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Everything posted by Sunshine

  1. She admitted to being in love with Oliver to Barry on Flash 1.04. I do get what you are saying though.
  2. It hasn't come out yet but I believe Sara is supposed to work with the Suicide Squad in an upcoming issue of Arrow 2.5 which would tie into Waller/ARGUS.
  3. You may be right about the love interest dimension but isn't the dramatic dimension him becoming his alter ego and fighting crime? One of the pictures from 3.11 has him in a scene where a guy with a gun looks like he is down. Ray is adjusting his suit in a manner that makes me think he took part in an altercation. At some point I believe he lets Felicity in on what he is up to. EBR said they work on something together. This puts him in the picture when we return from hiatus even if he is not her love interest. I know it was advertised that way but I think the main focus is on costumed super hero not love interest.
  4. In 3.07 Oliver is supposed to see someone therapist-ish per MG. I jokingly said Cupid was going to the Suicide Squad so Oliver would see Harley Quinn. I am guessing Oliver is talking to Diggle about Felicity moving on with her life. If so, I hope Diggle offers some real words of wisdom. AK tweeted that F&D had a big scene in 3.07. It may just be what looks like the siege flashbacks. I certainly hope it's not Dig encouraging her to move on. (Isn't that funny. In real life that is exactly what a good friend would do. However, Dig knows Oliver "doesn't want to die down here" so I am hoping he doesn't. Yes. I know that sounds hypocritical.)
  5. You put it much more succinctly than I did but this is what I was trying to say. I am hoping this is how 3.07 plays out. All of those promo photos make me think they are trying to do so many Ray Palmer/Oliver Queen comparisons in one episode. This does not mean that if Felicity thinks Oliver is gone for good in 3B that she might not get into a romantic relationship with Palmer. I just don't think it is happening in the next 3 episodes. Here's hoping Wednesday night doesn't prove me wrong. If they are really going on/off, on/off ad nauseam then isn't it time for on before Oliver disappears? If Felicity/Ray do go romantic doesn't it make sense that would happen right before Oliver reappears in SC? If 3.01 is the extent of the professional rivalry, I hope 3.07 is the extent of the personal rivalry. If they are going to establish Ray as a hero -super or otherwise-they need to start focusing on that early in 3B so he is in place around the time Oliver returns. Are we sure Oliver is only missing from SC for 310-311? I agree with whomever said that if they are completely honest with each other in 3.09 it's because they think it's the last opportunity to do so - dire circumstance and all that.
  6. This is me. If Felicity has actually moved on to Ray I am not sure why I would be tuning in. Someone on screen has to care that Oliver isn't around .My main reason for watching has always been Oliver/Felicity/Diggle a/k/a Original Team Arrow. If that is gone and the first couple of winter episodes are Laurel & Ray heavy including a Felicity & Ray romantic relationship why do I even care if Oliver makes it back?
  7. I was wondering if the reason Cupid and Ray are in the same episode was to kind of parallel the situations they have chosen. One of Cupid's questions to Oliver is ...who's watching out for you? In this episode Felicity sees shirtless Ray on the salmon ladder. He gives (loans?) her a beautiful dress & necklace to wear for a work dinner. (This is similar to the Dodger episode in Season 1. They just didn't show it onscreen.) I don't think she knows it is a date. The kiss may be after the dinner. There is a shot of her looking sad/pensive. I have read where some assume she is in the lair in that scene. I think maybe she is in the office looking out over the city which accounts for the lighting. It looks like she is getting everything she thinks she wants. The only problem is it's the wrong guy. (Can you tell I am clinging to the idea of Ray as a potential love interest and not an actual one?) I guess it makes more sense to me for Oliver & Felicity to be working towards each other before Oliver and the literal cliff hanger happens in 3.09 and thus rips them apart again.
  8. I have no idea how this Felicity/Ray scenario is going to play out but Felicity does NOT seem overly happy about the dress, necklace, etc? Her facial expressions in the blue dress vs her regular work clothes pictures seem like quite a contrast. I am going to be upset if those are flashbacks to the siege even if they are new ones shot for this episode. From pictures I was hoping to get TeamArrow working together in 3.07 and 3.08 before whatever the greatest Olicity scene is in 3.09. There is a 50/50 chance I won't be back for 3B. I am hoping Felicity is on coms when Cupid says something about who's watching out for you from the promo.
  9. I guess those pics explain why MG's tweet said the Salmon ladder would make an appearance in 3.07 sort of. I guess they want Felicity to be able to make a real comparison between Oliver & Ray.
  10. I am thinking if this happens it is in 3.09. AK tweeted about a scene where SA & EBR were acting their butts off. It would make some sense for them to come back together before he goes missing/leaves/whatever.
