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Everything posted by Sunshine

  1. Are we actually going to SEE Laurel get beat up or is it going to be implied? When Roy failed at protecting Thea it was played more for comedy (I laughed anyway). Roy does a flip and Nyssa shoots him with a dart. When Cupid took him down all we saw was Roy on the floor. I will be surprised if the aftermath is not all we see.
  2. Having now watched the cartoon, who is going over the cliff in Arrow - Ra's or Oliver (Batman)?
  3. From MG's Access Hollywood interview it sounds like 3.10 is supposed to be heavy Malcolm. I guess that is why they aren't concerned about showcasing LL in Oliver's absence. They expect people to tune in for Malcolm/John Barrowman. Since 2015 is going to be a good year for Malcolm - he's getting flashbacks too - is Ray Palmer not going to be much more than he's been shown to be so far, suit or no suit? Is Thea still getting a story arc or is it going to be about the Malcolm of it all? Is Oliver being sidelined in his own show? LOL! I have more questions than answers or even guesses.
  4. Too late then since Canadagraphs posted a picture of him in costume.
  5. Do we know for a fact that SA only shot flashbacks for 310? Perhaps he's only in them in 311-312? They might resolve the mid-Season cliff hanger and give us a reason for him not being around in 311-312. This would explain the time jump as well as why Felicity (or anyone else for that matter) isn't looking for him. No clue about the costume.
  6. According to a Geoff John's Nov 19th tweet he was watching SA with EBR/DR/CH/KC/JRR towards the end of 3.12. (Episode 3.07 was on that night no KC or JRR unless he was watching 3.06). JRR is in 3.12. Hmmm...I assumed shooting but I don't know now. I just went back through his twitter. He was watching on his DVR and later watched 3.07. Maybe SA isn't back until 3.13. Maybe she means February?
  7. What dancingnancy said. I think I mentioned the mountain. I don't know if I read it somewhere or misremembered David's tweet. I can't find it anywhere now.
  8. I'll agree that she probably thinks she should have heard something by now. She may even think he is dead. She is the one who says in the preview "a duel with the most dangerous man on earth". So no, she wouldn't be looking for him. She doesn't have the resources anyway. (I guess she could call Barry. He could run in and out). As far as time jumps, I guess I am curious as to how much time passes in 3.09 from the time Oliver leaves SC. Does it eat up some of the 6 weeks between Dec 10 & Jan 21? I know Nyssa gives them 48 hours but she and other assassins are probably in town to carry out the "sentencing". Can you get to Nanda Parbat in a day? This show only tells you when they specifically want you to know the time frame (i.e. 2.21-2.23 taking place the same night). Felicity is going to worry from the moment he walks out the door but it seems (to me anyway) that there should be some sort of time frame before she gives him up for dead. No...I don't really expect them to provide me that information. Details are not their strong suit. I guess my original post was because of someone's response about MG's tweet. I interpreted it as "She think's he's in Nanda Parbat. He's not." I didn't read anymore into it.
  9. Depends on the time jump. Is it an 8 hour trip to Nanda Parbat? I am guessing it will take a while to climb up to the fight. Anyway, I think she is going to wonder but not necessarily assume the worst. I just don't think he's up to anything interesting which is why they are not showing it to us unless the flashbacks are to Nanda Parbat. We know Maseo is in Nanda Parbat. We don't know about Tatsu/Katana. Diggle is shooting on a mountain top with the stunt guys in 3.10. Perhaps he is looking for Oliver. Someone mentioned (tweet I think) about EBR filming an emotionally draining scene in 3.11 IIRC. Perhaps the stress of not knowing is getting to her. Felicity's most productive way of looking for someone is using technology. I am not sure how much technology is in Nanda Parbat when the lighting looked like it was provided by torches. I just don't see her physically going to Nanda Parbat even if she went to Mine Island. They are two totally different sets of circumstances.
  10. I agree because I think in 3.01 they blew up more than the date. I get the impression that they are/were trying to move away from fan favorites (Diggle & Felicity) and more towards the comic book characters. There is a reason they were telling people you don't have to have watched Season 1 or 2. This is a perfect time to jump on board. I think they were hoping the Flash, Gotham, Constantine, etc would get more people excited about Arrow because they wanted to move more towards it's comic book roots.
