or whatever he did.

    I felt sick when i saw that and i knew then, its not all they crack it up to be. That stupid idiotic thing known as a mother-- her son is scared for her, does she comfort him? No. JB twists his arm and does she sit him down to talk about justified fears? No! She ignores her son and smiles stupidly for the masses to congratulate her pregnancy! Anyone who hasn't seen it google the duggars pregnancy announcement with jubliee or #20. Im sure they dont want it seen much.

    If there's ever one kid that could throw them under the bus and get his own 20 million dollar interview its Josiah... After this he was sent away and appeared at a Branson Mo book signing with his head practically shaved. They Tomato staked him during that book signing( put him in between two parents, you arent going anywhere)

    • Love 5
  2. I just watched the latest episode on demand and its the one leading up to the few days before Jessa's wedding. I agree with the people that think Michelle is acting high during her talking head segments. For people so  concerned with themselves that they don't drink, dance or wear pants because it's sinful, then why is getting stoned out of your mind ok?


    I don't understand their way of thinking at all. 

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  3. I wonder if Ben thinks the show & any assorted media flotsam will be his income? Personally I really wonder just how much longer this show will last. When I first saw it I didn't think it would go longer than a year or two, so to be here 10 years out is amazing to me. Does anyone - besides the Duggars of course - think it will still be around 10 years from now? Five?

    Good question! I'm sure they have five more years in them. They seem to do anything that the production asks of them, all for the almighty dollar,$$. I think Ben and his parents know if they do everything JB's way, he will benefit from the family's success, and may even get a show of their own.  There wan't any rush to get to the altar, they could''ve waited a few years to make sure they were both mature, and this is what they wanted. I'm surprised they didn't. Why is that? With all the chaperoning they sure didn't need a quickie wedding! LOL!

  4. I was hoping that Jessa would be the one to try to be a little individual, and not be pregnant 5 minutes after she's married. She showed such promise of going in that direction during her wedding planning, with "no cake" "no white dress" etc.  I kinda let my heart hope we would see one Duggar child escape that life of never ending drudgery of child care of siblings and housekeeping.  I think they need some outside influences of a strong positive role model of a female accomplishing other things (and still being good people) They have none of those people around them. The only ones they do have are paid by their parents, so that's no help.


    God help Ben. I hope he doesn't start to get that panicked look Josh got when Anna said",  4 kids is a good start" and he said, ..."A good start!"

  5. I just skimmed an article about Kate Middleton and her 8 month pregnancy and wow what a difference between hers and Jill's bumps! Are we sure Jill isn't carrying twins? Because she's enormous compared to Kate. I really have no idea how big is normal but there is such a great difference between them it makes me start wondering. Does your level of fitness affect how big your belly looks while pregnant? Like I can't imagine Jill being very fit, just skinny, while Kate Middleton looks extremely fit and compact. Maybe her core muscles are holding the baby in more?


    Sorry it's the Daily Fail, but here it is:


    I think it may be genetics as Kates mother seems to have the same slim build as Kate does. Also I read Kate suffered from extreme morning sickness (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) and I wonder if that also plays a role?

    (I did research on it, and in an article I read a woman who had it said it was over whelming. She couldn't work, or go to the store etc. It so affected her normal smell, it was unbelievable. She said her 3 little boys eating ice cream on the couch made her run sick to the bathroom. That's how strong the vanilla in vanilla ice cream was to her! She slept up in the 3 rd floor, away from family, cooking smells, her husband sleeping, everything and anything.

    • Love 1
  6. Gotta chime in here. My fave was the one where Raymond was trying to take pictures of Robert in the basement with the fan going. I about died laughing at that one. Sculpture one comes close too tho!

    Lol! Me too!This was was so funny! My other fav episode was she ATE A FLY!!!!! Episode! lol! So nice to hear you...

  7. The more I think of it, the more I wonder if its actually in their contract to grab their phones and start shooting video if something newsworthy happens and the production team isn't there. Remember they grabbed their phones and started shooting video when the young one boy fell into the orchestra pit? I remember thinking how odd, her child fell in a pit and is injured and she's (Michelle) filming him. That would've been my last thought! At the time, I thought they were only using the flashlight app, as it was dark. But, no. They filmed him the whole way through the hospital visit. And TLC used that video.