  11. Sara's killer...any chance it is Sin? I saw on twitter that SA said Sin would be back. Bex Taylor-Klaus's new show was picked up. Might she have been feeling so upset by Sara abandoning her for her former life that she was more than a little upset?
  12. Digg is definitely OOC. I guess the super sweet moment was the hug and him saying he cares about her. Oliver is always controlling. It doesn't matter who he is dealing with. Oliver knows best.
  13. Maybe it's Laurel & Oliver forgiving one another (hug photo anyone?)
  14. So is Oliver talking to Harley Quinn? Isn't she a trained therapist? Is Cupid joining the Suicide Squad? Also sounds like Oliver knows about his child.
  15. So is Oliver talking to Harley Quinn? Isn't she a trained therapist?
  16. Don't know if you saw my previous post but MG said in the Comicbook interview that we'll see what Ray has in mind by the end of 3.07
  17. Ray's a scientist. Perhaps he is trying to come up with some sort of defense system. His life was affected by the strokes march on Starling. Don't know if he would have known about ARGUS's drone. I guess we'll know what he is up to at the end of 3.07. I wonder if that means 3.07 is Ray centric? No clue about whatever was set up in Season 1 getting paid off? The List? LOA training school? I'll be surprised if Felicity's father is addressed before S4, especially if he is a DC villain. MG said in an interview somewhere that they wouldn't introduce them at the same time because one would overwhelm the other. As much as I loved MamaSmoak, I assume he meant dad. Felicity got her brains from somewhere. Assuming Oliver and Felicity end up together at the end of the season, dad causing more problems for them in S4 makes sense. I think this season is really about establishing a Justice League so Oliver can choose to be both Oliver & Arrow.
  18. He hasn't been shown to be a superhero yet. The only thing we know from spoilers is that BR has seen a drawing of the suit and that he was recently fitted(?)-not sure if that is the right terminology-for a mask. He is in tonight's episode but in none of the promotional material. (In an interview on early in filming 3.07 he said he had been in 6 episodes so far. He wasn't in 3.04.) Since he was booked for 16 episodes I would assume he has to show up as a hero sooner or later. So does he die protecting Laurel or does Arrow kill him protecting Laurel? Kidding. Sounds like this is an Oliver/Ted Grant centric episode not Laurel/Ted. Which makes sense if they are trying to establish a city of heroes so Arrow can choose to be Oliver as well as the Arrow in 3B.
  19. His alter ego (The Atom) in the comics is a superhero so he is probably joining forces with them at some point. If you look closely at the photo with the uzi that is KC/LL in the background. (I saw a larger version elsewhere.)
  20. Looks like they are trying to capitalize on Felicity's success from 3.05.
  21. You are right. The Quiver (I think) is the one he appeared on live.
  22. Maybe they have some new coming in the 2nd half? A lot of people assumed it was Ted Grant because the actor cast was so much younger than he is in the comics. They never said it was. Or maybe things just didn't work out.
  23. He appeared in person when he was interviewed during the winter break last year. SA is a fan of the show I believe.
  24. I agree about the network but changes take time. They are shooting about 5 episodes ahead. To me, Diggle appears to be in the background a lot. I know he is a supporting character but he often seems to just be in scenes standing around with no real purpose. I guess what I miss the most is the Oliver/Diggle/Felicity dynamic. Some of Felicity's screen time is with Ray Palmer and I tend to forget he's there because I find BR appeals to me just as much as KC which is not at all. That said I am curious as to what Ray Palmer is up to...just not in Ray Palmer. LOL! ETA: The problem with 3.02 heavily promoted as Laurel-centric dropping off is in some ways unfair to blame it on promotion. There were a lot of viewers who were furious about Sara's death. Even if Olicity had been promoted - and they had a good share of the screen time-would it have made a difference? Maybe. Maybe not.
  25. Flash is entertaining but I am not invested in any characters. Constantine-Friday at 10 isn't a great time for TV for me. Gotham: I couldn't get into at all. I watched about 3 episodes and was pretty bored. AoS: I was entertained with the couple of episodes I saw in S1 but it wasn't must see TV. Haven't seen any since. Arrow: Was hard to get into because Diggle was the only character I liked from the moment he showed up on screen. I knew I was supposed to root for Oliver so I hung in there. I think I was supposed to root for Laurel but I hated her from the moment she stepped on my screen. She wasn't anything like I expected and not in a good way. It wasn't until Felicity joined the Team in Odyssey that I began to enjoy it. Now I am trying to hold on until 3.09 to see if I should continue. Not sure I am going to manage it. Agent Carter & Super Girl: I refuse to try and watch anything else. I think I'll stick to 2 hour movies every couple of years!
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