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I definitely thought the person was Odette too. Pretend to befriend and help Ziva only to keep close tabs on what she was doing. That Sarah/Sahar twist I did not see coming. Sure, I thought there was more to her than meets the eye. Didn't think she would wind up being that terrorist mastermind, however. Poor Ziva's fighting skills seem to have been diminished. Earlier some out of shape dude got the best of her. Then Terrorist Mom defeated her fairly easily in this episode. And you just knew when she gave that "Bond Villain" speech that she would eventually die. Either by Ziva or Gibbs. Giving long rambling Bond speeches rarely end well for the perp. I actually thought Phineas was also in on it. Like he was an spykid/actor put there to get close to Gibbs. That has to be one awkward conversation Gibbs is about to have with him. "Sorry I put a bullet in your mom's head. But hey, the sink works now! Merry Christmas, kid!" 😉
Baggage Battles. And I think it was on the Travel Channel mostly. I kinda liked that one too. Lots of quirky characters on that show.
Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion
brgjoe replied to Sup wit dat's topic in Alaskan Bush People
I had forgotten it was on Wednesday's now. So I was flipping channels and tuned in about 20 minutes in. These idiots have ostriches now!? And for what purpose(s) exactly? (maybe it's best I don't know). Then we cut to a scene where Bird-brain Was running up the hill (unarmed with anything but her annoying voice) yelling at the bear cubs, "Go away...stay away from here!" Seriously!? And I think we know what happened to Matt. Noah ate him. I mean, he sure hasn't missed many meals lately. That was all I could take. I can't even hate watch this monstrosity any longer. Way too much bullshittery for me to take. -
Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion
brgjoe replied to Sup wit dat's topic in Alaskan Bush People
Well, it's been awhile since I've seen the show. I didn't know Bam was back. And nope, didn't see Matt in the promo. Probably for the best -- he probably should focus in on his recovery and not worry about being on this fakeity-fake-fake show. Didn't say where they were at. No doubt they will be "have to get everything built fast because winter is coming soon!!" 😉 -
Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion
brgjoe replied to Sup wit dat's topic in Alaskan Bush People
Well...guess what? Looks like they're gonna be BAAAAAAAAACK. Was watching Disco today and saw a promo for a "New Season" of Alaskan Bush People. In the promo, it looked like Bam was back. At least for an episode or two. Looked like before he couldn't stand to be on the show any longer, but perhaps he misses the paychecks. I think they said the new episodes would start on December 4th. (so set those VCR's!) 😉 -
As many others have already said, "I did not see that coming." Oh sure, from time to time I have heard rumors he wanted to leave the show. But I never thought they'd simply kill him off. Was hoping it was all Pride's nightmares/hallucinations acting up again. Especially with that surreal diner scene. I halfway expected the "Angel of Death" character to pop up out of nowhere as a waitress or something. Aside at being saddened at a fine character being killed off, the plot was a bit convoluted to me. I mean, why would he want LaSalle dead? Yes, I get it -- he would continue to try to find his brother's killer. But nobody at NCIS knew who the hell he (they) were. Then to show up at the hospital where I am sure cameras were all around just makes no sense. Then of course, running off like that doesn't look suspicious at all. No sir-ree. And now after deducing he/they were the killer/killers, you would have the full weight of about every law enforcement agency in the country looking for your sorry asses. Not exactly a brilliant plan. RIP, LaSalle. Could be RIP show after this too. Because I am sure a lot of fans will most likely tune out now. I am sure he was a reason why a lot of people watch.
Expedition Unknown - General Discussion
brgjoe replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Expedition Unknown
I belong to a couple of The Secret groups on FB, and they have been talking about this for quite awhile. The consensus there is that Josh's crew did report a find. But as to whether or not it truly is one of those boxes is still being debated. Definitely look forward to seeing it. It was one of my favorite EU episode when the first one aired in January (I think). I also hope it is a full episode. And not just a replay of another one with about 15 minutes tacked on at the end. We shall see.. -
I thought it was one of the better episodes they had for awhile. Though IRL, I can't imagine an agent being on the case that had such a close family connection to the case. Two things that kinda had me LOLing. One early in the episode when the kid was talking to Hannah. Hannah tells him, "Why no, we need a warrant to collect that data from those phones!" The week before, Patton not only pinged phones, but listened on multiple people's conversations that I am pretty sure were warrantless. Then when LaSalle says, "We need to capture him alive!"... you know that 9 times out of 10 the perp gets killed then. And shore 'nuff... And yeah, that "confession" didn't sound rehearsed or scripted at all. 😉 But all in all, I kinda liked this episode.
The Curse Of Oak Island - General Discussion
brgjoe replied to Meredith Quill's topic in The Curse Of Oak Island
But...but...you might have missed one of those Bobby-Dazzlers they found! 😉 -
Yeah, I am hoping Lena's anger towards Kara is essentially a swerve for us viewers. That while she's still pizzed off at Kara, she won't go completely dark and EEEEEEEEEVILLLLLLL. At least I hope that's not the case. Speaking of Lena, (shallow comment) she looked mighty fine during this episode. (end shallow comment). I liked the suit better in this episode that I saw in the publicity still's. But yeah, I think she needs it to transformer quicker into it. Probably the scene was just done for us viewers and they'll forget about the slowness of the change in upcoming episodes. J'onn has a brother? You'd think his dad might have mentioned it a time or two before. Though maybe he's from some alternate universe or something. Strange. At least it will give J'onn something to do I guess. Speaking of something to do, poor James. He and others signing THREE YEAR no compete clause contracts? Wow. Get better agents, peeps! I could see *maybe* a 6 month-year no compete deals. But for 3 years? Seriously!? Guess James will go the Guardian route for awhile. Even though everybody knows he who he is now. Wonder how that will affect his future employment opportunities. Loved Nia/Brainy together. And maybe it was just me, but Brainy's accent/delivery wasn't as forced as it was toward the end of last season. Hope it stays that way. Anyway, I thought it generally was a pretty good season opener.
