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Everything posted by Sunshine

  1. I was surprised that the crossovers weren't during Sweeps but it might be a case of them wanting to see how well the shows do on their own. They had high hopes for the Flash but they didn't know how successful it would actually be. I think my main point about the ratings - I am not making any assumptions either - and 3.06 in particular is that just because the main thing I liked about the show was Team Arrow + Quentin doesn't mean that people aren't going to tune in. If the ratings don't drop significantly then I think Laurel will remain front and center unfortunately and Felicity will be joining Diggle in the background again.
  2. 3.07 Draw Back Your Bow Maybe this one is Oliver centric? KC had a light filming schedule (Fashion Week I think this was) Cupid (In one scene she is dressed similar to Felicity in the casino from S1) Diggle/Felicity supposed to have a big scene/moment per AK tweet Oliver throws a fit in front of the fern Oliver goes to see Felicity at her job (MG tweet) Oliver jealous? (MG tweet) Ray/Felicity Date & Kiss Palmer Technologies appears on the Arrow Ticker per AK tweet (QC rebranding?) Salmon ladder is back (sort of per MG tweet) Brandon Routh shirtless (MG tweet) Olicity moment(s) (MG tweet) Felicity was featured in 3.05 Laurel/(Roy?) in 3.06 Oliver? 3.07 Perhaps what they are trying to do is see if what they are showing matters in the ratings? We assume that because online is largely pro-Team Arrow & Oliver/Felicity (I am too) that is what people are watching for. Maybe it's not? If the demo for 3.06 drops to .9 (assuming it drops at all) that is still as good as Season 2. I don't think they would necessarily see that as a problem.
  3. MG tweeted that there isn't really any Olicity in 3.06 if that is what anyone is most interested in.
  4. They probably think they are giving us more. If 3 is good, 6 or 7 should be even better.
  5. KC probably had some sort of permission. I believe her picture was released the day (maybe it was 2) after 3.01 aired and we knew Sara was dead. They might not have cared about BR because he had slipped up earlier and mentioned having seen drawings of the Atom's costume. Prior to that the show had been playing coy about whether he would actually become the Atom or not. I am not surprised there are no Diggle spoilers other than he's the funny one in the crossovers. He will have scenes but I don't think they'll focus on him. I am surprised we haven't heard anything more about Malcolm & Thea. Perhaps their main story arc is happening after the holiday break. Diggle could have a bigger role then too I guess. I just think they are focusing on Laurel's journey now. I am not surprised by the focus on LL as BC. Before I started watching Arrow the synopsis I read (don't remember where) said it was the origin stories of Green Arrow and Black Canary. I think the comic book boys that are insisting LL become BC are DC. They may have liked Sara but in all comic incarnation BC's alter ego is either DDL or DLL. It might be something they are adamant about. The EPs themselves certainly seem to think KC is doing everything they are asking of her. They also never backed off the idea that Sara's story was just the beginning of the BC arc. Huge miscalculation on their part as to how popular Sara (CL) would become. I haven't heard anyone demanding that Yao Fei or Billy Winter as Deathstroke should have been kept.
  6. I guess my point is the EPs aren't overly concerned with whether or not it makes sense. If that is the way the EPs want it to be, it will be. I don't know that it will be. I just think it is a possibility with these show runners. The only thing I thought for sure coming into this season was that Laurel would be donning the BC costume by the season finale. I just naively thought they weren't going to kill Sara to do it, at least not until right before the premiere. When they were talking about a twist at the end of 3.01 I thought either Laurel would be showing up in costume or Sara was dead.
  7. I am confused as to why people think Laurel won't be Team Leader in Arrow's absence. People, especially Felicity, were jumping to do her bidding in 3.02. Diggle is a soldier used to taking orders. Even when he disagreed with Oliver he usually did as requested. Diggle consoled Laurel by naming HIS daughter for HER sister. Is it earned? No but when has the show made Laurel earn anything? I still won't be surprised if Laurel shows up in a mask cameo in 3.08 The Brave and the Bold but like Morrigan2575 I would expect it by 3.09 at the latest. I would expect her costume to differ from Sara's somewhat. I am sure she is going to decide to be herself not her sister. I also thought it was a given that Ra's or one of his minions killed Sara?!
  8. I agree with this. There is another thing or two at play here.... He made a vow not to kill and people are dying because of Cupid's obsession with him. According to an AK tweet, I believe this is the episode that QC gets rebranded as Palmer Technologies. The tweet said something along the lines of Palmer Technologies joining the Arrow Ticker. Everything was blue. (I think that's the main color in the Atom's costume.) Although Oliver appeared to take the loss of the company well in 3.01 it still bore his family's name. Now that has been taken away. I think the EP's said we would be surprised by just how much of his humanity he wanted back. Add that loss to the perceived loss of the woman he loves and he might have more than a little self-loathing going on. For anyone who didn't see the Flash pilot there is an easter egg at the end. It's a newspaper 10 years in the future. One of the front-page articles is that Queen Enterprises is sold or merges with Wayne Technologies. My guess is in Season 4 we see him going into business as well as carrying on his Arrow duties. I am not bitter but I am a little sad. It is Nov sweeps and the thing I am most looking forward to is a scene in 3.07 between Felicity and Diggle. AK tweeted there was a big one in this episode in response to a question. They have been in scenes together (Arrowcave & meet MamaSmoak) but they haven't really had a scene together in S3 that I recall.
