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Everything posted by slitz

  1. Wow, I totally blocked that from my memory. All I can remember from that episode is the poker game from hell.
  2. Do you remember which episode this was?
  3. QuinnM, is this in response to my question regarding the spa day/wine tasting? I'm confused...which is easy to do when trying to figure out what happened when with these ladies!
  4. Am I missing something here? When was this? I vaguely recall there being some sort of spa day that Kyle had arranged for the ladies and how upset she was when they all got there and there was wine for them all. She felt bad because that had not been something she'd requested and she was afraid that it would make Kim uncomfortable. Kim reassured her that she was fine with it and not uncomfortable with wine being present. Am I remembering this incorrectly?
  5. This is such a sore subject for me personally. I was super skinny all throughout my childhood and most of my 20s. I had a very high metabolism and struggled for years to gain weight. I was very self conscious about my body and hated it for many years. And I can't even begin to tell you how many times I was asked if I had an eating disorder and told to go eat some bread/pasta/etc. Trust me, there was no eating disorder going on...I love food and hate throwing up. My body was just naturally thin...and some might say scary thin. So I got why people would question it but it still hurt and upset me. Hearing Kim say this once again to Lisa R. makes my blood boil. Kim is just downright nasty and vindictive. I'm debating watching this now.
  6. That was perfection. Thank you for posting the link.
  7. Ha! That's what would have had me in tears if I had been at that dinner. It certainly looked like they'd never even gotten around to ordering their food! I hope they all indulged in some room service back at the hotel! I'm sure Yo's mini-bar was fully stocked with lemons already. ;)
  8. On that we are in complete agreement. I will send you a PM on the other.
  9. Okay but Kim's not the one who made that leap. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Kim AT ALL. As I stated in my earlier post, she is my least favorite Housewife...and that's including all the franchises. I was referring to the original poster making that leap. If you look at the other posts about what this "secret" could possibly be, the majority of the guesses have been about infidelity. I have only seen one post where the assumption was made that the "secret" was cancer or AIDs. To me that's way more presumptuous than stating that it must be about infidelity.
  10. Why would you assume that the "secret", if there even is one, is that Harry could possibly have cancer or AIDS? I mean, seriously? That's one heck of a leap. I was only able to catch the dinner and resulting fight last night. I have to say, out of all the housewives on these shows, Kim is absolutely my least favorite. She is vicious to everyone and will turn on you in a heartbeat. Whether or not she's sober. She is just plain mean and ugly. If I were a BH Housewife, I would be banding together with the others and demanding that Kim be let go. She is vile and disgusting. AMEN! That just blew my mind when I read it.
  11. Okay THIS little nugget from Tamra's blog had me rolling my eyes so hard I nearly hurt myself. Pot, kettle, black Tamballs. This was was her every season Gretchen was on. Now I'm no big fan of Gretchen's but the shit Tamra pulled with her was completely unforgivable in my eyes. Gretchen's greatest sin in Tamra's eyes was being younger, prettier and having (for one season at least) a wealthy older man as her Sugar Daddy. I still remember the episode when Gretchen got her pink Harley. You could practically see the daggers Tamra was throwing at Simon for not getting her one first. That was the beginning of the end of her marriage to Simon.
  12. Oh my jesus. Anyone else read her Bravo blog yet? I'm not sure who's more delusional, her or Sonja Morgan. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-9/blogs/tamra-barney/tamra-lizzies-out-for-blood?cid=show_cast_blogs
  13. The preview of next weeks episode is fascinating to me. I must have watched it about 15 times now. I honestly don't understand Shannon. Every time she confronts Heather about anything, I see Heather remaining, for the most part, fairly calm and collected. Shannon on the other hand is, at least in this instance, flying off the handle. Now there's some crazy eyes! I still love Heather. That might be unpopular here now but I can't help it. When my other choices are Tamra, Shannon, Vickie and Lizzie I'll take Heather happily. Does she come off a little pretentious sometimes? Yeah, a bit. But I'd rather that than a woman so desperate to stay relevant on this show that she has a robot baby with her gay husband, a woman who's so desperate for a full love tank that she'll let any swindler bleed her dry, a woman who brings up repeatedly to women that she has just met that her marriage is in the shitter, and a woman who...I'm sorry what is Lizzie's storyline again? I can't even be bothered to remember what she's here for. With Heather, I know what I'm going to get. Yeah she's a bit snobbish and uptight but she's owned that from the beginning. And she's always accepted the others for who they are (okay maybe not Alexis - but honestly I don't blame her there). She's upfront about who she is, and until this year, has made no apologies for it (not that she had to, IMHO). I don't know if she pissed off Andy or the editors but she is seriously getting one hell of an evil edit.
  14. Correct. According to her TH, David said in his email that he should move out for awhile. Didn't she then say in one of her THs that "divorce is not an option"? So Shannon's the one who brought up the big D word. Granted, we have no idea of what was being said in private conversations between her and David. He very well could have said he wanted a divorce. We don't see everything. We certainly didn't see the argument that lead to David's email.
  15. That's who she reminds me of! Thank you! It's been bugging me for weeks! lol OT: Count me among those who find it absurd for Shannon to be upset about ANYONE talking about the state of her marriage when she and David are making it front and center this season. From the moment we met Shannon, she's been very upfront about her unhappiness with her marriage. And seriously Shannon? You're going to trust Tamra, someone you've known for all of 5 minutes, with the problems in your marriage? Even if you weren't bringing it up yourself in all your interviews and interactions with the other ladies and your husband, trusting Tamra with ANYTHING is pretty much guaranteeing that all the other ladies will hear about it as soon as you've left the room. But hey, at least you'll now know how much you can trust Tamra. Can't wait to see how Tamra tries to weasel her way out of this during the reunion. That said, as much as I love Heather (sorry, but I'll take her ANYDAY when my other choices are Vicky or Tamra), I am really going to be disappointed if we find out next week that she did in fact spread around what Tamra told her. She hasn't seemed to be one for ideal gossip, as someone else pointed out already she shut Gretchen and Tamra down pretty fast last year when they tried to gossip with her about the rumors Laurie was spreading around regarding Vicky. I am kinda hoping that it was Terry that she talked to about David's email and Terry, bonehead that he has proven himself to be, sent a text to David saying, "Hey man, heard you told Shannon in an email you wanted a divorce. Sucks dude!" We'll see.
  16. I just rewatched the episode and you are correct.
  17. This. I 100% agree with this. Bethenny was getting cross-examined by Jason's attorney today. Then Jason would be taking the stand himself most likely early next week. Bethenny and her camp did NOT want that happening. Whatever dirt Bethenny had on him, Jason had a crap ton on her as well. All in MHO of course.
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