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Everything posted by Sunshine

  1. Perhaps the hard left turn they are taking in 3.15 is Oliver rethinking his working/training with Malcolm? There is a photo of Arrow aiming at Malcolm in that episode. They are at a helipad. Maybe he decides to turn him over to Ra's? It is called Nanda Parbat. IIRC isn't Malcolm responsible for Thea and Oliver ending up on Lian Yu at end of 3.13 for 3.14? Perhaps instead of trying to redeem himself he's still just being emotionally manipulative? I can't decide how sarcastic MG's tumblr response about not bending over backwards to get us to like him (Malcolm)is.
  2. I think SA was still in Oliver's dead mode when he answered that question.
  3. Maybe it got changed. Didn't some re-write happen because of broadcast date changes?
  4. Caitlin is the most likely one she would say that to, although I guess it could be Iris. Perhaps even in response to something one of them says. He might be in the scene but not if that makes any sense. It just strikes me as something you wouldn't say if you were actually involved with someone even if you have no real filter. I won't be surprised if she spends a lot of time with Ray but I have trouble seeing it as a committed personal relationship. But this show...
  5. Would Felicity make that remark about Ray in The Flash (Barry's mind/Oliver's body) if she were involved with him romantically? Just seems odd to me. Especially with the "Did I say that out loud" tacked on.
  6. Well, the latest issue of Arrow 2.5 explained why there is no bronze tiger in the upcoming Suicide Squad episode. They killed him off. I wonder if it is movie related and they couldn't use him anymore?
  7. IIRC, we are also supposed to find out whether or not Slade thinks Felicity was just used as a ruse in 2.23. There could be some sort of flashback to that scene which would spell out clearly to the audience that it wasn't a ruse.
  8. I hope she does. To date, her storyline seems to have been about Malcolm and Oliver not her.
  9. I think they (Oliver, Thea, Merlyn) end up on Lian Yu at the very end of 3.13. I think the SC flashbacks in 3.14 take place in SC while Oliver is on Lian Yu. Unless they are putting Felicity in flashbacks, she could be in scenes with Ray as part of the ATOM storyline-hook up or not. Also, if no current day SC, what role is Diggle playing? He has to be in flashbacks too. MG said they are both in the episode. As for a hook-up with Felicity & Ray, it has to be sooner rather than later IF they are going there. 3.14 is a sweeps episode and Feb sweeps is where temporary romances begin/end. It would also give Oliver another reason to at least temporarily join the LOA in 3.15/3.16 if he thinks he has really lost everything. (Batman joined them temporarily IIRC. Yes, I know there is no temporary with the LOA). Although spoilers have been vague I don't think he's in SC much if at all in those episodes. He's back in 3.17 at least for the wedding. I don't know anything about 3.18 other MamaSmoak scenes with Felicity in a hospital. 3.19 is supposed to be surprising and I think Ra's is involved. Assuming 3.01 is a microcosm of the season and reflects where 3.23 should end, Oliver should be deciding to be both Oliver & Arrow, Felicity will be the love interest (& tech guru), and Laurel will be Arrow's business partner as Black Canary. Diggle will be helping (not sure what capacity) and Arsenal and ATOM will be established as heroes. Since by then I expect Palmer to know what Felicity is up to he might even be bankrolling her. How they get there might not be much fun to watch but I think that is where they are going.
  10. I wondered this same thing. Either Felicity is running back and forth between the hospital and work or she could have gone to Vegas and all we see are hospital scenes. Seems to me if they were in SC there would be some interaction. Same with Felicity in the hospital. Someone mentioned Felicity not being mentioned in the synopsis for 3.13 & 3.14. The only thing I have seen is that Felicity & Laurel have a "great" scene in 3.13 and that her babbling returns in 3.14. Since Oliver is on Lian Yu this makes me wonder if she says some inappropriate things around Ray. It was cute in S1 with Oliver but I thought she had grown out of that stage. It hasn't even happened and yet it annoys me because evidently she reverts to this stage because she's around a guy? Why does Felicity's identity have to revolve around the man in her life?
  11. If Thea doesn't know I'll be shocked if Slade doesn't inform her.
  12. If I remember correctly, MG said something about his eyes watering or some such. So there is more than a hug, a line and bye. What that is I have no idea.
  13. He said it's his favorite scene because Stephen and Emily are so good in it.
  14. He said they would be mad for a while...madder than 2.13. I'm kind of surprised SA gave it away so easily.
  15. That doesn't surprise me but why would Oliver's reaction be oops? It would give Oliver another reason to leave SC though.
  16. Is it possible that Oliver, since he's knows the city is in good hands (insert eye roll) leaves SC for a while with Malcolm and Thea.Or perhaps he goes after them? He's probably going to be a little out of sorts because The Arrow might not be as vital to SC as he thinks (Identity Crisis? anyone) 314 "The Return" -Lian Yu w/SC flashbacks 315 "Nanda Parbat" 316 "The Offer" - Perhaps still in Nanda Parbat? I think the TCA interview w/Matt Nable implied that Ra's would offer to mentor Oliver - The "Team" would be operating in SC. Unfortunately this allows Felicity to grow closer to Ray. At the end of 316 he chooses to embrace Oliver Queen and heads back (escapes) to SC because he begins to realize what he wants out of life. 317 Suicide Squad w/Wedding 318 No clue what the title is but 218 Deathstroke was supposed to give us insight into Slade's mind. With Mama Smoak in episode perhaps we are getting insight into Felicity's mind. 319-323 Lead up to whatever this season's big finale is which probably involves Arrow & friends vs Ra's. I am finding the most recent spoilers disheartening so trying to come up with something that might make sense.
  17. I am trying to figure out how bad the scene could be at the end of 3x12. Felicity is mad as hell. We get a "I don't want to be a woman you love". Oliver's response is oops?!
  18. No Oliver/Felicity dance per MG. Oliver doesn't dance. (SA says this all the time too.)
  19. I'm a little concerned. On MG's tumblr someone asked him when Oliver fell in love with Felicity. He said he liked to leave that up to the fans to decide. Then he goes on to say that he wants to see the fan's reaction to 3.14. Slade is back in 3.14 but he doesn't interact with Felicity per another tumblr answer. MG said earlier we would know if Slade thought her role in 3.23 was just a ruse. So why no interaction? Is he going after Laurel? Is Felicity involved with Ray?
  20. This week in dream sequence. First minute of the episode.
  21. I wondered where they were going when I saw Caity Lotz's name listed in the credits. Why did they think using her as a modulated voice was a good idea?! Felicity evidently had recordings or something. I will say with the exception of Bronze Tiger trying to outdrive the drone last year in the Suicide Squad ep this had to be the most comic booky episode I have ever seen. If this is any indication of where they are going I am probably out. The tone will probably be loved by a certain portion of the fandom (which is okay). The grimness seems to have been replaced with absurdity to me.
  22. Is The Lunge 2.0 back in play? Should we place bets on 3.13 the week before Valentine's Day or 3.14 the week after? 2.13 was The Lunge 1.0.
  23. I guess it was in 3.07. LOL! Routh said recently in a TCA interview that he thought it was just about her mind until the kiss after the date. The kiss opened Ray's eyes. Love is stretching it though. It always amazes me how ambiguous everything is on this show. If it wasn't for these stupid interviews I wouldn't have any idea what story they are trying to tell.
  24. Ugh !!! While I am glad Oliver might have to start working for a relationship with Felicity, I wish Ray would just go away. I have been in denial and was hoping the kiss in 3.07 was enough. I find BR to be just a smidgen more interesting than KC, which is not at all.
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