Expedition Unknown - General Discussion
brgjoe replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Expedition Unknown
At least Josh did find an ancient artifact this time...it was Alice Cooper! (I keed, I keed) It was a cool moment though and you could tell Josh was giddy as a little kid upon meeting him. I had hoped that since they were doing a revisit of this episode, he would actually find one of those boxes this time. Guess not. I do think D&D were on the right track though. The box could very well be in that park. I do think some are overthinking it though with the shadows. I mean, did the shadows theory work with the Chicago and Cleveland finds? I don't think that was a factor in either one of them. And remember, there was no Google or internet as we know now back then. You kinda have to think how Byron Preiss would have designed these clues in order for people to find the treasure boxes. Which is why I don't believe he would have come up with complex stuff like figuring how the sun/shadow position at certain times of the year to bury his boxes. Loved the '80s references and the intro to this episode. It was very entertaining. Even though it was a bit frustrating once again that Josh didn't come up with what he was looking for. Oh well. Maybe a Secret part 3 will be in the works at some point. -
I didn't think it was possible, but Ziva became even *more* insufferable in this episode. Halfway through it, was hoping Ziva would shoot ME, so I wouldn't have endure this episode any longer. I could kinda-sorta make an excuse for her whining about Gibbs not trying to find her in last week's episode. They were both went through a tough ordeal that almost got both of them killed. So maybe that's what she felt in the heat of the moment. But in this episode, she kept going on and on about being "abandoned" somehow by Gibbs. Get over yourself! She was declared dead in a foreign country. Gibbs doesn't any jurisdiction there (not that it had stopped him before, but still....). You would think a Mossad super-duper agent type would find a way to get their hands on a burner phone and send word to Gibbs that she's alive and stuff. Not sure I understand Ziva's alerting Interpol to be on the lookout for people coming by to pick up their $$. Doesn't everybody pretty much these days use electronic banking? That is, you could have access to accounts from all over the world. It's not like they have to physically show up and pick up their loot any longer. The fight outside to lure the people out of the building was so silly. I was thinking to myself at the time, "Yeah, like that's going to work." I could see maybe one or two of them leaving their post to look at it. But the entire gang? Seriously? I suppose the most ardent Ziva-fanatics would enjoy these 2 episodes. But they mostly just made me groan. I really hope we can get back to the "case of the week" stories now.
Oh, I really hope Angel of Blonde Death doesn't re-appear again. It's bad enough seeing Pride have these bad dreams/hallucinations. And I know they wrote this plot to get Pride back in the field and leading the team once again. I get that part. I mean, his character was extremely awkward in that administrative position that he previously worked. But really, considering all that he's been through (and still suffers from), shouldn't he be working a desk job for awhile? At least until he seeks out therapy and/or finally resolves his lack of sleeping and his nightmare issues. I just hope that we don't have another mole issue. Or someone in the FBI or higher government that has it in for Pride and/or someone else in his team once again.
I had wondered if others had felt annoyed by a lot of what happened in this episode. Glad I wasn't the only one. I am a Ziva neutralist. I liked her sometimes, and I didn't like her at times. Towards the end of her stay though, her character did get a bit annoying to me (kinda like Abby as well). She seemed to get more and more self-absorbed. And this, "You abandoned me!" stuff was pretty rich. She chose to leave. She chose to stay off the grid (and apparently not even tell Tony). She chose to leave little hints for Bishop and not any of the team she worked with before. Ugh. And that meeting in Vance's office was surreal. First of all, why did they flat out lie to Vance like that? I could maybe see that happening if Gibbs gave them a direct order to not tell Vance anything. But even then, that would be highly questionable. And what's this, "Well, gee, if Ziva said to stand down, we have to do what she says". Seriously!? First of all, she's dragging their boss to God knows where to do God knows what. And you haven't seen or spoken to Ziva in years. You have no idea what she had been doing or what her state of mind is. I am shocked that Vance went along with that. I know he goes back pretty far with Ziva and of course her father. But that still didn't sit well with me. Also found it strange that this criminal mastermind who orchestrated all of this was to be found in that bed-bugged invested place where her henchies also hung out. I would have figured she would be orchestrating these events from far far away. Maybe in another country. Certainly in a nicer place of residence than that burned down, insect infested place. I also hated that "To be continued.." stuff. Really? We have to suffer through more of this with Ziva dragging everyone around by the nose now? Ugh.
Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion
brgjoe replied to Sup wit dat's topic in Alaskan Bush People
I bet Bear will have some EXTREEEEEME child support payments in his future. 😉 Yeah, just when you think this messed up family couldn't get more messed up...I read about that pregnancy news. Wow. I feel so bad for that kid. What a sad bunch of nutjobs to be born into. Yikes. I can't imagine this series being very long for the world. They only had about 5-6 episodes this season, right? And even the true believers have to be a bit weirded out by now. At least you would think so.