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Posts posted by Chai

  1. Funny you should say that because my sister is convinced that Derick approached Jim Bob about Jana and that he steered him to Jill, instead.

    Wow! Now I feel even worse for Jana! Why would he do that?

    It was James I believe that said he'd tell his parents if something "serious" went on between Jill and DerickDillard. He said "If it wasn't serious..." and then just rolled his eyes. LOL!

    Lol! I know it! My daughter rewound that to rewatch it 3 times! Funny!

  2. I assumed all that furniture was new and bought for them by TLC. That's exactly what the Gosselins did. They filmed a show making the viewer think they were buying their own stuff, but in reality it was in their contract that anything showed was on TLC's dime not hers. She even had them pay the taxes they owed for receiving the furniture for gifts! ( Robert Hoffmann book includes copies of the contracts the Gosselins signed . the book was something like how Kate Gosselin fooled the world)

  3. I wonder if Michelle will be truly honest with her daughters about the toll of having children has on a woman's body? I can see her hunched over and I can guess. Her bladder must be gone at this point, but how can you encourage your daughters to this to themselves? It can't be easy on Michelle, having gone through all that. It boggles my mind she was still trying. Her doctors had a lot to say I'm sure.(didn't dr Sarna quit?)

  4. She finally made it out of that house and away from her family. Why couldn't she enjoy her newfound freedom for a while before becoming a mother?! I can't believe she jumped in so quickly after endless childcare of her 18 brothers and sisters. I just really don't want to see her go Michelle's route.

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  5. It was Sarah Pope who was in the hospital with her son Samuel the same time Josie was there. He had many therapies for things associated with being a micro preemie, which can be read on her blog parenting the preemie pope.

    I appreciate the view of those that work with children and have noticed obvious delays. I hope they are addressing any of her concerns and just not filming it.

  6. I wonder how Josie is doing in terms of health wise? The baby boy that was in the hospital with her, Samuel? Has done SO well! His mom blogged about their little family. It's so sweet! The irony that we met this family from watching the Duggars is not lost on me. He had many health issues that were addressed and cared for. Josie looks like she's had none. I just don't think they would not film it, if she were getting it. Sorry I can't do the link. If someone else can thank you.

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  7. I can't believe it! This family that is SO much better than the general population sure don't have a problem LYING about where their daughters bridesmaid dresses were from! We are used to them saying we buy used and save the difference. I wouldn't have minded if they said we bought them at Sears and altered them. Do they normally have to "bend the truth" for their reality show? How much is too much, where is the line drawn? Talk about living in glass houses and throwing stones...

    • Love 5
  8. I agree with this. You have to wonder at what having all those children does to both the mind and body. I see her hunched over, and I hope she takes extra calcium and whatever else she needs. Women's bodies are so calcium deficient after having a normal number of births, that she scares me. Someone had mentioned osteoarthritis, which she could very well have. I know I had disc problems from my pregnancies and I didn't have 19 kids.

  9. I grew up believing that God gives each of us free will. If you are born into the Duggar house that's taken away from you.

    Where did they get the wacky idea to listen to the teachings of bill gothard? Follow Jesus' teachings I understand. But follow some guy who was never married or had children on his authority on marriage and children?? That's crazy!

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  10. Great point! I never thought of that, but now that you pointed it out, it's so true! It must be clear to people the very fact that you have 19 kids, you are nuts. But, really she does have issues, mentally, that a good therapist can help with. I'm not trying to be mean either. The issue with self control is a good one.

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  11. That's because most girls have their first boyfriend at 13 - and all they do is hold hands and giggle at everything he says. For about a month. Then you get sick of each other and move on. These girls are continually warned against "giving away pieces of their heart" (aka "dating", learning how to

    navigate relationships and figure out what you want from a partner) so they've gotten a super late start and are not at the maturity level that other girls their age are at.

    Exactly! They also live in the year 2014! Are they not allowed to read a newspaper? Aren't they aware of divorce rates in this day and age? Those divorce rates are from young adults who got married after several dating experiences. I can't imagine there are no fundy marriages that didn't end in divorce? What happens then? These people act like they are living in the 1800's! ( wait over here till Pa hitches up the wagon, then we can all go into town! )

  12. I hope JD isn't a gamer. I always thought he was quiet and did not like being filmed at all. He may not come across well in the speaking segments because he is very uncomfortable doing it. One episode when he and another brother were watching the house while the rest were in little Rock was telling. He was sitting listening to JB on the phone, who was miles away to go fix a burst pipe of something or other, and they both immediately drive over, and dig in mud and water and fixed that mess. How lucky they had him, otherwise using a plumber would be a fortune and old Dad knows it.

    Anyway, I get the feeling he hates the whole filming gig, and tolerates it due to no choice of his own.

    Whatever happened to poor Jana? I never see her? She's another one I don't think agrees with something or someone. Whether it's filming or living a lie and she keeps getting sent away to journey to the heart thing. Wouldn't you be sick if you sent her there and then heard about that sicko running the place?

  13. I agree! Back when twop was still active a poster on the bewitched board went so far as to say Darrin #2 acted in a way that he could believe that Darrin would actually beat Sam behind closed doors!

    I also got the impression EM tired of doing the series. Her acting just wasn't in it in the later seasons and to me it showed. The early seasons are my fav to watch.

    • Love 1
  14. Endora was quite the character!  Her fury over her daughter marrying a mere mortal almost drove her crazy! The way she managed to mangle his name each and every time..... DUR-WEED! She seemed to have almost absolute power as far as her powers were concerned, but she could never fight back against the fact that Sam and Darrin really loved each other.To Darrin she was an absolute b!tch as a mother in law! lol


    One of my favorite scenes is her interacting with Darrins father and getting along famously, much to his mothers dismay. 


    Nothing was too good for her daughter or granddaughter.

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  15. I love Dick York as the best Darrin! He had chemistry with Elizabeth Montgomery and he acted as though he really loved her. Dick Sargent only came across as angry to me. It was the only emotion he ever showed. 

    • Love 4
  16. I am interested in the comments that some people think Michelle has a true mental issue. I mean, most people think having 19 kids is crazy, no doubt, but really a mental issue? I admit I did think that when the doctor was talking about all the horrible things that can happen during another pregnancy and she kept nodding and SMILING at him! that was terrible. I hope she was only trying to appear polite, but instead she looked like she wasn't comprehending what he was saying. 


    I have no doubt that having that many children could do someone in. Especially when you think of all the work that comes along with children. Then to never have a break because they aren't going to school, unable to work outside the home, or wear comfortable sweatpants once in a while.... I think I would slip a cog or two if that were me. 


    I was all sorts of creeped out when JB called her doctor! My husband has never made any kind of appointment for me! let alone my gyn/ob dr! I can't figure out why she didnt get a prescription for birth control pills or even a shot that he would never see? I'd be  surprised  if no doctor looked into her mental history

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  17. Three months is NOT a long time! (courtship)


    Does anyone else think JimBob and Jill going to NEPAL to meet Derrick was crazy? My husband said, Wasn't there anyone closer than Nepal? Lol!

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  18. I can't get over the Barbie pink bedroom that Erin CHOSE for their bedroom!  I remember not making ours over feminine when I was a newlywed, because it was my husbands room, too. I think living too close to the poverty line and having too many siblings to never have your own bedroom is the cause, I don't know. Even when sharing a room with sisters,no one ever painted one pink? ever? seems strange to me.


    I did think Erin was very loving and sisterly to the one sister who didnt want her to leave and kept crying. That says a lot to me on how they really love each other.

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