    And you know I can see JB getting free iphones for the family out of a deal like that! 

    • Love 1
  8. If JD cannot stand up to daddy and TLC and let them run shot gun over his life, he should not be in law enforcement. He is twenty five year old, and someone who is trained to obey their parents to the point where he is at is a danger to himself, his follow officers, other emergency personnel, and the people he is suppose to protect and serve. He is in the big league now, not Duggar/TLC/Gothard lala land. If I pulled this type of crap that JD and JB did, I would be kick out of the volunteer program so fast my behind would not have been hit by the door on the way out.

    I understand what you mean.  We have to remember that we are basing our opinions on a scripted reality tv show. The producers show us what they want us to see, not what may or may not have happened. As it was in the article I quoted, JD filmed video of his brother using the airbag on the little girl. So, since TLC had access to video of the brothers saving this little girl and chose not to use it, doesn't that make you wonder why? I never saw this on 19 KAC.

  9. My apologies for the link not working. I hate that. If you google " Duggar brothers save girl 6, from car accident " the article comes up. It was interesting to read, as that article had JD speaking clearer and more forcefully in his convictions as a volunteer fireman than he has ever been shown on 19 kids and counting.

    • Love 2
  10. I've never been involved with PETA and always thought of them as somewhat extreme with no leather and vegan leaning but I emailed them with the link to Derick's IG video. That was last night and now I have 7 emails from them in my inbox. I can deal with that if the video gets the attention of the media, but I have no plans to hop on the PETA train.

    Good to know; thank you!

    When I went on Radar today it was the first  thing I read about. Great job!  I absolutely hate people that hurt animals. No excuse for this!

    • Love 5
  11. Okay, did I miss the fridge? The kitchen looked pretty good but you really can't mess up a kitchen, right? Like all of the HGTV shows if you keep the kitchen white you are good to go. LOL!! I didn't care for the wood island & green towel bar. It looked cheap even thought the wood guy does nice work. The upper cabinets looked nice but I agree about the hardware. While it was shinny and new it wasn't very practical. It's not like you are ever going to lock the uppers, right? As for the "budget". There are out budgets which are real (like ours) and there are home makeover/flip shows with a TV "budget". It never adds up or realistic. Once you get over that you can sit back and enjoy the show. LOL!!!

    I agree with this whole post. I also thought it was very unkind to sneer at someone who wanted oil rubbed bronze on the towel bar. I've seen some very nice ORB done very well. If anything the towel bar would've looked better if it was spray painted than left the way it was. As it was, I agree it didn't match. If you are going to get that picky, the tile and marble didn't match either. The darker strip of tile tried to tie it together. Overall, it was a very nice kitchen reno, but don't be nasty about it, Nicole, nobody's perfect.

    • Love 3
  12. I stumbled across the tile-cleaning segment. The grout still looked grungy after she cleaned the tiles with her "not chemicals."  She said she was leaving the cleaning solution on overnight. The next day the grout was very, very white. Maybe vinegar will do the trick but grout stains are stubborn. Somebody came in and worked on those tiles for a long time. With bleach?

    I thought the same thing! Those tiles had more work than vinegar and baking soda for sure. How stupid does she think we are? Believe me, somebody (not her) used plenty  of chemicals! LOL!

    • Love 3
  13. God Bless Jill! I have had twins for my first and I really wanted a totally natural birth. No drugs. No nothing. So I went through it, with just the Bradley method for delivery. As soon as I had my first, I was OMG! I have to do that again. Thank God it went well. I practically had them meet me in the parking lot with the epidural the next other  births... LOL! She should take some advice, take the pain meds. IMO

    I absolutely think she has a big baby due to the dads height. Please oh Please get traditional help! You don't need to live like its the 1800's! 

    Isn't her midwife keeping track of the possible size of this baby vs Jill's "size"? I would think that with the sizes of the male Dillards she would be delivering in a hospital. What if she is heavily into labor and suddenly it's realized that she needs a C-section? Wouldn't it be safer to already be delivering in a hospital?