  11. I think Felicity thinks Oliver is in Nanda Parbat. He isn't because there is a literal cliff hanger. Ra's assumes he died. Even if it is only at the end, Oliver returns in episode 3.12 per GJ's tweet about who he was watching film. Since Oliver is only in flashbacks I assume he is making his way back to SC and it is so uninteresting that they aren't showing it. If it takes 2 months I assume it's partly because he was hurt or unconscious part of the time and struggling to survive. Diggle or someone may even have to go looking for him when he doesn't come back. Ra's returns later in the season when he hears Oliver is alive. Oliver & Malcolm team up to at least temporarily defeat him later.
  12. He also gets asked the same questions in every Q&A. Maybe he thought this would be a way to get some new questions.
  13. Once again the dialogue tease was Felicity. She uttered the phrase about there's a lot of sweat (or whatever it was) in that scene.
  14. According to an MG tweet Oliver's suit upgrade happens in 3.08. I hope he isn't getting buckles.
  15. Maybe it is as simple as knowing Oliver left for Nanda Parbat or wherever. She doesn't know he's not there because there is a fight beforehand with Ra's. She might not be looking for him if she was expecting him to be gone for weeks.
  16. In MG's interview last night he made some remark about after 3.08 he realized that metahumans could work on Arrow so he was back to never say never. I assume Captain Boomerang is a metahuman since he is a Flash villain. I have to wonder if at some point in the future Laurel goes to CC comes in contact with something residual from the particle accelerator explosion and ends up with her canary cry. It worked in 3.08 so now we can have some super powers in show kind of attitude. Not sure they would go there with shrinking though.
  17. I know they said the reveal is in 3.09. Is it possible they don't get the DNA test results back until after Oliver has gone to meet with Ra's? If Oliver doesn't know who the killer is it would still make sense that he would sacrifice himself/attempt to reason with Ra's to protect the citizens of Starling City. To whomever said they couldn't figure out when/how Thea would have been in Starling. Malcolm was there. Sara took surveillance photos. She might have been with him.
  18. He's done it on at least one other occasion (misread a tweet). I thought F1.08 was filmed the same week as A3.07 as TF was a week ahead because of the pilot being shot last April. KC was at Fashion Week. Unless there is a cut scene somewhere she wasn't in 3.07. The only 3 mentioned by any one on The Flash were SA/DR/EBR. Oliver FB to the pregnancy news? Small scene could be shot when she got back I suppose. I guess we'll know soon enough.
  19. I think at the end of 3.09 he is literally hanging off a cliff if SA's literal cliffhanger is to be believed. I wonder if Diggle goes looking for him. DR tweeted something about being on a mountain with the stunt team. Based on Geoff Johns tweet yesterday, I think Oliver might be back in SC by 3.12. SA was shooting with EBR/DR/CH/KC/JRR.
  20. I thought I saw a BTS photo of David Ramsey and Routh while they were filming 3.08. He might be attempting to make amends for walking away from the kiss though. I believe MG said we would definitely know what he was up to by the end of 3.09. I am guessing he shows Felicity the suit design he has been working on. I assume the greatest Olicity scene ever takes place right before Oliver either goes after the killer or to confront Ra's.
  21. Bex Taylor Klaus tweeted that she is back in Vancouver. Maybe we will see Sin too?
  22. Cupid was former SCPD not to mention SWAT. This is probably where the fight training and knives comes from. Archery doesn't take months to pick it up especially if you train all the time. Slapping water is optional.
  23. I hope they skip the 75% FB episode. I just remember MG talking about probably doing one back during the summer.
  24. If SA's only appearing in flashbacks for a couple of episodes, I wonder if we are still going to end up with a 75% FB 25% Present Day episode in 314 or 315 similar to The Odyssey or The Promise.
  25. SA said he had 9 or 10 working days off. Thurs-Fri, Mon-Fri, Mon-Wed, Back Tomorrow or Thursday maybe?
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