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  1. Wow, I totally thought it was Enrico Colantoni playing Versace. Kinda disappointed now that I know it's not. Still want to watch this though.
  2. Husband is out of town and I won't have to try and explain why I'm watching this shitfest...is this episode worth watching? I haven't watched an episode since the Quiet Woman throw down but have been reading the episode threads here and a few recaps so I'm up to date on what's gone down since.
  3. AMEN On topic, I have not watched this episode or last week's but I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything except giving my FF button a workout. Thank you to all of you posters who watch this drudge and keep the rest of us updated. Because at this point, I can't see myself willingly tuning into this show anymore. Lydia and Peggy bring nothing but advertisements for their vanity project and husband's business, Gramballs' only story is her hatred of Vicki, Shannon needs to just put down the Tito's and back away from every single one of these "ladies", Meghan should go back to KC and play dress-up with her adorable baby and Jimmy "Dad Pants" Edmond, and Vicki and Kelly can both burn in hell for all I care. This show is no longer entertaining to watch and this and one other site are the only places I come to now to read about it. I've been thinking the same thing! ;)
  4. Really Lydia? So it's only your Christianity that makes it your responsibility to talk to your children about sex? You being their mother has NOTHING to do with it? FFS, I can't with her.
  5. I love you for these last two parts.
  6. This! Kelly was downright gleeful in the reaction she got out of Shannon. She (Kelly) makes my stomach turn. Cannot stand her.
  7. I wanted to reach through my screen and bitch slap her trainer every time he said "wow". Shannon can drive me crazy sometimes, but that whole scene broke my heart. She just looked completely defeated.
  8. I just can't quit this show. I said I was going to once it was confirmed Heather was leaving and Kelly was staying but once again, I've been sucked into the hellhole that is RHOC. So my own take on this episode...both Shannon and Lydia were to blame for how quickly their conversation deteriorated. Lydia should NOT have brought up Vicky at all since she was just meeting Shannon for the first time. It was sloppy and just plain stupid. I have no doubt that it was producer driven but for christ sakes, Lydia, maybe wait for your next meeting! And Shannon, no you weren't technically yelling at Lydia, but you did over react a bit and only showed just how much you are not over Ms. Vicki Gunvalson. Can I have my next birthday party at a beer garden with all that fun unicorn themed stuff? Jesus, I don't think I've EVER had all that stuff at a party, for myself, husband OR my own children. Bravo had to have footed the bill for some of that. So far I like Peggy but agree with posters who were asking about the state of her hair. But she didn't have the worst hair of the episode...that honor goes to her sister-in-law with the half-pouf thing she had going on at the family lunch. Brianna - don't care Kelly - DEFINITELY don't care Vicki - UGH, if I have to Meghan - What the hell Jimmy Dad Pants Edmond!!! Stop being so dang cute with your adorable baby girl! And I had to laugh at him asking what's for dinner in the car...my husband would have done the same thing. Gramballs - I don't know what to make of her these past two seasons. She hasn't been completely atrocious and even been somewhat likable? I feel dirty saying that because of her previous seasons. I still don't trust her but she seems to have mellowed. a bit. Lydia - Sit down and shut up, please. Twice in one episode, you have been sloppy in bringing up topics that you have obviously been told to by production. You should have known better than to bring up Vicki to Gramballs and Shannon so quickly. Don't be so sloppy and maybe you can stay.
  9. Travis! Somehow I always forget that he was on this show. Went to high school with him and thankfully he was not at all similar to his character here.
  10. My 3 year old son saw that picture and said "She's a bad man Mommy." From the mouths of babes...lol
  11. Anyone else see Lady Elaine from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood?
  12. I would marry you for that comment alone. DH might not like it, but oh well.
  13. Oh sweet baby jesus...Bethenny's dimply ass is so not something I want or need to ever see again.
  14. I would LOVE it if this was reversed. Nothing against David & Emily (in fact, I wouldn't mind them winning as well), but I have really enjoyed Aarif & Immad and hope they can make it all the way to the end.
  15. Finally got to watch this last night. I was much more entertained with the 2-hour installment than just an hour. But I'm also finding myself more and more annoyed with the fugitives (except for David and Emily). Chill the fuck out and stop jumping at everything, Troy and Chele in particular. They would have been just fine if they'd just stayed at Chele's childhood friend's house at least for another 12 hours or a day. Instead they leave immediately after the Hunters did? If you're smart enough to see thru their deception of being there to "help" them escape the Hunters, then you should be smart enough to realize that they're going to stick around that area for at least a little bit. That just irritated me. Same with the 2 moms. Hoping Troy and Chele weren't the team that my friend was helping though. The show said Troy and Chele are from New Port Richey and my friend lives in that area as well. I don't think they were since it sounds like we'll actually see my friend on the show.
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