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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. The poor thing.... She just really can't HELP herself, can she??
  2. Good thoughts upthread but I have another option. Shannon is BSC! (bat-shit crazy)....
  3. My first opinion of Shannon still holds. I think she's completely bored out of her everlovin' mind and she went on this show to get some shits and giggles. Problem is, SHE is the one providing the drama and it's making her "crazy in her head".... I think the woman needs some serious psychotherapy of some kind, not just Dr. Moon and her other new age-y people. No crystal or aroma is gonna fix her problem. I think she needs to find SOMETHING to do with all that spare time she has on her hands. The whole Ryan storyline is a total crock. Tamara's FACE however; looks completely and totally frozen in place! I cannot imagine what that face looks like in hi-def. Scary!
  4. Had a chance to watch the final episode, and the whole Aviva business feels like a complete and total set-up. Why ELSE would she be there with her folded up x-ray and the whole prosthetic leg throwing?? We've seen that leg lying on the floor throughout the ENTIRE season. Just a TAD too convenient. I'm glad the season is over. Talk about B-O-R-I-N-G..... zzzzzz. But the reunion looks interesting. Not 3 episodes interesting but it might be good for a laugh or four.
  5. How ridiculous for Joe and Teresa to drag Gia into their "poor, poor me" business. Every time Teresa started in on it, I kept thinking, "SHOULDA FILED YOUR TAXES! SHOULDA PAID YOUR TAXES! CAN'T FOOL WITH UNCLE SAM!" Just go away already. And by that,I mean prison. No sympathy here. Sorry.
  6. Poor old Apollo. I'm guessing that Phaedra is filing for divorce as we speak. She won't be able to finish that nice house in Buckhead with the pool. Maybe she can go back to her old house??
  7. Uh Shannon? If you don't want other people talking about your relationship because it "makes your head crazy", MAYBE you should try and SHUT THE FUCK UP and quit talking about it endlessly!! Holy shitballs, batman!! SHUT UP ALREADY!!! And PULEEZ, will you go to a doctor that can actually HELP you?? I'm thinking Physchiatrist. Pronto. And seriously, Vicki and Brooks are a "normal couple"??? REALLY??
  8. Have any of you seen Maddie in the video ?? I happened to catch it on MTV this morning. She's not half-bad.
  9. I'm glad Shannon runs to a doctor every time any little problem shows up, but could she just make an appointment with a PSYCHOTHERAPIST once in a while??? Girl needs SERIOUS therapy!
  10. I'm kind of on the fence regarding the whole Heather/Shannon debacle but I will say this: I can TOTALLY understand why David wants to get away from the whining shrew of the OC for a "while". My God, that woman just NEVER lets up on the guy! And kadooz to whoever said it upthread, that these shows always bring out the worst in relationships but we're just getting to know Shannon and David. This was NOT the right move for them to make unless they are both complete and total famewhores. Just get yourselves to some marriage counseling and stay the hell OFF the television! And it might actually help if Shannon had SOMETHING to do during the day besides sit around and whine about her marriage. Get a job, go volunteer, DO SOMETHING, STUPID!!! GET YOUR DUMBASS OUT OF THE HOUSE!! And now, I'm jumping off my soapbox.
  11. I totally think Sonja got pissed off when the rest of the girls won $$$ and she didn't. But seriously, who goes to a casino or racetrack and SHARES their winnings with the friends in the group? Uh.. nobody I know. The winner might buy a round of drinks or something, but I've never thought anyone who spends their hardearned $$ betting should SHARE the winning with everybody else. Then she just turned tail and ran off to talk to some random by the paddock. I have to admint though, that the bets the girls were making were a LITTLE out there, but hey! They won cash! Sonja trudging off with her suitcase down the sidewalk in the dark made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!! WHAT an idiot!
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