    You are right, IMO

    • Love 1
  14. I agree.  They are better behaved because Jill is more of a mother.  MEchelle checked out a long time ago.  Did anyone notice that it was all the younger children having to go up and take care of Joy after her surgery.  MEchelle is such as waste of mother space.


    The mold is a serious issue.  When I moved into a house in California year ago - with the man that is now my husband- he was having bronchitis constantly.  (He lived there before me.)  I started having to take Claritin all the time.  About 9 months later, I discovered a mold problem.  Basically it was a broken water pipe that the cheapskate landlord had never fixed properly.  We moved out within a few weeks and honestly, he never had bronchitis again after we moved. It is a serious issue and can horrible health problems.  If he had tenants, he could potentially be liable for their health for years to come.  Not sure of the statue for that state- but still.  He is an idiot. 



    This was probably the most disturbing part of the show.  I never SPOON FED my kids dry cereal and milk!  Sorry. I let them eat dry at the high chair with their hands and drink a sippy cup of milk to wash it down.  AND, it wasn't froot loops or whatever that garbage was.  I should also point out that they were not 5 years OLD!  OMG! 



    The house has not been for sale since they were married.  That was all a bunch of BS Boob through out there.  


    MEchelle made me really ill during this episode.  She was so quick and happy to get the 'littles' out of the house. I can't explain it.  She was just really annoying.  


    Boob was funny talking about modesty for guys while Ben wears shorts in the prior scene. LOL. LOVE IT. 


    And Jessa - of course- said what SO many other crazy brides say about bridesmaids dresses.  "Something they can wear again."  ROFL.  Has anyone really ever worn a BM dress again?  

    Great post! So true-- all of it!

  15. I think if I were Kate and had kids going nuts-so over wrapping some gifts I'd probably run away.  I can't hardly handle watching that on tv. 

    I only see her trying not to hear them (mixer too loud) Has she ever gone over, told so and so to " STOP it, have the other ones sit back down and continue wrapping". You, know actually parent the child with discipline and tell them what not to do? If she took the time to parent them when that happens, then when they got to the photo shoot she wouldn't have to beg them" please don't have a fit, you promised to do this" . This would've been helpful when they started physically hitting each other. 


    Which begs another question. What is she so exhausted over? That's not parenting, its more like just not dealing with it.

    • Love 2
  16. Although, I just wanted to add to my post, that this episode was much different, imo. It showed Kate in a much more favorable light.  She was talking nicely  to the people from the yard sale and found long lost friends. It was nice to see. She had one lady come all the way from Ca! That was something! She was funny and took pics with people.


    I have a German Shepherd who I crate train, and she is my second one. The Hoffman book described conditions that Kate's GS dogs endured were almost abusive.So now she's celebrating that dog with his own birthday cake and presents?  Its like they went down a list to fix every negative aspect she's had. Her now being an animal lover is funny to me. :-)

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  17. Celebrating the dog's birthday with his own cake and birthday gifts? Isn't this the same dog (from media and Hoffmans book) that she locked in his cage for hours on end, locked out of the house and gave back to the breeder?  She never even took back the other one. She had two  dogs, Shoka and Nala.  Celebrating the dogs birthday was a stretch for me.


    I thought Mady mimicking Kate "Come and get your popcorn" was hilarious!


    So nice to see the hugs! 

    • Love 2
  18. I am so sick of the I'm a put upon single mother routine. Whose fault is it that she's a single Mom? She acts like its not her choice. IMO, stop saying everything is SO HARD! She's the one who wanted HOM and wanted the divorce. It's the bed you made, now lie in it.


    The poor kids get nothing but ordered around, barked at and humilated. No wonder the kids start crying and stomping their feet when they want something


    I have to remember, this is all scripted television. For all I know once the episode aired the kids went right back to their old rooms. 


    To the poster above who just got the Hoffman book^^   It's not an easy book to read. I had to keep putting it down, she was that despicable. It will probably answer a lot of questions for you. Good luck with it. This is one unhappy woman.