  9. My problem with this is he's her boss. I know it happens in real life but I just find it ugh! I would feel better about it if she was an outside consultant or something. I actually would like it if after the kiss they both decide to back off but I am not holding my breath. It also seems like their mini JLA would work better if that happened too.
  10. With this show I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up costumed in 3.08 The Brave and The Bold. They could go with her training with the team (Diggle & Roy) as time goes on especially if Oliver is missing from SC for an episode or two. This would translate into 2 months given the break. Then Oliver will probably accept her and she'll continue training. This works better if they aren't romantically involved. Although there have been no BTS photos and she wasn't around much for filming it doesn't mean she won't put in an appearance at a crucial moment. For a fight scene, Aitlin Mitchell (I am assuming she's still the stunt double) is going to do most of the filming anyway. They just need KC there when the mask is removed.
  11. You may be in luck. I think this is the episode he tweeted that he had wrapped filming for now. The tweet was deleted if I remember correctly because he had to go film for his regular show. Don't know if he is coming back or not.
  12. It's from 3.06 or 3.07. SA said on his FB that the promo doesn't cover 3.08-3.09 and he thinks those are the best episodes they have ever done. PSA: If you didn't like 2.15 The Promise you might want to take that statement with a grain of salt. Your viewing tastes might differ from his.
  13. Short staffed maybe? LOL! This promo covers 3.05-3.07. 3.05 aired last Wednesday. By that standard they should be releasing them after 3.06 airs. I think we were just spoiled. At one point they were being released the Tuesday before a different episode aired. It never made sense to me that they did that because then people were talking about the next episode instead of the current one.
  14. Now I am really curious about 3.09 since it looks like Oliver is missing from SC in 3.10-3.11 (maybe 3.12) based on SA's remarks and the fact that he is not working for 10 days. AK tweeted something about watching SA & EBR acting their butts off during this episode. To me, I expect this to be a highly emotional/intense scene. (I could be wrong but why tweet about it if it's not.) Wonder if it's a good scene or one of those where you say things you later regret but don't know if you will ever have a chance to make it right if he goes missing. If things don't look good for them at the holiday break will certain viewers return in January? Seems like this (holiday hiatus) was a jumping off point for some fans last year.
  15. Well who knows...if this is 3.07 BR appears shirtless in it too. MG also said in 3.07 Sally appears "sort of" - whatever that means. Hope he doesn't destroy her too! #SaveSally #SavetheFern
  16. Who is calling Felicity a slut? Better yet, I don't want to know. I don't have a problem with Felicity dating or kissing other men. I just don't like Brandon Routh so I was hoping (in denial?) about the relationship going romantic. LOL!
  17. I assume that is from 3.07. Are they building up to it in 3.06? I haven't seen any build up yet. (Yes, I figured it was coming. UGH!) Either way, no thanks because I don't care for Routh. Never have. Nothing on this show has changed that.
  18. I think it was the writer (BRIFORSUL) that responded to a tweet saying that it wasn't a homage on Sheldon Cooper. They have to go through legal regarding the names and Cooper's original last name didn't clear. The first one that did was Seldon from Hari Seldon of Asimov's Foundation books.
  19. I tried to watch but my signal kept fading in and out. I guess maybe I should be glad it was.
  20. Anyone catch Caity Lotz on Stalker last night?
  21. I missed that. Wonder if Laurel's going to punch him out at least? Or has this week's (between 3.05 & 3.06) training taught her some restraint? She's wanted to kill everyone else. LOL!
  22. Depends on how you look at it. Roy thinking he killed Sara and Laurel being motivated by anger (self-pity?) over Sarah's death are all part of the "Who killed Canary" mystery going on. It doesn't mean she'll know anything about Roy' fears or the cop murder unless Roy goes to the police. At this point telling Laurel about Roy's dreams doesn't make a whole lot of sense. She's making really bad decisions at the moment. Her response seems to be kill, kill, riot, whatever. That's the problem with spoilers. Speculation can be interesting and fun but when it doesn't work out the way we think it would we often yell they lied.
  23. I am pretty sure it was in the interview when he was talking about their chemistry and that in real life the would be saying something along the lines of why aren't you going for it dude? (I could be wrong). As for the exact same wording, I would be surprised if they said anything new. I think they have certain "safe" words, phrases, whatever and they say them repeatedly. I think MG used the same words for Felicity/Oliver's romance that they used for Laurel/Oliver in S1 as well as Barry/Felicity's chemistry vs Ray/Felicity. I agree that Felicity might not be right there waiting.
  24. Well according to Amell, Oliver will be making a decision "one way or another" by the end of the season. AK said in one of his SDCC interviews that at the end of the season one set of viewers would be getting what they want and another set shaking their fists at the TV. As it is set up now it would appear to be Felicity but there are 18 more episodes so it could change. It could also be a case of Oliver deciding what he wants by episode 23 but having to work for it in Season 4 I guess. In Ray Palmer's case he has a reason for being on the show besides being the other side of the triangle...he's destined to be a superhero. We have enough info to suggest he will be costumed this year. I know the casting call put the emphasis on love interest but I was always inclined to believe it was more about the superhero stuff. I guess we'll see.
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