    • Love 9
  19. I think that they would've found a way to make a living (albeit a less glamorous one) the same way other large families without reality shows do. I very small (infinitely small) part of me feels sorry for Kate. She never seems satisfied or happy in the moment. She has to be micromanaging the kids, putting the kids down in some way, or trying to find a way to get more freebies. She never seems to enjoy and appreciate what she has.

    That is so true! 

    I haven't seen Kate's new show, but I can't help wondering what her life would be like if she had never had the sextuplets. I wonder if she'd still be married to Jon and working as a nurse. It sounds like she grew up in a rather unhappy household and was never able to truly learn how to love others, even her husband and kids. Maybe since she lacked love in her life as a child, she thought having a lot of kids would make her happy, but it didn't. It only created a great deal of stress and financial insecurity when the kids were babies, and if they had not gotten the tv show they may have had to go into bankruptcy. 

    In the book, you can say she deliberately had the tups. She was filled with rage over the amount of freebies the Mccaughey septuplets were receiving. 

  20. I believe that photo is from S2, Ep 1, which I saw recently.  Early in the episode, Miranda is berating Carrie for still wallowing in her post-break-up melancholy.  The foursome goes to the Yankees game, where Carrie winds up with a foul ball and they meet "the new Yankee," who asks Carrie out.  Later in the episode, Miranda spies her ex and hides before he can see her.  I think the outfit pictured above is what she's wearing during that scene.  Miranda then realizes she's not as "over" him as she'd thought, and confides this to Carrie in the last scene.

    I thought Carrie looked like a meth head with the heavy eyeliner and dirty rotten looking fur coat in that episode... Not my fav look for her!

    I can only think of two things.  One, that Carrie and Big become parents.  Or two, that someone dies.  Both are making me shudder.  Violently.  (Although the first option is far more egregious than the second in my book.)


    If a third movie can follow the first, I'm in.  I loved the first one.  I would love to see the characters again.   

    If someone can write a good story about these characters, I'm in for the next movie. The last movie..... ugh! They need to capture what we loved about them on the tv show. The ones who wrote the movie forgot that.

    • Love 1
  21. You know, all this "we leave it up to God", whatever, just gets me sick about this group. If they are supposed to be so nice and Christian, why then do these women brazenly compete with each other about having children? The absolutely do NOT leave it up to God, they leave it up to their ovulation calendars and are specifically working towards that goal.  Anna and sisters should be charitable towards each other, not point out who married first and was deflowered first, etc. Anna has made an issue about that between herself and poor sweet Priscilla. A good Christian person does NOT demean another, even if it is in "jest". We all know that Michelle does NOT want to give up the perpetually pregnant trophy, but I guess "God did step in" as far as she's concerned. I'm sure He was tired of hearing her trumpet that tired old "we're expecting!!!" phrase and put a merciful end to that.

    I also originally thought why wouldn't Mrs. Kellar be present to help HER daughter at such a time? Why did Anna need Michelle to stick her nose in Anna's "privates"? I certainly did not want my MIL to see me giving birth. I think the Duggars shut out any in-laws altogether. I will be curious to see how Cathy Byrum, etal. are treated when Jilly Muffin makes "the call" to the family. Will Cathy be informed after baby Dilly arrives and have to wait for an invitation to see HER first grandson?

    I completely agree! Especially,  I couldn't understand why Mrs Keller wasn't around for Anna's babys births but Michelle was. Michelle was no help at all!

  22. My opinion about kids being on reality shows is all about the money.  If every single person working on that show is getting paid, I want each child to receive a check in their own name just like any other working actor.


    Every single adult who appears on a reality show and puts her kids on it can be accused of exploiting their children.  That would include all of the Housewives, that little couple and their two adopted children, even that young couple on Alaska the Last Frontier show their baby.  There are literally dozens (at least) of reality shows in which children appear.  Aren't their parents all exploiting them...or just Kate?

    Yes, they are all in the same boat. Every parent that has their children on reality tv shows puts their childrens privacy on the line. Years later they will be able to come on forums just like this one and read everyone's opinion of their lives. Their own parents put them in that position, and got money for it.

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